Game Related Question

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Re: Game Related Question

Post #281 by Christen57 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:30 am

Cromat wrote:
greg503 wrote:
Cromat wrote:Question #58:
I am activating "Royal Tribute" while I control a "Necrovalley" face-up; opponent thinking for 36 seconds since give their response as "Signaled OK". After 17 seconds since they "Signaled OK": I am saying that "I check the replay after when this Duel ends, if you lied, you'll be reported by me, so no problem if you showed your hand or not."

Since I activated my Normal Spell from hand it had been 63 seconds. 65 seconds have passed, later, I activated "Field Barrier" (by thinking as looks like opponent has no monster in their hand), for continue to Duel.. 2 seconds later I activated the "Field Barrier", opponent discarded 1 monster from hand and declared it effect.

The opponent's discarding "Kelbek the Ancient Vanguard" after they learned that I would review the Duel replay later. How would you evaluate this behavior of my opponent; did the opponent really want to ask me if I wanted me to see their hand or not, or there was no problem there, and only I am causing problem of this situation?

Should I report this behavior of my opponent did, make your comment after reviewing the Duel recording.

(Replay link:

The replay shows that they cheated by not correctly resolving Royal Tribute, what more is there to think about?

Yes, whatever so.. If it was a cheating like you said, probably they will take the action appropriately. I decided to shut up and just created a report file, so move out to next one...

Question #59:
Can I gain 1000 LP and/or inflict 600 damage of my opponent's LP; with "Cauldron of the Old Man", when its counter was upgraded to 2 by "Magic Reflector"? 1st one for when "Cauldron of the Old Man" was activated, 2nd one for when "Magic Reflector" was activated (about its counter(s)).

Question #60: When I activated "Cauldron of the Old Man". After that, if I want to activate "Spell Reclamation". I should place 1 counter on "Cauldron of the Old Man", then discard 1 card from hand for that Trap Card, or vice-versa?

Question #60.1: What would happen to "Cauldron of the Old Man"; if that Continuous Spell Card's counter upgraded by 1 with "Magic Reflector", and also affected by "Spell Reclamation"? When "Cauldron of the Old Man" would be destroyed by any card effect: It would return to my hand, or I can remove 1 counter from it, or either?

59. I believe you can, as there is already another card with similar wording and ruling called B.E.F. Zelos where it places unnamed counters on B.E.S. monsters, who can then use those counters, in addition to their own counters, for their own effects, so I don't see why Cauldron of the Old Man wouldn't also be able to use Magic Reflector's unnamed counter for its own effect. I'm not completely sure about this ruling though, so you may want to confirm this with a judge to be sure.

60. Spell Reclamation was created before problem-solving card text and wasn't given any sort of update / errata to its text to fix that, but yes, discarding to activate Spell Reclamation is a cost, so you activate Cauldron as chain link 1, then activate Spell Reclamation as chain link 2 discarding for cost, then the chain resolve backwards and you end up placing Cauldron's initial counter on itself.

60.1. Spell Reclamation requires that the spell in question gets sent to the graveyard before said spell returns to the hand. If Magic Reflector removes a counter from Cauldron to protect that Cauldron from destruction, that Cauldron wasn't destroyed or sent to the graveyard, so it remains on the field and doesn't return to the hand yet.

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Post #282 by Cromat » Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:36 am

I wasn't expecting someone gives answer those, thanks for your attention.

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Post #283 by Cromat » Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:34 pm

Question #61: What is the different between "Danger!" and "Dark World" cards when they discarded for cost, with like "Trade-In"?

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Post #284 by greg503 » Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:22 pm

Cromat wrote:Question #61: What is the different between "Danger!" and "Dark World" cards when they discarded for cost, with like "Trade-In"?

