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ok ill make this simple:

Post #1 by CrystalMusic » Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:33 am

Rules for all my duels:
Whatever the duel note says + the following:
- no pends
- no meta
- no mst, twin twisters, raigeki, dark hole, mystic mine.
- no new support for an old archetype like Twinburst for blue-eyes (unless its a custom card)
- no using a fusion, synchro or xyz (or its effect) to summon another fusion, synchro or xyz unless its name is listed as one of the required materials for the summon of a fusion, synchro or xyz
- no rituals released after december 1, 2003 (north american release)
- ritual spells MUST list a specific name in its effect
- you must fusion summon using the following fusion spell cards: Polymerization, The Eye of Timaeus, The Fang of Critias, The Claw of Hermos (Effects that allow it to be fusion summoned by sending the required materials from your hand or field are allowed, however no "Contact Fusion" AKA no Neo Spacian Fusions)
- no usng a card that lists a players name in its effect
- no OTK/FTK
- no level 5-6 monsters with more original atk than summoned skull (2500)
- no spam summoning (2 or more special summons in one turn)
- if your card is from the Zexal Era, explain what it does
- players must explain what all their custom cards do
- Any custom card that mimics the same name, ATK/DEF and effect as a TCG card is not allowed. Example: a custom card that contains the words: "Greed" in its name along with allowing you to draw 2 (or more) cards. This would make it a custom remake of "Pot of Greed". (Normally this rule will only apply the current TCG/OCG ban list meaning if its nothing short of a custom remake of a card that is banned, limited or semi limit just so you can bypass the card limit of said card it counts as copying the card and thus will not be looked at as custom in my eyes but rather a ripoff, and thus it is not allowed in duels i host)
Optional rules:
- try to use underused cards and/or decks
- try to use underused tactics and/or strategies
- try to use a deck that you know how to use so u make your plays fast

I consider anyone who has joined my duels as having read these rules and accepting these rules. In short clicking on me when im hosting means you have read the rules and are agreeing to obey them throughout the duration of the entire duel.
Last edited by CrystalMusic on Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post #2 by LightCaster » Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:52 am

I don't think that last statement was what Debt meant. Also explain the essentially "No frostosaurus". Thirdly, this is just reworded version of "If you play anything I don't like, don't play me." Which this has demonstrated as anything. So once again you are proving that you are only selectively reading what you want to read and not the actual god damn truth. Oh, what I'm sorry, what are you half-blind or something? What bullshit excuse do you have this time? Since you wanna blame being a jackass to everyone you come across on autism. So let's hear what other lame excuse you have for selective reading. I'm genuinely curious what new fucked up excuse you're going to produce since apparently you have to lie in order to keep your rampage going.

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Post #3 by Renji Asuka » Fri Feb 21, 2020 6:50 am

"- no pends
- no meta"
Comes off as "I don't like current or old yugioh so old format only." or "I don't know how to adapt to the game"

"- no mst, twin twisters, raigeki, dark hole, mystic mine."
Wait...so....I can't use Raigeki or Dark Hole despite them being in Legend of Blue-Eyes set? And you say "back in my day"...like bruh...

" no new support for an old archetype like Twinburst for blue-eyes (unless its a custom card)"
So...that means you can't use Timeaus...got it...Also, I can make Twinburst as a custom and you'd be fine with that?

"no using a fusion, synchro or xyz (or its effect) to summon another fusion, synchro or xyz unless its name is listed as one of the required materials for the summon of a fusion, synchro or xyz"
But....what if its name isn't listed and the fusion I go into uses somewhat generic materials?

"- no rituals released after december 1, 2003 (north american release)"
Wait...So, you place a limit on cards on that specific date and I still can't use Dark Hole or Raigeki?

