Silence is Consent in Yugioh Just had Confirmation

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Re: Silence is Consent in Yugioh Just had Confirmation

Post #381 by Sound4 » Sat Dec 04, 2021 11:05 am

Christen57 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
You've made a bunch of replies to Renji Asuka now in this thread. I don't know which of those replies exactly you're referring to.

Fine. Maybe it was wrong for your opponent to say those things, but remember, the reason the call happened in the first place was because you were taking at least 40 seconds just to think even though you had nothing you could use to respond to Edge Imp Chain's effect with.

Again, fine, but currently there's no option to call a judge specifically for "Slow Play" or "Stalling". The only options are Ruling, Cheating, AFK, and Glitch. Since "AFK" (Away From Keyboard) seemed like the closest thing to "Slow Play" out of those 4 options, that would explain why your opponent picked "AFK" as their "reason" for the judge call.

You should always try to resolve issues first without getting a judge involved before you actually do get one involved. Yes your opponent called a judge, but that was because you were taking 40 seconds just to think even though you had no response. Even though a judge was called in that situation, you should have still tried to finish up your thinking before they arrived, and finally let your opponent know you were done thinking so they could cancel the judge call, resolving the issue before the judge arrives. If you did this, and your opponent still chose to ignore you, insisting that you and them still wait for the judge anyway, then at that point, they would be the one stalling and ending up getting frozen, not you.

Genexwrecker and itsmetristan, could either of you get options to call a judge for "Slow Play," "Stalling," and "Harassment" added to rated in addition to the already-existing options to call a judge for "Ruling," "Cheating," "AFK," and "Glitch"? I've seen a lot of judge calls happen now specifically because of harassment and slow play even though there's currently no option to call a judge for either of those.

The opponent didn't know if I had a response or not.

But the judge knew, and the fact remains that after least 40 seconds from when you first said "think," you still weren't done thinking yet so the opponent proceeded to attempt to resolve Edge Imp Chain's effect anyway.

I have watched duels people literally look at their extra deck for minutes.

If players are stalling like that maliciously for minutes they should be reported so they can be penalized.

Plus like I said earlier I wanted to see my options and ask him a question which was how did he still destroy my monster as explanations can help when a duel is in progress as that can be the difference between losing and winning.

I only witnessed 3 monster destructions throughout that duel, and only 1 of them was a destruction of a monster belonging to you. The first destruction being at 3:33 when you activated "Solemn Strike" to negate the summon of the opponent's fusion monster and destroy that fusion monster, the second destruction being at 4:20 when you activated "Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit" destroying their other fusion monster, and the third being at 16:50 when they destroyed your Live☆Twin Lil-la with Frightfur Cruel Whale's effect. Frightfur Cruel Whale has an effect where, upon it's fusion summon, it can destroy 1 card on each field. They chose to destroy that Frightfur Cruel Whale itself along with your Live☆Twin Lil-la, but they banished Edge Imp Scythe to protect the Frightfur Cruel Whale from destruction, making it so only your monster would be destroyed.

If this was really all you were looking to ask, why did you never bother to ask it throughout the 10+ or so minutes of you either "thinking," waiting for the judge, or both? You had at least 10 minutes to ask that simple question and get on with the duel before that judge arrived, so why didn't you?

I was confused how he summoned whale especially the time gap between scyhte and him calling a judge.

His last fusion summon of Frightfur Cruel Whale was done with the effect of his Edge Imp Scythe — the effect which says
During your opponent's Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can reveal this card in your hand; Fusion Summon 1 "Frightfur" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Material, including this card in your hand.

He used that Edge Imp Scythe along with a Fluffal Penguin for the fusion summon, both of which were valid fusion materials for the Frightfur Cruel Whale since Frightfur Cruel Whale just requires 1 "Edge Imp" monster + 1 "Fluffal" monster as it's fusion materials.

Again, if you just wanted to ask these 2 questions, why didn't you ask them during that 10+ minute waiting period?

Yo gnored me quoting when he said " now just get ignored" and "until another judge comes in the room" even if I did say " I am finished thinking" he would have ignored me proof this is on the logs that I was still talking but he was not responding after those two quotes.

Again, if that were the case, it would have been him who ended up getting frozen for stalling, not you, so you still should've finished up thinking and told him no matter what.

Like I said earlier I wanted to see my options and ask a question.

