Quitting it all except DuelingBook

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Re: Quitting it all except DuelingBook

Post #41 by Storm Crow » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:03 pm

Alisae wrote:
Storm Crow wrote:Ok so like people messaging me on discord linking this thread, and here is what I think.

1. Judges have lives and aren't here to catter to your TO needs. they're here to come some sort of order for rated only anything beyond that is a courtesy to go into unrated games and settles disputes, it's suppose to be the TOs job to know basic konami tournament policy and rulings to deal with these sort of issues on their own.

2. any TO who enters their own event is a moron for many reasons of bias and the fact, if a dispute comes up while you're in a game you would have to quit. TOs DO NOT JOIN THEIR OWN EVENTS, that's common sense.

3. The Judges I do not think suck I think it's more of DB staff's structure is not all there which causes issues. Dueling Network was the same way when it first came out so you should at least keep this in mind before judging the staff. not everything is in their control if you want to be real here.

4. y'all need to take a step back and realize roasting each other doesn't get any of you further in whatever sick shit you have going on. you simply laugh about it for a second before realizing you now have the bullshit posse of he roasted so and so, so now a bunch of people are roasting me. wow what a shocker.

5. another fact no one seems to grasp is if people want more judges don't give them a reason to not want to log on and take calls let alone deal with the rabble o moderating a toxic as fuck environment.
Bisou isn’t DB. We strictly aren’t allowed to enter our own tournaments, since we’re supposed to be focusing on making sure it runs as smoothly as possible.

While your post is basically a nice takeaway of the thread, I don’t think it will actually mean much in the long run :/

Won't mean anything because no one knows how to read as lantern said. god bless his soul

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Post #42 by Twisted Soul » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:08 pm

cherieontop wrote:Alisae, we went from friends on 1 day to you hating me on the next, i tried to talk to you to see what the issue was but you always refused. now i finally see what the issue seems to be. so lets address each point.
The day you joined DB TO team your hate for me started, if you want to pick a side DB or CYO thats fine, i never saw it as a rivalry. i joined DB staff because i genuinely saw it as an opportunity to fix the problems directly and i made that very clear to genex from the beginning, Runzy is the one who sees CYO as a rival but it was never meant to be that. Its 2 communities with the same goal, at least on the surface, 1 is genuine the other one maybe not - but its a positive to the community regardless so i would never go against it.
i dont understand how you got the impression that i see you or other people as resource or objects, the whole purpose of the server is the exact opposite and ask any of the regulars or staff members im sure they will disagree with you. when neffy ridiculed the pronouns i tried to calm him down because i noticed its personal to you. when you had a conflict with asasd i tried to make peace. when you offered to spend money to support CYO tournaments i said no thanks because i feel bad taking money from others. when we talked about CL and you promised to take care of it but then didnt, i didnt get angry i asked you if everything is ok, i assumed you had personal problems but you refused to talk about it, i told you that i hate lies and you rage quitted which really disappointed me. i was still worried about you but assumed you need time alone until i found out you went on make hateful comments about me behind my back.
i dont understand how you got the impression that i didnt care people or their feelings, i do care about expanding because its necessary to create a platform for competitive players. but it doesnt make sense to conclude that this means i dont care about people. i genuinely try to help, if you dont see this you are blinded by bias. i also dont encourage scummy practices like you said, i can assume what youre refering to but i explain the details of each tournament to all participants personally, i never lie, not even half truths, thats just a crazy accusation that works for your narrative. you accuse me of manipulating and faking none of this is true. i really hate what youve become, this hateful dishonest person although i do have hope that youre just misinformed or blinded by bias.