"- ritual spells MUST list a specific name in its effect"
I mean, the above point was already covered inherently

"- you must fusion summon using the following fusion spell cards: Polymerization, The Eye of Timaeus, The Fang of Critias, The Claw of Hermos (Effects that allow it to be fusion summoned by sending the required materials from your hand or field are allowed, however no "Contact Fusion" AKA no Neo Spacian Fusions)"
Wait...so....I can't use a card from LoB set....yet you allow Timaeus? On top of the fact that you can easily bring out more broken shit off of Timaeus compared to ritual monsters that were released after December 1, 2003....

"- no usng a card that lists a players name in its effect"
I mean...that is improper PSCT so....yeah...not an actual thing.

"- no OTK/FTK"
So...I can't OTK you if you open up with a shitty hand and I opened up decently? Also RIP Empty Jar...

"- no level 5-6 monsters with more original atk than summoned skull (2500)"
You must be really salty about Frostosaurus....

"- no spam summoning (2 or more special summons in one turn)"
So...I can't play Quasar where its only good turn 1?

"- if your card is from the Zexal Era, explain what it does"
Or you know...just read the card yourself....

"- players must explain what all their custom cards do"
Or you know....just read the card yourself, then ask question if you need to?

"- try to use underused cards and/or decks"
But...Raigeki and Dark Hole are severely underused...

"- try to use underused tactics and/or strategies"
So....I can use a tactic to wipe your field, therefore I can use Raigeki and Dark Hole!

"- try to use a deck that you know how to use so u make your plays fast"
Or...you know...just don't be a dick. Just cause someone is playing a deck, doesn't mean they know how to play it properly and are trying to learn the deck....

"I consider anyone who has joined my duels as having read these rules and accepting these rules."
I consider you to be even more ridiculous than before, and frankly that is hard to do...
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Post #4 by CrystalMusic » Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:19 pm

Renji Asuka wrote:
" no new support for an old archetype like Twinburst for blue-eyes (unless its a custom card)"
So...that means you can't use Timeaus...got it...Also, I can make Twinburst as a custom and you'd be fine with that?

"- no rituals released after december 1, 2003 (north american release)"
Wait...So, you place a limit on cards on that specific date and I still can't use Dark Hole or Raigeki?

"- ritual spells MUST list a specific name in its effect"
I mean, the above point was already covered inherently

"- you must fusion summon using the following fusion spell cards: Polymerization, The Eye of Timaeus, The Fang of Critias, The Claw of Hermos (Effects that allow it to be fusion summoned by sending the required materials from your hand or field are allowed, however no "Contact Fusion" AKA no Neo Spacian Fusions)"
Wait...so....I can't use a card from LoB set....yet you allow Timaeus? On top of the fact that you can easily bring out more broken shit off of Timaeus compared to ritual monsters that were released after December 1, 2003....

"- no usng a card that lists a players name in its effect"
I mean...that is improper PSCT so....yeah...not an actual thing.

"- no level 5-6 monsters with more original atk than summoned skull (2500)"
You must be really salty about Frostosaurus....

"- if your card is from the Zexal Era, explain what it does"
Or you know...just read the card yourself....

"- players must explain what all their custom cards do"
Or you know....just read the card yourself, then ask question if you need to?

"- try to use underused cards and/or decks"
But...Raigeki and Dark Hole are severely underused...

"- try to use underused tactics and/or strategies"
So....I can use a tactic to wipe your field, therefore I can use Raigeki and Dark Hole!

"- try to use a deck that you know how to use so u make your plays fast"
Or...you know...just don't be a dick. Just cause someone is playing a deck, doesn't mean they know how to play it properly and are trying to learn the deck....

