About my shadowban and my opinion on it

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About my shadowban and my opinion on it

Post #1 by CrystalMusic » Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:24 pm

so i was shadowbanned like last year or so for "Toxic" chat.
However you wanna know what caused me to be so toxic? People who cant read duel notes! as i have said before: reading is reading. there is no difference! if you can read a cards effect, then you can read a duel note. if you can obey what a cards effect tells you to do, then you can obey a duel note ruleset.
I make duel notes so i can enjoy duels. In order for me to sucsessfully cope with my autism i have to enjoy whatever it is im doing. I only enjoy yugioh (on here) when i play my way. and my way is very simple: oldschool cards - 1st gen - 5ds. (some rules alter from time to time and depending on what kind of duel im looking for) however i get upset very easily when i cant enjoy myself on here to cope with my autism so i speak out about it, and i did this in the public chat. Most of that chat, yes it was toxic, BUT i was not the cause of the toxic chat i spewed. All it would have taken was:
1: an appology from my opponent for not reading or obeying my duel notes ruleset (which i think a rule should be added in to penalize those who disobey duel notes with the intent of pissing off the host)
2: a friendly rematch against the player who disobeyed my duel note

however alot of ppl who have done this decide to call me the bad player because how i preffer to play a game. Everyone has prefferences in every game they play.

but did i ever get these? no! so my question is: why should i be the one who gets penalized when its not my fault to begin with? why penalize the victim? and let the offender walk free? think about that!

let me just say this last thing: if you want to have a duel with me where i dont complain its simple: read and obey my duel notes, and dont run meta, pends or staples.

other than all this, i hope every one has a great day/night
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

Kappa Mikey
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Post #2 by Kappa Mikey » Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:54 pm

So... you're just victimising yourself because people disobeyed custom duel note rules (in unrated duels, no less), even though that's not reinforced in this website, and trying to to justify the punishable offenses you've done in the website? You had no choice in this allegedly cause and effect you're that conditioned to become toxic in self-made scenarios that takes so little to crumble?

Also, I'm not sure if it crossed your mind, but this website, alongside it's users, has no obligation to follow your whims, nor has to help you cope with your conditions. Dueling Book does not provide help of that kind and it's users never agreed to deal with your problems. Take some responsibility in that matter and express your frustration in a non-aggressive way, specially not being toxic online.

Finally, it sounds quite ironic that you want more rules to reinforce a particular, unnecessary behaviour, while you can't attend to the ones you agreedto in this website. Is it because people caused you to become toxic? What if someone else caused them to behave like that in your duels? Either way, this way of thinking is far from seeing the big picture and having some insight for the matter.

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Post #3 by CrystalMusic » Wed Dec 04, 2019 12:23 am

Kappa Mikey wrote:So... you're just victimising yourself because people disobeyed custom duel note rules (in unrated duels, no less), even though that's not reinforced in this website, and trying to to justify the punishable offenses you've done in the website? You had no choice in this allegedly cause and effect you're that conditioned to become toxic in self-made scenarios that takes so little to crumble?

Also, I'm not sure if it crossed your mind, but this website, alongside it's users, has no obligation to follow your whims, nor has to help you cope with your conditions. Dueling Book does not provide help of that kind and it's users never agreed to deal with your problems. Take some responsibility in that matter and express your frustration in a non-aggressive way, specially not being toxic online.

Finally, it sounds quite ironic that you want more rules to reinforce a particular, unnecessary behaviour, while you can't attend to the ones you agreedto in this website. Is it because people caused you to become toxic? What if someone else caused them to behave like that in your duels? Either way, this way of thinking is far from seeing the big picture and having some insight for the matter.

you apparently dont know civil laws as well as i do, causing one mental distress is against the law, by disobeying my notes in an attempt to annoy me, this can lead to a civil law suit against that player, although these lawsuits are difficult to win because you need several amounts of proof of the incident, the cause, the effect, and what happened to the affected person.

I once got so annoyed by the players on here due to them constantly harassing me in private chat that i had a autism mental breakdown. i had ot be hostpitalized to do the harassment i get from players on here due to how i like to play a game. my stress levels were high causing a heightened heart-rate, heavy breathing, and due to my vertigo and the fast breathing putting pressure on my heart rate, loss of balance. I could have filed for a emotional distress lawsuit that day but i didnt because im a son of god, i forgive and forget.

Its bad enough i already filed a report about Deadcentre and his theat against me, i dont need to deal with mental distress too.

so think about that before you disobey my duel notes again.

Mind you a civil lawsuit is a LAWFUL and LEGAL action, not a threat.
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

Kappa Mikey
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Post #4 by Kappa Mikey » Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:41 am

I don't know what made you think that I don't know civil laws as well as you do, but...

First and foremost, we gotta define what legal system we're talking here and the jurisdiction each have on that matter, since it's quite possible the people you interacted with may not live in the same country as yours. If it ends being the case and it happens to have a disparity between Civil Law, Common Law, Statutory Law or Religious Law systems, it's far more complicated than you assume to be. All the international litigation in this legal action of yours would require way more evidence than you might consider, there's the possibility of the resulting judgment not be able to be enforced where the defendants' assets are available and you might even be ignoring if the other party is imputable at all, like a minor, for example.

