Silence is Consent in Yugioh Just had Confirmation

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Re: Silence is Consent in Yugioh Just had Confirmation

Post #621 by Bad_Duelist3640 » Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:35 pm

Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=9926 here is the appeal

I think you have to copy and paste, or screenshot and share, what's in the appeal itself to share it with me since it won't let me view that link itself unless I'm a judge like Genexwrecker or something.


Sound4 wrote:1) You still have not explained anything in me thinking for ten minutes and how all this goes to the conclusion of me thinking for ten minutes.

People concluded that you were thinking for over 10 minutes because over 10 minutes passed from when you first said "think" at [17:11], and by then, you still didn't tell anyone you were done thinking, nor did you tell the opponent they could continue. When the judge arrived and saw that you still haven't yet told the opponent you were done thinking, they concluded that it was because you were still thinking and not done thinking yet.

If this was the correct conclusion for that judge to reach, you got the appropriate penalty, but if this was the incorrect conclusion for that judge to reach, you should've explained to the judge what you were doing those 10 minutes.

If you believed the game was "stopped" once the opponent called the judge, you should've told the judge that. If you believed there was no point in continuing because the opponent would've ignored you no matter what because that opponent said "get ignored," you should've told the judge that. If you believed the game "had" to be stopped anyway because of that "sharking" you brought up earlier, you should've told the judge that.

You should've explained at least some of these things to the judge so they wouldn't have remained under the impression you were holding up the game, none of which you explained.

2) You have also not explained anything on the reason on the judge call as for some reason the judge was accusing neof refusing to play which doesn't make any sense.

You were refusing to continue the game though. Either that or you were still just taking too long to continue it. By saying [21:26] "Well let's wait for 40 minutes", you indicated that you weren't interested in continuing the game. Instead, you were now interesting in just waiting for the judge — a judge whose call you didn't even yet know the reason for.

3) You have not answered anything on me pretty much telling they were no judges online yet I get frozen fir not communicating at all. Why woudI say this if I was refusing to play?

I fail to see how you commenting on whether or not there were any judges online at the time relates to whether or not you were refusing to play. Whether there were judges online at the time or not, you never communicated to the opponent that you were done thinking.

4) He had an issue with me pointing at whale there is no reason why he would bring up this if he didn't have an issue. I don't know why you are denying this.

You generally aren't supposed to point at things unless you're choosing/targeting them for an attack/effect. That's what pointing is for, not for simply reading. If you were simply reading, you just needed to hover your mouse over the card and that would be enough. Simply pointing at cards when you're just "reading" them only confuses people into thinking you're choosing/targeting those cards for an attack/effect. This goes for all your duels in general, not just this duel with that specific player.

Simply clicking cards in an attempt to indicate that you're reading them was not, and is not, proper communication.

5) The guy never once informed me on what the judge call was called for. Since he wasn't saying anything I thought it is what he chose AFK. I don't see how I wasn't communicating at all yet this guy was literally ignoring me and was so set on getting a judge in. He could have simply told his issue straight to me. You don't just call a judge for AFK and think that means Slowplay.

Again, if the call is for either AFK or slowplay, you must attempt to continue the duel to the best of your ability while you wait for the judge, not just stop everything to wait. Stop focusing so much on if the call was specifically for slowplay or for AFK, because as long as you know, or are at least sure, that the call is for either of these, you must attempt to continue the duel. Stop worrying about not knowing which of these 2 things the call was specifically for, because you were able to tell that it was for one of them, and that's all you needed to know to attempt to continue the duel, not which of the 2 the call was specifically for.

Stop clinging to this excuse that you had to agree to wait for the judge simply because you didn't have enough information needed to try to continue the duel and because the opponent didn't tell you which of those 2 things (AFK or slowplay) the call was for. You had enough information. You knew the call was for either AFK or slowplay, and that was enough. You didn't need to know anything further, like which of those 2 specifically the call was for, because it doesn't matter which of those 2 the call was for, because it doesn't change the fact that whether the call was really for AFK or for slowplay, you must attempt to continue, and in this case, this meant finishing your thinking/reading, telling the opponent you were done thinking/reading, ending your turn so the opponent could take their turn to continue the duel, and so on, before the judge arrived, and you had at least 8 minutes to do all of this (which was plenty of time), as the logs show such:

[21:26] "Well let's wait for 40 minutes"
[22:30] Lost connection
[22:38] Rejoined duel
[22:38] Duelingbook: The game can resume
[22:45] Went offline
[22:47] Rejoined duel
[22:47] Duelingbook: The game can resume
[24:04] Pointed at "Frightfur Cruel Whale" in M-1
[25:26] Went offline
[25:55] Rejoined duel
[25:55] Duelingbook: The game can resume
[28:53] Pointed at "Frightfur Cruel Whale" in M-1
[29:03] Viewed Opponent's Graveyard
[29:13] Stopped viewing Opponent's Graveyard
[29:18] Viewed GY
[29:25] Stopped viewing GY
[29:59] Maniez entered the game

You said "Well let's wait for 40 minutes" at [21:26], then the judge arrived at [29:59]. That was an 8 minute and 33 second window of time. No way could you have still been reading and thinking about Edge Imp Chain, Live☆Twin Ki-sikil, Frightfur Cruel Whale, and Live☆Twin Home, all for that long.

I mean, just look at [24:04] when you were "pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale" and then look at [28:53] when you were still "pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale". If you're trying to tell me that you point at cards to signal that you're reading them, then, that was at least 4 minutes and 49 seconds of you reading just the Frightfur Cruel Whale, and then, from [28:53], after you pointed at the Frightfur Fruel Whale again, to [29:29] when the judge arrived, you were checking the graveyard, which, I assume was so you could go back to reading the Edge Imp Chain that was in there. [28:53] to [29:59] is a minute and 6 seconds.

To be fair, you did disconnect a few times, but it wasn't for long, so you got right back into the duel afterwards. Your first disconnect was from [22:30] to [22:38], which was 8 seconds. Your second disconnect was from [22:45] to [22:47], which was 2 seconds. Your third disconnect was from [25:26] to [25:55], which was 29 seconds. If we subtract all of these disconnect times from the 8 minutes and 33 seconds, 8 minutes and 33 seconds minus the 29 seconds, minus the additional 2 seconds, minus the additional 8 seconds, is 7 minutes and 54 seconds.
8:33 - 29 = 8:04
8:04 - 2 = 8:02
8:02 - 8 = 7:54

This means that, for at least 7 and a half minutes (no longer including the times you were disconnected since I subtracted those from the original 8 minutes and 33 seconds), you were reading and thinking about just 4 cards in total, one of which was, of course, the Frightfur Cruel Whale you kept saying you were pointing to, and one of the others being, of course, the Edge Imp Chain that you were checking in the graveyard. The remaining 2, of course, were your "options" which were simply those dead Live☆Twin cards.

So maybe, after the judge was called at [18:40], you did make some attempt to continue the duel after all, but even so, you still took way too long to finish up the reading/thinking you were doing. Spending 7 and a half minutes reading just 4 cards (something that absolutely should not have taken you more than 40-50 seconds or so) was still too long. You were still being too slow there, and by being so slow, especially when you were in a losing position, you were maliciously stalling, which contributed, if not outright led, to your freeze.

