The Downfall of Dueling Book

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The Downfall of Dueling Book

Post #1 by Sound4 » Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:55 pm

Users are somewhat respectful at times but I have seen that this site promotes toxicity for users to promote. Users rarely ever acknowledge to what they did wrong. At times you can feel uncomfortable talking to people like this. In duels judges don't really do much but the issue that is in the duel judges take long. I will say judges usually have some difficulty resolving the issue but most of the time the issue is not even resolved. Calling judges can take 30 minutes this not only waste the users time but get the angry. Users on DB are pretty toxic and it is difficult trying to deal with this. Overall I don't have a huge problem with users on this site but some.

2. Judges.

I did give some credit to the judges in my previous paragraph but after doing research and experiences. I have some serious issues with judges on this site. They are really bias and most of the times they don't resolve the issue correctly or handle horribly. The judges consistently avoid questions or answers and don't acknowledge the players point and don't give valid responses or they just give response that don't fully reply. The judge lack context as they came right in the duel or don't listen to what the player has to say. The judges are quite uncomfortable to talk to as they always feel they have this sense of superiority over others. You have private messages with them and they are quite rude. This site asks for respect but how can respe t if there is no respect between users and players. As long as everyone get a long with each other and judges don't ignore what another user is saying this site would not have so many issues. One more thing is how judges are inactive this gives the opportunity for trolls to get wins illegitimately or get rating easily. I assume that DB prefer not to give volunteers schedules as they are volunteering but from what I have read and researched they are many volunteers who have schedules so this is not a good enough reason. The purpose of volunteering offers the chance to give something back to the community or make a difference to the people around them. For others it provides an opportunity to develop new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge. Most of these are 25+ years of age but if you can not be active consistently you should not volunteering judges need to be more active. Plus the judges take no accountability for their mistakes whatsoever but they players to take accountability for a player mistake. It has to be fair.

3. Rules
The rules are extremely inconsistent. The ban/freeze changes constantly with no explanation. For example, if AFK you can get frozen for 3 days but if you do it again you can get frozen for 6 days so what was the point in putting in the rules 3 days for AFK? This constant rule changing is what makes users angry and fed up with this site except sticking with what you have said. If DB are going to change the rules consistently then there is clearly no point in having rules. I suggest you get rid of time length altogether on the rules say "the more strikes you get the longer your ban/ freeze length.

4.Dueling Book as a whole
My issues with DB that it is vey slow in duels. Db attempts at replicating in real life duels but this game is extremely flawed. Db is slow it can take up to 60 minutes to just finish one duel. The judges can take 30 minutes to come. When speaking to users a lot time they pressure to ake your next move when you are thinking this can make the opponent angry and result in both player being toxic. My biggest issue though that DB is very slow.

4.The Downfall I believe these reasons will result in the downfall of DB my research has brought me to this conclusion. Perhaps these issues will be fixed but I doubt it.
Last edited by Sound4 on Wed Jul 14, 2021 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #2 by Wek » Mon Jun 28, 2021 7:32 pm

*Makes bunch of random claims with no proof*
*Follows it up with evidence they don't know the rules*

Sound4 wrote:3. Rules
The rules are extremely inconsistent. The ban/freeze changes constantly with no explanation. For example, if AFK you can get frozen for 3 days but if you do it again you can get frozen for 6 days so what was the point in putting in the rules 3 days for AFK? This constant rule changing is what makes users angry and fed up with this site except sticking with what you have said. If DB are going to change the rules consistently then there is clearly no point in having rules. I suggest you get rid of time length altogether on the rules say "the more strikes you get the longer your ban/ freeze length. Here is a secret document that goes over the rules of DB. They put it on the front page, in green saying rules. Within this document contains the secrets of how the strike count relates to the freeze length, in the fourth bulleted option at the top.

Frozen status is calculated by the listed amount of days, multiplied by the number of strikes that user has accumulated.

For those versed in the advanced mathematics of multiplication, a pattern emerges. When the strike count increases, somehow the multiplication results in the number getting bigger! :o I'll take a wild guess that the third time you get frozen, if it was for mal AFK, that somehow it will be for 9 days! :o Should you have the ability to multiple 3 by 3, you too can deduce this!

