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another returning player

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:47 am
by Red_Fox
i used to be on the old Dueling Network for fun, ragequit when 90% of the decks were quliphort, wanted to return later just to find out that it was shut-down.
then i tried Duel Links from the play store (it just released at that time), but quit it a few months later.
i watched the new ygo anime, because the concept was interesting, but then stopped watching because the characters and everything was too weird. it felt like a fusion of zexal and arc-v.
the nostalgia effect had disappeared.

recently, i listened to the old soundtrack of the 1st anime, because of a meme. then i felt like reading about the new rules just out of curiousity.
i searched for "rule book" and stumbled upon Dueling Book. immediately i noticed how it looked almost identical to Dueling Network, what a strange coincidence, and then i read that it is DN's sucessor. whoop whoop!
without a second thought i registered a new account.
then i spent almost 2 days browsing cards and struggling to make a deck. on the 3rd day, after staring at the screen for 4 hours, i finally managed to re-create my old favourite deck and adjust it to the new format.

i still play for fun, i like themed decks (not some mash-up of random link monsters) and i'm very elaborate with my card effects.
it's not roleplaying, but it looks similar. it makes the game more lively and enjoyable. i absolutely hate it when my opponent just drops a bunch of text walls on the board, says "eff" and flushes cards out of his deck like a gattling gun.

Re: another returning player

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 11:14 am
by Runzy
Hi there and welcome to DuelingBook. I am also from DN (most people are). I tried Duel Links also but soon after quit so I can understand why you also did so. I have personally just stayed away from ygo animes as they get boring. Glad you found the site and are able to have fun with your favourite decks :) and I feel ya big wall of texts are so annoying dude.

Enjoy your time on the book ;)