So, as far as the whole "thinking for 10 minutes" thing is concerned, the most logical and most likely conclusion I can draw is this:

  • You began thinking/reading, at 17:11 when you said "think" there.
  • You stopped thinking/reading, at 18:27 when you said "You actually don't continue when I say think".
  • From 17:11 to 18:27 is a minute and 16 seconds, meaning you were thinking/reading for that long during this time.
  • 18:27 is when you put your thinking/reading on hold and began arguing with the opponent, and this argument went on until 21:26.
  • You resumed your thinking/reading, at 21:26, and attempted to finish up your thinking/reading, until 29:59, which is when the judge arrived.
  • From 21:26 to 29:59 is normally 8 minutes and 33 seconds, but, when taking the disconnects into account and subtracting your disconnect times from that 8 minutes and 33 seconds, we're left with 7 minutes and 54 seconds.
  • If we take the amount of time you were thinking/reading from 17:11 to 18:27 (which was a minute and 16 seconds), and add that time to the amount of time you were thinking/reading from 21:26 to 29:59 (which was 7 minutes and 54 seconds), we get 9 minutes and 10 seconds.

So my ultimate conclusion, is that the total amount of time you were thinking/reading here didn't equal or exceed 10 minutes like that judge claimed, but rather was 9 minutes and 10 seconds.

However, even that was still far too long, especially when it was only 4 cards in total you were thinking/reading about, so, your freeze was still warranted in this case due to how long the game was being held up by all this thinking and reading of yours. It was wrong for your opponent to continue playing at 17:56 when you didn't yet give them the okay, that I'll admit, and that did slow things down a bit, but you delayed things even longer than your opponent ever did in that game, due to you taking at least 9 minutes in total thinking and reading.

How is me not not saying "I am done thinking" lead to the conclusion I am thinking for ten minutes? You are still missing that I didn't get where Maniez was getting this thinking for ten minutes from. So I could not answer anything else you are saying (even though maniez did not ask them himself.

I am saying that us waiting for a judge was pointless. Us waiting for a judge was entirely his fault him not being clear from the start us what lead to us waiting for ten minutes.

I have done pointing in many other duels and judges never had a problem with it so I don't see how it should here after all all it was obvious I was reading that card. I was still confused what the judge call was made for making an assumption without much proof. I still needed some kind of confirmation and the guy was refusing. How was I refusing to play yet this guy was refusing to say anything?

Plus I was reading other cards in GY as shown in the logs me viewing the GY. The disconnecting just proves further that Ino longer thinking.

I agree with Sound4 that silence does mean consent in Yu-Gi-Oh because there is no point of slowing down to duel by waiting for the other play to say "ok" if they don't have a card to negate or don't want to use it. Also, regarding the Maniez reply, it makes no sense having ten minutes to think, it should not equal you thinking for ten minutes. Sound4 ,from what he is saying, was confused and needed more information, in order to continue without that information it was best to wait for a judge.

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Post #622 by Christen57 » Thu Feb 03, 2022 9:02 pm

Genexwrecker wrote:You are expected to discuss issues with the opp and try to problem solve yourselves. Just hitting call judge and saying nothing is fairly malicious so is not asking what the problem is. Sound could have easily deduced that the call was for them not doing anything.

Genexwrecker, I can't help but feel that this Bad_Duelist3640 account is another alt of Sound4's. The account was made just a week ago, it's first post on this forum just happens to be on this thread specifically, repeating Sound4's talking points about how "it makes no sense having ten minutes to think, it should not equal you thinking for ten minutes" mind you, and the account's spelling and grammar are very similar to that of Sound4.

Can you check if Sound4 is making additional accounts now to evade these freezes and whatnot that he got from Maniez? He was already exposed for having another alt account so I wouldn't put it past him to try making alts again like his previous alt: Ingeniero

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Post #623 by greg503 » Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:01 am

Bad_Duelist3640 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
I think you have to copy and paste, or screenshot and share, what's in the appeal itself to share it with me since it won't let me view that link itself unless I'm a judge like Genexwrecker or something.


People concluded that you were thinking for over 10 minutes because over 10 minutes passed from when you first said "think" at [17:11], and by then, you still didn't tell anyone you were done thinking, nor did you tell the opponent they could continue. When the judge arrived and saw that you still haven't yet told the opponent you were done thinking, they concluded that it was because you were still thinking and not done thinking yet.

If this was the correct conclusion for that judge to reach, you got the appropriate penalty, but if this was the incorrect conclusion for that judge to reach, you should've explained to the judge what you were doing those 10 minutes.

If you believed the game was "stopped" once the opponent called the judge, you should've told the judge that. If you believed there was no point in continuing because the opponent would've ignored you no matter what because that opponent said "get ignored," you should've told the judge that. If you believed the game "had" to be stopped anyway because of that "sharking" you brought up earlier, you should've told the judge that.

You should've explained at least some of these things to the judge so they wouldn't have remained under the impression you were holding up the game, none of which you explained.

You were refusing to continue the game though. Either that or you were still just taking too long to continue it. By saying [21:26] "Well let's wait for 40 minutes", you indicated that you weren't interested in continuing the game. Instead, you were now interesting in just waiting for the judge — a judge whose call you didn't even yet know the reason for.

I fail to see how you commenting on whether or not there were any judges online at the time relates to whether or not you were refusing to play. Whether there were judges online at the time or not, you never communicated to the opponent that you were done thinking.

You generally aren't supposed to point at things unless you're choosing/targeting them for an attack/effect. That's what pointing is for, not for simply reading. If you were simply reading, you just needed to hover your mouse over the card and that would be enough. Simply pointing at cards when you're just "reading" them only confuses people into thinking you're choosing/targeting those cards for an attack/effect. This goes for all your duels in general, not just this duel with that specific player.

Simply clicking cards in an attempt to indicate that you're reading them was not, and is not, proper communication.

Again, if the call is for either AFK or slowplay, you must attempt to continue the duel to the best of your ability while you wait for the judge, not just stop everything to wait. Stop focusing so much on if the call was specifically for slowplay or for AFK, because as long as you know, or are at least sure, that the call is for either of these, you must attempt to continue the duel. Stop worrying about not knowing which of these 2 things the call was specifically for, because you were able to tell that it was for one of them, and that's all you needed to know to attempt to continue the duel, not which of the 2 the call was specifically for.

Stop clinging to this excuse that you had to agree to wait for the judge simply because you didn't have enough information needed to try to continue the duel and because the opponent didn't tell you which of those 2 things (AFK or slowplay) the call was for. You had enough information. You knew the call was for either AFK or slowplay, and that was enough. You didn't need to know anything further, like which of those 2 specifically the call was for, because it doesn't matter which of those 2 the call was for, because it doesn't change the fact that whether the call was really for AFK or for slowplay, you must attempt to continue, and in this case, this meant finishing your thinking/reading, telling the opponent you were done thinking/reading, ending your turn so the opponent could take their turn to continue the duel, and so on, before the judge arrived, and you had at least 8 minutes to do all of this (which was plenty of time), as the logs show such:

[21:26] "Well let's wait for 40 minutes"
[22:30] Lost connection
[22:38] Rejoined duel
[22:38] Duelingbook: The game can resume
[22:45] Went offline
[22:47] Rejoined duel
[22:47] Duelingbook: The game can resume
[24:04] Pointed at "Frightfur Cruel Whale" in M-1
[25:26] Went offline
[25:55] Rejoined duel
[25:55] Duelingbook: The game can resume
[28:53] Pointed at "Frightfur Cruel Whale" in M-1
[29:03] Viewed Opponent's Graveyard
[29:13] Stopped viewing Opponent's Graveyard
[29:18] Viewed GY
[29:25] Stopped viewing GY
[29:59] Maniez entered the game

You said "Well let's wait for 40 minutes" at [21:26], then the judge arrived at [29:59]. That was an 8 minute and 33 second window of time. No way could you have still been reading and thinking about Edge Imp Chain, Live☆Twin Ki-sikil, Frightfur Cruel Whale, and Live☆Twin Home, all for that long.