Duelingbook has problems, but at the rate your research is going, you're never going to figure them out. :lol:

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Post #3 by Renji Asuka » Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:08 pm

Oh time to rip Ingeneiro a new asshole again. (viewtopic.php?f=21&t=16070&start=100 GenexWrecker confirms Sound4 is Ingeneiro in this thread).

"Users are somewhat respectful at times but I have seen that this site promotes toxicity for users to promote. Users rarely ever acknowledge to what they did wrong."

Meanwhile, you refused to admit what you did was wrong in that duel here: especially when you know damn well you were stalling your opponent deliberately for over a half hour...Which is frankly, really toxic of you.

"They are really bias and most of the times they don't resolve the issue correctly or handle horribly."

You only provided 1 replay in which all 3 judges screwed up (in my opinion) which was 2 weeks after proof was asked for in the thread by Christen57. Which shows that they aren't as bias or resolve issues incorrectly as you make it out to be. Especially since you didn't have proof prior, and that isn't getting into the fact it took you 2 WEEKS to get ANY proof.

"The judges are quite uncomfortable to talk to as they always feel they have this sense of superiority over others. You have private messages with them and they are quite rude. " This is all your opinion.

"This site asks for respect but how can respe t if there is no respect between users and players. " Respect is earned, not a right first off, second of all just don't be an ass and you won't have any issues. Like you were in that replay I linked.

"As long as everyone get a long with each other and judges don't ignore what another user is saying this site would not have so many issues." You literally created the situation in which you were in a duel for over 80 minutes...You don't have a right to complain about this.

"One more thing is how judges are inactive this gives the opportunity for trolls to get wins illegitimately or get rating easily." You mean just like how you won your duel illegitimately in the replay I provided?

"Most of these are 25+ years of age but if you can not be active consistently you should not volunteering judges need to be more active." As much as I want to rail on you for this, I actually do wish judges were active more. Or even just have a schedule, but then again I won't rehash that as GenexWrecker knows my arguments regarding this issue.

"Plus the judges take no accountability for their mistakes whatsoever but they players to take accountability for a player mistake." Sorry, you have 0 proof of this claim. So I'm more likely to believe you are making shit up.

"The rules are extremely inconsistent." No they're not. The rules that are listed are a general guideline. When something hits a grey area, admins react accordingly. Just because a specific rule isn't listed, doesn't mean it is part of the ruleset, otherwise you'd have a giant list of rules and no one reads through that shit.

" This constant rule changing is what makes users angry and fed up with this site except sticking with what you have said" You have no idea what you're talking about here. Here's the thing, go read on how punishments are given here: then look at the 4th bullet.

"I suggest you get rid of time length altogether on the rules say "the more strikes you get the longer your ban/ freeze length." They already do, which I addressed above...Just shows you did 0 research...

"My issues with DB that it is vey slow in duels." Didn't I just go over this? In the replay provided, YOU CHOSE to make a duel that shouldn't had lasted for more than 20 minutes to go to 80+ minutes.
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Post #4 by ntakonta » Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:33 pm

I’ll have to admit that this thread picked my interest, so let me leave my opinions and thoughts, about the 5 points made here.

1) The site by no means promotes toxicity, there are punishments about toxic behavior (those punishments are stated in the rules). Only a minority of the player base is actually disrespectful and while you may actually get paired against such an individual, most of your time here will be devoid of such an occurrence. However if you do end up meeting them, you should call a judge if you are playing rated, while progressing the game state (or just quit if playing unrated) and if a judge doesn’t end up handling the issue, you should report them in the forums in the following link providing a link to that replay and action will be taken against them ( posting.php?mode=post&f=7 )

2) Two points were made about judges, the first being about them not acting properly. That is not the case since judges on this site act professionally. What you are describing there is probably one of your own experiences where you believe you have been mistreated by a judge (if that is the case you should report them with the appropriate evidence in the link given above, if they have indeed acted in a wrong way, action against them will be taken). The second point made was about fact that there won’t always be a judge online to take your call. The reason for that is that there are few who volunteer to be a judge on db that actually have the right qualifications for that. To add to that, you propose that, I quote “if you can not be active consistently you should not volunteering judges need to be more active.”. If people that couldn’t always be activate didn’t volunteer for this position then there would be even less judges online to take your call, meaning more waiting time for a judge. The advice I can offer here is what I personally do and I have to say it works. Always communicate with your opponent, the majority of judge calls that take a long time to solve stem from miscommunication.