Runzy, i cant add anything to what i have already said, you are doing exactly what i have predicted in my post above, going on damage control and falsly accusing me of lying. you didnt say a single thing of substance. every single point you make can be summarized to "no you are lying, no you!" i genuinely did nothing wrong, and everything is provable by chat logs. i was trying to help this community since 2014 and that unfortunately includes getting involved with toxic people which only brought me problems. i realized months ago that its a pointless effort so i created my own community so that i can fix the problem myself WHILE avoiding the problem.
I didnt want to start this whole argument, this isnt about DB, this isnt about CYO, i just tried to help Blank because he seemed disappointed just like i am. that was met with hate because of a personal grudge that i had no chance of knowing about. now i find myself once again getting falsy accused by people desperately trying to destroy my reputation to clean theirs. if lies or false accusations are spread about me i have to defend myself which i did. but it just causes an endless cycle of lies and hate which is the very thing i want to avoid. you will never change, just leave my name out of it.

if anyone reading this doesnt know who is telling the truth, just let me know, i can lay everything open and prove every single statement because i never do anything that i would need to hide and all the lies about me are easily debunked. other than that, i'm out.

Simply just calling out your lies no damage control. That's all and this is my last comment here. Maybe stop lying and falsyfing events? cool cya. PS. next time don't add my name to ur bs.
Until we meet again.

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Post #43 by {Skyrim}Natsu » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:16 pm

Alisae dude I'm Bisou's friend and what I see right now is a bunch of shitheads trying to pick a fight with her. So I feel pretty involved XD

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Post #44 by Lost in Illusions » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:19 pm

all i want is a dbycs. oh wait...

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Post #45 by Lost in Illusions » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:20 pm

{Skyrim}Natsu wrote:Alisae dude I'm Bisou's friend and what I see right now is a bunch of shitheads trying to pick a fight with her. So I feel pretty involved XD


that's not a number bro. thats the amount of fucks we give about your existence <3

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Post #46 by Prae Yoshiru » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:22 pm

Last edited by Prae Yoshiru on Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post #47 by Lost in Illusions » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:25 pm

Prae Yoshiru wrote:
cherieontop wrote:Alisae, we went from friends on 1 day to you hating me on the next, i tried to talk to
Alright, lets break this down.I wont get into the personal stuff you had with other people and I wont be touching on that, but some stuff you said worries me.To start of, you cant say you care about people when you open the thread by saying that the DB staff, which quoting your words, are your allies and then proceed to link your server as something more or something mandatory that will magically fix all of your issues and say the DB staff sucks.You go on about trying to fix the existing issues in the community, but the point of your "community" is avoiding all of the problems and not fixing anything.You think you can fix rated by having your own rated?You can't.You can't fix one problem by making an alternative and calling it a solution.The lack of DB staff is a problem but its a problem that relies on the community not on the DB staff team itself.

If you are disappointed in the state of DB such as Blank, doesn't that say something about your intentions as you were staff as well and nothing you have done has resulted in success?

You go on talking about people trying to ruin your reputation, but don't you believe that the actions you have taken led to that point?People don't hate on people just because of their success.If what you are doing was truly morally correct and good for the community, don't you believe you would be supported and loved by the community?Guess not...

You don't support scummy practices and don't want to get involved with scummy people, but promoting your server and offering false improvements to a hopeless player who wishes there to be positive change is not scummy at all from you?Then again, the people defending you are all scum so your point is invalid twice.

You didn't defend yourself, you made yourself look like the "good person" and avoided all of the points that people made.Its ironic saying that people will never change, when you are the one trying to change people.

All in all, you are a scummy person that only wants clout and that's all you care about.All of that is spoken from your staff choice, to your server, to your responses.

I could go on but I'll end it here.

wtf dude didnt we agree we let the kids fight and laugh instead of ruining them???? plz dont end these kids i want to enjoy their comments of autism............

unbelievable betrayal......

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Post #48 by {Skyrim}Natsu » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:29 pm

Goa like I said you are just here to have another dick fight with Kralj. Also I don't care how many fucks you give. I honestly pity you guys. All the shit you are saying and you still claim to not be corrupt. Props to Goa he admitted he was cancer.

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Post #49 by Storm Crow » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:30 pm

Wow y'all take autistic to a new level.

it reminds me of DNF's Autism it was unique glorious and sickening like when you eat too much chocolate then get sick.

Also Krajl STFU and stop being a white knight it doesn't suite you nor would it ever.

Cheriontop you realize it's better to be thought a fool and say nothing than open your mouth and confirm it, right? you don't need help ruining your reputation you do that all on your own.

@Natsu, If stating things is fighting words I'd hate to see what actual fighting words are.

