The Notetaker

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The Notetaker
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Re: The Notetaker

Post #21 by The Notetaker » Wed May 08, 2019 6:01 am
Cyber Dragon vs Mystic Mine Burn? (2-0)
They win RPS and start, but I can quickly see they are not a good player and their deck looks weak. I decide to play it safe with infinity disruption and advantage. I make short work of metaverse, not knowing what to expect but trying to avoid mine. I get baited by a ties of the brethren which I should have let pass and they slide a mine on me anyways. I force its self-destruct next turn but leave myself in a weak field position, which their deck cannot take advantage of. I easily finish the game, correcting their pendulum error and choosing to swing with another monster to speed up their admitting defeat rather than explain to them my quick effect. Siding leads me to side for removal effects and trimming non-starters, as I feel comfortable playing even a minimal package and do not feel the need for a strong hand, only a passable one that can pop mine.
Game 2 gives me a strong opening, but I make a misplay by not ashing metaverse. This leads me to have my mst hit by solemn judgment, and my core machine dup opening leads me into fortress to force the self-destruct. I again misplay by making my cyber dragon link instead of my genius, but have so many resources I make genius using the cyber anyways to create the otk.

This match gave me an appreciation for how much I was missing, facing a terrible player, let overlooking the truly critical aspect of what was game changing. My adjustments proved enough, but that’s all they were, adjustments I had to make because of my poor decisions prior.

The Notetaker
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Post #22 by The Notetaker » Thu May 09, 2019 7:32 am
Cyber Dragons vs Mystic Mine burn (2-1)
Game 1 they take it with a mine lock despite me ashing their pot, I am locked down until they drop Goddess Skuld's Oracle, at which point I scoop to avoid revealing any cards in a game already lost. Might powercode talker or gaia saber, (saber seems better with stats, arrows, and machine type) be a decent ED option for things like ojama trio vs mining burn? I side out my fusion spells and my infinties to get in my msts and my reboots. Idk if instant fusion was a good cut choice or not with the life payment, but I decided bodies were better and random pop effect might come up, though I’m finding this unlikely even vs mine.
Game 2 I get locked up but finally squeak a reboot. I then draw the mst for their field and despite their countdown reboot stops the solemn from protecting them and I squeak enough to win. Keep it the same as game 2.
Game 3 I end up opening up reboot and going for an otk through their attempt to set-up after being certain I had an otk and confident I did not want to risk waiting to see what would happen in a build-up.
Cyber Dragons vs kozmos (2-1)
Game 1 I win RPS and go second, ashing demise but finding myself facing tincan. I don’t use my twin twisters on his two sets, fearing chainables, particular any kind of mine nonsense, idk what decks use it and which ones do not anymore. I may starting maining mst instead, seems safer to just snipe that mine, and I keep siding them in, but for now, will stick with the better known twitwis. They destroy my cyber dragon and kozmojo core. Rather than push for a developed field for infinity, etc. I decide to hold back and get back core, attempting another stronger push next turn, but get otked for my troubles. A couple overload and an instant fusion, alongside the infinites, dropped for mst and reboots.
Game 2 I end up taking it to their uber brick. R.I.P. their hand. No change.
Game 3 I set up infinity with defense herz, not sure if they run the chimeratech stuff to hit cyber dragons in their spare slots, but I soon see them simply kill herz early to avoid letting core get grabbed back and baiting infinity with pankratops. I am easily pushed out by destroyer but they forget to swing. They set 2, getting blasted by a developed overflow, only to reveal sanctum popping destroyer and the useless scythe. I get hit. I drop cydra to face a tincan set up by their destroyer pop off of sanctum., only to face an eclipser. I let it slide and take more damage and watch them set a card. I had saved my fortress for this occasion and use reboot to seal my game ending push.
Cyber Dragons vs Traptrix (2-0)
I lose the RPS and go second. His deck is meh, but I play dumpster fire terrible, still winning despite numerous misplays and atrocious blunders. Nothing much to say here.
Game 2 I win because my monsters are better than his traps and card advantage is cool.