I mean, just look at [24:04] when you were "pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale" and then look at [28:53] when you were still "pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale". If you're trying to tell me that you point at cards to signal that you're reading them, then, that was at least 4 minutes and 49 seconds of you reading just the Frightfur Cruel Whale, and then, from [28:53], after you pointed at the Frightfur Fruel Whale again, to [29:29] when the judge arrived, you were checking the graveyard, which, I assume was so you could go back to reading the Edge Imp Chain that was in there. [28:53] to [29:59] is a minute and 6 seconds.

To be fair, you did disconnect a few times, but it wasn't for long, so you got right back into the duel afterwards. Your first disconnect was from [22:30] to [22:38], which was 8 seconds. Your second disconnect was from [22:45] to [22:47], which was 2 seconds. Your third disconnect was from [25:26] to [25:55], which was 29 seconds. If we subtract all of these disconnect times from the 8 minutes and 33 seconds, 8 minutes and 33 seconds minus the 29 seconds, minus the additional 2 seconds, minus the additional 8 seconds, is 7 minutes and 54 seconds.
8:33 - 29 = 8:04
8:04 - 2 = 8:02
8:02 - 8 = 7:54

This means that, for at least 7 and a half minutes (no longer including the times you were disconnected since I subtracted those from the original 8 minutes and 33 seconds), you were reading and thinking about just 4 cards in total, one of which was, of course, the Frightfur Cruel Whale you kept saying you were pointing to, and one of the others being, of course, the Edge Imp Chain that you were checking in the graveyard. The remaining 2, of course, were your "options" which were simply those dead Live☆Twin cards.

So maybe, after the judge was called at [18:40], you did make some attempt to continue the duel after all, but even so, you still took way too long to finish up the reading/thinking you were doing. Spending 7 and a half minutes reading just 4 cards (something that absolutely should not have taken you more than 40-50 seconds or so) was still too long. You were still being too slow there, and by being so slow, especially when you were in a losing position, you were maliciously stalling, which contributed, if not outright led, to your freeze.

So, as far as the whole "thinking for 10 minutes" thing is concerned, the most logical and most likely conclusion I can draw is this:

  • You began thinking/reading, at 17:11 when you said "think" there.
  • You stopped thinking/reading, at 18:27 when you said "You actually don't continue when I say think".
  • From 17:11 to 18:27 is a minute and 16 seconds, meaning you were thinking/reading for that long during this time.
  • 18:27 is when you put your thinking/reading on hold and began arguing with the opponent, and this argument went on until 21:26.
  • You resumed your thinking/reading, at 21:26, and attempted to finish up your thinking/reading, until 29:59, which is when the judge arrived.
  • From 21:26 to 29:59 is normally 8 minutes and 33 seconds, but, when taking the disconnects into account and subtracting your disconnect times from that 8 minutes and 33 seconds, we're left with 7 minutes and 54 seconds.
  • If we take the amount of time you were thinking/reading from 17:11 to 18:27 (which was a minute and 16 seconds), and add that time to the amount of time you were thinking/reading from 21:26 to 29:59 (which was 7 minutes and 54 seconds), we get 9 minutes and 10 seconds.

So my ultimate conclusion, is that the total amount of time you were thinking/reading here didn't equal or exceed 10 minutes like that judge claimed, but rather was 9 minutes and 10 seconds.

However, even that was still far too long, especially when it was only 4 cards in total you were thinking/reading about, so, your freeze was still warranted in this case due to how long the game was being held up by all this thinking and reading of yours. It was wrong for your opponent to continue playing at 17:56 when you didn't yet give them the okay, that I'll admit, and that did slow things down a bit, but you delayed things even longer than your opponent ever did in that game, due to you taking at least 9 minutes in total thinking and reading.

How is me not not saying "I am done thinking" lead to the conclusion I am thinking for ten minutes? You are still missing that I didn't get where Maniez was getting this thinking for ten minutes from. So I could not answer anything else you are saying (even though maniez did not ask them himself.

I am saying that us waiting for a judge was pointless. Us waiting for a judge was entirely his fault him not being clear from the start us what lead to us waiting for ten minutes.

I have done pointing in many other duels and judges never had a problem with it so I don't see how it should here after all all it was obvious I was reading that card. I was still confused what the judge call was made for making an assumption without much proof. I still needed some kind of confirmation and the guy was refusing. How was I refusing to play yet this guy was refusing to say anything?

Plus I was reading other cards in GY as shown in the logs me viewing the GY. The disconnecting just proves further that Ino longer thinking.

I agree with Sound4 that silence does mean consent in Yu-Gi-Oh because there is no point of slowing down to duel by waiting for the other play to say "ok" if they don't have a card to negate or don't want to use it. Also, regarding the Maniez reply, it makes no sense having ten minutes to think, it should not equal you thinking for ten minutes. Sound4 ,from what he is saying, was confused and needed more information, in order to continue without that information it was best to wait for a judge.

Well, too bad your opinion doesn't count. The judges have already said their piece, and they decide who gets punished on this site.
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Post #624 by greg503 » Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:03 am

Also, most users don't just join the forum days after registering unless their an alt or using the two private threads for reporting and appealing.
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Post #625 by Sound4 » Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:34 pm

Christen57 wrote:
Genexwrecker wrote:You are expected to discuss issues with the opp and try to problem solve yourselves. Just hitting call judge and saying nothing is fairly malicious so is not asking what the problem is. Sound could have easily deduced that the call was for them not doing anything.

Genexwrecker, I can't help but feel that this Bad_Duelist3640 account is another alt of Sound4's. The account was made just a week ago, it's first post on this forum just happens to be on this thread specifically, repeating Sound4's talking points about how "it makes no sense having ten minutes to think, it should not equal you thinking for ten minutes" mind you, and the account's spelling and grammar are very similar to that of Sound4.

Can you check if Sound4 is making additional accounts now to evade these freezes and whatnot that he got from Maniez? He was already exposed for having another alt account so I wouldn't put it past him to try making alts again like his previous alt: Ingeniero

Don't even try to go there Christen57. Boomer duels was agreeing with me so is that an alt of mine? Just because someone agrees with me does not mean it is an alt account. Spelling and grammar does not really tell much. You do know he could have just read my replies?

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Post #626 by Genexwrecker » Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:34 pm

I dont think its a sound4 alt.
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Post #627 by Sound4 » Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:38 pm

Genexwrecker wrote:I dont think its a sound4 alt.

Basically confirming two thing ls
1) You actually can't confirm whether a person has a alt or not only admins.
2) You are not even sure

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Post #628 by Sound4 » Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:39 pm

Bad_Duelist3640 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
I think you have to copy and paste, or screenshot and share, what's in the appeal itself to share it with me since it won't let me view that link itself unless I'm a judge like Genexwrecker or something.


People concluded that you were thinking for over 10 minutes because over 10 minutes passed from when you first said "think" at [17:11], and by then, you still didn't tell anyone you were done thinking, nor did you tell the opponent they could continue. When the judge arrived and saw that you still haven't yet told the opponent you were done thinking, they concluded that it was because you were still thinking and not done thinking yet.

If this was the correct conclusion for that judge to reach, you got the appropriate penalty, but if this was the incorrect conclusion for that judge to reach, you should've explained to the judge what you were doing those 10 minutes.