You had no options left. You had just the Live☆Twin Ki-sikil on the field which was summoned 2 turns ago, along with the Live☆Twin Home in your hand which couldn't be activated anyway since you had no cards to discard for it's cost, and you had nothing you could activate/summon from your graveyard. You had no valid reason to hold up the game that long, you had no reason to take over 10 minutes just to ask 2 simple questions, and you should have attempted to finish your thinking and resolve the issue before the judge arrived so the opponent would cancel the judge call so if at that point they didn't cancel it, then they would be the one stalling and getting frozen, not you.

I wanted to ask him the question but since he was already ignoring after he said that it was pointless I even said along the lines "now we have to wait 40 minutes fir a judge to come". Why would I say this if I was refusing to play? I clearly wanted to continue but the guy was so set on getting a judge in it woukd have Benn futile. Plus I don't know if I did ask the question and he didn't continue that he wanted another judge to come on as he had the advantage. Why would he stall if he has the advantage? So at best it would have been a warning.

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Post #382 by greg503 » Sat Dec 04, 2021 3:54 pm

Sound4 wrote:I said earlier that I was seeing my options and reading my opponents cards.

What options? Can you give me two legal game actions you could take that are not "concede"?
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Post #383 by Christen57 » Sat Dec 04, 2021 3:59 pm

Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:The opponent didn't know if I had a response or not.

But the judge knew, and the fact remains that after least 40 seconds from when you first said "think," you still weren't done thinking yet so the opponent proceeded to attempt to resolve Edge Imp Chain's effect anyway.

I have watched duels people literally look at their extra deck for minutes.

If players are stalling like that maliciously for minutes they should be reported so they can be penalized.

Plus like I said earlier I wanted to see my options and ask him a question which was how did he still destroy my monster as explanations can help when a duel is in progress as that can be the difference between losing and winning.

I only witnessed 3 monster destructions throughout that duel, and only 1 of them was a destruction of a monster belonging to you. The first destruction being at 3:33 when you activated "Solemn Strike" to negate the summon of the opponent's fusion monster and destroy that fusion monster, the second destruction being at 4:20 when you activated "Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit" destroying their other fusion monster, and the third being at 16:50 when they destroyed your Live☆Twin Lil-la with Frightfur Cruel Whale's effect. Frightfur Cruel Whale has an effect where, upon it's fusion summon, it can destroy 1 card on each field. They chose to destroy that Frightfur Cruel Whale itself along with your Live☆Twin Lil-la, but they banished Edge Imp Scythe to protect the Frightfur Cruel Whale from destruction, making it so only your monster would be destroyed.

If this was really all you were looking to ask, why did you never bother to ask it throughout the 10+ or so minutes of you either "thinking," waiting for the judge, or both? You had at least 10 minutes to ask that simple question and get on with the duel before that judge arrived, so why didn't you?

I was confused how he summoned whale especially the time gap between scyhte and him calling a judge.

His last fusion summon of Frightfur Cruel Whale was done with the effect of his Edge Imp Scythe — the effect which says
During your opponent's Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can reveal this card in your hand; Fusion Summon 1 "Frightfur" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Material, including this card in your hand.

He used that Edge Imp Scythe along with a Fluffal Penguin for the fusion summon, both of which were valid fusion materials for the Frightfur Cruel Whale since Frightfur Cruel Whale just requires 1 "Edge Imp" monster + 1 "Fluffal" monster as it's fusion materials.

Again, if you just wanted to ask these 2 questions, why didn't you ask them during that 10+ minute waiting period?

Yo gnored me quoting when he said " now just get ignored" and "until another judge comes in the room" even if I did say " I am finished thinking" he would have ignored me proof this is on the logs that I was still talking but he was not responding after those two quotes.

Again, if that were the case, it would have been him who ended up getting frozen for stalling, not you, so you still should've finished up thinking and told him no matter what.

Like I said earlier I wanted to see my options and ask a question.

You had no options left. You had just the Live☆Twin Ki-sikil on the field which was summoned 2 turns ago, along with the Live☆Twin Home in your hand which couldn't be activated anyway since you had no cards to discard for it's cost, and you had nothing you could activate/summon from your graveyard. You had no valid reason to hold up the game that long, you had no reason to take over 10 minutes just to ask 2 simple questions, and you should have attempted to finish your thinking and resolve the issue before the judge arrived so the opponent would cancel the judge call so if at that point they didn't cancel it, then they would be the one stalling and getting frozen, not you.