1: TImaeus is an acception to the "no new support rule" as Yugi litterally used in the the anime arc (before GX)

2: i dont like raigeki or dark hole for various reasons: A: ppl usually only use dark hole when their field is barren of monsters thus turning dark hole into a spare raigeki. Raigeki just goes without saying: its a free monster wipe

3: the fusion restrictions are because there are way to many ways to fusion summon these days and alot of the new fusion spells can use materials from the deck or the GY which is, IMO, to much and way to easy, thats why i limit the spells that i allow for fusion summons. poly requires the correct names to be in your hand or on your field, the 3 legendary dragon spells have limits as they can only be used on mirror force, tyrant wing, crush card virus (Fang of Critias) a warrior, dragon or spellcaster (Claw of hermos) or dark magician/Dark magician girl. granted The Eye of Timaeus does allow you to fusion summon ANY fusion that lists dark magician or dark magician girl in its materials like dark paladin or those 3 new ones Dark Calvary, Dragun of Red-eyes, or The Dark Magicians, I only use them for: Dark magician the dragon knight, dark magician girl the dragon knight, amulet dragon

4: again: IDC about PSCT when it comes to customs, they are NOT real cards so they do NOT need PSCT. All they need it to be worded well enough for them to be understood. (And if they still arent understandable: just ask its creator to explain it, its not that hard to do)

5: raigeki and dark hole are two of the most used spells in the game currently ever since they were unbanned, granted raigeki sees more play than dark hole, its still used by like 90% of the site, therefore its a overused tactic

6: or you know you could at least let your opponent know u are testing the deck before u start playing, this way the opponent knows youll be taking a little more time than usual to make your plays while you are reading your cards
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Post #5 by Wek » Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:56 pm

14 mandatory rules and 3 optional ones is simple?

Watch this
"Play official Yugioh"
Behold, 3 words, 1 step. Amazing! Official rules, documentation, and a cardpool with its own official F/L consistently updated, no need to dance around the rules, they're already there! Ta da!

As an added bonus, if I want to play someone within this ruleset, it is super easy to do, with judges who have been trained in solving any disputes that might happen, and in ranked online matches and tournament even determine the winner if someone refuses to go along!

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Post #6 by Renji Asuka » Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:58 pm

"1: TImaeus is an acception to the "no new support rule" as Yugi litterally used in the the anime arc (before GX)"
So by this logic, I can use Dark Hole since yugi used it ^-^

"i dont like raigeki or dark hole for various reasons: A: ppl usually only use dark hole when their field is barren of monsters thus turning dark hole into a spare raigeki. Raigeki just goes without saying: its a free monster wipe"
Meanwhile, there are cards in the game that exist even in your "Old School Yugioh" that can stop Raigeki and Dark Hole (Looks at Magic Jammer)

"3: the fusion restrictions are because there are way to many ways to fusion summon these days and alot of the new fusion spells can use materials from the deck or the GY which is, IMO, to much and way to easy, thats why i limit the spells that i allow for fusion summons. poly requires the correct names to be in your hand or on your field, the 3 legendary dragon spells have limits as they can only be used on mirror force, tyrant wing, crush card virus (Fang of Critias) a warrior, dragon or spellcaster (Claw of hermos) or dark magician/Dark magician girl. granted The Eye of Timaeus does allow you to fusion summon ANY fusion that lists dark magician or dark magician girl in its materials like dark paladin or those 3 new ones Dark Calvary, Dragun of Red-eyes, or The Dark Magicians, I only use them for: Dark magician the dragon knight, dark magician girl the dragon knight, amulet dragon"
I can only think of 2 fusion spell cards (off the top of my head) that can use materials from the deck, Red-Eyes Fusion and Shaddoll Fusion, also Polymerization doesn't require specific names to be used. It doesn't care what the materials are, the fusion monster cares what fusion materials.

Also it doesn't matter what you use them for, and if we talk about customs, I can definitely say it wouldn't be hard to drop multiple Dragun or make even more powerful cards for it, making your point moot.

"4: again: IDC about PSCT when it comes to customs, they are NOT real cards so they do NOT need PSCT. All they need it to be worded well enough for them to be understood. (And if they still arent understandable: just ask its creator to explain it, its not that hard to do)"
As I stated before, PSCT tells you what the activation requirement is (if any), what the cost is (if any), and what the effect is, and any conditions set afterwards. It is the literal language that Yu-Gi-Oh! uses. Use proper PSCT and people will know what your card does and how it works. There is 0 excuse for you to be lazy.