If you believed the game was "stopped" once the opponent called the judge, you should've told the judge that. If you believed there was no point in continuing because the opponent would've ignored you no matter what because that opponent said "get ignored," you should've told the judge that. If you believed the game "had" to be stopped anyway because of that "sharking" you brought up earlier, you should've told the judge that.

You should've explained at least some of these things to the judge so they wouldn't have remained under the impression you were holding up the game, none of which you explained.

You were refusing to continue the game though. Either that or you were still just taking too long to continue it. By saying [21:26] "Well let's wait for 40 minutes", you indicated that you weren't interested in continuing the game. Instead, you were now interesting in just waiting for the judge — a judge whose call you didn't even yet know the reason for.

I fail to see how you commenting on whether or not there were any judges online at the time relates to whether or not you were refusing to play. Whether there were judges online at the time or not, you never communicated to the opponent that you were done thinking.

You generally aren't supposed to point at things unless you're choosing/targeting them for an attack/effect. That's what pointing is for, not for simply reading. If you were simply reading, you just needed to hover your mouse over the card and that would be enough. Simply pointing at cards when you're just "reading" them only confuses people into thinking you're choosing/targeting those cards for an attack/effect. This goes for all your duels in general, not just this duel with that specific player.

Simply clicking cards in an attempt to indicate that you're reading them was not, and is not, proper communication.

Again, if the call is for either AFK or slowplay, you must attempt to continue the duel to the best of your ability while you wait for the judge, not just stop everything to wait. Stop focusing so much on if the call was specifically for slowplay or for AFK, because as long as you know, or are at least sure, that the call is for either of these, you must attempt to continue the duel. Stop worrying about not knowing which of these 2 things the call was specifically for, because you were able to tell that it was for one of them, and that's all you needed to know to attempt to continue the duel, not which of the 2 the call was specifically for.

Stop clinging to this excuse that you had to agree to wait for the judge simply because you didn't have enough information needed to try to continue the duel and because the opponent didn't tell you which of those 2 things (AFK or slowplay) the call was for. You had enough information. You knew the call was for either AFK or slowplay, and that was enough. You didn't need to know anything further, like which of those 2 specifically the call was for, because it doesn't matter which of those 2 the call was for, because it doesn't change the fact that whether the call was really for AFK or for slowplay, you must attempt to continue, and in this case, this meant finishing your thinking/reading, telling the opponent you were done thinking/reading, ending your turn so the opponent could take their turn to continue the duel, and so on, before the judge arrived, and you had at least 8 minutes to do all of this (which was plenty of time), as the logs show such:

[21:26] "Well let's wait for 40 minutes"
[22:30] Lost connection
[22:38] Rejoined duel
[22:38] Duelingbook: The game can resume
[22:45] Went offline
[22:47] Rejoined duel
[22:47] Duelingbook: The game can resume
[24:04] Pointed at "Frightfur Cruel Whale" in M-1
[25:26] Went offline
[25:55] Rejoined duel
[25:55] Duelingbook: The game can resume
[28:53] Pointed at "Frightfur Cruel Whale" in M-1
[29:03] Viewed Opponent's Graveyard
[29:13] Stopped viewing Opponent's Graveyard
[29:18] Viewed GY
[29:25] Stopped viewing GY
[29:59] Maniez entered the game

You said "Well let's wait for 40 minutes" at [21:26], then the judge arrived at [29:59]. That was an 8 minute and 33 second window of time. No way could you have still been reading and thinking about Edge Imp Chain, Live☆Twin Ki-sikil, Frightfur Cruel Whale, and Live☆Twin Home, all for that long.

I mean, just look at [24:04] when you were "pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale" and then look at [28:53] when you were still "pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale". If you're trying to tell me that you point at cards to signal that you're reading them, then, that was at least 4 minutes and 49 seconds of you reading just the Frightfur Cruel Whale, and then, from [28:53], after you pointed at the Frightfur Fruel Whale again, to [29:29] when the judge arrived, you were checking the graveyard, which, I assume was so you could go back to reading the Edge Imp Chain that was in there. [28:53] to [29:59] is a minute and 6 seconds.

To be fair, you did disconnect a few times, but it wasn't for long, so you got right back into the duel afterwards. Your first disconnect was from [22:30] to [22:38], which was 8 seconds. Your second disconnect was from [22:45] to [22:47], which was 2 seconds. Your third disconnect was from [25:26] to [25:55], which was 29 seconds. If we subtract all of these disconnect times from the 8 minutes and 33 seconds, 8 minutes and 33 seconds minus the 29 seconds, minus the additional 2 seconds, minus the additional 8 seconds, is 7 minutes and 54 seconds.
8:33 - 29 = 8:04
8:04 - 2 = 8:02
8:02 - 8 = 7:54

This means that, for at least 7 and a half minutes (no longer including the times you were disconnected since I subtracted those from the original 8 minutes and 33 seconds), you were reading and thinking about just 4 cards in total, one of which was, of course, the Frightfur Cruel Whale you kept saying you were pointing to, and one of the others being, of course, the Edge Imp Chain that you were checking in the graveyard. The remaining 2, of course, were your "options" which were simply those dead Live☆Twin cards.

So maybe, after the judge was called at [18:40], you did make some attempt to continue the duel after all, but even so, you still took way too long to finish up the reading/thinking you were doing. Spending 7 and a half minutes reading just 4 cards (something that absolutely should not have taken you more than 40-50 seconds or so) was still too long. You were still being too slow there, and by being so slow, especially when you were in a losing position, you were maliciously stalling, which contributed, if not outright led, to your freeze.

So, as far as the whole "thinking for 10 minutes" thing is concerned, the most logical and most likely conclusion I can draw is this:

  • You began thinking/reading, at 17:11 when you said "think" there.
  • You stopped thinking/reading, at 18:27 when you said "You actually don't continue when I say think".
  • From 17:11 to 18:27 is a minute and 16 seconds, meaning you were thinking/reading for that long during this time.
  • 18:27 is when you put your thinking/reading on hold and began arguing with the opponent, and this argument went on until 21:26.
  • You resumed your thinking/reading, at 21:26, and attempted to finish up your thinking/reading, until 29:59, which is when the judge arrived.
  • From 21:26 to 29:59 is normally 8 minutes and 33 seconds, but, when taking the disconnects into account and subtracting your disconnect times from that 8 minutes and 33 seconds, we're left with 7 minutes and 54 seconds.
  • If we take the amount of time you were thinking/reading from 17:11 to 18:27 (which was a minute and 16 seconds), and add that time to the amount of time you were thinking/reading from 21:26 to 29:59 (which was 7 minutes and 54 seconds), we get 9 minutes and 10 seconds.

So my ultimate conclusion, is that the total amount of time you were thinking/reading here didn't equal or exceed 10 minutes like that judge claimed, but rather was 9 minutes and 10 seconds.

However, even that was still far too long, especially when it was only 4 cards in total you were thinking/reading about, so, your freeze was still warranted in this case due to how long the game was being held up by all this thinking and reading of yours. It was wrong for your opponent to continue playing at 17:56 when you didn't yet give them the okay, that I'll admit, and that did slow things down a bit, but you delayed things even longer than your opponent ever did in that game, due to you taking at least 9 minutes in total thinking and reading.

How is me not not saying "I am done thinking" lead to the conclusion I am thinking for ten minutes? You are still missing that I didn't get where Maniez was getting this thinking for ten minutes from. So I could not answer anything else you are saying (even though maniez did not ask them himself.

