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Hello everyone

Post #1 by SunlessR » Tue Dec 28, 2021 2:15 pm

Hi, I'm SunlessR, the username comes from "Sunless Rise", a melodic death metal band from Russia that I really like, and I had no idea for something else so...

Anyway, I'm a 25 y/o french casual player who'd like to play competitive TCG, I used to play a lot when I was like 15 and the game changed so much since, I'm back at Yu-Gi-Oh for like... 3 months ? I played a lot mostly on EDOpro and DuellingNexus, trying to understand the meta, what's a Handtrap, how to play arround them etc... (My vision of the game has passed to a 10 to 20 turns duel with three or four actions per turn to a "I'll use half of my main deck's card on my first turn, I'll have 3 omninegates and i'll destroy your... Owh... You send Dimension Shifter yo your grave... okay... I'll pass then.", So I had a looooot of things to understand.

With a friend, we built a Eldlich Trap based deck (Thanks internet for helping me about ratio and stuff) and I went to a local tournament where I made 3-2 win/loses, facing mirror match, SS and rogues, then I was hit by something : Playing on a simulator is so much easier than the real deal. No pop-up to remind you that you have an effect to trigger, that you can do this, can't do that etc... So I went to the conclusion that if I want to get better, I should change my way of playing the game, and Duelling Book seems to be quite the rightful tool since I don't have enough money to build a lot of IRL decks. (Damn you Pot of Prosperity)

Overall, I'm sorry for my poor english but I hope it's understandable (I don't even know if this word exist), I'm looking for people who could help me become better at the game, not by giving me copy/paste decks, but by explaining to me why this card is good in the meta or no, how could I play better, well actually, just by playing the game with a critical look, I'm open to all advices and look forward to go back again into this (sometimes) mind blowing game.

Love you all :v

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