The Notetaker

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The Notetaker
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The Notetaker

Post #1 by The Notetaker » Mon Apr 29, 2019 6:21 am

The Notetaker

With a new format starting, I'm hoping to get back on my feet. Hopefully with the result of some practice I am going to be better than ever!

For now, this is day 1.

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Post #2 by The Notetaker » Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:01 pm

I think I will begin the new format with altergeist. Draft 1 of my list to test the new format. I know trap decks have been told to be weak, but I have a soft spot for these disrupters.

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Post #3 by The Notetaker » Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:05 am

So a bit of early DB grinding. Nothing special, just playing some games, getting the feel for stuff.
Altergeist vs dinosaurs 1-0
Game 1 I go second after losing RPS and start a bit slow, he makes a field and uses his disruption poorly. We both play a bit meh and make many mistakes. I misread oviraptor when he uses it to target itself, lol. I win with a better engine and better plays, and he goes offline after I win game 1.
Altergeist vs Pendulum Magicians 2-1
Game 1 I open with backrow after winning RPS and going first, he nails my hand trap with called, and his pit hits solemn strike, but he has no gas and gets grinded out by minimal alt stuff.
Game 2 he opens weak but I open 6 altergeist, third game in a row to open manifestation I think? I only play 1, lulz, but oh wellz. He cannot internet well, and lags into wrong searches sometimes.
I take game 3 with a good set of backrow, warning for the denko and limit to lock him, easily beating him with altergeist cards from there. I need to decide if denko or evenly is more likely, I do not think as much of denko when they like to normal a pend, but they like their BP too, says how good dropping faker early is vs not.
Altergeist vs Thunder Dragons 2-0
Game 1 I go first winning RPS, open weird with one for one getting melu to normal faker into a hextia play into silq and a faker. Wanted to see how that played out. I should have used melu under hextia since faker is already in GY. Anyhow, my backrow is drained, by danger, but he runs out of gas and does some weird stuff when I refuse to silq a danger to let him go again, resulting in me breaking his board and pretty easily controlling the game from there.

Game 2 I open faker infinite, but he quits. Wasn’t quite sure how I’d side, starting shooting solemns and went for pankra rather than evenlys. A single duality went out but I kept the other, might have been a mistake. But he goes for a thunder dragon and quits. Guess he bricked.

Change to list
-1 Imperial order: It is looking very weak. I think I will cut it, while my game testing is low, I see now the card being weak going second, combined with any potential thunder dragon play, makes this seem weak. I see no reason for it to be stronger vs much else, maybe a cute lock piece for random spells going first, but with sky strikers hit, I doubt this is needed.

+1 Effect Veiler (in main): Card has proven itself at least usable in my 3 matches, eats up most altergeist hate like denko and dodging evenly.

-1 Effect Veiler (in side): Moved to the main ofc.
+1 Super Poly (in side): A field breaker and possible disruption. Take that Salamangreat! Take that Thunder Dragons! Hey, maybe you too pendulums! Or dark dudes in general. Idk, trollsy card is trollsy. Will test at 1, if it is good, might try a second copy, given it moved up.

-1 Altergeist Kidolga: Card sucks, never makes it, but space was a bit open. Now I need the slot.
-1 Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon: Troll cybers, slot was open, now it isn’t.
+1 Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: Darks are good on field, this kills them.
+1 Salamangreat Violet Chimera: Because Salamangreat is a good deck to have side for.
Wonder if I still just run the 1 copy of extradeck slot for the super poly if I do run it at 2, or if I will just go for the openers, altergeist is grindy enough and has a bit of a flexible extradeck to actually mull over those redundancies. A new screenshot of my list! Want to keep it timestamped so I can see what it looked like back then.

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Post #4 by The Notetaker » Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:03 pm

Want to note an addition to my intent for duel gameplay notes. The format will now be as follows.

Duel Replay Link
My deck vs Opponent’s Deck (my wins-their wins)
Will aim to give at least a basic note on each game. I will add siding choices for each game now, as I think this will help see my sideboarding philosophy for the match-ups.

