update/idea for custom cards format

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Re: update/idea for custom cards format

Post #21 by Debt » Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:15 am

Can't even be honest about it on your youtube channel.

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Post #22 by xDEADCENTREx » Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:37 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:
xDEADCENTREx wrote:people like you expect everyone to do things for them, because they expect it to be done for them.

CrystalMusic wrote:Do not assume you know anything about me. You do not know who I am IRL. I dont expect anything. There is a difference between expecting people to read duel notes and KNOWING how to read duel notes.

The thing is you seem to think that because people refuse / do not know how to read duel notes, that you will refuse to message them in Private to make sure they understand your duel note. This is an issue, because you are not doing everything in your power to solve your own issue. Further you suggest ideas that only you actually care for. If you read all your topic discussions this would be apparent to you, and I already advised creating a Pool to see what users actually would support your idea, something you still refuse to do (Probably because you didn't think of it)
For the last time: If you can read a card, you can read a duel note!!! There is NO excuse as to why you cant read a duel note if you can read a card. If you can read one thing, you can read other stuff.

Trolls exist for a reason, they will enter Duel Rooms with Notes to breach them, and it's not against this site's rules to do so. Because of that I advised for you to Private Message such users, but again I am being ignored and rebuttaled.
Reading a card but then refusing to read a duel note is whats called "Selective Reading" those with selective reading only read what they deem is important. Sorry to burst your bubble but my duel notes are vital for all my duels. My duel notes are the rules to my duels.

Yet you cannot message such users, and tell them "Have you read my duel note, and agree to my rules". SIMPLE and takes literally seconds to do and seconds for a response, further you save time by not accepting trolls. Block exists so if you do get a troll, you can try to Private Message them, and if it shows as blocked, you know they will not read your notes.
If those rules are disobeyed I do not enjoy the duel. As i stated in previous posts, I play on Duelingbook to cope with my autism, i need to enjoy playing on here to successfully cope with my autism.

I suffer from Aspey as well, so I know all to well that you do NOT need the site to cope with your Autism, and you actually need something that keeps you stress free, and to stop using excuse after excuse to NOT do something. Stop using disabilities as an excuse for ignorance, you only make Autistic people who don't use their disability as an excuse get aggravated
And the only way i enjoy yugioh today, because all the BS that is being used that makes the game highly un-enjoyable for me, is if one obeys my duel notes to the fullest.

Everyone's solution for this, disability or not is finding a game they enjoy more, or messaging people regarding the format they wish to play, and even back on DN this method of MESSAGING THE USER BEFORE ACCEPTING THEM was more successful in getting enjoyable duels, than being ignorant.
I wouldnt mind the current gen if it 90% of it wasnt revolved around spam summoning all the time.

Sounds like a personal problem, have you considered adapting? Have you made ANY attempt to try the new formats and mechanics? What do you dislike (besides spam summoning)? Have you considered joining the Discord Channel for Goat Library? It's a Discord Channel dedicated to GOAT Format, which seems more up your alley, as it doesn't have Spam Summoning at all. Most users use Pre-Cybernetic Revolution, so no Exarion Universe, or Cyber Dragon.

And that goes double for the ban list, dont even get me started on that! Raigeki, Dark Hole, ECT, cards that were banned for the longest time!

So again if you can read a cards effect, then you can read a duel note!!!

Those cards were unbanned, because they were not as powerful in the current meta, something you admit not to researching yourself, so yes I can and will get you started on that, because quite frankly you are uneducated, and pretend you know everything, when you know nothing, and you claim to have users that irritate you with not obeying your notes, something that you cannot even troubleshoot for yourself.

And do NOT assume that my opponents are the only ones getting frustrated! What do you think happens when one doesn't obey my duel notes??? So join the club!!!

I never said your opponent's were annoyed, most are probably trying to irritate you intentionally, however you are your own enemy when you refuse to apply any solution offered to you, instead you seem to have a superiority complex, where everything has to be your way or the highway. I would advise playing a Single Player game, as Multiplayer games seem to not suit you from my viewpoint.