The Notetaker
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Post #23 by The Notetaker » Fri May 10, 2019 8:36 am
Cyber Dragons vs Altergeist (2-1)
Game 1 I win the RPS and go second to their silq protocol, but no faker, opening. It is weak enough I easily bait silq and their backrow before using overflow to clear what was left for an easily winning position. Was betting against kunquery for an otk attempt a good plan, or was I safe enough to make a controlling play? Didn’t seem likely they had kun. They scoop before we find out. Focused on the starters, wanted my mst and reboot, not sur eif going first or second, didn’t go for pankra, trimmed out my instants, an ash, and the infinites, made the curious pick of cutting an overflow. Wanted to keep my main starters, thought IF was the least needed and awkward to EMZ fit vs a deck with silq, but idk if that was correct
Game 2 I brick, they didn’t quick scoop, they choose first for what it’s worth. No changes, thought about ash in for the pots or something, pankra is cool, but I didn’t go for it.
Game 3 He marions into manifestation, idk why, and sets two others. They get spoofing twitwied on activation and I take out the set infinite, which I expected to be protocol. Bad plays are bad and a simple sieger rampage otk wraps it up. Did I leave my GY empty at a bad time, given my repair plant went dead for a turn? Thought there might have been better sequencing to go off of there.
Cyber Dragons vs Darklords
My deck is better, ash em game 1 and them winning the RPS to start doesn’t mean much when I otk. Thoughts on this siding?
Game 2 doesn’t go much better for them, flimsy opening meets cyber boards, he can stop my otk plan, but I have control of the board. Again, curious on my sequencing. IF earlier might have been good, not sure if it changed my plays.
Cyber Dragons vs Salamangreat (2-0)
This match made me cry, I did so much stupid stuff, summoning into their wolf’s zone, not seeing called, forgetting sieger was in GY for a bit, though I made it through anyways. Overall just tired, made lots of errors, would love to hear feedback.

I take game 1 with a clean rampage otk, but should have used twitwi tossing herz in order to get cyber dragon in hand so that my other herz would have a secure shot if it got ashed. Instead if it did, I was in way more trouble. They didn’t have it and I took the game. Made some choices in case I went first, thoughts?Was just fine going second, but still.
Game 2 I chip away, get trolled by super poly, and have a surprise kill I didn’t see until I was finishing up. So many choices I probably missed. Felt there were outlet with a rampage kill using the searchable fusion spell, but too tired to go over and see if I could make it a kill by only swinging with it.

The Notetaker
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Post #24 by The Notetaker » Fri May 10, 2019 8:05 pm

Strike Ninja wrote:Face it no one replies to your posts except me, so now it's spam and you wasting life for an archive that deletes itself in 5 years.
Why are you wasting your time doing this, instead of something productive in life?

Why do anything by that logic? It will surely delete itself in x number of years as well. You aren't the first person to reply, or even the highest post response. I post because it is productive, and it is something I should have done years ago. Looking at your posts to see what you might be referring to, I see nothing in them that would make my own posts any more substantial. I post for any interested in watching, or better yet helpfully commenting, and most importantly for my own benefit. I try to give each post some kind of meaningful content/data, or at least some ideas to work with. I open up my duels for any to see and judge, and they aren't perfect, or in some cases even well-played. I do it to set a standard for myself to improve, to avoid ignoring bad duels because I didn't like to think about them. I have focused it on a single thread with this purpose and have continued to post in it. If people are not interested, they do not have to read it, I do not force them to look at it. In order to read it, they have to enter the thread I made for this purpose. It is my personal goal to improve at this game, and this is the forum of the site that lets you play it. This is what I have chosen to do for now, and so I will do it.