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Post #5 by The Notetaker » Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:44 pm
Altergeist vs Thunder Dragons (1-0)
Game 1 I win the RPS and start, faker infinite is a flop going first, duality a warning, hit the solar and my faker is ashed. Faker silq beatdown for 2k apiece does them in until they quit. Checking the replay shows their hand was dead in the opening, they did not wish to IF me because of silq getting faker reset for no reason, and super poly is trash in this match-up. So their deck actually had some function, but flopped hard in the match-up and hand given.
Altergeist vs Trickstar Sky Striker(1-2)
Game 1 I lose the RPS and get chosen to go first. Faker infinite is meh, but I don’t melu start, bit of a goof, but didn’t show them what I was playing. Distracted start on my part, was better to just melu. My [YGOCARD]Summon Limit[/YGOCARD] and infinite get set early to dodge any evenly nonsense, maybe should have set all backrow. Misplays, he shows hand, but I do not use info after he made an error with stage into stage. I play poorly and make clear mistakes, should have set the other infinite.

Side:+3 pankratops +3 [YGOCARD]Heavy Storm Duster[/YGOCARD] -1 veiler, -2 [YGOCARD]Summon Limit[/YGOCARD], -3 infinite impermanence

Game 2 I go first and set 3. [YGOCARD]One for One[/YGOCARD] seems weak and my faker gets ashed after evenly hits me. I find out they only use desires, no extravagance. My own copy gets my [YGOCARD]One for One[/YGOCARD] online and melu hextia pressure eventually get the better of their plays. I goof and make unicorn after trying to link without prime, need to check my extra and note it more. They made a goof and failed to [YGOCARD]Reboot[/YGOCARD] my warning, which cut off their play source, which may have cost them.

Side: +1 veiler -1 [YGOCARD]Solemn Strike[/YGOCARD] Wanted to keep the chance of going first, which ended up happening. Strike is better there, but kept veilers for anti-reboot.

Game 3 I start, get rebooted and die to an otk.

Match-up seems awkward, seems they can side savagely for us and keep on trading, but alts have a better engine if they can grind. Odd case of their disruption techs being stronger, but monsters power might be weaker attritionally.
Initially had a brief glitch where I couldn’t use the see both hands but was fixed on the second attempt. I may give this replay a harder look later, I was on part distracted early on trying to get these notes set-up, I should spend more time focusing on the duel and making the notes afterwards. Getting distracted is my fault. But that’s what these notes are here for, seeing mistakes and looking back.

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Post #6 by The Notetaker » Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:25 pm I recently made a Salamangreat list! I am not that familiar with using them. So guess we'll see how it goes.

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Post #7 by The Notetaker » Tue Apr 30, 2019 9:09 pm
Altergeist vs U.A.s (2-0)
Game 1 I win the RPS and start. We play poorly and my double veiler opening was eh, but I outgrind them. Altergeist> U.A.s

Side +3 Pankratops, +3 Heavy Storm duster
-3 Effect Veiler, -2 Summon Limit, -1 Infinite Impermanence

Game 2 we trade heavily, they let me start and twitwi me, getting their trap effect off but ashed. We exchange some cards and I pankra top melu to win the grind.

Nothing special, just a quick stress match to pass time.

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Post #8 by The Notetaker » Wed May 01, 2019 1:36 am
Altergeist vs Anti-meta (2-1)

Game 1 I lost the RPS and faced down boarder. Despite numerous attempts to get around it, his traps shut me down for a clean game 1.

Side: -1 silq, -3 veiler, -1 solemn warning, -3 solemn strike, -2 summon limit
+2 boarder, +3 pankratops, +3 evenly, +3 duster

Game 2 my side brutalized him.

Side: Kept the same

He was brutalized game 3 as well.

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Post #9 by The Notetaker » Wed May 01, 2019 2:07 am
Salamangreat vs Trickstar (0-2)
Lost RPS and hit Scythe off his set game 1. Failed to veiler candina is a big error.
No side game 1
Game 2 I get hit by the main package, looks like an artifact deal that shuts me off, and I’m negated out into a loss.

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Post #10 by The Notetaker » Sat May 04, 2019 6:03 pm

Haven't been around for a bit, but with the new releases, I'm going to play True Draco for a bit until I get a good grip on what decks like mining will do in the meta. Draft 1 of my list, I'm not much of a True Draco player.

Ririka, you seem to be banned on DB.

