Goodbye my friends, staff and duelingbook

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Lil Oldman
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Goodbye my friends, staff and duelingbook

Post #1 by Lil Oldman » Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:42 am

Yeah, I am pretty much done with the this. Yu-Gi-Oh! isn't precisely a game that I love with passion, I used to and even went to a YCS, the 200 I believe, but I think I have done everything there is.

Recently I have been part of another community and the contrast of these two has shocked me and now I've lost almost all connection I had with this one.

I think problems started when I joined the "Banned from rated" drama. It is the only drama I can think of that I have been fully involved and I only joined because I wanted to make d1234 understand my point of view, but there I realised, there is people who just do not want to learn and understand. From there there have just been more and more drama, that A said that, that B thinks that and I've grown bored with it. Beasts will be beasts after all.

I only enjoy some few things from here, like some users and their nice treatment, the occasional funny threads and maybe some stupid answers I've gotten, but anything else just feels boring. Interesting arguments tend to devolve in just a back and forth of insults. People refuse to understand, or rather comprehend, why others critic them. And this problems would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that that's the main source of entertainment. I've been told wonders about DN and his discussion, competitions, help on deck building, etc. point being, if it wasn't for customs, I would have been gone a long time ago.

The forums actually look like the last place you want to be in, with so many aggresive responses from daily users. I was actually to insecure to post my cards the first time due to the aggresive responses others (mainly CrystalMusic) recieved, afraid to recieving the same kind of treatment. Now that I no longer have interest on making custom cards and entertainment here is now basically bullying, I cannot force myself here any longer.

If I had to name users that actually made me have a nice experience here, then it would be:

KTeknis, being one of the nicest dudes I could have ever meet.
Rocket2, although at first he was kinda aggresive, I think I have developed such a nice relationship with him.
Darkphenix, he's been a cool person, helping others and I feel like all of his words are for the sake of this place.
James111/123, Even though I find him a bit weird, I think he is a cool guy, he firstly helped me with customs and although I do not get what he means sometimes, I still find him as an enjoyable person.

If I didn't include you, do not take it personal, it isn't that I do not like you, it is that these people have just had a greater impact in my staying here.

Before I go, I just wanted to say my favorite quote that I think maybe you guys should know.
"As amoung Individuals, as amoung nations, respect to the rights of others is peace." - Benito Juarez, 26th President of México

I may return other time, but regardless, with this I say goodbye, I enjoyed my stay here on duelingbook, but most things have to come to an end, thank you all for an entire year of fun and entertainment.
"Complacency? How rude. I live the stifling life of a high school student in our problematic modern society."
Help I cannot remove this music from my head
Will try reviewing custom cards if they look interesting.

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Post #2 by Rocket2 » Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:51 am

Take care of yourself Lil Oldman. It's been fun having you around. :D

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Post #3 by KTeknis » Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:55 am

Unfortunate. I always liked you and your custom cards. I hope you find happiness in your other hobbies and communities. Also thanks for for the compliment :) I will miss you.

Also, I always wanted to say this: Rest assured. Your Custom Card will be in good hands. A farewell from me as a fellow Custom Card Maker.
I have interest in badly designed custom cards.
You saw these cards as terrible, I saw them as ideas.

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Post #4 by Renji Asuka » Fri Feb 19, 2021 5:07 am

Honestly LIl Oldman, I won't tell you what to do, but don't ever compare yourself to others or be afraid of being compared to others. But I hope you do decide to stick around.
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Post #5 by DarkPhenix » Fri Feb 19, 2021 5:20 am

I have appreciated you dude. I hope you find what you are searching for, and if at the end of the Journey, you seek shelter and rest, we will be ready to welcome you back with open arms
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Post #6 by troglyte » Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:33 pm

I hope you find what you are looking for.
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