The War of the Worthless Tournament

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The War of the Worthless Tournament

Post #1 by 7531yo » Sat May 16, 2020 6:22 pm

Have you ever wanted to play a terrible archetype released by Konami and was always told, "Don't us that archetype, it's terrible!" well now you can, as that is what this tournament is all about. The purpose of this tournament is to play one of the most unusable Archetypes that Konami has ever released, that are on the list.

The Rules are Simple

- You must play cards within the archetype that you pick
- No two players can play the same archetype
- You are allowed 1 generic Fusion, Link, Synchro, and XYZ monster, for a grand total of 4 generic extra deck monsters. Generic Means it isn’t part of an archetype or uses generic materials. Such as: Frozen Fitzgerald, Muddragon of the Swamp, Elder Entity N’tss, and Decode Talker
-All cards that are used in this tournament must be released before January 1st, 2019
- You're not allowed to summon extra deck monsters that are from a different archetype than your own except for one of your generic monsters you pick. Ex: Genex would not be allowed to summon an ally of Justice Synchro monster unless it is their generic synchro monster
- You are allowed to use generic cards that are not part of any archetype such as mirror Force, honest, and bottomless trap hole, as long as the archetype you pick is the main focus of the deck, you can play as many copies of cards like the solemn cards, twin twister, and mirror force as you want.
-You are allowed 3 cards total in the main deck from another archetype. Ex:Kaijus. This can be either one copy of three different cards, or three copies of one card, or even one copy of one card and 2 copies of another.
-You are allowed a maximum of 2 hand traps such as: Honest, Ash Blossom, Battle Fader etc for a grand total of 6 hand traps if you wish
-The Current Ban List and Master Rule 5 will be used

Archetype List
-Ally of Justice
-Arcana Force - Darklokidjwolf
-B.E.S. - spectator-tot
-Dark Scorpions
-Ice Barrier
-Nordics - 7531yo
-Elemental/Evil Heroes / Neo Spacians
-Phantom Beast

Please comment which archetype you wish to use or send me a personal message or email me at: [email protected]
Enjoy and have fun

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