Second: what you may have mentioned there is the common law tort known as Intentional infliction of emotional distress (IIED; sometimes called the tort of outrage) that allows individuals to recover for severe emotional distress caused by another individual who intentionally or recklessly inflicted emotional distress by behaving in an "extreme and outrageous" way. For that matter, we need to infer the intent the person has for said mental distress, as many of them outright ignore duel notes, doesn't know about your condition and probably has no idea that it can cause you that much harm: By simply playing a card game the way they want, the way it was made to be played, but, above everything, not the way you want to play. If you can prove that, your case might start being more valid. As for the private chat claims, you are the interested party, show some evidence.

Third: from experience in this website, I only see you hosting duel rooms, almost never joining them. As such, you have control about who your opponent is. If this is such a recurring problem, you might consider making sure your opponent meets up your standards for the game through private messages beforehand or find a group that shares your ideals or at least is willing to accept them. This might prevent you having more distress from the scenarios you're building up yourself.

Fourth: You are known to display an unsportsmanlike behaviour by rage quitting and insult people even when they follow your rules, in case they play with something that doesn't follow the testament of rules you hold in your profile and whatever else not included. How can you be sure that you're not afflicting them the very particular mental distress that you claim to be having from your random opponents?

Fifth: In the likelihood of
CrystalMusic wrote:so think about that before you disobey my duel notes again.
being directed to me, I have never sent you a private message and only dueled you once, in which I have never disobeyed your "rules": https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=7612757

Finally, you saying
CrystalMusic wrote:I could have filed for a emotional distress lawsuit that day but i didnt because im a son of god, i forgive and forget.
and shortly after that
CrystalMusic wrote:so think about that before you disobey my duel notes again.
is quite the contradiction. I don't consider that as threat, but a flaw in defining your character or in effort to sustain your case.

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Post #5 by Debt » Wed Dec 04, 2019 3:50 am

CrystalMusic wrote:"Toxic" chat

You mean like this?
This was yesterday.
On a side note why is your opponent playing fire princess burn make him a noob https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=13891862 when you played the same thing and even proudly made a forum thread about it viewtopic.php?f=22&t=7082

CrystalMusic wrote:However you wanna know what caused me to be so toxic? People who cant read duel notes!

And here we can see you saying that the actions of others should having no bearing on your own conduct viewtopic.php?p=29938#p29938

As you succinctly put it:

CrystalMusic wrote:NO. im not the problem. It is a persons choice to be negative or not. My actions are not the reason ppl are negative. YOU CHOSE to be negative. NOT ME. Therefore i am NOT at fault. Why don you start taking responsibility for your own thoughts, actions and feelings instead of blaming others

Maybe you should take your own advice?

CrystalMusic wrote:I make duel notes so i can enjoy duels. In order for me to sucsessfully cope with my autism i have to enjoy whatever it is im doing

Why do you think it's at all appropriate that your enjoyment is based around denying people theirs?

Why should it take a mind reader to duel you? Or maybe this whole thing is a farse and you're looking for easy wins; you know full well your rule set guts almost every strategy in the game except voltron and look at that people can't play a similar strategy as you because reasons. Your custom cards have the same exact "mind reader" problem often requiring nonsense like requiring a Divine Warrior-type to be beaten lending credence to the theory that it's all for easy wins.

CrystalMusic wrote:however alot of ppl who have done this decide to call me the bad player because how i preffer to play a game. Everyone has prefferences in every game they play.

You are a bad player. And no you don't get to cower behind the shield of "preferences" to hide from the reality that you lack skill. In the event you don't rage quit the duel, you do play a monster that can't be destroyed by battle and proceed to do nothing for 15-25 turns as you collect your wincon. Let's ignore the hypocrisy of playing cards that can't be destroyed by battle in a duel where battle is the only thing you can do; why should you be rewarded when you basically do nothing the entire game? You aren't even being reactive, you sit in a corner and turtle; you don't interact with your opponent's cards at all.

And you aren't just a bad player due to your lack of skill. You're conduct in-game is atrocious. You constantly gloat about how great you are as a player when you think you're winning. You whine and cry and shriek with impotent rage when you think you're losing. You frequently spew out misinformation on rulings in order to win games. You're incapable of listening to others even when they have evidence on their side. You constantly harp on and attack players that don't know a certain rule but you have a similar deficiency on your knowledge of the rules and you lash out against others when people point this out.

CrystalMusic wrote:let me just say this last thing: if you want to have a duel with me where i dont complain its simple: read and obey my duel notes, and dont run meta, pends or staples.

I've pointed out in the above that you'll complain regardless of following your note as you won't duel someone who has 2 of the same cards as you do. And we've been over this multiple times already, the meta doesn't apply to you because you don't play MR4, you don't even know what the meta is for it to affect you because most meta decks require MR4 to function.

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