I am saying that us waiting for a judge was pointless. Us waiting for a judge was entirely his fault him not being clear from the start us what lead to us waiting for ten minutes.

I have done pointing in many other duels and judges never had a problem with it so I don't see how it should here after all all it was obvious I was reading that card. I was still confused what the judge call was made for making an assumption without much proof. I still needed some kind of confirmation and the guy was refusing. How was I refusing to play yet this guy was refusing to say anything?

Plus I was reading other cards in GY as shown in the logs me viewing the GY. The disconnecting just proves further that Ino longer thinking.

I agree with Sound4 that silence does mean consent in Yu-Gi-Oh because there is no point of slowing down to duel by waiting for the other play to say "ok" if they don't have a card to negate or don't want to use it. Also, regarding the Maniez reply, it makes no sense having ten minutes to think, it should not equal you thinking for ten minutes. Sound4 ,from what he is saying, was confused and needed more information, in order to continue without that information it was best to wait for a judge.

Thanks I appreciate it somebody with some common sense.

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Post #629 by Sound4 » Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:48 pm

Christen57 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
Why would anyone say they're knocking to begin with? Who even does that? If you want to knock on a door, you just knock. You don't declare the knock. What you do declare, are things such as thinking, reading, giving the okay, and so on.

What I'm not getting is why you keep trying to put all the blame on the opponent for not immediately telling you what the call was for when not only should you have asked but also Genexwrecker confirmed that you should've asked. Both you and the opponent were at fault. The opponent was at fault for not initially telling you why they called the judge, but you are also at fault for not asking and instead letting them get away with not telling you anything by not asking yourself.

What did he say that "bothered" you?

Again, duelingbook has no option to select Disrespect as a reason for a judge call, so in that case, the opponent had to pick something else and just clarify to you that they were calling specifically because of this "disrespect".

He called a judge because of you thinking for 40 seconds, not him thinking for 40 seconds. Also, the logs show that you did try to finish your thinking/reading after he called the judge. During the time you were waiting for the judge, you were continuing to point at Frightfur Cruel Whale and check graveyards to finish reading cards:

[24:04] Pointed at "Frightfur Cruel Whale" in M-1
[25:26] Went offline
[25:55] Rejoined duel
[25:55] Duelingbook: The game can resume
[28:53] Pointed at "Frightfur Cruel Whale" in M-1
[29:03] Viewed Opponent's Graveyard
[29:13] Stopped viewing Opponent's Graveyard
[29:18] Viewed GY
[29:25] Stopped viewing GY

So if you weren't resuming your thinking/reading for over 5 more minutes, why did you continue with all this pointing and graveyard-checking?

It is an example that you can not apply the same "logic" to nany other situations plus there are many other examples.

Then forget about this whole "knocking" analogy and stop trying to bring that up. We're not talking about that. We're not talking about "nany other situations". We're talking about this situation in your duel with this specific player. I'm not interested in comparing thinking to knocking anymore as that is off topic.

I was literally saying before that I thought it was for AFK (since he wasn't saying anything on why he called the judge) I could not have just continued without some information as one if I didn't know the issue exactly we could not have resolved it ourselves and two I could not have continued either. Us waiting for ten minutes is his fault however it was Maniez fault after he came in for not explaining.

Multiple judges have determined now that you were mostly at fault for the two of you waiting for ten minutes because you didn't ask why the opponent called the judge when you should've. I won't continue arguing with you about this. If you want to keep thinking it's always the opponents at fault for not telling you these important things when you refuse to even ask, keep thinking that. You'll just keep receiving more freezes until the admins decide they've had enough and finally remove you from rated outright.

I was pointing at whale to signal I am not AFK plus I still wanted to ask him the question but resolving the issue was top priority first especially at that time they were no judge online.

Again, this makes no sense. First you say you didn't know the call was for AFK to begin with, which means you had no reason to continue pointing at the Frightfur Cruel Whale, and now you say you were pointing at that card specifically so you could signal that you weren't AFK, which means you did assume that the call was for AFK. Why would you need to signal that you weren't AFK if you had no idea at the time, as well as no reason to believe, that the call was even for AFK to begin with? What if the call was actually for something else unrelated to AFK? You wouldn't still be trying to "signal that you weren't AFK" if that were the case, right?

In fact, that was the case. The call wasn't really for AFK. It was for slowplay, so what you really had to do was signal that you weren't slowplaying, not that you weren't AFK. Stop relying so much on which option opponents click on when calling for judges, and start relying more on actually communicating with them what the issues are. You shouldn't have been trying to signal that you weren't AFK since that wasn't the issue — the slowplaying was.

When did ever say he was thinking? It does not seem like you read my replies properly.

You said, and I quote: "He called a judge after 40 seconds of thinking with zero explanation."

The way you worded this made me think you were accusing him of being the one thinking for 40 seconds instead of you.

I still wanted some information which helps massively in a duel. The duel wasn't over yet so why would I stall?

Our best guess as to why you stalled is simply because you were in a losing position.

It is the fact that same logic is not applicable to other situations therefore making a flawed view.

Maniez was literally saying that I wasn't communicating as shown I was. It is not my fault if he wants to ignore or not be cooperative especially I was already quite annoyed as Maniez already had to come in once.

Again I didn't have a full ide what judge call was made for I thought it was for AFK but the guy wasn't saying anything and ignoring. How is 40 seconds f me thinking Slowplay? This is why the guy was being impatient.

Yet the duel wasn't over your "best guess" maybe would have been a bit more believable if I was about to lose.

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Post #630 by Genexwrecker » Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:08 pm

I'm not going to explain how we are able to tell what is an alt otherwise people would start evading more and better.
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Post #631 by Bad_Duelist3640 » Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:13 pm

Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
Genexwrecker wrote:You are expected to discuss issues with the opp and try to problem solve yourselves. Just hitting call judge and saying nothing is fairly malicious so is not asking what the problem is. Sound could have easily deduced that the call was for them not doing anything.

Genexwrecker, I can't help but feel that this Bad_Duelist3640 account is another alt of Sound4's. The account was made just a week ago, it's first post on this forum just happens to be on this thread specifically, repeating Sound4's talking points about how "it makes no sense having ten minutes to think, it should not equal you thinking for ten minutes" mind you, and the account's spelling and grammar are very similar to that of Sound4.

Can you check if Sound4 is making additional accounts now to evade these freezes and whatnot that he got from Maniez? He was already exposed for having another alt account so I wouldn't put it past him to try making alts again like his previous alt: Ingeniero

Don't even try to go there Christen57. Boomer duels was agreeing with me so is that an alt of mine? Just because someone agrees with me does not mean it is an alt account. Spelling and grammar does not really tell much. You do know he could have just read my replies?

I am not a clone of Sound4, I had an account before but i forgot the email i used and now this is my new one. Also it should not take you ten minutes to think, I don't think anyone has the patients for waiting that long.

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Post #632 by Bad_Duelist3640 » Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:22 pm

greg503 wrote:Also, most users don't just join the forum days after registering unless their an alt or using the two private threads for reporting and appealing.

I am not an alt account, I was bored and found Forum. Also just because two people have similar opinions doesn't mean it is an alt account.

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Post #633 by greg503 » Fri Feb 04, 2022 9:15 pm

Bad_Duelist3640 wrote:
greg503 wrote:Also, most users don't just join the forum days after registering unless their an alt or using the two private threads for reporting and appealing.

I am not an alt account, I was bored and found Forum. Also just because two people have similar opinions doesn't mean it is an alt account.