I wanted to ask him the question but since he was already ignoring after he said that it was pointless I even said along the lines "now we have to wait 40 minutes fir a judge to come". Why would I say this if I was refusing to play? I clearly wanted to continue but the guy was so set on getting a judge in it woukd have Benn futile. Plus I don't know if I did ask the question and he didn't continue that he wanted another judge to come on as he had the advantage. Why would he stall if he has the advantage? So at best it would have been a warning.

You don't know if it would've just been a warning, you don't know if it would've been "futile," and I doubt it would've just been either of those things because you didn't bother to try and find out if it would. You just assumed that "at best it would have been a warning," and that it would've been futile, without trying to finish your thinking so the opponent would hopefully cancel the judge call. This is, once again, another issue of you making incorrect assumptions. Also, sure, maybe it appeared to him that he had the advantage, but for all he knew you could have had Evenly Matched or Goddess of Sweet Revenge in your hand that you could use to completely turn the entire game around, so he could've still ended up stalling and being the one getting the freeze instead of you since "advantages" can easily but surprisingly swing in another person's favor with just 1 or 2 cards.

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Post #384 by Renji Asuka » Sat Dec 04, 2021 4:11 pm

Sound4 wrote:
Renji Asuka wrote:YOU KNEW you didn't have a response and earlier even stated that you did when you didn't. You had no reason to make your opponent wait as long as they did.

Also timing is important you're right, you simply activated a card in an illegal timing. Doesn't matter if he didn't have an issue with strike, that doesn't mean you can still activate cards before chains are declared.

Again, pointing at a card only symbolizes that is a target you want gone. It doesn't show anything else. You should had used the chat function, but you didn't cause you were salty you got out played by fluffals.

Again, if you were legitimately confused, you should had asked your opponent or read scythe since you saw him discard it.

Also no, I didn't "ignore" anything, but you're just spouting out bullshit cause if you had used the chat and said they could proceed, it would had been on them if they didn't continue.

You also claim I don't read your posts? But you're obviously not reading what anyone is telling you and you want to circle back to the same fucking arguments. You were frozen, you were in the wrong, you maliciously stalled. End of story. Silence doesn't mean consent, never has. Now take the fucking L.

I said earlier that I was seeing my options and reading my opponents cards.. Since I didn't activate anything while thinking I was pointing at his card it was obvious I was reading that card.

Do you know how to read? The guy said " now just get ignored" and until another judge come in the room" the guy wanted a judge to come in he was already ignoring me when I was trying to say there were no judges online when he called the judge. Around 40 seconds of thinking is maliciously stalling? I am allowed to think the guy a ccused me of refusing to play which doesn't make much sense. Plus the game wasn't even over so there would be no reason to stall. I was even complaining that I didn't want to wait for a judge as it would have been to long as me saying along the lines "now we have to eat 40 mi utes for a judge to come" why would I say this if I didn't want to continue? If you want to make your argument clear the reply properly instead of inappropriate language for no reason.

No, you didn't have options. You still didn't communicate to your opponent. Clicking a card DOESN'T TELL THEM ANYTHING EXCEPT YOU'RE TARGETING IT.

Also do you know how to read? Your 2nd point was already addressed. Stop bringing it up. Also you claim 40 seconds of thinking is fine, yet you wouldn't let an opponent play a card after 7 seconds of them asking for target? Bitch get the fuck out. Not going to read your nonsense if you're just going to make the same stupid arguments. As everything you said was already addressed.

You were in the wrong, you got rightfully frozen. End of story.
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Post #385 by Sound4 » Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:36 pm

Renji Asuka wrote:
Sound4 wrote:
Renji Asuka wrote:YOU KNEW you didn't have a response and earlier even stated that you did when you didn't. You had no reason to make your opponent wait as long as they did.

Also timing is important you're right, you simply activated a card in an illegal timing. Doesn't matter if he didn't have an issue with strike, that doesn't mean you can still activate cards before chains are declared.

Again, pointing at a card only symbolizes that is a target you want gone. It doesn't show anything else. You should had used the chat function, but you didn't cause you were salty you got out played by fluffals.

Again, if you were legitimately confused, you should had asked your opponent or read scythe since you saw him discard it.

Also no, I didn't "ignore" anything, but you're just spouting out bullshit cause if you had used the chat and said they could proceed, it would had been on them if they didn't continue.

