Welcome to the invoks United Place, we are a team based in France, but is open for all player, all member need to play IVL and IRL, and only meta player allowed, the objective of the Invoks is progress and make result on major event, national, europ, YCS, ect...
We want active player, mutual aid, and respect, all disrespect with the other member or opponent can result sanction
If you want join us, you need to write a message to Small-Might, Dadi or [Invoks United] Blazhead, nor you can ask on the Facebook page.
Member :
Code: Select all
- Small-Might (Alexandre Lesur)
- Dadi (Jean-Michel Diény)
- Antho-L (Anthony Lesur)
- Gardragon (Quentin Hecquet)
- SIMON59279 (Simon Fasquelle)
- [Invoks United Blazhead (Tolga Sirik)
- Douglas23 (Douglas Lagin)
- Djems07 (Djems Rlin)
Facebook :