The Notetaker

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The Notetaker
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Re: The Notetaker

Post #41 by The Notetaker » Mon May 20, 2019 2:52 am
Altergeist vs Subterrors (1-0) To say this was my opening hand and I won it… Well, was battle of the brick hands, I win RPS and start with that.
Cyber Dragons vs Danger Orcust (2-0)
Game 1 they RPS to first. They have a weak hand and set 2. This is where twin twisters would have outclassed mst. As it so happened, the other set was the trap that would negate said card if they had made a link, lulz. Still, twitwi would have been safer this game, even if mst on the trap got rid of it when I chained. I took control and won. Wasn’t 100% sure what it was, first time facing orcusts, but the fog blades made me guess based on their reputation. Was a bit conservative since I was unsure, still need to figure out my siding policy for that match-up, mull over how many veilers I really need.
Game 2 they start and eat an ash and an infinite, his mermaid can’t stop megafleet beatdown and my ability to make infinity the turn after thanks to a tribute summoned galaxy soldier did them in.
Cyber Dragons vs Sky Striker Mine (1-0)
Guy locks thing up with mine, I thought they would turn it off, but it came to me to shoot it. Set up an otk through his disruption, then the guy tries to use eagle booster and widow anchor on my qliphort genius, doesn’t work well and they rage quit when I don’t give them the link 2. Some people should just read the card, or communicate when they see a hiccup.

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Post #42 by The Notetaker » Tue May 21, 2019 2:23 am Draft 1 of my pendulums attempt, will likely be going through some rapid changes with suggestions, or a total revamp, but we shall see.

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Post #43 by The Notetaker » Tue May 21, 2019 2:34 am Netdecked Electricsoldier's list as well, will give that a go first, then I might end up deleting the list I had.

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Post #44 by The Notetaker » Tue May 21, 2019 2:38 am Cut 3 called from the start. Thinking the meta won't support it well. We shall see if I am right.

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Post #45 by The Notetaker » Tue May 21, 2019 3:27 am

Rather than post all the little changes, just noting it is on that page, lol. Current draft.

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Post #46 by The Notetaker » Tue May 21, 2019 4:37 pm Deleting my initial draft of pendulums for now. Going with be running with the combo package Electric has instead, and I see no need to run around with two pendulums decks for the time being.

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Post #47 by The Notetaker » Tue May 21, 2019 8:05 pm Did a small switch of the LANphorhynchus for Beat Cop from the Underworld. Current list.

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Post #48 by The Notetaker » Wed May 22, 2019 3:03 am
Cyber Dragons vs Red-Eyes (1-0)
He activates his red-eyes fusion, I decide to double check how that thing works, was pretty sure it read as an effect and two conditions, but these days, so many cards that have the “thou shall not do things” as an effect, so it gets negated if I ash it. Fortunately, not how it goes. Have to call a judge for the guy trying to force his play when I told him to wait, and the ensuing rage quit when the judge made them back up. My next draw made my whole hand live even without his help. In hindsight, idk if ashing the fusion was the correct play though.
Altergeist vs Thunder Dragons (Pure) 2-0
Game 1 was me drawing a bit awkward but facing weak thunder dragon power, which I easily handled, despite going second after losing RPS. Cut away spell/trap hate for a couple veilers, pankras, and super polys. In hindsight a third veiler should have been used for sekka, etc.
They make me start and I think evenly, forgetting sekka is their favorite and I fail to hold up my trap to avoid that issue. They have little power though and I clean them up easily enough. Turns out they played both evenly and sekka, too much tech fluff, too little power.
Altergeist vs Danger Thunder Dragon (2-1)
I flop despite winning the RPS to go first, he flops harder, danger vanilla sticks do nothing.
Game 2 they start. Phant is eh as they drop the spider, I do sneak a veiler in, but they combo too hard. Still, their hand was crazy strong, so idk if I want to say phant did all that bad. Forgot to use the screen in siding, here is what I sided in total from the main.
I start but eat two ashes, one on melu, one on faker, but my manifestation on melu keeps me afloat. A veiler on his batteryman cuts them off cold, and soon I out grind them as my engine goes on full throttle. His attempts to bait me fail and I win cleanly.

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Post #49 by The Notetaker » Wed May 22, 2019 4:15 am Old Altergeist List
-2 Inspector Boarder
+2 Sphere Mode Current List

A bit more hate for swarm, at the cost of my anti-reboot starter/hate for the mirror and some anti-meta. Oh well.

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Post #50 by The Notetaker » Thu May 23, 2019 3:52 am
Zefra Endymion Pends vs Orcusts (1-2)
Game 1 I win RPS, start comboing and they scoop. Edit Note: The cerb scale play was illegal.

I don’t side since I have no idea what I’m facing. In hindsight backrow hate may have been a safe bet, but who knows.

Game 2 they start, combo and easily disrupt ftw. Get those called in.

Game 3 I open strong going first but a Gnomaterial gets me pretty good and I get screwed up, my field pushed over, but I used a disruption earlier than I think I should have, not being particularly familiar with orcust, don’t seem to see them much. Thoughts? We both misplay and miss stuff a lot, and my endgame plops out both luckwise and playwise, so notes on better plays I could have made would be appreciated, both in combo building and in the interactive stage. Still in that dumb phase you get when you are trying to piece together how the deck works and you miss obvious stuff in the process of thinking elsewhere.

Think I'm at the point where I at least can solve what cards are for at a reasonable enough level to start editing around some, but we'll see. I have a few questions to mull over.
Last edited by The Notetaker on Thu May 23, 2019 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #51 by The Notetaker » Thu May 23, 2019 7:30 pm Electric's list. I'll probably end up clearing my edit and putting one up myself, just good to keep track of in case I get lost, haha.