You refuse to message other users, but expect the Moderators to create an idea for another pool for users because "only you" actually want it. Further you are the only person I know in this debate who REFUSES TO PRIVATE MESSAGE USERS ON SITE TO SOLVE YOUR OWN PROBLEM. I am not assuming I know you, I am using your posts to diagnose your issues, and present them to you. Further you are taking your anger out on me in a Forum Post, instead of in Private Messaging.


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Post #23 by xDEADCENTREx » Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:39 pm

NiwatoriFTW wrote:You do expect a lot from people, as they need to:
    comply to your "rules";
    fulfil your enjoyment;
    not use current cards or strategies because that ruins your enjoyment for some reason;
    don't use broken cards (despite what has been seen with your custom ones);
    use custom cards only;
and whatever else you listed on your post viewtopic.php?f=22&t=6109

You need a support group to deal with your issues or even just any group that would accept dueling your way instead of basically demanding that from random players on the site, stressing yourself when they don't oblige AND/OR making the duel unfair and un-interactable. Don't expect to deal with your issues with strangers. Everybody involved in your antics ends up likely bound to have a bad time.

And that's not considering the situations of conflict of your arbitrary rules, concepts, ideals and whatnot that you banish some Extra Deck card(s) to reinforce them, like in this recent duel: Image
Taken from https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-11998521

From what I get, you can read both duel notes and cards. Is the excuse for creating that card some sort of selective reading of yours in which an opponent used in their advantage for their card effects? Or were you just making the duel inconvenient and less enjoyable for no reason?

Try some insight for a change, since your crusade to make the duels enjoyable FOR YOU with minimal effort from your part is far from working and often becomes inconvenient to everyone. Assuming that you even care, of course.

I even reached out my assistance to re-word their cards for PROPER PSCT functions, not one message, and instead I get called out for "Judging their disability". Nuff said

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Post #24 by Christen57 » Sun May 03, 2020 9:15 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:the idea: allow hosts to pick if the players (which includes the host) are limited to using only custom cards OR if they are allowed to mix TCG and OCG cards in with their custom cards.

I advise we do a poll first, on the site, to see if anyone "besides you" is actually interested in the idea. I say this because you are the only person to bring it up as a suggestion.

CrystalMusic wrote:Me personally? due to my massive imagination i have 66 fully custom archetypes. these 66 archetypes do not use any TCG or OCG cards in them. I do however have a few custom support cards for: Crystal Beasts, Dark Magician and Blue-eyes.

Cut this off at this point, scrap the next quote, stop overexplaining your reasons, and stick to the basics and improvements department and you will find better reciprication of your ideas.
However it is very rare that i use my custom Crystal Beasts, Dark Magican or Blue-eyes decks. Basically 99% of my custom decks contain only custom cards I made. I only have 3 that dont because i made my own custom support for Crystal Beasts, Blue-eyes and Dark Magician.

So basically I join the custom cards format for the intent of dueling other custom decks, not a TCG or OCG deck with custom support (unless my duel note says otherwise like: TCG/OCG + Custom Support)

I recommend you use light colors instead of dark colors since the dark colors can blend into the site's dark background, making it harder to read.
Also, maybe we should have this specific "CrystalMusic" format where you can't duel CrystalMusic if your deck has pendulums, links, or any card that isn't "polymerization" or a custom. That way, CrystalMusic can sit there waiting forever and nobody will come to his duel, then he will realize that maybe he should remove some of his rules so more people would be willing and able to duel him. What do you think?

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Post #25 by LightCaster » Sun May 03, 2020 9:33 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:
xDEADCENTREx wrote:people like you expect everyone to do things for them, because they expect it to be done for them.