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Post #11 by The Notetaker » Sat May 04, 2019 7:27 pm
True Draco vs True Draco (1-2)

Game 1 I win the RPS and start but draw bad and get eaten alive by the mirror, my floodgates doing nothing. Banishing 3 heritage off of desires hurts, haha, having 3 diagram overall. Yeah, quickly get mopped up.

Side: +2 Strike of the Monarchs, +3 Cosmic Cyclone, ,+1 Imperial Order, +1 Solemn Judgment
-3 There Can Be Only One -3 The Monarch’s Erupt -1 Skill Drain

Game 2 I made them go first and throw off their evenly, quickly break their board, stop an evenly from them, and gain a clear lead with some decently timed negation. Forgot to use my effects to get an otk and instead watched my OPTs, which was a goof on my part. But I still won convincingly.

Game 3 they open with the MetaltronXII unaffected by monsters, spells, and traps with digram up. I get dinomight to 3100 with his diagram and my diagram. (Not sure if the card is outable if they didn’t have diagram up. They get the naturia fusion out and cut off the diagram I needed to get my trap to kill it. I can’t get a monster so the trap couldn’t be tribute for a pop and I lose. I should have used desires before attacking but after I got the dinomight set-up, R.I.P. Did not know what their play would be, but had a chance at outing it with proper play if I had.

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Post #12 by The Notetaker » Sat May 04, 2019 8:55 pm
A new extradeck variant of True Draco. Inspired by the list I recently faced to improve disruption from non-trap sources to avoid reboot. It would seem to give extra attack and defense angles at the price of erupt.

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Post #13 by The Notetaker » Sat May 04, 2019 10:21 pm
True Draco (Extradeck) vs Sky Strikers (1-2)
Note: I might have extradeck=ED on the deck names from now on.

Game 1 I lose the RPS

Side: +1 Strike of the Monarchs +3 Cosmic Cyclone, -1 Skill Drain, -3 TCBOO

Game 2 was a grindfest where I called their plays and had a crazy chain but sealed it with a metalron at the end of all things.

Side stays the same. Been that way for a bit, but haven't noted it in earlier posts, sorry if it isn't there, if I didn't say anything I probably forgot to say I didn't do any extra siding.

Game 3 I brick, try and get an solemn Stall, but just fail and lose.

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Post #14 by The Notetaker » Sun May 05, 2019 12:34 am
True Draco (ED) vs Thunder Dragons (2-1)?
I win RPS game 1, open bad, but get a Draco into Imperial ftw.

Side: +3 Sphere Mode, +2 Super Poly, +3 Infinite Impermanence
-2 Strike of the monarchs, -1 Pot of Duality, -1 Imperial Order, -1 Solemn Judgment, -3 TCBOO

He makes me go first game 2, I open bad, not even a monster, and get shredded by evenly. They soon take the game away.

Side: +3 Inspector Boarder, +3 Strike of the Monarchs, +1 Pot of Duality, +1 Solemn Judgment,
-2 Super Poly, -3 Sphere Mode, -3 Infinite Impermanence

Game 3: We go back and forth, but they eventually DC in what looks to be a favorable position. Skill Drain is locking them up but also gumming up my plays, Draco does lack a certain amount of floating resources, especially under skill drain, and thunder dragon beatsticks were showing it, though Draco Trap popping the fusion protections under drain was nice.

Not sure I really deserved this win.

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Post #15 by JihadistJoe » Sun May 05, 2019 12:49 am

Notetaker is a bot or a person?

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Post #16 by The Notetaker » Sun May 05, 2019 9:03 am
True Draco (ED) vs Altergeists (2-0)

I win the RPS game 1 and while I start slow and barely squeak a Draco backed by strike and TCBOO his evenly gets gobbled and his backrow is eaten alive despite me forgetting a disciples.

Side: +3 Boarder, +1 Strike, -1 Metaltron, -1 Ipstart, -1 Order, -1 [YGOCARD]Skill Drain[/YGOCARD]

Game 2 they start with an eh opening which I eat alive till I trigger waking turn 1 into ultimate falcon. After some stalling on my end, I use my Full Armored Crystalzero Lancer the extradeck utilizes to win it.

