Majester aka. Finish Line Format

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Majester aka. Finish Line Format

Post #1 by Frieda » Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:15 am


It is well known by now that there are quite a lot of Time Wizard tournaments, for example I am in the Vegas 2014 Discord server and they organize a tournament there once a month with this very diverse and interactive format.

I saw YugiNoNo's video about the "Finish Line" format 1 year ago with the July 2015 banlist and this format was the shortest, most diverse and interactive format of the Pendulum Era.

We have also created a Discord server (but we call the format "Majester Format" and not "Finish Line") (currently 9 people) and want to organize tournaments there once a month soon.

So whoever is interested in the format is welcome to join, the more the bigger we can make the tournaments...

For more information you can watch the video from YugiNoNo

Link to Discord Server

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