The Notetaker
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Post #25 by The Notetaker » Fri May 10, 2019 9:49 pm
True Draco (0-2)
Got paired against someone that is likely a solid player. Lost RPS to go second, and got flooded and backed by strike for the brutal shielding. Twitwi could not save me. Guy had the sly idea of holding back dinomight so he could use erupt in chain and still be able to chain the strike while dinomight was on the chain with erupt. Seemed weird at first, but pretty sure it was correct, waiting to dinomight the on field soldier eff rather than the in hand eff. Hardcore siding pls help.
Got wrecked game 2 by another solid opening, thought about ashing desires, but figured they would get their spell, would rather hit any open demise instead, or heritage for 3. They end up getting duality for the strike again, OP. Didn’t end up mattering, no side drawn, wouldn’t have saved me, and my attempt to dodge any early erupt by using sieger instead of core so I might slip in a genius failed when they flipped TCBOO instead. Doubt core for a trap would save me vs a deck with backrow removal that cared little about overflow’s search or a hand with strike.

In other works, I got wrecked.
Salamangreat (0-2)
I win RPS and go second. They open fragile with gazelle as their only card, but I have nothing and they go on. I open double twitwi and try to out the backrow, but it ends up getting eaten by their counter trap and a meh cosmic cyclone. R.i.P. me. My play is for soldier herz, but maybe a core attempt would have been better, idk. I did not expect disruption, but their veiler snapped my play. Not sure how I feel, twitwi for msts. Cutting infinite, not sure if that was good plan, trying to get reboots, etc.
In the end game 2 makes little difference, a solid open and triple backrow, I mst the roar but get hit by called infinite on my soldier herz play, I try herz link 1 since I feel soldier is already the weaker end and they could stop it if they cared enough anyways, but the double shot, mostly called, rips apart the rest of my hand and I fold.

Thoughts: Is Twitwi really that good? I’m liking to out stuff, but mst maybe is just better, I want a clean shot, and when the discard isn’t proving useful, which is fairly fringe, I’d rather hold on to the card for other pushes rather than out a random set, or just get eaten by a counter trap/disruption piece for such spell effects.

How helpful in the kaiju? I have yet to want to search it or need it, might be time to cut/side it. Backrow threats, not monsters, are proving my undoing.

How good is infinite? A part of what was said earlier, card has constantly been sided out, but is cute vs salads, I guess. Maybe card isn’t so much bad, but it is underperforming so far.

The Notetaker
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Post #26 by The Notetaker » Sat May 11, 2019 10:01 pm My old list
-3 Twin Twisters +3 Mystical Space Typhoon
-1 Infinite Impermanance +1 Cosmic Cyclone
-1 Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju +1 Cyberload Fusion

-3 Mystical Space Typhoon +2 Cosmic Cyclone +1 Infinite Impermanance
-1 Cyberload Fusion +1 Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju Current list

Changes made in light of old concerns for testing. Let's see how it goes.

The Notetaker
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Post #27 by The Notetaker » Sun May 12, 2019 1:02 am Old Salamangreat List

Main Deck:
-3 Called by the Grave +3 Cosmic Cyclone
-3 Effect Veiler +3 Cynet Mining

Side Deck:
-3 Twin Twister +3 Mystical Space Typhoon
-1 Pankratops -1 Phantazmay +2 Effect Veiler New List

Deck is made with expectations of facing more Draco and Mine decks. Preferring single target to multi target removal since most targets would be single option and most threats are straight negation for it, so getting the extra target isn't worth the discard, even if semi synergetic.

Still need to give it a spin, will probably be making changes if I get the chance to test, just giving my initial thoughts at the outset and keeping my salamangreats somewhat updated.