"5: raigeki and dark hole are two of the most used spells in the game currently ever since they were unbanned, granted raigeki sees more play than dark hole, its still used by like 90% of the site, therefore its a overused tactic"
Show me 100 META deck profiles that use either, go ahead, I'll wait.

"6: or you know you could at least let your opponent know u are testing the deck before u start playing, this way the opponent knows youll be taking a little more time than usual to make your plays while you are reading your cards"
That isn't information you need to know, also everyone plays at a different pace. When I play in customs (if I play in general), I always give my opponent a chance to read my cards, and I won't budge an inch til they give me the okay to continue as they have a right to a response (and even if they don't). I been rule sharked on that shit on DuelingNetwork, I literally gave my opponent 2 minutes, then I went and continued my play without them saying anything, and boom, game loss on my end when they bitched to an admin. You don't get to tell them how fast they need to be.
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Post #7 by CrawTheShrimp » Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:38 pm

And we should care because ? Your customs have no literal PSCTs and are OP af, like a Kyoko field spell you have the effect cannot be destroyed by card effect is literally just 1 NS away.
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Post #8 by CrystalMusic » Sat Feb 22, 2020 12:06 am

Renji Asuka wrote:"1: TImaeus is an acception to the "no new support rule" as Yugi litterally used in the the anime arc (before GX)"
So by this logic, I can use Dark Hole since yugi used it ^-^

"i dont like raigeki or dark hole for various reasons: A: ppl usually only use dark hole when their field is barren of monsters thus turning dark hole into a spare raigeki. Raigeki just goes without saying: its a free monster wipe"
Meanwhile, there are cards in the game that exist even in your "Old School Yugioh" that can stop Raigeki and Dark Hole (Looks at Magic Jammer)

"3: the fusion restrictions are because there are way to many ways to fusion summon these days and alot of the new fusion spells can use materials from the deck or the GY which is, IMO, to much and way to easy, thats why i limit the spells that i allow for fusion summons. poly requires the correct names to be in your hand or on your field, the 3 legendary dragon spells have limits as they can only be used on mirror force, tyrant wing, crush card virus (Fang of Critias) a warrior, dragon or spellcaster (Claw of hermos) or dark magician/Dark magician girl. granted The Eye of Timaeus does allow you to fusion summon ANY fusion that lists dark magician or dark magician girl in its materials like dark paladin or those 3 new ones Dark Calvary, Dragun of Red-eyes, or The Dark Magicians, I only use them for: Dark magician the dragon knight, dark magician girl the dragon knight, amulet dragon"
I can only think of 2 fusion spell cards (off the top of my head) that can use materials from the deck, Red-Eyes Fusion and Shaddoll Fusion, also Polymerization doesn't require specific names to be used. It doesn't care what the materials are, the fusion monster cares what fusion materials.

Also it doesn't matter what you use them for, and if we talk about customs, I can definitely say it wouldn't be hard to drop multiple Dragun or make even more powerful cards for it, making your point moot.

"4: again: IDC about PSCT when it comes to customs, they are NOT real cards so they do NOT need PSCT. All they need it to be worded well enough for them to be understood. (And if they still arent understandable: just ask its creator to explain it, its not that hard to do)"
As I stated before, PSCT tells you what the activation requirement is (if any), what the cost is (if any), and what the effect is, and any conditions set afterwards. It is the literal language that Yu-Gi-Oh! uses. Use proper PSCT and people will know what your card does and how it works. There is 0 excuse for you to be lazy.

"5: raigeki and dark hole are two of the most used spells in the game currently ever since they were unbanned, granted raigeki sees more play than dark hole, its still used by like 90% of the site, therefore its a overused tactic"
Show me 100 META deck profiles that use either, go ahead, I'll wait.

