Competitive Yu-Gi-Oh! Online™, a growing Discord community for competitive Yu-Gi-Oh! players, is aiming to resurrect the war scene on DuelingBook, and to start running towards this goal hereby I present the first CYO War Season!
To participate, you must belong to a team, if you don't have one, don't worry, there will be plenty of teams willing to take free agents. Your team must be registered for the war season.
Also, you can create your own team by registering a minimum of 5 participants (including a leader and a co-leader) in the Discord server!
To get more info, check out the CYO Discord Server, where we will be glad to help you out with any questions you may have! You can also contact Bisouontop on DuelingBook.
Competitive Yu-Gi-Oh! Online™: https://discord.gg/g67Z6z4
Competitive Yu-Gi-Oh! Online™ War Season #1
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