Do not assume you know anything about me. You do not know who I am IRL. I dont expect anything. There is a difference between expecting people to read duel notes and KNOWING how to read duel notes. For the last time: If you can read a card, you can read a duel note!!! There is NO excuse as to why you cant read a duel note if you can read a card. If you can read one thing, you can read other stuff. Reading a card but then refusing to read a duel note is whats called "Selective Reading" those with selective reading only read what they deem is important. Sorry to burst your bubble but my duel notes are vital for all my duels. My duel notes are the rules to my duels. If those rules are disobeyed I do not enjoy the duel. As i stated in previous posts, I play on Duelingbook to cope with my autism, i need to enjoy playing on here to successfully cope with my autism. And the only way i enjoy yugioh today, because all the BS that is being used that makes the game highly un-enjoyable for me, is if one obeys my duel notes to the fullest. I wouldnt mind the current gen if it 90% of it wasnt revolved around spam summoning all the time.

And that goes double for the ban list, dont even get me started on that! Raigeki, Dark Hole, ECT, cards that were banned for the longest time!

So again if you can read a cards effect, then you can read a duel note!!!

And do NOT assume that my opponents are the only ones getting frustrated! What do you think happens when one doesn't obey my duel notes??? So join the club!!!


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Post #26 by Renji Asuka » Mon May 04, 2020 2:04 am

Showing people that I'm The King of Games since September 30, 1996.

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Post #27 by KTeknis » Mon May 04, 2020 3:30 am

CrystalMusic, your autism isn't an excuse to be a jerk to people.
I have interest in badly designed custom cards.
You saw these cards as terrible, I saw them as ideas.

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Post #28 by LightCaster » Mon May 04, 2020 3:36 am

KTeknis wrote:CrystalMusic, your autism isn't an excuse to be a jerk to people.

He doesn't have it. He just blames it so he'll think people will back down. It's literally the scummiest thing someone can do. Pretend to have something they don't have with no understanding of what it is or how it works and blame it whenever they start acting like a douchebag.

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Post #29 by Debt » Mon May 04, 2020 4:04 am

LightCaster wrote:
He doesn't have it. He just blames it so he'll think people will back down. It's literally the scummiest thing someone can do. Pretend to have something they don't have with no understanding of what it is or how it works and blame it whenever they start acting like a douchebag.

What do you mean Crystal isn't an autistic man afflicted with both dyslexia and ADHD but still managed to be a hotshot lawyer running his own law firm by the age of 27 despite his lack of charisma and complete inability to compromise, debate, persuade, offer any form of valid and useful analysis or criticism, or even listen to others and the myriad of supposed above conditions that would make doing so overwhelmingly difficult and that he owns his own house and is raising a daughter (even though his petulant manchild personality alone is an absolute female repellent) and that he isn't also a world class Yu-Gi-Oh player that totally won a Shounen Jump Crush Card Virus prize card with a Knight of Destiny deck before Knight of Destiny was even printed and is in fact better than any YCS caliber player and even world champions even though he can't play around mst?

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Post #30 by LightCaster » Mon May 04, 2020 4:27 am

Debt wrote:
LightCaster wrote:
He doesn't have it. He just blames it so he'll think people will back down. It's literally the scummiest thing someone can do. Pretend to have something they don't have with no understanding of what it is or how it works and blame it whenever they start acting like a douchebag.

What do you mean Crystal isn't an autistic man afflicted with both dyslexia and ADHD but still managed to be a hotshot lawyer running his own law firm by the age of 27 despite his lack of charisma and complete inability to compromise, debate, persuade, offer any form of valid and useful analysis or criticism, or even listen to others and the myriad of supposed above conditions that would make doing so overwhelmingly difficult and that he owns his own house and is raising a daughter (even though his petulant manchild personality alone is an absolute female repellent) and that he isn't also a world class Yu-Gi-Oh player that totally won a Shounen Jump Crush Card Virus prize card with a Knight of Destiny deck before Knight of Destiny was even printed and is in fact better than any YCS caliber player and even world champions even though he can't play around mst?

I mean he's a man-child with such a superiority complex it's actually hilarious. I actually want to see him be arrested for malpractice and serve that 20 years of prison I spoke of before because he'll put people down for the most microscopic and meaningless things that comes to the game.

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