1. Create a Declaration thread in the War Registration category: viewforum.php?f=37
2. The Declaration thread must include the following:
- Team A vs Team B
- Deck Format: Banlist & Card Pool
- War Format: Hearts (single)
- Team A Roster and Team B Roster (Rosters must consist of players registered to your team)
Default Rules:
- All the games will be MATCHES in ADVANCED UNRATED lobby with CURRENT TCG BANLIST.
- War match-ups will be chosen randomly, by challonge bracket.
- Every war will be a Hearts (single) war, both teams will start with 5 hearts, first team to drop 0 hearts loses the war.
- All wars have a 7 days deadline.
Either of the following will count as cheating:
- Using Illegal Cards: Including but not limited to using OCG or unreleased cards in a war match.
- Coaching: Coaching is defined as conveying to a player what moves to make.
TL;DR: All wars shall follow the official DB WarBook, which may be found HERE.
Brackets are posted here: https://challonge.com/es/bzdrnh5p
All questions may be forwarded to me or Lost in Illusions via PM.