Inkabus (Ritual archetype attempt)

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Inkabus (Ritual archetype attempt)

Post #1 by Powerless » Mon Sep 20, 2021 8:33 pm

This was my first attempt at making a Ritual archetype, inspired by Nekroz (probably a fair bit more broken though).
A brief summary of what the archetype can do:
The ritual monsters by themselves only have hand effects and are mostly used as searchers/extenders, but can turn into boss monsters with the aid of the effect monsters.
The effect monsters are also combo starters/extenders but they give effects to the in-archetype ritual monsters when used as ritual material.
The xyz is mostly there to do something with leftover monsters, and can be a powerful advantage generator if left unchecked.
As for the spells, the 3 ritual spells are mostly generic, but each is capable of ritual summoning from different places, and they require you to tribute for the exact level of the ritual monster, preventing too much effect stacking on a single ritual. The most powerful one ritual summons from deck, but has a hard OTP and restricts you into only playing the archetype's monsters. The normal spell is just GY setup but can also manipulate levels to cheat out monsters with more effects than they should have.

Now, i've tested the deck a fair bit and its main strenght is obviously consistency, as it has a pretty big amount of searchers and can play trough handtraps decently well, as for the payoff i honestly don't know if the deck is broken or average, as it's hard to end on multiple disruptions and most of the times you'll end up on a chaos MAX-like big fella with a negate strapped to it and few cards in hand. In addition, to make up for their power, the key cards of the deck lock you into only summoning in-archetype monsters, making the Extra Deck basically useless and preventing the use of other engines (like Impcantations).

Also also, i'm not even sure one of the main combos of the deck works properly:
the level 3 gives a ritual monster summoned using it as tribute protection from destruction twice per turn, while the level 7 and 8 respectively give a summon negation and an omninegate at the cost of self-destructing. So i'm not sure if those effects can resolve if used while protected by the level 3 effect.

Anyways, i'm looking for feedback/criticism (also on PSCT) on the archetype and potential changes i can make to it if it's too powerful, again i'm pretty happy with the consistency but i don't know if it would be considered too strong for an actual serious archetype.

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Post #3 by Zack223 » Sun Oct 03, 2021 7:46 am

Why do they not have on field effects it makes them fell like Vienna's on the field?

Zacian best Pokemon he is fucking cool

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Post #4 by Zack223 » Sun Oct 03, 2021 7:48 am

Make it so they have to choose between there hand and field effects for the rituals so you can only use 1 effect that turn.

Zacian best Pokemon he is fucking cool

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