The Notetaker
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Post #28 by The Notetaker » Wed May 15, 2019 5:39 pm
Cyber Dragons vs Mine Burn (1-0)
Poor player, I win RPS game 1 and go second. They don’t get their mine set-up until I special. I manage to get my overflow to resolve and win when they oked it. They tried to argue and rage quit when they realized I was right. The only real note is that token flooding is getting really annoying. Really thinking of finding a link for that.
Cyber Dragons vs Salamangreat (2-1)
Game 1 I open very strong after winning the RPS go second, cosmic and mst prove better than twin twisters here as they force his trap and let me otk. Did soldier herz as bait, but trying core first and then using herz to grab it back if things went south may have been better. Ended up otking, but a way to not risk having to trigger his link monster would have been ideal. Should probably rewatch this again to see what I could improve.
Really nice siding… for going second. Ended up cutting hand traps and going in on backrow hate.
Game 2 was my fault for not prepping for going first with more disruption, keep the Instants and hand traps, don’t put in the reboots, etc. I didn’t have enough power and ended up getting beat pretty good, goofed my life total with cosmic awkwardly, mst would have been so much nicer. Keep the side, is a great go second.
He opens weak, I open strong. I have the reboot for the set so save the pankra in case I go to grind vs hand traps. He flops and I win upon my machine dupe resolution.

The Notetaker
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Post #29 by The Notetaker » Wed May 15, 2019 7:12 pm
Cyber Dragons vs Pendulum Noob (1-0)
They do stupid stuff and leave. Recorded so I can account for it.
Cyber Dragons vs True Draco (0-2)
This was just an awful match for me. I should have added the trap instead, and seen I couldn’t otk, but I was dumb and went for the spell, which proved to be of little value at all. Well full blown retard on my end and forgot to check basic genius rulings. Decided to call a judge instead of double checking the double negation. The judge proceeds to mess up on an unrelated issue of chalice, but ultimately gets the issue right, which is just awkward for everyone. Sigh. Guess I’ll apologize to the judge for my attitude, they may have been wrong, but I was still in the wrong as well, and that’s just not ok by me.
Just got wrecked by floodgates game 2, but maybe should have seen if I would try and negate my way with genius. Think floodgate #2 was going to wreck me though.
Cyber Dragons vs Mekk-Knights (1-0)
Smh, another bad match. I brain fart and forgot my trap won’t interact with my hand. Was thinking of using my set to them setting, knowing mekks coming down when they go second and column set-up. They try to BS refusal my chance to think, and then it ended up not mattering. I would win easily and they end up quitting as their hand was trash.

The Notetaker
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Post #30 by The Notetaker » Thu May 16, 2019 2:00 am Made Dark Magicians for the heck of it. Might give them a spin again. Draft 1 of my list in the new format.

The Notetaker
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Post #31 by The Notetaker » Thu May 16, 2019 3:46 am
Cyber Dragons vs Thunder Dragon Dinosaurs (1-0)
They start comboing, then end up quitting? I win RPS going second. They possible forgot an ED monster, maybe whatever destrudo was for.
Cyber Dragons vs Salamangreat (2-1)
He wins RPS going first. Snap him with a field over dweller and he scoops before I wrap it up.
They go AFK for well over what should have been a match loss, returns and gives some wimpy excuse. What am I to do with no judges on… He’s got the double veiler and cuts up my plays from there.
I go in with my spell/trap hate only to open no cybers game 3. Great… My super poly is cute and I do a bit, but they ultimately just fail to finish me, and when I pull herz he dies, even with the hand trap.
Cyber Dragons vs Mine Burn (1-2)
Get token locked out game 1, end up scooping despite outing mine.
Win game 2 after outing mine and making infinity.
Lose game 3 on DC before we even start.

The Notetaker
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Post #32 by The Notetaker » Thu May 16, 2019 4:09 am Old Build

-3 Instant Fusion +1 Foolish Burial +1 One For One +1 Cyber Dragon Vier

-1 Panzer Dragon +1 Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow

Instant fusion has been underperforming, so I cut it for cyber cards, foolish is a known utility option, as is one for one, cyber dragon vier increases my cyber dragon density further and keeps my machine rate going. My level 5 rate goes down, but oh well.