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Post #50 by Alisae » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:31 pm

Kralj don’t talk to me ever again. I don’t appreciate your transphobic mindset.

Bisou, I’m dropping it here. I kinda felt touched when you mentioned a lot of those things, but there are still some red flags and issues that you need to address for yourself.
I could try to continue this, but it won’t lead anywhere. I will still try to find things that are wrong with what you are saying (because ~reasons~ there’s more to it then just tunnel vision, as thats only a symptom of depression), and you’ll still back down. If you cared about ME or not, I don’t know anymore.

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Post #51 by Storm Crow » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:37 pm

Oh also Krajl Don't drop my team's name ever you were the person who dropped SoS when you have no right to do it again I'm going to come after you.

further more Stop being emotional over this stupid shit the dude who made this thread said farewell take your drama and petty shit shove it up your asses y'all making yourselves look stupid.

GOA, Genex, Exiled Tombstone, Twisted Soul are like the most correct people in the thread the rest are either irrelevant emotional or autistic beyond help. Please get help

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Post #52 by Lost in Illusions » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:41 pm

unreal.. i knew cherie was retarded and had brain issues when she kept annoying me till 1am for her dumb af ideas but i didnt think cherie was this disgusting...

thanks alisae and runzy for throwing some light on the truth :D

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Post #53 by __Blank__ » Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:11 pm

cherieontop wrote:
Pfannkuchen wrote:
cherieontop wrote:The problem is that DB staff really sucks.

If we all suck that badly, make sure to get own Judges for your CYO. I'm not going to help you and your people in the Unrated section anymore for your tournaments if you tell us in the same breath that we suck and that multiple times now (and I hope some others won't do this either).

Idk why you assume i meant every staff member is bad, it would be impossible for me to know that and i never judge someone i dont know and always give the benefit of the doubt (same can not be said about some of the staff however). im rather refering to a few fundamental problems on DB...
You are coming from a position of representing something at all times, CYO, are you not? Perhaps you need to work on that image as to not make it dwindle to dust.
If you state it in my farewell thread, bringing up the staff as if to debate it, then that was a rather idiotic mistake, if you are trying to liven the scene why publicize the issues you find again on my thread, instead of solutions to solve said issues (Which I see no suggestions for ironically)

DB has been corrupt since day 1, it started with respawn in 3 and xteven, then magi and tombstone and lastly runzy and others, seeing how they all ended in high positions tells a lot about whats wrong with DB. Recently i was offered a position as TO by genex who told me her vision to bring things back to how they were on DN. she promised to discuss future plans and ideas which i really appreciated but that turned out to be a lie. during that time it became clear what the problem is.
Genex did inquire with me, on trying to liven the scene, however the issue is Staff drop the line (We have lives) when they make optimal effort to communicate (Been there done that with Ozone Live Chat, and DN War Chat, amusing how history repeats itself. It would appear that not all remember what REALLY caused the Tournament scene to die "the last time"
In my time as official TO there was not a single day without a fellow staff member lying or manipulating something,the way of working lacks organization and logic, it became apparent that its always about maintaining status or moving up the ladder instead of helping the users. it even goes so far that a fellow TO sabotages a tournament because he sees the host as a threat to his own status. i noticed that staff are too afraid to call out the mistakes of higher ups and those that arent get seeded out real quick, that just creates a toxic work environment.
This I actually haven't seen much, however I do recall issues akin to this in the past with DN particularly. It's funny people keep saying this isn't DN because in all reality it is minus the CTD Citation and the Owner is a Different Person, so naturally different management results, however the same issues that caused DNF to slow down was the staff went away, got "busy with life" or "had kids" and the bottom line is the forum is going to die eventually, it's just a matter of when, and how long the staff want to keep this cycle going.I agree it's a shit management of users seeking color status to make excuses not to do their volunteer position, so they keep their status. REAL staff who do not have time would relinquish their power until they could resume, as most Notable Admins of DN did, VantageSP being a frequent one.
actual good and honest people will not stay or not get a chance in the first place, its too much about connections and bias instead of character and qualification. (funny how genex hired me because of recommendation of other staff "despite" my ban history, instead of making her own judgement and realizing that it was always unjustified. this only proves my point).