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Post #52 by The Notetaker » Thu May 23, 2019 7:31 pm My current list, deleted Electric's in favor of messing with my own stuff for a bit.

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Post #53 by The Notetaker » Fri May 24, 2019 6:10 pm Old Salamangreat List
Main Deck:
-1 Crusadia Reclusia, +1 Mystical Space Typhoon
-3 Droll & Lock Bird -1 Mystical Space Typhoon
+1 Dinowrestler Pankratops +2 Called by the Grave +1 Imperial Order Current List

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Post #54 by The Notetaker » Sat May 25, 2019 1:40 am
Salamangreat vs Trickstar Invoked (2-0)
Game 1 I win and start, showing my inability to combo by failing to get my first wolf shuffled in. Nearly die but my disruption and some of their misplays save me.
Game 2 has me start by their choice and allow stage through to freeze my counter trap and nearly die to borrel, but infinite saves the day! I outgrind and lock them up with disruption from there.
Salamangreat vs Salamangreat (2-1)
I win RPS and start off with enough disruption to keep them down.
All that siding is cute, but when game 2 comes around and I go second, I have little engine, despite not cutting back on starters. Neither do they and we go back and forth, my super poly, then their own gets me later. I can’t get enough up to overcome their field and lose.
Closing it up with a going first disruption spree that keeps them down. They try to hold me off, but I have more stuff and win off the CA.
Salamangreat vs Sky Striker Mine (1-2, DCed)
They start game 1 and keep me disrupted with a bit of mine,. I make severa misplays and easily get swatted. Hard siding.
Imperial+Counter trap and field OP A bit of change.
Crash and lose match.

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Post #55 by The Notetaker » Sat May 25, 2019 4:59 am Old Salamangreat List
Main: -1 Salamangreat Fowl -1 Fusion of Fire -1 [YGOCARD]Mystical Space Typhoon[/YGOCARD]
+1 Salamangreat Mole +2 [YGOCARD]Effect Veiler[/YGOCARD]

Side: -2 [YGOCARD]Effect Veiler[/YGOCARD] -2 [YGOCARD]Super Polymerization[/YGOCARD] -2 [YGOCARD]Mystical Space Typhoon[/YGOCARD] -1 [YGOCARD]Starving Venom Fusion Dragon[/YGOCARD] +1 Salamangreat Fowl +2 Gnomaterial +1 Called by the Grave +3 [YGOCARD]Unending Nightmare[/YGOCARD]

Extra: -1 Salamangreat Violet Chimera +1 Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avrama Current Salamangreat List

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Post #56 by The Notetaker » Sat May 25, 2019 5:10 am Old Altergeist

Main: -1 Cosmic cyclone +1 Imperial Order
Side: -1 Fairy Wind +1 Cosmic Cyclone
Using a floodgate and cutting away the fairy wind overall. Current List

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Post #57 by The Notetaker » Sat May 25, 2019 4:39 pm A pendulum draft I'm going to test to get a better feel for pendulums.

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Post #58 by The Notetaker » Sat May 25, 2019 7:47 pm
Pendulums vs Danger Orcusts (1-2)
Start, but end up losing as my negates are pushed over. Next time I’m negating the dangers. Side in some hand trap hate.
Game 2 I start and lock them down by stopping dangers.
Lose game 3 not drawing any side, play poorly and lose to disruption.
Pendulums vs Orcusts (2-1)
I start and they scoop before I see what they are playing. Side in pankra not knowing the match-up I’m about to face.
I lose to their start when my call is negated, no scale 8.
I take game 3 with a negate on the danger with my start despite being hit by two hand traps, and keep the dangers down.

Still drafting my pendulum plan and list.

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Post #59 by The Notetaker » Sat May 25, 2019 8:17 pm Old List
Main: Added cards, upped an endymion spell, got another jackal, cut off the odd-eyes cards, etc. Testing archfiend eccentrick.

Extra: -1 Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon +1 Arcanite Magician Current List

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Post #60 by The Notetaker » Sun May 26, 2019 2:11 am
Cyber Dragons vs Dark Magician (1-0, lose to DC)
Game 1 they win RPS and go first, getting otked. I side a bit, then crash.
Cyber Dragon vs Salamangreat (2-0)
Game 1 they win RPS and start. I do some work on their disruption and take control of the field, winning the grind, of all things. Guess they tried too hard to avoid an otk and forgot to not run out of gas. Bit of siding for disruption and super polys in case I go first.
Game 2 I get forced first and make Pleiades, which gets nabbed. My overflow doesn’t and soon I keep control of the game and wrap them up when they run out of stuff.
Cyber Dragon vs Salamangreat (2-0)
I win RPS and go second game 1, only to see a tornado dragon in the start. Idk what they are doing, but they aren’t getting through this, haha. I get veilered but still take control. Nearly get blown out by a fusion of fire play, but not enough to kill me. My next turn was. Prep for going first, perhaps time to run a third infinite over my one for one.
Game 2 I start, go for a Pleaides opener but get GOSR. Unfortunately for the guy I still can infinity with a herz under. They dodge infinity fairly well and I choose to let them go off field to avoid fusion of fire, despite not thinking they had it, better safe then sorry. I forget I had burned a nova and had infinity in, and try to go for a double rank 5 play with nachster, only to see that they strike the first nova to get rampage otked, which the spell I add allows me to do, though the best play was to just make sieger, and add something else, a follow-up or overflow, then have rampage killed regardless. Oh well, I stole that one.

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