Cromat wrote:greg503 wrote:Cromat wrote:Question #58:
I am activating "Royal Tribute" while I control a "Necrovalley" face-up; opponent thinking for 36 seconds since give their response as "Signaled OK". After 17 seconds since they "Signaled OK": I am saying that "I check the replay after when this Duel ends, if you lied, you'll be reported by me, so no problem if you showed your hand or not."
Since I activated my Normal Spell from hand it had been 63 seconds. 65 seconds have passed, later, I activated "Field Barrier" (by thinking as looks like opponent has no monster in their hand), for continue to Duel.. 2 seconds later I activated the "Field Barrier", opponent discarded 1 monster from hand and declared it effect.
The opponent's discarding "Kelbek the Ancient Vanguard" after they learned that I would review the Duel replay later. How would you evaluate this behavior of my opponent; did the opponent really want to ask me if I wanted me to see their hand or not, or there was no problem there, and only I am causing problem of this situation?
Should I report this behavior of my opponent did, make your comment after reviewing the Duel recording.
(Replay link:
The replay shows that they cheated by not correctly resolving Royal Tribute, what more is there to think about?
Yes, whatever so.. If it was a cheating like you said, probably they will take the action appropriately. I decided to shut up and just created a report file, so move out to next one...
Question #59:
Can I gain 1000 LP and/or inflict 600 damage of my opponent's LP; with "Cauldron of the Old Man", when its counter was upgraded to 2 by "Magic Reflector"? 1st one for when "Cauldron of the Old Man" was activated, 2nd one for when "Magic Reflector" was activated (about its counter(s)).
Question #60: When I activated "Cauldron of the Old Man". After that, if I want to activate "Spell Reclamation". I should place 1 counter on "Cauldron of the Old Man", then discard 1 card from hand for that Trap Card, or vice-versa?
Question #60.1: What would happen to "Cauldron of the Old Man"; if that Continuous Spell Card's counter upgraded by 1 with "Magic Reflector", and also affected by "Spell Reclamation"? When "Cauldron of the Old Man" would be destroyed by any card effect: It would return to my hand, or I can remove 1 counter from it, or either?
59. I believe you can, as there is already another card with similar wording and ruling called B.E.F. Zelos where it places unnamed counters on B.E.S. monsters, who can then use those counters, in addition to their own counters, for their own effects, so I don't see why Cauldron of the Old Man wouldn't also be able to use Magic Reflector's unnamed counter for its own effect. I'm not completely sure about this ruling though, so you may want to confirm this with a judge to be sure.
60. Spell Reclamation was created before problem-solving card text and wasn't given any sort of update / errata to its text to fix that, but yes, discarding to activate Spell Reclamation is a cost, so you activate Cauldron as chain link 1, then activate Spell Reclamation as chain link 2 discarding for cost, then the chain resolve backwards and you end up placing Cauldron's initial counter on itself.
60.1. Spell Reclamation requires that the spell in question gets sent to the graveyard before said spell returns to the hand. If Magic Reflector removes a counter from Cauldron to protect that Cauldron from destruction, that Cauldron wasn't destroyed or sent to the graveyard, so it remains on the field and doesn't return to the hand yet.