Any time a user reports a judge immediately the response is blind bias a la "Lmao you probably cheated and now you are salty" "the judge is a good guy he would never do that" when the problem could be simply resolved by looking into the facts & evidence. when seriously bad things a user did got mentioned they would just laugh it off which shows that there is not even an attempt to keep a healthy community, people are even discouraged to report because they know its pointless. as a result serious players leave and whats left is a community of toxic trolls.
Tell me about it, I called out numerous people for things that get ruled as misunderstanding or misclicks, which end up being blatant attempts to cheat (and getting caught), I stopped caring to report such users, as nothing gets done, I get 2 reports back out of over 8-10 total that I sent on this forum, and all I requested a reply back (Geez I wonder why I didn't get one?)
Certain staff members talking shit and lie behind peoples back, xteven banning innocent users and allowing his friend to boost in rated then lie about it, instances of judges gamelossing users they dont like for no good reason, the tournament scene is dead, the war scene is dead, rated is dead, the forum is dead, the db server is full of toxic people harrassing users and the staff joins in.
So that's why everyone is on DuelingNexus?
I only care about creating a fair and enjoyable environment to play the game i love, because that has been missing for a long time. ive been trying to help for years but i finally realized i cant change the problem, thats why i created an alternative and a lot of people appreciate it. Again im not talking about ALL staff members but certainly the ones in control and the fundamental problems with the db hierarchy. i never said that there arent good staff members you just assumed that for no reason because you WANT me to be wrong, i never interacted with you Pfannkuchen and never saw you do anything wrong so i have no reason to judge you. i think everyone with a bit of common sense understands that. too many people always assume what fits their narrative instead of being HONEST.
Anyone with common sense knows that in a serious discussion, you discuss the matter seriously, and look over what you said. That misconception (if existant at all) is your fault, but I really do not care about that.
We do have judges on CYO, ones that get scrutinized and held accountable if they were to ever treat a user wrong, i wont allow things to be done behind the back. however punishing other people on my server because you got offended by my statement is just closeminded. every conflict starts with lack of information, every conflict can be resolved with an honest discussion but if that gets denied then it cant be helped.

It's funny considering the TO I shittalked about IS you!

cherieontop aka bisou ontop

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Post #54 by __Blank__ » Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:20 pm

Hang on I got a Paragraph I am preparing for Tomorrow.

There are a LOT of good points I want to point out, so be sure to watch for it.
*I might just stay until I post those points, then leave, but this back and forth is quite amusing*

For those that are NOT aware, my prior handle on DN History is rather tainted with abuse, and unfair situations, including but not limited to a 7 day ban for calling a senior admin retarded, because they refused to handled my opponent's cheating.


In anycase I got a much clearer perspective of life, mainly due to removing my toxic and manipulative best friend from my life, and feeling a sense of relief.

I have tried myself for many times to get both wars and tournaments going, however I did find ANY tournament that I DID NOT host, was GETTING people, and then mine were getting less.

Give you one conspiracy theory why? *Staff didn't like me* I called out abuse then, and I will gladly continue to call it out when I see it, but the main thing I will add is a lot of the fire will be directed at cheries, and catching up to the 2+ pages I have left to read.

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Post #55 by vVv Centurians » Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:20 pm

cherieontop is not only stupid enough to enter her/his own events

but also abused ygoscope and nolifed to top singles, and still abuses ygoscope to this day.

all things aside this thread was a good read LOL

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Post #56 by __Blank__ » Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:24 pm

Oh sorry before I go I got one last post, this is to cherie / bisou

B. Ineligible Players
Any tournament official associated with or working an event cannot play in that specific event. This
includes, but is not limited to, the Judge Staff, Scorekeeper, Registration Staff, and Tournament Organizer.

https://www.yugioh-card.com/ygo_cms/ygo ... cy_1_4.pdf

Brush up kid!

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Post #57 by __Blank__ » Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:27 pm

vVv Centurians wrote:cherieontop is not only stupid enough to enter her/his own events

but also abused ygoscope and nolifed to top singles, and still abuses ygoscope to this day.

all things aside this thread was a good read LOL

They put themselves in instead of me, and then claimed they entered their own "because it wasn't an official tournament" when they could have had me added to the Tournament Scene.