The person in question is an alt of an account banned on this forum, however, it seems you are not an alt of anyone on the forum. But how much have you seen of this thread?
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Post #634 by Christen57 » Fri Feb 04, 2022 9:22 pm

Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:It is an example that you can not apply the same "logic" to nany other situations plus there are many other examples.

Then forget about this whole "knocking" analogy and stop trying to bring that up. We're not talking about that. We're not talking about "nany other situations". We're talking about this situation in your duel with this specific player. I'm not interested in comparing thinking to knocking anymore as that is off topic.

I was literally saying before that I thought it was for AFK (since he wasn't saying anything on why he called the judge) I could not have just continued without some information as one if I didn't know the issue exactly we could not have resolved it ourselves and two I could not have continued either. Us waiting for ten minutes is his fault however it was Maniez fault after he came in for not explaining.

Multiple judges have determined now that you were mostly at fault for the two of you waiting for ten minutes because you didn't ask why the opponent called the judge when you should've. I won't continue arguing with you about this. If you want to keep thinking it's always the opponents at fault for not telling you these important things when you refuse to even ask, keep thinking that. You'll just keep receiving more freezes until the admins decide they've had enough and finally remove you from rated outright.

I was pointing at whale to signal I am not AFK plus I still wanted to ask him the question but resolving the issue was top priority first especially at that time they were no judge online.

Again, this makes no sense. First you say you didn't know the call was for AFK to begin with, which means you had no reason to continue pointing at the Frightfur Cruel Whale, and now you say you were pointing at that card specifically so you could signal that you weren't AFK, which means you did assume that the call was for AFK. Why would you need to signal that you weren't AFK if you had no idea at the time, as well as no reason to believe, that the call was even for AFK to begin with? What if the call was actually for something else unrelated to AFK? You wouldn't still be trying to "signal that you weren't AFK" if that were the case, right?

In fact, that was the case. The call wasn't really for AFK. It was for slowplay, so what you really had to do was signal that you weren't slowplaying, not that you weren't AFK. Stop relying so much on which option opponents click on when calling for judges, and start relying more on actually communicating with them what the issues are. You shouldn't have been trying to signal that you weren't AFK since that wasn't the issue — the slowplaying was.

When did ever say he was thinking? It does not seem like you read my replies properly.

You said, and I quote: "He called a judge after 40 seconds of thinking with zero explanation."

The way you worded this made me think you were accusing him of being the one thinking for 40 seconds instead of you.

I still wanted some information which helps massively in a duel. The duel wasn't over yet so why would I stall?

Our best guess as to why you stalled is simply because you were in a losing position.

It is the fact that same logic is not applicable to other situations therefore making a flawed view.

That's because we're not talking about "same" logics. We're talking about 2 different and unrelated logics that aren't the same. Your logic regarding knocking is not the same logic as, nor comparable to, my logic regarding thinking. Stop trying to call these 2 logics "the same". They aren't.

Sure, just because you had 10 minutes to think doesn't mean you were actually thinking for that long, but, in a duel, you must always be actively doing something, whether it's thinking, responding, waiting for a response or move from your opponent, playing a card, switching phases, ending your turn, declaring an attack, declaring an effect, drawing a card from your deck, sending a card to the graveyard, reading a card, checking a graveyard, and so on. You generally can't just be doing nothing at any point in the duel or just be waiting for a judge.

If any opponent calls a judge, you must either ask why or attempt to either resolve the issue yourself or continue the duel to the best of your ability. You shouldn't have sat there for over 7 minutes just waiting, pointing, and checking graveyards. You shouldn't just be waiting for a judge unless the opponent is AFK/stalling or if some glitch in duelingbook is making it impossible for the duel to continue. If you go into a duel unaware of these things and it comes back to bite you, that's on you. Continuing to put all the blame on your opponent is neither helping you nor hurting me. It's doing the opposite. It's hurting you because you will continue to receive freezes and eventually beginner status or something if you keep pulling this garbage, and helping me because your eventual removal from rated means 1 less malicious staller/AFKer I'll have to put up with when I'm in rated.

Maniez was literally saying that I wasn't communicating as shown I was. It is not my fault if he wants to ignore or not be cooperative especially I was already quite annoyed as Maniez already had to come in once.

The judge was saying you weren't communicating properly, not that you weren't communicating at all. It's not enough to just communicate. You have to do it properly. You pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale for different reasons wasn't proper communication. If we are to assume that you pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale, during the 40 seconds, was because you were trying to signal to the opponent that you were reading it, then the opponent would also assume that you pointing at that same Frightfur Cruel Whale, during the 7+ minutes of you waiting for the judge, was also because you were trying to finish reading it, not because you were now trying to signal that you weren't AFK. How was the opponent supposed to know that your reasons for randomly pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale changed? How was the opponent supposed to know that the meaning of you pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale changed from "to finish reading it" to "to signal that you weren't AFK" when you never communicated this change? They couldn't have, because you already established that you pointing meant you were reading, and never re-established in that duel that resuming the pointing during the 7+ minutes meant you were signaling something different — that you weren't AFK.

Again I didn't have a full ide what judge call was made for I thought it was for AFK but the guy wasn't saying anything and ignoring. How is 40 seconds f me thinking Slowplay? This is why the guy was being impatient.

You should've told your opponent that. If you disagree that thinking for only 40 seconds is automatically slowplay, you should've told the opponent that you disagreed, that they're being too impatient, and that they should give you some more time so hopefully they would've given you more time.

Yet the duel wasn't over your "best guess" maybe would have been a bit more believable if I was about to lose.

Then you must've figured you were going to lose as you had no more cards to play while your opponent had plenty of cards to play.

Sound4 wrote:
Bad_Duelist3640 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:How is me not not saying "I am done thinking" lead to the conclusion I am thinking for ten minutes? You are still missing that I didn't get where Maniez was getting this thinking for ten minutes from. So I could not answer anything else you are saying (even though maniez did not ask them himself.

I am saying that us waiting for a judge was pointless. Us waiting for a judge was entirely his fault him not being clear from the start us what lead to us waiting for ten minutes.

I have done pointing in many other duels and judges never had a problem with it so I don't see how it should here after all all it was obvious I was reading that card. I was still confused what the judge call was made for making an assumption without much proof. I still needed some kind of confirmation and the guy was refusing. How was I refusing to play yet this guy was refusing to say anything?

Plus I was reading other cards in GY as shown in the logs me viewing the GY. The disconnecting just proves further that Ino longer thinking.

I agree with Sound4 that silence does mean consent in Yu-Gi-Oh because there is no point of slowing down to duel by waiting for the other play to say "ok" if they don't have a card to negate or don't want to use it. Also, regarding the Maniez reply, it makes no sense having ten minutes to think, it should not equal you thinking for ten minutes. Sound4 ,from what he is saying, was confused and needed more information, in order to continue without that information it was best to wait for a judge.

Thanks I appreciate it somebody with some common sense.

Whoever you are that's claiming to not be Sound4's alt, I also find it suspicious that your responses in this thread are around the same time as Sound4's. Sound4's last response was at 1:48 pm while yours was at 2:13 pm — just 25 minutes later.

There are just so many coincidences I'm seeing here that I suspect you're an alt, not just your agreement with Sound4 that silence is consent.

Whatever. Whether you're Sound4 or not is ultimately up the judges to determine. What I think you should know though is that Genexwrecker already warned at the beginning of this thread that continuing to spread this misinformation that silence is consent isn't going to be tolerated, and yet you and Sound4 continue to do so.

greg503 wrote:
Bad_Duelist3640 wrote:
greg503 wrote:Also, most users don't just join the forum days after registering unless their an alt or using the two private threads for reporting and appealing.

