DarwisBellium92 wrote:Christen57 wrote:DarwisBellium92 wrote:
On the one hand I understand it but you know, as an artist, I create the artworks for my custom papers (and also the effects).
I've never had this problem with my custom, quite the contrary. Sometimes I leave them without artworks just to avoid them stealing my artworks for "revenge".
What's with this irrational fear of yours of people copying/downloading some random image off the internet? What kind of revenge IS that? When I think of revenge, I think of things far more serious for getting back at the person in question, such as stealing something physical from them, harming/injuring them, spreading lies/rumors about them, exposing some dark secret of theirs, physically damaging/ruining/wrecking some physical item of theirs, going after some loved one of theirs, etc.
Also, if you never upload any artworks, why bother creating/drawing them up in the first place?
You don't have to put much effort into artworks if you don't want to. Like Futuregamer said, even having just complete red/white/blue/green/yellow squares for your cards' artworks is better than having them all be the default black squares, because at least then, the different colors allow you to "color code" your cards so they're easier and faster to locate.
Christen57, artists must be protected and respected. Besides, why do you come up with mine as a revenge? Mine is not a revenge, it is copyright.
I mean that peoples steal my artworks during my duels with screenshots for lose revenge
So... you merely defeated some people in duels, and they decided to retaliate... by downloading your artwork(s)?
parhelia_0000 wrote:Folks, If you wanna know why nobody is taking any feedback from custom card reviewers seriously, please review the conversation over the past 1-2 pages. This is what happens when custom card reviewers don't see cards get nerfed the way they want things to be. Welcome to the 2022 custom format Yugioh where it's all about nitpicking the smallest details and not allowing creators to express their own ideal archetype. Welcome to the 2022 custom card Yugioh where it's all about insulting the creators themselves whenever cards are not created to the community's own "standards of balance."
If you guys ever wanna know why the custom card communities in Discord are dying away, THIS is why. THIS is what happens when people decide to insult the custom card creators themselves instead of providing constructive feedback. Why would anyone want to listen to the advice of those who go the "my way or the highway" and force people to play loser-tier boomer decks instead of allowing people to be creative in custom cards the way they want to envision things?
Us asking you to balance your cards more does not mean we want you to resort to "loser-tier boomer" goat decks from the early 2000s. We just want you to make your cards no more than on par with the current tier 1 TCG decks, instead of so much better than them that your own decks become tier 0/tier -1 compared to them. Your deck can still win consistently like you want but it would at least then be interactive having clear weaknesses without outright stopping all its potential counters.
We don't need Futuregamer 2.0 here. We don't need another toxic custom card reviewer who's just going to spew death threats towards others whenever custom cards are not balanced to their own "standards."
While him along with Rocket2 may have been toxic, neither of them directly threatened to harm/kill anyone as far as I'm aware, as Futuregamer was banned mainly due to multiple instance of cheating (lying about not having hand traps when he clearly had them) and encouraging suicide (which isn't the same as a death threat but I guess could be seen as just as bad).
I've said it before and I'll say it again - everyone in custom card format will have their OWN sense of balance. As such, the format will never TRULY be balanced. This isn't me making excuses, I'm just stating the facts. Welcome to the custom format.
And here's something I've said before that I'll say again: This is just black-and-white thinking. You're using the fact that the TCG format can't be perfectly balanced, so that each and every one of this game's 11,000+ cards is equally viable, to justify making your archetypes tier 0/tier -1 instead of just tier 1/1.5 like the rest of the current TCG meta decks.
Balance isn't binary. It exists on a spectrum. We've had formats like Zoodiac, PePe, SPYRAL, and teleDAD where those sorts of decks were taking up over 90% of the metagame and tournament representation, but we also had formats like the memorable 2014 "HAT format" where it was, like, 15-20 different archetypes/strategies duking it out in the meta and achieving tournament representation.
Neither of these formats were perfectly balanced 100%, as you still couldn't compete in either of them with a deck like
Destiny Board Turbo or
Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth Turbo, but that 2014 format was still clearly more "balanced" than those other formats I mentioned where it was just 1-2 decks/archetypes dominating everywhere, as far more different decks were able to compete in the 2014 one.
The more decks that are able to compete in the meta, the more balanced the format is. The less different decks that are able to compete in the meta, the less balanced the format is. I'm sure this is at least one "sense of balance" we can share and agree upon, so since your archetype completely invalidates the other tier 1/1.5 TCG decks instead of just rivals them, that's what we mean when we complain about how unnecessarily broken and unbalanced your archetypes are.
You want to survive in this format? You better be prepared to face against decks that have "unaffected," "win the duel," etc. in the card texts. You don't like that, don't bother with custom cards in the first place. Nobody's forcing you to play customs if you don't like it.
People aren't going to "
not bother with custom cards" if you keep this up. They're going to not bother with YOU. You may not be "CrystalMusic 2.0," and no one should be, or should have ever been, calling you a clone of him or anything, but we're worried you'll suffer the same fate as, or at least a similar one as, CrystalMusic where, just like how he became so notorious within the community to the point where nobody wants anything to do with him anymore — to the point where he ended up leaving the site out frustration (due to him never being able to find any opponents due to nobody wanting to duel him, or abide by his draconian "rules") and
hasn't been online since — more and more people are going to make a note of you to avoid you until one day you suddenly realize you're having a very hard time finding, and having to wait much longer than usual to find, people in customs to play with.
It's not too late. I still haven't lost hope or faith in you yet like some others probably have, and I'm sure you'll realize you need to at least somewhat balance/nerf your customs, but if not, you won't get to enjoy those "wins" anymore that you're so fixated on, as there will barely be anyone left who'll still duel you for you to win against.
greg503 wrote:parhelia_0000 wrote:I mean, okay, maybe I do have 1-2 boss monsters that do have more than 7 lines of effects, but who is to judge people to lessen the number of lines in custom cards? After all, THIS IS CUSTOMS! You think I'm complaining when I see opponents making field spells that have multiple lines? Please grow the fuck up.
I said 7 things, not 7 lines, my example:
Almagician Eternal - Voldemort (アルマジシャン・守護神・ボールドモート/아르매지션 수호신 볼드모트)
1: You can also use 1 monster your opponent controls to Link Summon this card.
2: Cannot be targeted by your opponent's card effects.
3: This card's name is treated as "Almagician Eternal - Slytherin" while it is on the field or in the GY.
4: When this card is Link Summoned: shuffle all face-down banished cards and non-Spellcaster monsters that are banished or in the GY into the respective decks.
5: Gains 1000 ATK per Spellcaster monster that is banished or in the GY.
6: Neither player can activate effects of monsters, except the effects of Spellcaster monsters.
7:Once per turn: You can send 1 monster your opponent controls to the GY, and if you do, this card gains ATK equal to the ATK that monster had on the field.
If I made this card to be in line with TCG, it wouldn't have the name setter, not the "Underworld Goddess" clause. I would also remove one of the ATK manipulating effects, adjusting it's base ATK to compensate. I don't like putting a monster effect lock, but why would anyone want to remember these 7, when only 4 are relevant and necessary?
I would start by removing just the 5th effect for now — the one that locks the opponent into spellcasters — and maybe the 1st effect depending what this monster's link rating and listed link materials are, as there's a reason Konami made Underworld Goddess of the Closed World a link-5 — to keep players from easily spamming it and linking away their opponent's monsters for link summons multiple times in a turn. So if this is anything lower than link-5 and thus requires less resources to bring out, that would be the real problem.