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Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:41 am
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Hey everyone

Post #1 by ScapegoatYGO » Sun Dec 29, 2019 3:40 pm

Hey everyone,

Some might know me as Miley Syrus + from duelingnetwork however it's been quite some time and that site has come to pass. We have a great reincarnation on the site (better as well) and I'm back as well. I go by scapegoat now and I'm getting into the youtube and twitch stream now focusing on yu-gi-oh. I just started my first stream yesterday and it went very well. If you want to contact me and are a fellow youtuber/twitch streamer and have been for a while feel free to contact me so we can network as well. I plan on being active here as well as going on that DB grind. If you care to follow me all my urls are in my signature. Hope you all have a good day!

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