I am not an alt account, I was bored and found Forum. Also just because two people have similar opinions doesn't mean it is an alt account.

The person in question is an alt of an account banned on this forum, however, it seems you are not an alt of anyone on the forum. But how much have you seen of this thread?

Ingeniero got banned from the forum?

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Post #635 by Sound4 » Wed Feb 09, 2022 3:29 pm

Christen57 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
Then forget about this whole "knocking" analogy and stop trying to bring that up. We're not talking about that. We're not talking about "nany other situations". We're talking about this situation in your duel with this specific player. I'm not interested in comparing thinking to knocking anymore as that is off topic.

Multiple judges have determined now that you were mostly at fault for the two of you waiting for ten minutes because you didn't ask why the opponent called the judge when you should've. I won't continue arguing with you about this. If you want to keep thinking it's always the opponents at fault for not telling you these important things when you refuse to even ask, keep thinking that. You'll just keep receiving more freezes until the admins decide they've had enough and finally remove you from rated outright.

Again, this makes no sense. First you say you didn't know the call was for AFK to begin with, which means you had no reason to continue pointing at the Frightfur Cruel Whale, and now you say you were pointing at that card specifically so you could signal that you weren't AFK, which means you did assume that the call was for AFK. Why would you need to signal that you weren't AFK if you had no idea at the time, as well as no reason to believe, that the call was even for AFK to begin with? What if the call was actually for something else unrelated to AFK? You wouldn't still be trying to "signal that you weren't AFK" if that were the case, right?

In fact, that was the case. The call wasn't really for AFK. It was for slowplay, so what you really had to do was signal that you weren't slowplaying, not that you weren't AFK. Stop relying so much on which option opponents click on when calling for judges, and start relying more on actually communicating with them what the issues are. You shouldn't have been trying to signal that you weren't AFK since that wasn't the issue — the slowplaying was.

You said, and I quote: "He called a judge after 40 seconds of thinking with zero explanation."

The way you worded this made me think you were accusing him of being the one thinking for 40 seconds instead of you.

Our best guess as to why you stalled is simply because you were in a losing position.

It is the fact that same logic is not applicable to other situations therefore making a flawed view.

That's because we're not talking about "same" logics. We're talking about 2 different and unrelated logics that aren't the same. Your logic regarding knocking is not the same logic as, nor comparable to, my logic regarding thinking. Stop trying to call these 2 logics "the same". They aren't.

Sure, just because you had 10 minutes to think doesn't mean you were actually thinking for that long, but, in a duel, you must always be actively doing something, whether it's thinking, responding, waiting for a response or move from your opponent, playing a card, switching phases, ending your turn, declaring an attack, declaring an effect, drawing a card from your deck, sending a card to the graveyard, reading a card, checking a graveyard, and so on. You generally can't just be doing nothing at any point in the duel or just be waiting for a judge.

If any opponent calls a judge, you must either ask why or attempt to either resolve the issue yourself or continue the duel to the best of your ability. You shouldn't have sat there for over 7 minutes just waiting, pointing, and checking graveyards. You shouldn't just be waiting for a judge unless the opponent is AFK/stalling or if some glitch in duelingbook is making it impossible for the duel to continue. If you go into a duel unaware of these things and it comes back to bite you, that's on you. Continuing to put all the blame on your opponent is neither helping you nor hurting me. It's doing the opposite. It's hurting you because you will continue to receive freezes and eventually beginner status or something if you keep pulling this garbage, and helping me because your eventual removal from rated means 1 less malicious staller/AFKer I'll have to put up with when I'm in rated.

Maniez was literally saying that I wasn't communicating as shown I was. It is not my fault if he wants to ignore or not be cooperative especially I was already quite annoyed as Maniez already had to come in once.

The judge was saying you weren't communicating properly, not that you weren't communicating at all. It's not enough to just communicate. You have to do it properly. You pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale for different reasons wasn't proper communication. If we are to assume that you pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale, during the 40 seconds, was because you were trying to signal to the opponent that you were reading it, then the opponent would also assume that you pointing at that same Frightfur Cruel Whale, during the 7+ minutes of you waiting for the judge, was also because you were trying to finish reading it, not because you were now trying to signal that you weren't AFK. How was the opponent supposed to know that your reasons for randomly pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale changed? How was the opponent supposed to know that the meaning of you pointing at Frightfur Cruel Whale changed from "to finish reading it" to "to signal that you weren't AFK" when you never communicated this change? They couldn't have, because you already established that you pointing meant you were reading, and never re-established in that duel that resuming the pointing during the 7+ minutes meant you were signaling something different — that you weren't AFK.

Again I didn't have a full ide what judge call was made for I thought it was for AFK but the guy wasn't saying anything and ignoring. How is 40 seconds f me thinking Slowplay? This is why the guy was being impatient.

You should've told your opponent that. If you disagree that thinking for only 40 seconds is automatically slowplay, you should've told the opponent that you disagreed, that they're being too impatient, and that they should give you some more time so hopefully they would've given you more time.

Yet the duel wasn't over your "best guess" maybe would have been a bit more believable if I was about to lose.

Then you must've figured you were going to lose as you had no more cards to play while your opponent had plenty of cards to play.

Sound4 wrote:
Bad_Duelist3640 wrote:
I agree with Sound4 that silence does mean consent in Yu-Gi-Oh because there is no point of slowing down to duel by waiting for the other play to say "ok" if they don't have a card to negate or don't want to use it. Also, regarding the Maniez reply, it makes no sense having ten minutes to think, it should not equal you thinking for ten minutes. Sound4 ,from what he is saying, was confused and needed more information, in order to continue without that information it was best to wait for a judge.

Thanks I appreciate it somebody with some common sense.

Whoever you are that's claiming to not be Sound4's alt, I also find it suspicious that your responses in this thread are around the same time as Sound4's. Sound4's last response was at 1:48 pm while yours was at 2:13 pm — just 25 minutes later.

There are just so many coincidences I'm seeing here that I suspect you're an alt, not just your agreement with Sound4 that silence is consent.

Whatever. Whether you're Sound4 or not is ultimately up the judges to determine. What I think you should know though is that Genexwrecker already warned at the beginning of this thread that continuing to spread this misinformation that silence is consent isn't going to be tolerated, and yet you and Sound4 continue to do so.

greg503 wrote:
Bad_Duelist3640 wrote:
I am not an alt account, I was bored and found Forum. Also just because two people have similar opinions doesn't mean it is an alt account.

The person in question is an alt of an account banned on this forum, however, it seems you are not an alt of anyone on the forum. But how much have you seen of this thread?

Ingeniero got banned from the forum?

It is the same logic I am applying having ten minutes to think to the knocking situation. It is not an applicable situation.

You keep forgetting that I didn't know that it was for slow play as I didn't think 40 seconds of thinking Is Slowplay.

Like I said your "best guess" would have been more believable if I was about me stalling when my opponent didn't have game yet doesn't make any sense. I could have still defended myself and hold out a bit.

There is no misinformation being spreader Genexwrecker on the first page used a different quote than the one I meant after I showed the quote Genexwrecker was making excuses saying we took too "literal" the judge would have literally said if we were taking it too literal.

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Post #636 by Sound4 » Wed Feb 09, 2022 3:30 pm

greg503 wrote:
Bad_Duelist3640 wrote:
greg503 wrote:Also, most users don't just join the forum days after registering unless their an alt or using the two private threads for reporting and appealing.