You also claim I don't read your posts? But you're obviously not reading what anyone is telling you and you want to circle back to the same fucking arguments. You were frozen, you were in the wrong, you maliciously stalled. End of story. Silence doesn't mean consent, never has. Now take the fucking L.

I said earlier that I was seeing my options and reading my opponents cards.. Since I didn't activate anything while thinking I was pointing at his card it was obvious I was reading that card.

Do you know how to read? The guy said " now just get ignored" and until another judge come in the room" the guy wanted a judge to come in he was already ignoring me when I was trying to say there were no judges online when he called the judge. Around 40 seconds of thinking is maliciously stalling? I am allowed to think the guy a ccused me of refusing to play which doesn't make much sense. Plus the game wasn't even over so there would be no reason to stall. I was even complaining that I didn't want to wait for a judge as it would have been to long as me saying along the lines "now we have to eat 40 mi utes for a judge to come" why would I say this if I didn't want to continue? If you want to make your argument clear the reply properly instead of inappropriate language for no reason.

No, you didn't have options. You still didn't communicate to your opponent. Clicking a card DOESN'T TELL THEM ANYTHING EXCEPT YOU'RE TARGETING IT.

Also do you know how to read? Your 2nd point was already addressed. Stop bringing it up. Also you claim 40 seconds of thinking is fine, yet you wouldn't let an opponent play a card after 7 seconds of them asking for target? Bitch get the fuck out. Not going to read your nonsense if you're just going to make the same stupid arguments. As everything you said was already addressed.

You were in the wrong, you got rightfully frozen. End of story.

Like I said earlier, I was seeing my options I had live twin home in my hand whivlch I couldn't activate that turn but on my turn I could. Me targeting his cards was a signal that I wasn't AFK and reading that specific card. No one else had a problem with this and makes sense.

I added more to my 2nd point and another quote. I always give a few seconds for my opponent to respond if they say anything then that is consent. If they had a response why didn't he say anything? This entire thread I have explained my reasoning on each point.

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Post #386 by Sound4 » Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:41 pm

Christen57 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
But the judge knew, and the fact remains that after least 40 seconds from when you first said "think," you still weren't done thinking yet so the opponent proceeded to attempt to resolve Edge Imp Chain's effect anyway.

If players are stalling like that maliciously for minutes they should be reported so they can be penalized.

I only witnessed 3 monster destructions throughout that duel, and only 1 of them was a destruction of a monster belonging to you. The first destruction being at 3:33 when you activated "Solemn Strike" to negate the summon of the opponent's fusion monster and destroy that fusion monster, the second destruction being at 4:20 when you activated "Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit" destroying their other fusion monster, and the third being at 16:50 when they destroyed your Live☆Twin Lil-la with Frightfur Cruel Whale's effect. Frightfur Cruel Whale has an effect where, upon it's fusion summon, it can destroy 1 card on each field. They chose to destroy that Frightfur Cruel Whale itself along with your Live☆Twin Lil-la, but they banished Edge Imp Scythe to protect the Frightfur Cruel Whale from destruction, making it so only your monster would be destroyed.

If this was really all you were looking to ask, why did you never bother to ask it throughout the 10+ or so minutes of you either "thinking," waiting for the judge, or both? You had at least 10 minutes to ask that simple question and get on with the duel before that judge arrived, so why didn't you?

His last fusion summon of Frightfur Cruel Whale was done with the effect of his Edge Imp Scythe — the effect which says
During your opponent's Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can reveal this card in your hand; Fusion Summon 1 "Frightfur" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Material, including this card in your hand.

He used that Edge Imp Scythe along with a Fluffal Penguin for the fusion summon, both of which were valid fusion materials for the Frightfur Cruel Whale since Frightfur Cruel Whale just requires 1 "Edge Imp" monster + 1 "Fluffal" monster as it's fusion materials.

Again, if you just wanted to ask these 2 questions, why didn't you ask them during that 10+ minute waiting period?

Again, if that were the case, it would have been him who ended up getting frozen for stalling, not you, so you still should've finished up thinking and told him no matter what.

You had no options left. You had just the Live☆Twin Ki-sikil on the field which was summoned 2 turns ago, along with the Live☆Twin Home in your hand which couldn't be activated anyway since you had no cards to discard for it's cost, and you had nothing you could activate/summon from your graveyard. You had no valid reason to hold up the game that long, you had no reason to take over 10 minutes just to ask 2 simple questions, and you should have attempted to finish your thinking and resolve the issue before the judge arrived so the opponent would cancel the judge call so if at that point they didn't cancel it, then they would be the one stalling and getting frozen, not you.

