DBYCS London

Greetings duelists. It's my proud pleasure to announce the arrival of the newest official tournament to Dueling Book. Introducing, DBYCSes (Dueling Book Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series) Tournaments. DBYCS is a series of mini-YCS tournaments for DB. It is a competitive 64 OR 128 man swiss tournament with top cut 8 OR 16, depending on the number of participates. For those who are wondering, one DBYCS will be hosted every 3-5 months. You might ask, why start with London? Because I f*****g live there. So without wasting any more time, let us get right into the important stuff.
- Post your Dueling Book username in this topic along with your Discord username.
- Post your TIME ZONE in the topic.
General Rules:
- This is a swiss tournament, for more information on swiss format you can go here:
- Total number of participants in this tournament will be either 64 or 128 depending on the activity.
- Each round of the tournament will have 3 days.
- Extensions may be granted (if necessary)
- Changing deck is ALWAYS allowed in this tournament.
- Failure in finishing your match may result in a tie.
- You must follow the current banlist http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/
- If the banlist changes in middle of the tournament then we will adapt the new banlist from the date it applies.
- This tournament is TCG only. OCG cards are NOT allowed in this tournament.
- You are allowed to request a DB judge for help in your match at any point. Do not spam judges for help if they are busy, wait patiently.
- The tournament will follow Dueling Book's rules and regulations along with KDE Tournament policy.
- Cheating or lying to a Judge or Tournament Organizer in any case will result in a disqualification and further action will be taken.
- Using any restricted card will result in a game or match loss, depending on the situation.
- You can contact me by sending a PM on Dueling Book or on Discord, my Discord is: Lost in Illusions#8956
Cheating, sharking or lying to the Tournament Organizer or Judge will result in an immediate disqualification, further actions will be taken.
Challonge bracket: http://challonge.com/DBYCS_London
TOP CUT 8 Bracket: http://challonge.com/k4ogdzfg
- 12 days donation code for 2nd place.
- 9 days donation code for 3rd place.
List of participates:
1. AsuiKitsune
2. GarryGamer-7
3. ! Dillion Harper <3
4. [TheOld]R.I.P Qlip's
5. (Akatsuki) Swaggy
6. reizhypyr
7. Birrdy
8. MrAwesome45
9. Vi3tFlaVah
10. nshetland
11. SigmaSchorch
12. yeaboi
13. power up
14. {D-Force} Ursus
15. simon--lol
16. BenjaminX
17. Monarch Snow
18. Noxjja
19. chuckles de clown
20. `HashX.~
21. Slaydra
22. GalaxiaxD
23. Cyrus
24. Infidel RNG
25. Milk
26. monesias
27. Death.
28. Flaming_ice
29. Ultra Plant
30. Sheep
31. chaseer
32. Malea
33. DerYosh
34. Twisted Soul
35. Scorpius
36. rip kid no cry
37. Shuri2060
38. (Akatsuki) Maestro
39. Wolferus
40. Gonikku
41. Dragunity Master
42. DrighteningFlounder
43. BchNinja4
44. (blackflame) typezero
45. Melody
46. Victor Li
47. Master RyBy
48. August02
49. (Akatsuki) Alucard II
50. rinpg333
51. CocoaPuffs
52. Zoey
53. xAikx
54. Lucas CJS
55. redsoxrox53
56. thk573
57. evilmermailz
58. Premade
59. Delirious Mango
60. SolgaleoSun8
62. Tjarkvos
63. bart_ladru
64. Giant
65. Sanctii
66. Sans
69. May
70. Eques4
71. Fallen From Grace
72. Cute Raichu
73. HortonHearsAHolocaust
74. iljarogosin
75. Teenagefevered
76. Superpupi
77. Wobbu
78. Affect
79. Desperado
80. Lightsword
81. chainuser
82. JohnnyPhoenix
83. samoopusteno
84. Princess
85. Koty_Angeloff
86. kelanfitzy
87. Jade Idol
88. Harley Quinn
89. Ron_Weasley
90. Lee
Shameless Advertising:
Ozone Tournaments, the place where you will find 2-3 tournaments hosted everyday, each with prizes: https://discord.gg/Va3A9Na
Prizes are sponsored by the Donation Contest team, you can earn donation codes for unique little events: https://discord.gg/RmpyfFW
Need help with rulings but see no judges online? The Ruling Graveyard, where DB judges and other rulings experts are happy to help you with any ruling: https://discord.gg/d9q4XaN