3) This should be covered in the first few lines here:

4) Duel in DB and in real life do take a lot of time sometimes, that is something that can happen in this game. However the average amount of time it takes for a judge to take/handle your call is far less than the mentioned 30 minutes.

5) The downfall: Regardless if the aforementioned are true or not, DB doesn’t seem to be in decline, I would say that in fact the opposite could be said here, the average player number is above what it was a year ago. Even if the whole pandemic helped boost the player base number, those players won’t just abandon the site when it is over. The downfall of DB may come on day, but it won’t be anytime soon.
(Also I would like to see the research you mentioned about this whole thing, what is the proof that the site is in decline or in a highway towards it’s impending doom?)

I am aware that there are others that responding before me leaving their own thoughts and criticism in the thread but wanted to leave mine as well.

Don’t know what to write as closure to this whole thing, so I’ll just wish you have a nice day/night.

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Post #5 by greg503 » Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:11 pm

Well, now they're ban evading
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Post #6 by Lil Oldman » Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:13 pm

I think you are mixing moonsamurai and Ingeniero mixed up. (unless Ingeniero was also banned)
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Post #7 by Genexwrecker » Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:30 pm

1.) The userbase itself is very healthy and a good representation of the yugioh community as a whole. While yes there are very toxic users that are just around to troll we dont do anything because they cause 0 harm if people just ignore them. We have given users the tools to deal with all trolls themselves. The problem is people dont ignore the trolls then take offense when they are baited into their toxic regime and the judge wont do anything about it. Most judge calls take 2 minutes to resolve. It is when cases especially like yours where you stalled the game where they might take longer due to needing to investigate the entire gamestate leading up to that moment and possibly appeals.

2.) These are simply your opinions and frankly your opinions hold very little value in this discussion considering you are constantly breaking the terms of service and very blatantly might I add. Any judges who act with bias are promptly removed from the judge team. We removed a few judges that had acted this way since we started hiring. There is always a bad apple in a batch of good ones but 99 times out of 100 the judges are acting accordingly or to the best of their ability. We are taking calls when available this entire site is run by volunteers none of us get paid and even the owner of the site itself rarely is able to be active and provide work on it along with head administrators The resource judges which are green are the most available staff and the easiest to approach and contact. If you do not like a free service you pay nothing for that we provide out of the good of our hearts you are not required to use it as is with any product or service you would use irl. As for judges not being approachable many of them are and in fact we encourage you to approach us with anything appropriate. I myself have made massive efforts over the years to communicate with the userbase the most while in judge mode and just have fun and a good time with the users. I'll even play along with users in unrated if the calls are taken care of and they have invited me.

3.) The rules are actually extremely consistant. Yes the rules can change at anytime but that is also disclosed in our terms of service and it is your responsibility to stay up to date. Similarly to laws they can change at a moments notice without your knowledge and it is your responsibility to know the laws and to follow them. As for the length being inconsistant that is also not true as you have not read the rules page many have provided above or you just did not piece the 2 together. Freezes are equal to the length given multiplied by the number of repeat offenses(strikes). This is to deter repeat behavior as consistantly breaking our terms of service can lead to weeks sometimes months of being removed from the site. as for when we apply penalties that is entirely up to the judge in the game. Our goal is to resolve a situation. If a situation can be resolved without freezing even if We "could" apply the penalty then you shouldnt freeze and that would be the best resolution.

4.) Yugioh is a slow/fast paced game. The plays are fast but turns can last 10-20 minutes and that is very normal both on db and irl.

5.) Db is not in any sort of downfall I dont know if you look at numbers or statistics but our userbase has skyrocketed over the past 3 years. When I started as staff here we had no judge exam and did not hire judges the judges were merely recruited by the owner. The userbase barely got to 6 or 700 every day. overtime the users approached 800 and 900 at a time and then we conistantly broke 1000 in 2019 in 2020 we were always able to get around 11-1300 users online at once and now we currently are usually at around 1200-1700 users at any given time except late in the night central standard time. Db is thriving and more people are getting into the game than ever before.