I wanted to ask him the question but since he was already ignoring after he said that it was pointless I even said along the lines "now we have to wait 40 minutes fir a judge to come". Why would I say this if I was refusing to play? I clearly wanted to continue but the guy was so set on getting a judge in it woukd have Benn futile. Plus I don't know if I did ask the question and he didn't continue that he wanted another judge to come on as he had the advantage. Why would he stall if he has the advantage? So at best it would have been a warning.

You don't know if it would've just been a warning, you don't know if it would've been "futile," and I doubt it would've just been either of those things because you didn't bother to try and find out if it would. You just assumed that "at best it would have been a warning," and that it would've been futile, without trying to finish your thinking so the opponent would hopefully cancel the judge call. This is, once again, another issue of you making incorrect assumptions. Also, sure, maybe it appeared to him that he had the advantage, but for all he knew you could have had Evenly Matched or Goddess of Sweet Revenge in your hand that you could use to completely turn the entire game around, so he could've still ended up stalling and being the one getting the freeze instead of you since "advantages" can easily but surprisingly swing in another person's favor with just 1 or 2 cards.

I do not think you read properly after he said those quotes have quoted after I tried to reason and asking questions but he was ignoring. I mentioned this in the post. You are right advantages can come and go like that but that doesn't change the fact that I had 1 card in my hand one monster on the field and no set cards while he still had cards in his hand which are pretty useful. At that specific time he had the advantage.

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Post #387 by Sound4 » Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:42 pm

greg503 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:I said earlier that I was seeing my options and reading my opponents cards.

What options? Can you give me two legal game actions you could take that are not "concede"?

Seeing my options and also and reading my opponents cards.

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Post #388 by Lil Oldman » Sun Dec 05, 2021 9:14 pm

Sound4 wrote:
greg503 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:I said earlier that I was seeing my options and reading my opponents cards.

What options? Can you give me two legal game actions you could take that are not "concede"?

Seeing my options and also and reading my opponents cards.

So no options.
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Post #389 by Christen57 » Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:50 pm

Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:I wanted to ask him the question but since he was already ignoring after he said that it was pointless I even said along the lines "now we have to wait 40 minutes fir a judge to come". Why would I say this if I was refusing to play? I clearly wanted to continue but the guy was so set on getting a judge in it woukd have Benn futile. Plus I don't know if I did ask the question and he didn't continue that he wanted another judge to come on as he had the advantage. Why would he stall if he has the advantage? So at best it would have been a warning.

You don't know if it would've just been a warning, you don't know if it would've been "futile," and I doubt it would've just been either of those things because you didn't bother to try and find out if it would. You just assumed that "at best it would have been a warning," and that it would've been futile, without trying to finish your thinking so the opponent would hopefully cancel the judge call. This is, once again, another issue of you making incorrect assumptions. Also, sure, maybe it appeared to him that he had the advantage, but for all he knew you could have had Evenly Matched or Goddess of Sweet Revenge in your hand that you could use to completely turn the entire game around, so he could've still ended up stalling and being the one getting the freeze instead of you since "advantages" can easily but surprisingly swing in another person's favor with just 1 or 2 cards.

I do not think you read properly after he said those quotes have quoted after I tried to reason and asking questions but he was ignoring. I mentioned this in the post. You are right advantages can come and go like that but that doesn't change the fact that I had 1 card in my hand one monster on the field and no set cards while he still had cards in his hand which are pretty useful. At that specific time he had the advantage.

You didn't ask the questions you wanted to ask him though. There wasn't really anything for him to ignore. If you asked him your questions about whether or not his moves were legal and he refused to answer, you'd have a point, but you didn't. If the judge determined that it was really your opponent who was stalling because you were shown to be asking important questions in the chat but they were still ignoring you, I don't think that judge would ultimately care anyways why they were doing it. They'd still enforce the rules and apply the appropriate penalties.

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Post #390 by greg503 » Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:21 pm

Sound4 wrote:
greg503 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:I said earlier that I was seeing my options and reading my opponents cards.

What options? Can you give me two legal game actions you could take that are not "concede"?

Seeing my options and also and reading my opponents cards.