"6: or you know you could at least let your opponent know u are testing the deck before u start playing, this way the opponent knows youll be taking a little more time than usual to make your plays while you are reading your cards"
That isn't information you need to know, also everyone plays at a different pace. When I play in customs (if I play in general), I always give my opponent a chance to read my cards, and I won't budge an inch til they give me the okay to continue as they have a right to a response (and even if they don't). I been rule sharked on that shit on DuelingNetwork, I literally gave my opponent 2 minutes, then I went and continued my play without them saying anything, and boom, game loss on my end when they bitched to an admin. You don't get to tell them how fast they need to be.

ok first things first:
# 1: no i do not allow dark hole or raigeki under any circumstances. free board wipes are broken! if you want to use a board wipe, it must have a specific HIGH END cost, a very restrictive condition to be met in order for it to be activated or a downside after its activation.
- Example #1: activate this card by sending your entire hand (min 4) to your GY: destroy all monsters your opponent controls. You cannot special summon monsters from your GY during the same turn you activate this card.
- Example 2: you can only activate this card while you control no monsters and your opponents LP are higher than yours: destroy all monsters your opponent controls.
- Example 3: this card can only be activated during your main phase 1. destroy all monsters your opponent controls. your opponent takes no damage until the start of your next turn.

IF a board wipe was worded this way it would be much more fair and balanced, as it would have a negative side to it. (since you guys always like to claim my cards have a lack of downsides to them, enjoy a taste of your own medicine!!!)

#2 *calls me lazy* *is to lazy to ask the opponent what their card does* hmmmm....

#3, its common sense and common courtesy to explain to your opponent how your own custom card works! Think of it this way: you made it, you know the card by heart, who better to explain your custom card to someone than you yourself?
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Post #9 by yumafan30 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 12:21 am

I'll quote MayhemMessiah's reply on Reddit to "Why isn't Raigeki banned?" (https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comment ... ki_banned/)

[...]As for why Raigeki is at 1, the game is at a point where board wipes are very weak. What this means is that if you blow away my field with Raigeki but don't kill me that turn, I have a very good chance of re-establishing my board again next turn and carrying on like nothing happened. There's even some decks like Burning Abyss that actively laugh in the face of mass destruction. Often times, the kind of monsters you want to take down can't be destroyed by Raigeki, like the now-banned Master Peace, or get an additional effect when destroyed by effects like Beatrice. In other cases, decks like Gouki Link-spam end on a board that has omni-destruction immunity, so they're very unlikely to be phased if you drop Raigeki on them.

TL;DR: It's not as strong as it used to be.

Considering you don't follow the current state of the game, of course it sounds broken. The same goes for the easy and constant immunity your cards have for themselves and for their archetypes, which no real card or deck has reached said protections.

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Post #10 by Renji Asuka » Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:02 am

"# 1: no i do not allow dark hole or raigeki under any circumstances. free board wipes are broken! if you want to use a board wipe, it must have a specific HIGH END cost, a very restrictive condition to be met in order for it to be activated or a downside after its activation."

You don't get to cherrypick what is acceptable and what isn't when your cards always have some sort of protection cause you can't stand to lose. Add onto the fact, you used the line of logic that "Because Yugi used Eye of Timaeus in the anime", its fine. But Yugi also used Dark Hole in the anime, so therefore, for the consistency of your argument, Dark Hole has to be fine by you. You either apply and be consistent with your argument, or you have no argument.

"#2 *calls me lazy* *is to lazy to ask the opponent what their card does* hmmmm...."

Yes, you are lazy, you can't even put in time and effort into your cards so that they can easily be understood by other players.

"#3, its common sense and common courtesy to explain to your opponent how your own custom card works! Think of it this way: you made it, you know the card by heart, who better to explain your custom card to someone than you yourself?"