Panzer is out, and now Gaia can be used to get rid of token fields. Getting full blown token locked can be absurd, but even basic token disruption is incredibly annoying.

Current List

The Notetaker
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Post #33 by The Notetaker » Thu May 16, 2019 8:55 pm
Dark Magician vs Salamangreat (1-2)
Win RPS and start game 1. Try to cut them off with ash on the debug and circle on the bale, but they had the mining and went off, taking the game.
Game 2 I start and disrupt them enough, when they fail to GOSR my circle due to rod preventing it they scoop.
Idk if I misplayed game 3 or not. I would have otked if they made a bit of as larger board, all without DM cards, lulz. Instead they don’t and disrupt my plays, twin twister my eternal soul and super poly, the latter set as protection. I get hit by strike on my rod at the end where I still manage to push to the brink of their negation, but it falls flat as my engine fails to go off. My techs were strong, but they had too much disruption at the best times.

The Notetaker
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Post #34 by The Notetaker » Thu May 16, 2019 9:14 pm Old Altergeist List
-3 Effect Veiler +3 Cosmic cyclone
-2 Summon Limit -1 Solemn Warning +3 Heavy Storm Duster

-3 Droll & Lock Bird +3 Effect Veiler
-1 Pankratops +1 Super Polymerization
-3 Evenly Matched +3 Unending Nightmare
-3 Heavy Storm Duster +2 Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay +1 Fairy Wind

-1 Clara & Rushka, the Ventriloduo +1 Salamangreat Violet Chimera

My deck upgraded spell/trap hate with an increase density of Draco and Mine decks around. Reworked the side to improve super poly a bit. Current Altergeist List

The Notetaker
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Post #35 by The Notetaker » Sat May 18, 2019 7:55 pm
Cyber Dragons vs Fire Fist (1-0)
Win RPS, go second, and get a passable hand with machine dupe, was tight otherwise. They go stupid and lance me, must be match lossed by judge.
Cyber Dragons Vs Sky Strikers (2-0)
We duel with them winning RPS and going first, and they end up scooping, might be the loss of kagaris for them making the situation seem bad, but I thought they had a shot at fighting still. Wondering if the kaiju should have been sided in, but I didn’t feel the need. Idk, turning off their MMZs is cute, not a terrible hard draw, but not necessary either. Might be under stating the value of the kaiju, but I’m not feeling the need for it.
Game 2 I end up breaking through their negation and outgrind them. Props to a hard drawn cyberload letting rampage cut off their resources, but saving infinity for engage might be ideal, shot off the field thinking letting them chain for a free grab was silly, but really the engage was their fastest and most dangerous resource. Just because they didn’t capitalize off of those cards enough doesn’t mean I didn’t screw up.
Cyber Dragons vs Anti-Meta (2-1)
He wins the RPS, goes first, dynas into my scooping to not show my deck. Maybe should have waited a bit, taken some hits, before doing it so early and showing the impact dyna made. Go for reboot pushes to otk and avoid one for one spell/trap trades since I think their threats are facedowns rather than floodgates that are face-up. Mst>cosmic due to the valuable lifepoints.
I play poorly and really fail to manage my resources. Wanted to give up, but it turned out they had no real threats density and quickly ran out of threats despite being way up on CA, with me BSing my way into a win. They reboot me and instead of a reboot to parry future reboots I go for another cyberload when they rebooted my original, fearing spell/trap removal. I underestimate the angles the deck was attacking from, but they should be using wiretap, not reboot, lol. Stays with the side
They have no threats and just stall, I get a bit too comfy and let it go, rather than take a -1 to summon cyber dragon from hand to hit them or try and otherwise secure a threat rather than wait for them to somehow make an unbreakable. They had a weak anti-meta deck and I BS my way out of it anyways.