Dark Worlds say that they only trigger if discarded by an effect. Dangers trigger off of simply being discarded.
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Post #285 by Cromat » Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:55 pm

Question #62:
Your opponent activates "Branded Fusion" and with it, they Summon of "Albion the Branded Dragon". You respond its Summon with your "Floodgate Trap Hole", but they activates their 1st Trigger Effect. You chain your "Ice Dragon's Prison" to that activated effect and Special Summons of "Fallen of Albaz" to your field, then are banishing it. That "Albion the Branded Dragon" must be banish also either. So, that "Albion the Branded Dragon" still can Fusion Summon with its 1st Trigger Effect or it missed its time?
*("Albion the Branded Dragon" has an "If . . . . . You can" PSCT.)

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Post #286 by greg503 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:50 pm

Cromat wrote:Question #62:
Your opponent activates "Branded Fusion" and with it, they Summon of "Albion the Branded Dragon". You respond its Summon with your "Floodgate Trap Hole", but they activates their 1st Trigger Effect. You chain your "Ice Dragon's Prison" to that activated effect and Special Summons of "Fallen of Albaz" to your field, then are banishing it. That "Albion the Branded Dragon" must be banish also either. So, that "Albion the Branded Dragon" still can Fusion Summon with its 1st Trigger Effect or it missed its time?
*("Albion the Branded Dragon" has an "If . . . . . You can" PSCT.)

Albion is not negated, so even if it isn't on the field, your opponent will have to attempt to Fusion Summon using monsters from their field or GY.
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Post #287 by Cromat » Wed Aug 16, 2023 9:39 pm

So, regarding the replay link which placed to the Question #62;
Would player(s) receives an "In-Duel Warning" both; for these, or Judge would allow to continue to Duel without that Fusion Summoning by that Fusion Monster's Trigger Effect; when they arrived and saw that both player agreed and continued to Duel without Summoning that? Or else penalty would be applied (for example, the player who possession that Fusion Monster receives a Game Loss for not resolved that effect correctly (relevant to (and/or) that gamestate was repairable or irrepairable))?

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Post #288 by Cromat » Sat Aug 19, 2023 8:00 pm

Question #63:
Regarding to the following replay link, Player Blue says that they created an infinite loop and Player Red calls a Judge for thinking create an infinite loop is illegal. But Player Blue thinks, created that infinite loop is legal here. What is your opinions?
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Post #289 by Christen57 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 5:01 am

Cromat wrote:Question #63:
Regarding to the following replay link, Player Blue says that they created an infinite loop and Player Red calls a Judge for thinking create an infinite loop is illegal. But Player Blue thinks, created that infinite loop is legal here. What is your opinions?
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The Six Samurai player made it clear that the goal of his combo was to end with all 5 pieces of exodia in hand in order to win. There was no infinite loop going on here. Calling this infinite would mean that the combo would've gone on indefinitely or that the player was maliciously trying to prolong the duel with no end, until either player just quits or until a judge intervenes.

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Post #290 by Cromat » Sun Aug 20, 2023 3:56 pm

Question #64:
DARK monsters effect(s) can be still activated while there is a "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" on the field as face-up? (I said "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror", not "Skill Drain".)

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Post #291 by greg503 » Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:03 am

Cromat wrote:Question #64:
DARK monsters effect(s) can be still activated while there is a "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" on the field as face-up? (I said "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror", not "Skill Drain".)

You can activate effects that are currently being negated, if nothing changes, they will be negated on resolution. Don't infinitely activate non once per turn effects that do nothing while negated.
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Post #292 by Cromat » Thu Aug 24, 2023 8:46 pm

Question #65:
If "Weathering Soldier" tributed by "The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode"; 1st Trigger Effect of "Weathering Soldier" will be activated and resolved?

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Post #293 by greg503 » Fri Aug 25, 2023 2:16 am

Cromat wrote:Question #65:
If "Weathering Soldier" tributed by "The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode"; 1st Trigger Effect of "Weathering Soldier" will be activated and resolved?

Sphere Mode tributing isn't an effect so no.
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Post #294 by Cromat » Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:10 am

Question #66:
My opponent Synchro Summoned of "Arcanite Magician". And placed 2 counters on it. Then removed those 2 counters at same time and attempted to destroy my 2 cards. When I said that "Can you remove 2 counters at same time?" they sent me a YouTube video; about 1 kid at video removed 2 counters at same time, after they Summoned it. And my opponent believes that same they can do the same. What do you think about these?