No, its not. When I make customs, I give all my monsters a common theme. If you read one of my monsters, you'd know what my deck would like to do. I have created an archetype for example, they like to destroy themselves, to Special Summon another monster from the GY with a different name within the archetype. So you can clearly see how my deck operates. The only differences between each monster, is their first effect. Which then players know what is going to be the same, and what is going to be different, effectively cutting reading time in half. If you still had a question about it, you would then ask. Otherwise, read the card yourself and stop asking to be spoon fed information.
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Post #11 by CrystalMusic » Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:04 pm

my latest addition to my rules due to it being very "Unoriginal"

also when it comes to custom cards: What isnt a custom card in my book:
- Any custom card that mimics the same name and has a very similar ATK/DEF or effect as a TCG card. Example: a custom card that contains the words: "Greed" in its name along with allowing you to draw 2 (or more) cards. This would make it a custom remake of "Pot of Greed". (Normally this rule will only apply the current TCG/OCG ban list meaning if its nothing short of a custom remake of a card that is banned, limited or semi limit just so you can bypass the card limit of said card it counts as copying the card and thus will not be looked at as custom in my eyes but rather a ripoff, and thus it is not allowed in duels i host)
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Post #12 by Renji Asuka » Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:54 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:my latest addition to my rules due to it being very "Unoriginal"

also when it comes to custom cards: What isnt a custom card in my book:
- Any custom card that mimics the same name and has a very similar ATK/DEF or effect as a TCG card. Example: a custom card that contains the words: "Greed" in its name along with allowing you to draw 2 (or more) cards. This would make it a custom remake of "Pot of Greed". (Normally this rule will only apply the current TCG/OCG ban list meaning if its nothing short of a custom remake of a card that is banned, limited or semi limit just so you can bypass the card limit of said card it counts as copying the card and thus will not be looked at as custom in my eyes but rather a ripoff, and thus it is not allowed in duels i host)

You don't get to decide if a custom card is custom or not. A card is custom, if it has the username of the person who made it in the bottom left corner.
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Post #13 by CrystalMusic » Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:21 pm

Renji Asuka wrote:
CrystalMusic wrote:my latest addition to my rules due to it being very "Unoriginal"

also when it comes to custom cards: What isnt a custom card in my book:
- Any custom card that mimics the same name and has a very similar ATK/DEF or effect as a TCG card. Example: a custom card that contains the words: "Greed" in its name along with allowing you to draw 2 (or more) cards. This would make it a custom remake of "Pot of Greed". (Normally this rule will only apply the current TCG/OCG ban list meaning if its nothing short of a custom remake of a card that is banned, limited or semi limit just so you can bypass the card limit of said card it counts as copying the card and thus will not be looked at as custom in my eyes but rather a ripoff, and thus it is not allowed in duels i host)

You don't get to decide if a custom card is custom or not. A card is custom, if it has the username of the person who made it in the bottom left corner.

you cant call it "Custom" ifs mearly just a "remake" of something konami has already made.
Custom means its your idea or original. how is something that has the same name, same atk, same def, and same effect as something konami made considered custom??? If it had a different name, different effect, different stats, then itd be ok as its not an exact copy! just remember that if its modeled after a konami card that the player got the inspiration from a konami card.

let me give you a few examples of my own custom cards i made that are named after a konami archetype BUT are also perfectly fine by my rules as they have a different name, effect, ATK, and DEF than the rest of its archetype:

Crystal Beast Diamond Unicorn: https://www.duelingbook.com/card?id=267083
Crystal Beast Jade Wolf: https://www.duelingbook.com/card?id=459775

granted they are an addition to crystal beasts, notice how they do not share the exact same stats or effects as any of the other crystal beasts? Notice how they both have a different Crystal they are named after? This is what makes it count as CUSTOM in my book.