The Notetaker
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Post #36 by The Notetaker » Sun May 19, 2019 12:06 am
Cyber Dragons vs Fire Fist (1-0)
Win RPS, go second, and get a passable hand with machine dupe, was tight otherwise. They go stupid and lance me, must be match lossed by judge.
Cyber Dragons Vs Sky Strikers (2-0)
We duel with them winning RPS and going first, and they end up scooping, might be the loss of kagaris for them making the situation seem bad, but I thought they had a shot at fighting still. Wondering if the kaiju should have been sided in, but I didn’t feel the need. Idk, turning off their MMZs is cute, not a terrible hard draw, but not necessary either. Might be under stating the value of the kaiju, but I’m not feeling the need for it.
Game 2 I end up breaking through their negation and outgrind them. Props to a hard drawn cyberload letting rampage cut off their resources, but saving infinity for engage might be ideal, shot off the field thinking letting them chain for a free grab was silly, but really the engage was their fastest and most dangerous resource. Just because they didn’t capitalize off of those cards enough doesn’t mean I didn’t screw up.
Cyber Dragons vs Anti-Meta (2-1)
He wins the RPS, goes first, dynas into my scooping to not show my deck. Maybe should have waited a bit, taken some hits, before doing it so early and showing the impact dyna made. Go for Reboot pushes to otk and avoid One for One spell/trap trades since I think their threats are facedowns rather than floodgates that are face-up. Mst>cosmic due to the valuable lifepoints.
I play poorly and really fail to manage my resources. Wanted to give up, but it turned out they had no real threats density and quickly ran out of threats despite being way up on CA, with me BSing my way into a win. They Reboot me and instead of a Reboot to parry future reboots I go for another cyberload when they rebooted my original, fearing spell/trap removal. I underestimate the angles the deck was attacking from, but they should be using Wiretap, not Reboot, lol. Stays with the side
They have no threats and just stall, I get a bit too comfy and let it go, rather than take a -1 to summon Cyber Dragon from hand to hit them or try and otherwise secure a threat rather than wait for them to somehow make an unbreakable. They had a weak anti-meta deck and I BS my way out of it anyways.

The Notetaker
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Post #37 by The Notetaker » Sun May 19, 2019 12:08 am
Cyber Dragons vs Salamangreat (2-0)

I lose RPS and go second. Guy isn’t familiar with his deck and def doesn’t know cybers. He pops my nova and gets rampage otked. The real question is when to have used foolish, early to bait ash? Should I have dumped core or nachster, core gives added grind power, nachster is an added push. Did not expect my otk shot. Went for the hand traps to stay for turn 1 disruption, thinking I might go first.

I end up going second game 2 and misplay by using core under his counter trap, which they overlook. I tried to see if I could bait a veiler on core so if I used it for megafleet I’d have a named cyber dragon for sieger. As it happens, that was an error and I am lucky they forgot their counter trap was dead, instead core ate an ash. I end up having overload to otk with sieger rampage again, otking them in one turn both games.
Cyber Dragons vs Madolches (1-1, win match on their DC)
I lose RPS and go second, but decide to make Pleiades to recoup my guy and have a threat. As it so happens their pankratops eats that idea alive. I use my eff to force it to do something but he lets it go to hand. As it turns out getting that Pleiades out is awkward. I have enough resources to easily dominate the field, ripping out his bluffed backrow with an overflow while forgetting to search off my trap effect. I had so many resources I ended up taking it anyways, but bad plays are bad. Bad siding is bad, was 100% going first with two go seconds facing off, he wasn’t likely to try and bluff a go first plan with that deck. Should have gotten rid of the spell/trap removal and use more hand traps, etc.

