my opponent is a nitwit. they said that that the graveyard was not part of the field, i proved him wrong

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my opponent is a nitwit. they said that that the graveyard was not part of the field, i proved him wrong

Post #1 by CrystalMusic » Tue Jul 23, 2019 4:24 am

i only admitited defeat because i wanted to share this replay quickly to show the forums my nitwitted opponent
Last edited by CrystalMusic on Thu Jul 25, 2019 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post #2 by NiwatoriFTW » Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:52 am

CrystalMusic wrote:

i only admitited defeat because i wanted to share this replay quickly to show the forums my nitwitted opponent

How much stick-headed with the anime are you and/or how narrow is your interpretation to get that as a rule?

Check the Official RuleBook, page 51, clarifying about other rules, in this case "Leaves the Field" (

    Some monsters have effects that activate when they “leave the field”. For example, these effects activate when the monster is sent to the Graveyard, or is banished, or is returned to the hand or Extra Deck. When a monster on the field is shuffled into the Main Deck, or becomes an Xyz Material, it is no longer a card on the field, however its effects that activate when it “leaves the field” will not activate.

They clearly distinguish the graveyard and the field there. The article you presented and what you described as a field means only the gameplay area, not what the terminology means. As such, only cards present on the playmat on any gameplay area aside from the Extra Deck Zone, Main Deck Zone, Graveyard and whatever is considered the "banished zone" that are counted as "cards on the field".

If you have doubts on certain rules, do a Google search, people may already have had your doubt and got answered online. Always check for full context and when the situation you don't know about is applied. But, above everything else, please do not use the anime as a basis for your rules, specially the dubbed 1st season of Duel Monsters (as they changed the dialog regarding the effect of that Mimicat/Doppelganger card that Pegasus used), it only feeds confirmation bias, like in this post.

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Post #3 by Debt » Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:23 am

Your own wiki link literally says:
"The "field" referenced by card text is the combination of each player's Monster Zones, Spell & Trap Zones, Pendulum Zones and Field Zones. Thus, the field is shared and each player controls only one side of it."
This is the man who thinks he's better than players who have won worlds and condescendingly looks down at everyone here being not just insanely wrong about the game but then gives a source that directly contradicts him.

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Post #4 by Kappa Mikey » Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:23 pm

Sad thing is, this isn't the only instance he cheated like this. Promoting ignorance like this, due to arrogance and their own interpretation of the rules is correct does more harm than you might think.

I've seen my fair share of players believing in anecdotal rules or misleading their opponent for their own benefit, like claiming that Pot of Duality regards only the rest of the turn for special summons, instead of the whole turn. But this clearly shows traces of scotomization: mental blocking of unwanted perceptions.

What's worse, this guy seems to have recurrent initial stages of the Kübler-Ross model, going repeatedly through the first 2 stages of grief, in this case, change itself: Denial and Anger. Custom Card option may have extended his reality to some level of the Bargain stage, but he's hindering in this comfort zone within this stage and will never reach Acceptance.

But, psychology aside, we can see just a childish behaviour that promotes long-term harm to everyone involved due to multiple bias, in this case confirmation and misinformation, much possibly due to the anime.

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Post #5 by CrystalMusic » Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:05 pm

you all apparently cannot read. the field is divided into two halves, one for each player, with each half having 5 Main Monster Zones, 5 Spell & Trap Zones (including 2 Pendulum Zones), a Field Zone, a Deck Zone, an Extra Deck Zone, and a Graveyard. In the middle of the field, there are 2 Extra Monster Zones, which do not belong to either player while unoccupied.

"AND A GRAVEYARD" thus the graveyard is part of The Field
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Post #6 by CrystalMusic » Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:08 pm


Check the Official RuleBook, page 51, clarifying about other rules, in this case "Leaves the Field" (

The rulebook i follow never had 51 pages, it had like 8 - 10 pages because we didnt need all these stupid rules because back in my day, people were not stupid! I follow the original First version rulebook. not all these revised ones. I follow the ORIGINAL rulebook!! the rulebook that came with the Yugi/Kaiba starter decks. THAT is the original rulebook. The only compromisses i make are the additons of synchros, xyz, both players are allowed to have their own field spell and the spell speed rulings
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Post #7 by NiwatoriFTW » Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:53 pm

For crying out loud, when you troll, you troll hard. You clearly cannot read, as you disregard plain text that was provided to you as counter argument FROM YOUR VERY SOURCE! This time, you've contradicted yourself 3 times:

    1: You clearly disregard the
    The "field" referenced by card text is the combination of each player's Monster Zones, Spell & Trap Zones, Pendulum Zones and Field Zones. Thus, the field is shared and each player controls only one side of it.
    in the very Fandom source you provide.

    2: You say you follow the ORIGINAL rulebook, as if rules aren't subject to being reviewed and changed. And, yet, you provide a source from a Wikia/Fandom website, where changes happen accordingly to changes and additions in the game. What is provided by Konami as rules IS OFFICIAL, regardless if it is not what was originally conceived.

    3: The earliest Rulebook you can find online, as well in it's previous versions ( states in page 8:

    The Field - Throughout these rules, and on the card text itself, the Monster Card Zone, Magic & Trap Card Zone and Field Card Zone together will be referred to as the field.

Your concept of what rules are "stupid" and what are not is far from important. Rules are rules and gotta be followed accordingly in a regular duel. Despite what you remember, people were stupid back then because official info was hard to come by as internet wasn't as much of a commodity back then as it is today. Also, UpperDeck Entertainment provided little information aside from the RuleBook and the alternative to learn something was the dubbed anime, full of errors and improper adaptation, in which it seems you tend to follow (just like that duel with Pegasus I mentioned previously).

Now, you want to play by your own rules and that's fine, you're free to, but don't assume by default that your opponent will play by them and, more importantly, don't say that whatever your concept of rules are the official rules.

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Post #8 by Debt » Wed Jul 24, 2019 12:56 am

Why does sangan, even the first version of it, make a distinction between field and gy? If it worked they way you say it does it should say from monster zone to gy but it says "from the field to the graveyard". Face it, you're just wrong about this and most things regarding this game.

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