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Post #17 by The Notetaker » Sun May 05, 2019 9:26 pm
True Draco (ED) vs Plant FTK (2-1)

Game 1 I win the RPS and start weak, but still get ignis with TCBOO and imperial. Turns out I can’t do anything under my own imperial, miss an ignis trigger, but they can’t get over imperial and stall wall me until it dies. I have so much advantage and TCBOO is enough to lock them up for game. Side: +3 Sphere Mode, +2 Super Poly, +3
Infinite Impermanence
-2 Strike of the Monarchs, -1 Upstart Goblin, -1 Imperial Order, -1 Solemn Judgment, -3 TCBOO

Game 2: I get FTKed, didn’t draw infinite, might have sealed their fate if saved for the burn guy. My board breaking cards would have been dead. Side: +3 Boarder, +3 Strike, +1 Solemn, +1 Imperial, +3 TCBOO
-1 Metaltron, -1 Disciples, -3 Sphere Mode, -2 Super Poly, -1 Apoc, -3 Infinite

Game 3 I start with a strong ignis boarder backed by strike and TCBOOx3, probably overkill. Should have done mild heritage drawing and given up the third copy, but oh well. Boarder protects me from reboot and strike gives extra disruption+out to evenly. He doesn’t even get to TCBOO and drops to the boarder beatdown with ignis. In hindsight should have sided out more of my Draco traps and kept more of my draw spells/draco spells, starters were key, traps to do a bit of popping, only needed 1-2 of them if that. Having one pop effect be searchable would be cute, but drawing floodgates was the key. Note: Using strike to get around evenly makes little sense in hindsight, the deck’s FTK runs a “cannot conduct BP” effect, so that would be dead if evenly were used, so unless they had yet another wincon planned, doubtful they used evenly. Still passable vs reboot and works vs twin twisters.

After looking at the FTK for a bit I made this draft build. and then did an FTK combo on solo.

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Post #18 by The Notetaker » Mon May 06, 2019 6:24 am

Decided to dabble with cybers as well. Draft 1 of a list. Looks like there is a fairly active thread for that. A few nifty ratios after seeing a particular video on cybers topping.

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Post #19 by The Notetaker » Mon May 06, 2019 8:09 pm
Cyber Dragons vs Sky Strikers (with mine) 0-2
Nothing worth saying, I played poorly and they played poorly. Tons of mistakes were made. Will be adjusting my list though. Adjustments to this list.
-1 Qliphort Genius +1 Platinum Gadget: Forgot link climbing was gone, who cares about that restriction now? Summoning from hand is probably stronger than unaffected and negation.
-3 Artifact Sanctum, -1 Artifact Scythe, +3 mystical space typhoon, +1 Cybernetic Overflow
Outs to mine are a must, and I don’t want to use go first reliant siding, especially when the decks it could be used on could just as easily go first for their own hate rather than pick second to disrupt me.

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Post #20 by The Notetaker » Tue May 07, 2019 5:23 am
Cyber Dragons vs Zombies (2-1)
Game 1 I win RPS and go second, zombie world trolls me, I break it and win. Siding
Game 2 I lose due to my own salt, get hit by Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell when I have 2 and draw a third. Siding
Swat them with twitwi on their zombie world and screw over all their plays. Easy win.
Cyber Dragons vs Trickstar (2-0)
They win RPS game 1 and make me start. We have meh hands, but mine wins out. Seemed like an awful player, failing to call my ash when viewing the replay. Granted, I don’t think I played great either.
Game 2 is another bout of meh hands with me starting, again I eventually make the field and win.
Cyber Dragons vs Pendulum Magicians (0-2)
Was tired this match, missed stuff and would appreciate feedback.
Game 1 I lose RPS and go second. Don’t think they opened too strong, but my hand wasn’t too fantastic either. Have a bit of a grind dance, but one point of note was when I used rampage to pop, likely should have gunned for the scales. I end up losing.
Side: +2 Super Poly, +2 Panktratops, +3 Effect Veiler, +1 Cybernetic Overflow, -3 Ash Blossom, -1 Instant Fusion, -3 Twin Twisters, -1 Cyber Dragon Vier
They open strong when I let them go first game 2, only super poly and them letting some early spell stuff slide let me pull off the SEGOC I did to get their negates killed and my guy boosted, but I think it was a misplay to not try and ram him for more power, or leaving a guy in atk to eat up with infinity rather than go for damage. I was greedy and stupid and it cost me.

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