Game 2 I lose to otk, not sure what to ash, so hit an OPTed angelly and let them madolche lock, but I get called. He kills me. Trim a bit of spell/trap hate but go in with pankras, not sure if they will surprise floodgate me somehow. Honestly think I hyped that idea too much, my core can out floodgates what am I afraid of? More likely should be fearing their otks, and kept up hand traps/engine pieces after choosing second. Poor call on my end, but they DC and I win the match by default, odds having been in my favor due to finally going second, but still, they had a full game to still gut me.
Cyber Dragons vs Altergeist (1-0)
Game 1 they win RPS and get their pot ashed. They still have faker set-up. I bait silq with my link and poop out machine dupe for what wouldn’t quite get game if they GOSR the sieger and melu for 500 off. Think it goes to infinity vs their faker/melu search and super poly. R.I.P. Hopefully they didn’t run megafleet/fortress or banished them. Their DC makes it an unknown stand-off, but I should have grabbed core off of herz for any back-up now that I think about it. Or was there a better field to make that couldn’t chance a game shot but would hold up vs their counterplay better?

The Notetaker
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Post #38 by The Notetaker » Sun May 19, 2019 12:35 am Old Altergeist List

-1 Knightmare Cerberus +1 [YGOCARD]Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow[/YGOCARD]

That link 2 only really comes up vs dinos to randomly pop an annoying monster with a monster and a token they may have let me have. But Gaia is going to be used to burn up tokens handed from mine burn, etc. Current List

The Notetaker
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Post #39 by The Notetaker » Sun May 19, 2019 4:38 am
Altergeist vs True Draco (2-0) (note: Replay may still be glitched, asked for them to fix it.)
I get the start by winning RPS and see no extra. Wondering if mine burn but ends up being Draco. I get cosmic off extravagance only to use it to disiples pop. I hold them off by using a linkubiroh to bait ignis with strike and get faker set up. I use the faker to get to melu and put down a silq to keep down any annoying floodgates. They find themselves short on options and as melu cuts off cards an ash no diagram proves disastrous for them. I grind them into dust. Bye solemns, cute as they can be, throw off a protocol and one for one and in goes my spell/trap hate package of half a dozen cards. No evenly in side, they prep too much for it and the card seems to be weak overall vs other decks.

Game 2 they get the start and my melu faces the wrath of their solemn judgment. I avoid letting them trigger, seeing as they would gain off of ignis if I played my duality. A set trap eats the wiretap I saw off of their error, but in any case the card proves unable to allow the ignis to add. I try to marion and the guy floodgates. They mess up and forget to sue ignis as link 2, but I figure duality will have to grab something anyways, and in goes unending nightmare, shredding their field spell, floodgate, and just baiting them well all together. I grind them to dust as they try to use their trap to decent effect to troll my plays, but they run out of gas and I finish them off.

Thought: Maybe a third duality for consistency would be good. Or maybe a desires instead, failing with extravagance but working with future dualitys.
Cyber Dragons vs Mystic Mine Burn (1-0 lost to DC)
Game 1 I win RPS second. Cosmic, mst, double machine dup and ash looks like it might go somewhere, and I am thrilled to see it be mine. I force bribe to protect mine and manage to out it, after eventually getting to core. I control them and win it from there. Siding out the fusion spells and the infinites to slip in spell/trap hate.
Lose to DC, it happens, just crashed.
Cyber Dragons vs Salamangreat (2-0)

Losing RPS to go second game 1. My ash gets called but I otk. Wondering if I should use my kaiju in the side in case they might go for bagooska. As it is, focus on disruption since I’ll likely go first, no need for spell/trap hate.

I end up making a play, get disrupted, they can’t deal with my field quite right through my own disruption and I finish the job awkwardly the next turn. Think there might have been better ways to play around future disruption, was not feeling the ways I was gunning for.

The Notetaker
Posts: 126
Joined: Mon Apr 29, 2019 5:53 am
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Post #40 by The Notetaker » Sun May 19, 2019 7:40 am

Sometimes you have those crazy moments where you just want to try something. Welcome to Inferno Reckless Summon in Cyber Dragons and draft 1 of my attempt to witness it in action.

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