Those are not "game actions." Game actions are activating effects and playing cards.
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Post #391 by Renji Asuka » Mon Dec 06, 2021 12:45 am

Sound4 wrote:
Renji Asuka wrote:
Sound4 wrote:I said earlier that I was seeing my options and reading my opponents cards.. Since I didn't activate anything while thinking I was pointing at his card it was obvious I was reading that card.

Do you know how to read? The guy said " now just get ignored" and until another judge come in the room" the guy wanted a judge to come in he was already ignoring me when I was trying to say there were no judges online when he called the judge. Around 40 seconds of thinking is maliciously stalling? I am allowed to think the guy a ccused me of refusing to play which doesn't make much sense. Plus the game wasn't even over so there would be no reason to stall. I was even complaining that I didn't want to wait for a judge as it would have been to long as me saying along the lines "now we have to eat 40 mi utes for a judge to come" why would I say this if I didn't want to continue? If you want to make your argument clear the reply properly instead of inappropriate language for no reason.

No, you didn't have options. You still didn't communicate to your opponent. Clicking a card DOESN'T TELL THEM ANYTHING EXCEPT YOU'RE TARGETING IT.

Also do you know how to read? Your 2nd point was already addressed. Stop bringing it up. Also you claim 40 seconds of thinking is fine, yet you wouldn't let an opponent play a card after 7 seconds of them asking for target? Bitch get the fuck out. Not going to read your nonsense if you're just going to make the same stupid arguments. As everything you said was already addressed.

You were in the wrong, you got rightfully frozen. End of story.

Like I said earlier, I was seeing my options I had live twin home in my hand whivlch I couldn't activate that turn but on my turn I could. Me targeting his cards was a signal that I wasn't AFK and reading that specific card. No one else had a problem with this and makes sense.

I added more to my 2nd point and another quote. I always give a few seconds for my opponent to respond if they say anything then that is consent. If they had a response why didn't he say anything? This entire thread I have explained my reasoning on each point.

No, you had no options. You making your opponent wait when you had 0 plays for over 10 minutes was ridiculous of you. Stop making excuses. You had no response you stalled. That's the story, you were frozen and rightfully so. Also you've been wrong and you refused to acknowledge this.
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Post #392 by itsmetristan » Mon Dec 06, 2021 6:00 am

If they are not acknowledging the points being brought up against them, it's probably best to leave the thread alone at this point. There's nothing more to be done.


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Post #393 by Sound4 » Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:09 pm

Renji Asuka wrote:
Sound4 wrote:
Renji Asuka wrote:No, you didn't have options. You still didn't communicate to your opponent. Clicking a card DOESN'T TELL THEM ANYTHING EXCEPT YOU'RE TARGETING IT.

Also do you know how to read? Your 2nd point was already addressed. Stop bringing it up. Also you claim 40 seconds of thinking is fine, yet you wouldn't let an opponent play a card after 7 seconds of them asking for target? Bitch get the fuck out. Not going to read your nonsense if you're just going to make the same stupid arguments. As everything you said was already addressed.

You were in the wrong, you got rightfully frozen. End of story.

Like I said earlier, I was seeing my options I had live twin home in my hand whivlch I couldn't activate that turn but on my turn I could. Me targeting his cards was a signal that I wasn't AFK and reading that specific card. No one else had a problem with this and makes sense.

I added more to my 2nd point and another quote. I always give a few seconds for my opponent to respond if they say anything then that is consent. If they had a response why didn't he say anything? This entire thread I have explained my reasoning on each point.

No, you had no options. You making your opponent wait when you had 0 plays for over 10 minutes was ridiculous of you. Stop making excuses. You had no response you stalled. That's the story, you were frozen and rightfully so. Also you've been wrong and you refused to acknowledge this.

I'm the one holding up the game for over 10 minutes even though he is the one who called the judge? I didn't even want to wait that long as I said in the post you replied to.

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Post #394 by Sound4 » Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:10 pm

itsmetristan wrote:If they are not acknowledging the points being brought up against them, it's probably best to leave the thread alone at this point. There's nothing more to be done.

I am simply making a point as I have explained my reasoning in each one of my posts.