I am not an alt account, I was bored and found Forum. Also just because two people have similar opinions doesn't mean it is an alt account.

The person in question is an alt of an account banned on this forum, however, it seems you are not an alt of anyone on the forum. But how much have you seen of this thread?

You have still not answered any of the points he has made.

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Post #637 by Christen57 » Wed Feb 09, 2022 6:02 pm

Sound4 wrote:
greg503 wrote:
Bad_Duelist3640 wrote:
I am not an alt account, I was bored and found Forum. Also just because two people have similar opinions doesn't mean it is an alt account.

The person in question is an alt of an account banned on this forum, however, it seems you are not an alt of anyone on the forum. But how much have you seen of this thread?

You have still not answered any of the points he has made.

He hasn't made any new points that the judges and I didn't already address. He just repeated your talking points that silence is consent and that you weren't thinking for 10 minutes. I pointed out that even if you weren't thinking for 10 minutes specifically, your poor communication still resulted in too much time being wasted overall. You shouldn't have taken 40 seconds reading and thinking about the 1 Frightfur Cruel Whale, plus an additional 7 minutes just waiting for a judge without ever trying to ask what the call was for or trying resolving the issue on your own.

You don't need to focus so much anymore on what the judge did wrong or what the opponent did wrong. Yes it may have been unfair to assume you were thinking for over 10 minutes just because you had that long to think, and it may have been wrong for the opponent to continue playing when you didn't give the okay, but you still did things wrong on your end that you could've, and should've, done better, and now you know what you could've and should've done better as it's been explained to you by myself and multiple judges: Only point at cards if you're choosing them for an effect or attack (not to simply signal that you're reading them or that you're not AFK), and don't ever agree to wait for a judge that your opponent calls without making sure it's made clear to you why that call was being made. Those are the lessons you need to take away from this.

I won't continue arguing further about whether or not you "could have still defended yourself and held out a bit" since I agree comebacks are possible in yugioh, and you certainly could've drawn the perfect card on your following turn to turn things around, as I've had those kinds of duels myself where I was losing badly but happened to draw the right card to turn things around. It happens to all of us. I also really don't want to continue arguing about your knocking analogy since, even if you're somehow right about that, that's besides the point — the actual lessons I mentioned earlier that you need to take away from this. As for whether or not the two of you are still spreading misinformation, Genexwrecker and itsmetristan will figure that out.

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Post #638 by Sound4 » Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:13 pm

Christen57 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:
greg503 wrote:The person in question is an alt of an account banned on this forum, however, it seems you are not an alt of anyone on the forum. But how much have you seen of this thread?

You have still not answered any of the points he has made.

He hasn't made any new points that the judges and I didn't already address. He just repeated your talking points that silence is consent and that you weren't thinking for 10 minutes. I pointed out that even if you weren't thinking for 10 minutes specifically, your poor communication still resulted in too much time being wasted overall. You shouldn't have taken 40 seconds reading and thinking about the 1 Frightfur Cruel Whale, plus an additional 7 minutes just waiting for a judge without ever trying to ask what the call was for or trying resolving the issue on your own.

You don't need to focus so much anymore on what the judge did wrong or what the opponent did wrong. Yes it may have been unfair to assume you were thinking for over 10 minutes just because you had that long to think, and it may have been wrong for the opponent to continue playing when you didn't give the okay, but you still did things wrong on your end that you could've, and should've, done better, and now you know what you could've and should've done better as it's been explained to you by myself and multiple judges: Only point at cards if you're choosing them for an effect or attack (not to simply signal that you're reading them or that you're not AFK), and don't ever agree to wait for a judge that your opponent calls without making sure it's made clear to you why that call was being made. Those are the lessons you need to take away from this.

I won't continue arguing further about whether or not you "could have still defended yourself and held out a bit" since I agree comebacks are possible in yugioh, and you certainly could've drawn the perfect card on your following turn to turn things around, as I've had those kinds of duels myself where I was losing badly but happened to draw the right card to turn things around. It happens to all of us. I also really don't want to continue arguing about your knocking analogy since, even if you're somehow right about that, that's besides the point — the actual lessons I mentioned earlier that you need to take away from this. As for whether or not the two of you are still spreading misinformation, Genexwrecker and itsmetristan will figure that out.

You can't just blame all this on me. The opponent intentionally made the situation more difficult and confusing as the points said by me earlier.

I never thought that 40 seconds of thinking would equal to my opponent thinking that is Slowplay. It makes no sense why I got frozen especially when Maniez wasn't explaining. The opponent wasn't cooperating which made the situation difficult.

If you don't want to reply anymore then you can leave the thread should have been over once I showed the proof.

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Post #639 by Sound4 » Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:18 pm

Here is the appeal

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Post #640 by Christen57 » Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:55 pm

Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:You have still not answered any of the points he has made.

He hasn't made any new points that the judges and I didn't already address. He just repeated your talking points that silence is consent and that you weren't thinking for 10 minutes. I pointed out that even if you weren't thinking for 10 minutes specifically, your poor communication still resulted in too much time being wasted overall. You shouldn't have taken 40 seconds reading and thinking about the 1 Frightfur Cruel Whale, plus an additional 7 minutes just waiting for a judge without ever trying to ask what the call was for or trying resolving the issue on your own.

You don't need to focus so much anymore on what the judge did wrong or what the opponent did wrong. Yes it may have been unfair to assume you were thinking for over 10 minutes just because you had that long to think, and it may have been wrong for the opponent to continue playing when you didn't give the okay, but you still did things wrong on your end that you could've, and should've, done better, and now you know what you could've and should've done better as it's been explained to you by myself and multiple judges: Only point at cards if you're choosing them for an effect or attack (not to simply signal that you're reading them or that you're not AFK), and don't ever agree to wait for a judge that your opponent calls without making sure it's made clear to you why that call was being made. Those are the lessons you need to take away from this.

I won't continue arguing further about whether or not you "could have still defended yourself and held out a bit" since I agree comebacks are possible in yugioh, and you certainly could've drawn the perfect card on your following turn to turn things around, as I've had those kinds of duels myself where I was losing badly but happened to draw the right card to turn things around. It happens to all of us. I also really don't want to continue arguing about your knocking analogy since, even if you're somehow right about that, that's besides the point — the actual lessons I mentioned earlier that you need to take away from this. As for whether or not the two of you are still spreading misinformation, Genexwrecker and itsmetristan will figure that out.

You can't just blame all this on me. The opponent intentionally made the situation more difficult and confusing as the points said by me earlier.

I never thought that 40 seconds of thinking would equal to my opponent thinking that is Slowplay. It makes no sense why I got frozen especially when Maniez wasn't explaining. The opponent wasn't cooperating which made the situation difficult.

If you don't want to reply anymore then you can leave the thread should have been over once I showed the proof.

No one has tried to blame all of this on you. We're blaming the things that are your fault on you, blaming the things that are the opponent's fault on the opponent, and blaming the things that are the judge's fault on that judge. It was simply determined now by multiple judges that you were mostly at fault. This isn't saying you were entirely at fault, just mostly at fault, meaning you were at fault the most.

If you still can't get through your thick skull why you were frozen or what you were doing wrong and could've and should've done better after talking it through with Maniez, appealing it to Genexwrecker, AND all these months of this discussion you've had so far on this thread with myself, itsmetristan, and many others, you really just shouldn't be in rated any further in my opinion.

Also, I still can't view those links to the appeal you're sharing with me. It keeps saying I don't have the authorization to view it. You need to highlight and copy the contents of the appeal, and paste it here.

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