I'm not sure what drove you to post this but your views are very skewed as you only have negative experiences on duelingbook because you keep breaking the rules or are constantly very disrespectful to users on the site resulting in them not treating you with respect or trolling you.
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Post #8 by Debt » Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:37 am

I don't see a downfall.
This is just negativity bias and hyperbole.

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Post #9 by Sound4 » Tue Jun 29, 2021 4:16 pm

Genexwrecker I am going to be honest with you this reply is not good and can get debunked easily. Also I am not igneiro alt account this is an alt account but not for igneiro.

1.I clearly said that users are somewhat respectful but this site promotes toxicity. I am not talking about the yugioh community just DB. I don't know what tools you are talking about but trolling has not got any better from the start of dB it is still alive and well. I don't know you know how difficult to ignore trolls especially on rated and judges are not active. Users are competive and trying to get to get better but with trolls this results in the opponent also get angry and frustrated. Plus the fact you said troll cause 0 harm it damages the sites reputation.

2) Where is your proof of judges being fired for being bias? Here is a n example of judge not handling the duel correctly and being bias and awful. ... 0W1MN-4WJ0
You asked proof here it is
I understand this site is being run by volunteers but that is not a good enough excuse. Whether you are getting paid or not you need to put 100% effort to make this site running and a great experience. They need active as possible this is not difficult to understand. Yes judges ask them if you help with a problem in the game but from what I have from the forums they don't listen to what you say or give bad responses. You know there is a reason why people complain about how the responses are not to justify a punishment of some sort.

3. The rules are inconsistent you even admit that they can change. Also you said that they can change this is disclosed in Terms of service no users have access to that. The rules are the best source we can refer to but if you change the rules then there is clearly no point in having rules. The law comparison is not at least they say publicly that the law has changed but you staff don't you change stuff without notice. I will say that my point on ban/freezes was not the best I will credit you there Genexwrecker. Let me reword what I meant is that some of sense are worse than others but the less worse offense gets penalised more. How is that fair?

4. You don't really answer what I said here. Yugioh at most take 13 minutes per round look on google and yu gi oh site. A game (or “Duel”) takes around 10 minutes to complete, making it a fast and enjoyable experience for players of all ages and skill levels. With Skill Cards putting players in the shoes of their favourite Yu-Gi-Oh!29. You are not only wrong but you also lied.

5. My proof on why I believe this believe the downfall of ... t_popular/
Also there are two specific reasons why people play this game. One is this game is very easy to troll and the pandemic so more people playing as they are at home.

I provided proof this time on my claims.
Last edited by Sound4 on Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #10 by Sound4 » Tue Jun 29, 2021 4:18 pm

Renji Asuka I am going to be honest with you this reply is not good and can get debunked easily. Also I am not igneiro alt account this is an alt account but not for igneiro.

1.I clearly said that users are somewhat respectful but this site promotes toxicity. I am not talking about the yugioh community just DB. I don't know what tools you are talking about but trolling has not got any better from the start of dB it is still alive and well. I don't know you know how difficult to ignore trolls especially on rated and judges are not active. Users are competive and trying to get to get better but with trolls this results in the opponent also get angry and frustrated. Plus the fact you said troll cause 0 harm it damages the sites reputation.

2) Where is your proof of judges being fired for being bias? Here is a n example of judge not handling the duel correctly and being bias and awful. ... 0W1MN-4WJ0
You asked proof here it is
I understand this site is being run by volunteers but that is not a good enough excuse. Whether you are getting paid or not you need to put 100% effort to make this site running and a great experience. They need active as possible this is not difficult to understand. Yes judges ask them if you help with a problem in the game but from what I have from the forums they don't listen to what you say or give bad responses. You know there is a reason why people complain about how the responses are not to justify a punishment of some sort.

3. The rules are inconsistent you even admit that they can change. Also you said that they can change this is disclosed in Terms of service no users have access to that. The rules are the best source we can refer to but if you change the rules then there is clearly no point in having rules. The law comparison is not at least they say publicly that the law has changed but you staff don't you change stuff without notice. I will say that my point on ban/freezes was not the best I will credit you there Genexwrecker. Let me reword what I meant is that some of sense are worse than others but the less worse offense gets penalised more. How is that fair?

4. You don't really answer what I said here. Yugioh at most take 13 minutes per round look on google and yu gi oh site. A game (or “Duel”) takes around 10 minutes to complete, making it a fast and enjoyable experience for players of all ages and skill levels. With Skill Cards putting players in the shoes of their favourite Yu-Gi-Oh!29. You are not only wrong but you also lied.