Also if one uses the same art (or fan art) of a card konami made like Dark Magician, then used that art on a level 7 normal spellcaster with 2500 atk, 2100 def, then its not custom either! Changing the art doenst change the card.
Last edited by CrystalMusic on Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post #14 by LightCaster » Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:30 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:
Renji Asuka wrote:
CrystalMusic wrote:my latest addition to my rules due to it being very "Unoriginal"

also when it comes to custom cards: What isnt a custom card in my book:
- Any custom card that mimics the same name and has a very similar ATK/DEF or effect as a TCG card. Example: a custom card that contains the words: "Greed" in its name along with allowing you to draw 2 (or more) cards. This would make it a custom remake of "Pot of Greed". (Normally this rule will only apply the current TCG/OCG ban list meaning if its nothing short of a custom remake of a card that is banned, limited or semi limit just so you can bypass the card limit of said card it counts as copying the card and thus will not be looked at as custom in my eyes but rather a ripoff, and thus it is not allowed in duels i host)

You don't get to decide if a custom card is custom or not. A card is custom, if it has the username of the person who made it in the bottom left corner.

you cant call it "Custom" ifs mearly just a "remake" of something konami has already made.
Custom means its your idea or original. how is something that has the same name, same atk, same def, and same effect as something konami made considered custom??? If it had a different name, different effect, different stats, then itd be ok as its not an exact copy! just remember that if its modeled after a konami card that the player got the inspiration from a konami card.

let me give you a few examples of my own custom cards i made that are named after a konami archetype BUT are also perfectly fine by my rules as they have a different name, effect, ATK, and DEF than the rest of its archetype:

Crystal Beast Diamond Unicorn: https://www.duelingbook.com/card?id=267083
Crystal Beast Jade Wolf: https://www.duelingbook.com/card?id=459775

granted they are an addition to crystal beasts, notice how they do not share the exact same stats or effects as any of the other crystal beasts? Notice how they both have a different Crystal they are named after? This is what makes it count as CUSTOM in my book.

First of all. You don't sign your name in the effect. Second of all. The double line spacing on the effects shouldn't be a thing on Jade Wolf. Third of all, what if people want to try OCG stuff that seems interesting? Or make cards straight from the anime that only exists in the anime? You're saying it's a bad thing to get a feel for how new cards before they come out? I know you detest anything new and want to make fun of people who use the new stuff for some ungodly reason, but for a guy who has 90,000 cards and 90% of them have immunity effects slapped on them for the sake of not wanting to lose on top of making cards that lets you edit your dictator-esque rules mid duel just because you don't know how to take a loss, the last thing you need to comment on is creativity.

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Post #15 by CrystalMusic » Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:36 pm

LightCaster wrote:
CrystalMusic wrote:
Renji Asuka wrote:You don't get to decide if a custom card is custom or not. A card is custom, if it has the username of the person who made it in the bottom left corner.

you cant call it "Custom" ifs mearly just a "remake" of something konami has already made.
Custom means its your idea or original. how is something that has the same name, same atk, same def, and same effect as something konami made considered custom??? If it had a different name, different effect, different stats, then itd be ok as its not an exact copy! just remember that if its modeled after a konami card that the player got the inspiration from a konami card.

let me give you a few examples of my own custom cards i made that are named after a konami archetype BUT are also perfectly fine by my rules as they have a different name, effect, ATK, and DEF than the rest of its archetype:

Crystal Beast Diamond Unicorn: https://www.duelingbook.com/card?id=267083
Crystal Beast Jade Wolf: https://www.duelingbook.com/card?id=459775

granted they are an addition to crystal beasts, notice how they do not share the exact same stats or effects as any of the other crystal beasts? Notice how they both have a different Crystal they are named after? This is what makes it count as CUSTOM in my book.

First of all. You don't sign your name in the effect.

ok first: i can slap my name on custom cards i made publicly avaliable if i want. it makes it easier to know who made the card as some dont know that the name of its creator is at the bottom left.