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Post #295 by greg503 » Tue Sep 05, 2023 3:31 am

Cromat wrote:Question #66:
My opponent Synchro Summoned of "Arcanite Magician". And placed 2 counters on it. Then removed those 2 counters at same time and attempted to destroy my 2 cards. When I said that "Can you remove 2 counters at same time?" they sent me a YouTube video; about 1 kid at video removed 2 counters at same time, after they Summoned it. And my opponent believes that same they can do the same. What do you think about these?

In MTG rules, this is a shortcut, where a player wants to do a sequence of things to get to a specific gamestate quicker, such as putting a card in the grave while it yet to resolve. But what happens in game is that Arcanite triggers on Summon to get 2 counters, you can respond. If you don't they can activate it's pop effect, removing the first counter, you can respond to that. If you don't, they can finally activate the pop effect again, removing the last counter, you can respond. If you don't or won't chain anything to any of those, then sure, let them use the effect twice at the same time.
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Post #296 by Cromat » Tue Sep 05, 2023 3:42 am

Oh, fine then. I was starting to think that I can send a YouTube link to my opponent about a player add 5 pieces of Exodia from their Main Deck randomly during their Duel by cheating and tell their opponent that you lost and I won. That means I can't add pieces from my Deck of Exodia and then send a YouTube link to my opponent, for show them how I am right and/or show to Judges how I am right at here; but it seems YouTube links does not count a source, right? Good.

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Post #297 by Cromat » Sun Sep 10, 2023 4:33 pm

Question #67:
Your opponent activates "Double-Edged Sword" and equips it to their monster which has 3000 ATK, while both player have 5000 LP. When opponent declares a direct attack to you, who would win the Duel?

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Post #298 by Cromat » Sat Sep 23, 2023 10:40 pm

Question #68:
How does Dueling Book handle "Lullaby of Obedience" with respect to its 1st effect, I couldn't add the declared monster (and that makes unplayable of this card), which is come out from my opponent's Main Deck, did you fit the function for that card (now), or will any function be added regarding this?

Question #68.1:
How does Dueling Book handle "The Eye of Truth" with respect to its Continuous-like Effect, did you fit the function for that card, or will any function be added regarding this?

(I see you've stopped answering my questions. Do not forget to give correct answers to my questions.)

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Post #299 by Christen57 » Sat Sep 23, 2023 11:10 pm

Cromat wrote:Question #67:
Your opponent activates "Double-Edged Sword" and equips it to their monster which has 3000 ATK, while both player have 5000 LP. When opponent declares a direct attack to you, who would win the Duel?

The duel ends in a draw when both players' LP hit 0 at the same time.

Cromat wrote:Question #68:
How does Dueling Book handle "Lullaby of Obedience" with respect to its 1st effect, I couldn't add the declared monster (and that makes unplayable of this card), which is come out from my opponent's Main Deck, did you fit the function for that card (now), or will any function be added regarding this?

Question #68.1:
How does Dueling Book handle "The Eye of Truth" with respect to its Continuous-like Effect, did you fit the function for that card, or will any function be added regarding this?

(I see you've stopped answering my questions. Do not forget to give correct answers to my questions.)

You don't add the monster straight from your deck to the opponent's hand. You add the monster to your hand, then move it from your hand to the opponent's (there will be a green To Opponent's Hand button or something like that when you hover your cursor over the monster while Lullaby of Obedience is still in your spell & trap zone).

I think with The Eye of Truth, you just have the opponent reveal his hand, as well as any card added to it, while The Eye of Truth remains active. If later on you wish to see the opponent's hand again while the card is still active, you ask for it to be shown again.

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Post #300 by Cromat » Sat Sep 23, 2023 11:26 pm

Your some previous answers were incorrect, I do not know as sure I should trust this time of your those answers.

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