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Post #395 by Sound4 » Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:13 pm

Christen57 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:
Christen57 wrote:
You don't know if it would've just been a warning, you don't know if it would've been "futile," and I doubt it would've just been either of those things because you didn't bother to try and find out if it would. You just assumed that "at best it would have been a warning," and that it would've been futile, without trying to finish your thinking so the opponent would hopefully cancel the judge call. This is, once again, another issue of you making incorrect assumptions. Also, sure, maybe it appeared to him that he had the advantage, but for all he knew you could have had Evenly Matched or Goddess of Sweet Revenge in your hand that you could use to completely turn the entire game around, so he could've still ended up stalling and being the one getting the freeze instead of you since "advantages" can easily but surprisingly swing in another person's favor with just 1 or 2 cards.

I do not think you read properly after he said those quotes have quoted after I tried to reason and asking questions but he was ignoring. I mentioned this in the post. You are right advantages can come and go like that but that doesn't change the fact that I had 1 card in my hand one monster on the field and no set cards while he still had cards in his hand which are pretty useful. At that specific time he had the advantage.

You didn't ask the questions you wanted to ask him though. There wasn't really anything for him to ignore. If you asked him your questions about whether or not his moves were legal and he refused to answer, you'd have a point, but you didn't. If the judge determined that it was really your opponent who was stalling because you were shown to be asking important questions in the chat but they were still ignoring you, I don't think that judge would ultimately care anyways why they were doing it. They'd still enforce the rules and apply the appropriate penalties.

I don't see what you are trying to say here. After he said those two quotes after that he was literally ignoring g everything I was saying. This is all in the logs. I didn't even want to wait that long and wanted to continue as I said along the lines of "now we have to wait 40 minutes for a judge to come". I never wanted to wait that long.

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Post #396 by greg503 » Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:17 pm

Sound4 wrote:
itsmetristan wrote:If they are not acknowledging the points being brought up against them, it's probably best to leave the thread alone at this point. There's nothing more to be done.

I am simply making a point as I have explained my reasoning in each one of my posts.

No, you just want to have the last word, so that you can say you weren't rebuked.
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Post #397 by Sound4 » Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:20 pm

greg503 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:
itsmetristan wrote:If they are not acknowledging the points being brought up against them, it's probably best to leave the thread alone at this point. There's nothing more to be done.

I am simply making a point as I have explained my reasoning in each one of my posts.

No, you just want to have the last word, so that you can say you weren't rebuked.

Not at all. I am simply making a point. As I said earlier I never wanted this thread to be this long. I thought once I showed the proof the discussion would end.

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Post #398 by greg503 » Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:21 pm

Sound4 wrote:
greg503 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:I am simply making a point as I have explained my reasoning in each one of my posts.

No, you just want to have the last word, so that you can say you weren't rebuked.

Not at all. I am simply making a point. As I said earlier I never wanted this thread to be this long. I thought once I showed the proof the discussion would end.

You aren't making any more points, you're just replying to have the last word
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Post #399 by Sound4 » Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:24 pm

greg503 wrote:
Sound4 wrote:
greg503 wrote:No, you just want to have the last word, so that you can say you weren't rebuked.

Not at all. I am simply making a point. As I said earlier I never wanted this thread to be this long. I thought once I showed the proof the discussion would end.

You aren't making any more points, you're just replying to have the last word

Like I said I never intended this thread to be this long.

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Post #400 by Renji Asuka » Wed Dec 08, 2021 7:13 pm

Sound4 wrote:
Renji Asuka wrote:
Sound4 wrote:Like I said earlier, I was seeing my options I had live twin home in my hand whivlch I couldn't activate that turn but on my turn I could. Me targeting his cards was a signal that I wasn't AFK and reading that specific card. No one else had a problem with this and makes sense.

I added more to my 2nd point and another quote. I always give a few seconds for my opponent to respond if they say anything then that is consent. If they had a response why didn't he say anything? This entire thread I have explained my reasoning on each point.

No, you had no options. You making your opponent wait when you had 0 plays for over 10 minutes was ridiculous of you. Stop making excuses. You had no response you stalled. That's the story, you were frozen and rightfully so. Also you've been wrong and you refused to acknowledge this.

I'm the one holding up the game for over 10 minutes even though he is the one who called the judge? I didn't even want to wait that long as I said in the post you replied to.

Yes you're the one holding up the game because you didn't play and the judge was called for slow playing. That's the whole reason it was called. The fact you had 0 responses meant you SHOULD NOT HAD HELD IT UP AT ALL. It's the same shit you tried to pull as Ingeneiro and what got you frozen.
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