My accounts on here have been

Strike Ninja
Kenny Ackermann

I have even hosted on here when living with my Ex Roommate/Best-Friend, and I ALWAYS made sure everyone ELSE got into my tournaments, and I highly detested under my own. I would never enter myself OVER someone else EVER because I CARE about the TOURNAMENT SCENE.

I hope you see the issue with your logic cherie, but everything I have read thus far is garbage coming from your mouth with a mile long list of excuses for your behaviours

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Post #58 by vVv Centurians » Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:35 pm

cherieontop wrote:Any time a user reports a judge immediately the response is blind bias a la "Lmao you probably cheated and now you are salty" "the judge is a good guy he would never do that" when the problem could be simply resolved by looking into the facts & evidence. when seriously bad things a user did got mentioned they would just laugh it off which shows that there is not even an attempt to keep a healthy community, people are even discouraged to report because they know its pointless. as a result serious players leave and whats left is a community of toxic trolls.

Certain staff members talking shit and lie behind peoples back, xteven banning innocent users and allowing his friend to boost in rated then lie about it, instances of judges gamelossing users they dont like for no good reason, the tournament scene is dead, the war scene is dead, rated is dead, the forum is dead, the db server is full of toxic people harrassing users and the staff joins in.

I will give credit to cherie where its due. There are some really stupid judges, and yang did boost in rated before, we all know this and went unpunished and stayed judge. You have other judges like Runzy/etc. constantly sucking up to Xteven and stuff for a chance at a higher rank even if it means being a terrible person to his friends, making him a worthless person to be acquainted with and the reason I blocked him 2-3 months ago (he only noticed recently, see what I mean?). Judges giving gamelosses and freezes for harrassment when they've literally said in the past that they don't ban for harrassment because there's a block button. The tournament scene is dead, ozone was the only good server CYHO sucks as well as cherie. The rest of what bisou/cherie said is pretty much bs, the discord server is chill and the rated games are still really really good.

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Post #59 by __Blank__ » Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:41 pm

i dont enter my own tournaments, i did that in the very beginning because nobody else signed up and people got impatient for the tournament to start, and there were no other hosts, now there is an active community and other hosts so that is no longer necessary.

I CALL BULLSHIT RIGHT HERE, you were hosting via Bisou onTop and when I entered I was told i was too late, so I asked for the challonge link.


Rebuttal much?

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Post #60 by Genexwrecker » Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:48 pm

vVv Centurians wrote:
cherieontop wrote:Any time a user reports a judge immediately the response is blind bias a la "Lmao you probably cheated and now you are salty" "the judge is a good guy he would never do that" when the problem could be simply resolved by looking into the facts & evidence. when seriously bad things a user did got mentioned they would just laugh it off which shows that there is not even an attempt to keep a healthy community, people are even discouraged to report because they know its pointless. as a result serious players leave and whats left is a community of toxic trolls.

Certain staff members talking shit and lie behind peoples back, xteven banning innocent users and allowing his friend to boost in rated then lie about it, instances of judges gamelossing users they dont like for no good reason, the tournament scene is dead, the war scene is dead, rated is dead, the forum is dead, the db server is full of toxic people harrassing users and the staff joins in.

I will give credit to cherie where its due. There are some really stupid judges, and yang did boost in rated before, we all know this and went unpunished and stayed judge. You have other judges like Runzy/etc. constantly sucking up to Xteven and stuff for a chance at a higher rank even if it means being a terrible person to his friends, making him a worthless person to be acquainted with and the reason I blocked him 2-3 months ago (he only noticed recently, see what I mean?). Judges giving gamelosses and freezes for harrassment when they've literally said in the past that they don't ban for harrassment because there's a block button. The tournament scene is dead, ozone was the only good server CYHO sucks as well as cherie. The rest of what bisou/cherie said is pretty much bs, the discord server is chill and the rated games are still really really good.
mayhaps you read the policy which can be updated and changed without any prior notice. we do give losses and freezes for harassment if it meets our policy per regulations.
Official Duelingbook Support staff
Official Duelingbook Resource Judge
Official Duelingbook Tournament Admin.(Other tournament Admin is Runzy)

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