2nd: only my decks personal "GOD" cards have the immunity effect from everything but battle. a GOD is called a GOD for a reason!

edit: some of my other cards do have protection but its a specific protection that requires other specific cards to gain that protection!
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

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Post #16 by CrystalMusic » Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:40 pm

also, another reason why i slap my name on the card is because it makes it easier to search for
by searching: - CrystalMusic in the decr box people can easily find my custom cards i made publicly avaliable
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

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Post #17 by LightCaster » Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:42 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:also, another reason why i slap my name on the card is because it makes it easier to search for
by searching: - CrystalMusic in the decr box people can easily find my custom cards i made publicly avaliable

So you can rage quit over how broken your own cards are?

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Post #18 by LightCaster » Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:44 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:
LightCaster wrote:
CrystalMusic wrote:
you cant call it "Custom" ifs mearly just a "remake" of something konami has already made.
Custom means its your idea or original. how is something that has the same name, same atk, same def, and same effect as something konami made considered custom??? If it had a different name, different effect, different stats, then itd be ok as its not an exact copy! just remember that if its modeled after a konami card that the player got the inspiration from a konami card.

let me give you a few examples of my own custom cards i made that are named after a konami archetype BUT are also perfectly fine by my rules as they have a different name, effect, ATK, and DEF than the rest of its archetype:

Crystal Beast Diamond Unicorn: https://www.duelingbook.com/card?id=267083
Crystal Beast Jade Wolf: https://www.duelingbook.com/card?id=459775

granted they are an addition to crystal beasts, notice how they do not share the exact same stats or effects as any of the other crystal beasts? Notice how they both have a different Crystal they are named after? This is what makes it count as CUSTOM in my book.

First of all. You don't sign your name in the effect.

ok first: i can slap my name on custom cards i made publicly avaliable if i want. it makes it easier to know who made the card as some dont know that the name of its creator is at the bottom left.

2nd: only my decks personal "GOD" cards have the immunity effect from everything but battle. a GOD is called a GOD for a reason!

edit: some of my other cards do have protection but its a specific protection that requires other specific cards to gain that protection!

Ra, Obelisk and Slifer are also called gods, but notice how literally no one has used them outside of gimmick decks. What are gods to nonbelievers? Nothing. But also your hypocrisy is showing. You said no Raigeki but use it in your Egyptian God deck.

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Post #19 by CrystalMusic » Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:52 pm

LightCaster wrote:
CrystalMusic wrote:
LightCaster wrote:

First of all. You don't sign your name in the effect.

ok first: i can slap my name on custom cards i made publicly avaliable if i want. it makes it easier to know who made the card as some dont know that the name of its creator is at the bottom left.

2nd: only my decks personal "GOD" cards have the immunity effect from everything but battle. a GOD is called a GOD for a reason!

edit: some of my other cards do have protection but its a specific protection that requires other specific cards to gain that protection!

Ra, Obelisk and Slifer are also called gods, but notice how literally no one has used them outside of gimmick decks. What are gods to nonbelievers? Nothing. But also your hypocrisy is showing. You said no Raigeki but use it in your Egyptian God deck.

i didnt use it, its in there as a cost only card for cursed seal of the forbidden spell
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

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Post #20 by LightCaster » Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:53 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:
LightCaster wrote:
CrystalMusic wrote:
First of all. You don't sign your name in the effect.

ok first: i can slap my name on custom cards i made publicly avaliable if i want. it makes it easier to know who made the card as some dont know that the name of its creator is at the bottom left.

2nd: only my decks personal "GOD" cards have the immunity effect from everything but battle. a GOD is called a GOD for a reason!

edit: some of my other cards do have protection but its a specific protection that requires other specific cards to gain that protection!

Ra, Obelisk and Slifer are also called gods, but notice how literally no one has used them outside of gimmick decks. What are gods to nonbelievers? Nothing. But also your hypocrisy is showing. You said no Raigeki but use it in your Egyptian God deck.

i didnt use it, its in there as a cost only card for cursed seal of the forbidden spell

It was in your deck when it goes against your own rules. You also broke your "No Archerypes" rule with Six Samurais and also broke the "No Alternate Win Conditions" rule by playing Horacite.

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