Sound4 wrote:Genexwrecker wrote:Sound4 wrote:Not everyone reads the rulebook as it may be to long so they play a duel ad start learning the rules and how to play.
Ans that is just bad choice making. Do you not read the traffic laws or rules of the road before driving a car?
This example isn't a good one. Traffic laws are a lot more difficult and complex which you will obviously need to read the ryles in order to understand. And besides my point can still apply here were you can still learn traffic laws and rules the more you observe and experience those things. Traffic laws are a lot more extreme and nothing compared to just a game like yugioh.
It is a very real example. lets break down this silly response if the example is so bad.
Traffic laws are a lot more difficult and complex which you will obviously need to read the ryles in order to understand.
^So are the rules and guidelines and penalties of most games you play especially online games or videogames.
And besides my point can still apply here were you can still learn traffic laws and rules the more you observe and experience those things.
^You will never be able to get a drivers permit or license if you dont read the laws or rules of the road that simply isnt how it works. not only that you will never keep the license even if you do manage to aquire it cause you know none of the laws just by watching people drive and will break them.
Traffic laws are a lot more extreme and nothing compared to just a game like yugioh
^It is not extreme the traffic laws are very complex and you need a basic understanding of them to be able to drive a car or any motor vehicle. Same applies to most videogames and card games you need to know and have a basic undertanding of how it works or you will incurr penalties and possible removal of your license of participation at events.
The example I gave is a very perfect comparison and is very simple logic that you can apply to anything you wish to do. If you go through life without knowing basic rules ur not going to get very far. You need to read the rules and laws you need to follow for things irl and online it is just that simple. If this is not something you can accept then I advise not using the internet you will just get yourself into trouble.