5. My proof on why I believe this believe the downfall of dbdb ... t_popular/
Also there are two specific reasons why people play this game. One is this game is very easy to troll and the pandemic so more people playing as they are at home.

I provided proof this time on my claims.
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Last edited by Sound4 on Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #11 by Lil Oldman » Tue Jun 29, 2021 4:24 pm

Sound4 wrote:I am not igneiro alt account this is an alt account but not for igneiro.

Mods already said that your account and ingeniero's are joined together.
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Post #12 by Sound4 » Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:00 pm

Lull Odman how seriously this is not igneiro alt account I only replied to igneiro because I watch farfa from time to time and I know he cheats. Also Genexwrecker provided no proof of what he was saying.

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Post #13 by troglyte » Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:08 pm

Sound4 wrote:5. My proof on why I believe this believe the downfall of dbdb ... t_popular/
Also there are two specific reasons why people play this game. One is this game is very easy to troll and the pandemic so more people playing as they are at home.

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I called it! You ARE a redditor! While I'm not at all surprised that you lied, I am still disappointed that you weren't honest with me. Also, the links are broken, you need to fix that.
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Post #14 by Genexwrecker » Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:14 pm

I'm not going to dox your info to prove anything dude.
and you have no need to know which judges were removed for being biased that is none of your concern You have been informed judges are fired for inappropriate behavior and have been fired. stop demanding sacrifices on a silver platter to make an example out of them.
You also need to stop treating us like a business. We provide the website for fun. The owner provides it for fun. We are not trying to run a company here stop trying to treat it like we have quotas to meet.

You yourself clearly hate the site so if it is something you do not find fun you are free to not use it.
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Post #15 by Sound4 » Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:25 pm

Genexwrecker you say that it is none of my business but why mention it in the first place? I am asking for proof so your claim can be proven. You are not acknowledging any of my points and taking no accountability whatsoever. When did ever treat like a business? I clearly said that whether you are paid or not it is essential to put 100% effort if you think I am lying go on google and see for yourself. What is your problem writing something out of nowhere except trying to be respectful about. I never expected staff to be this rude. I never said I hate the site I said it has its flaws and provided and reasons why I came to this conclusions. I came to this conclusion from research which you also ignored.

Have a nice day.

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Post #16 by Christen57 » Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:31 pm

Sound4 wrote:Genexwrecker you say that it is none of my business but why mention it in the first place? I am asking for proof so your claim can be proven. You are not acknowledging any of my points and taking no accountability whatsoever. When did ever treat like a business? I clearly said that whether you are paid or not it is essential to put 100% effort if you think I am lying go on google and see for yourself. What is your problem writing something out of nowhere except trying to be respectful about. I never expected staff to be this rude. I never said I hate the site I said it has its flaws and provided and reasons why I came to this conclusions. I came to this conclusion from research which you also ignored.

Have a nice day.

Wait what else needs to be proven?

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Post #17 by Genexwrecker » Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:42 pm

and we put 100% of our effort into the site. Very disrespectful of you to say we arent
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Post #18 by Wek » Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:44 pm

OP got wrecked so hard by me they can't even reply to it, lel.

It should be telling their description of their own replies are "I am going to be honest with you this reply is not good and can get debunked easily." They post links that don't work and dodge things too difficult for them to reply to. Their replies are low quality garbage and their research varies from nonexistent to incompetent.

Perhaps one day someone will make a thread about the actual problems of Duelingbook, but it one failed spectacularly. It completely avoided the actual problems, instead choosing to post meaningless garbage. If anything the only thing it managed to succeed it was highlighting some of the strong suits of the site.

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Post #19 by PENMASTER » Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:35 pm

im to lazy to read all of this only the first few comments and the first post most of this is just rambling honestly now i think the rules should be a bit tight because I've seen judges react differently to similar situations but yea different people but rules are rules plus i don't know the strikes on the account and people should be told of what they did to properly defend themself if they got punished unfairly and the only sense of superiority i got was from darkpheonix

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Post #20 by PENMASTER » Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:39 pm

oh yea my biggest gripe with this site is trolls in unrated so your pretty much forced to quit the duel and feed their ego and shit

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