UberTrainerMinusInfinity wrote:Well, since it is nearly a year since this horrible event happened....I'd like to point out how poorly the moderators responded to this.
I called them over to fix the problem, and what do they do? NOTHING!!! Even when Rocket2 sweared and cyberbullied me to the point I nearly cried in real life, to the point I gained PTSD from this, they didn't come.
Most forum staff would respond to such a problem quickly. But these? It's almost if there aren't any at all.
So....screw this. I'm looking for a Dueling Simulator that has a far better care of it's forum than this!
I'm so glad that my request to be banned from DuelingBook FINALLY became reality after what, 2 years of waiting? But I digress.
I honestly feel bad for custom card creators who want to create cards at the same level of metagame. It's come to a point where all custom card reviewers want to do is to insult the card creators directly for wanting to make custom cards at the level of tier 1/0 meta. It's either you make cards that are loser-tier GOAT level, or people will call you out for making your custom cards "broken, OP, makes PePe and SPYRAL look like a joke, etc."
In any case, Rocket2, I hope you're keeping an eye on this thread, and if so, I have my piece of advice for you.
I know you probably won't listen to me anymore considering how all you like to do is to insult the creators instead of listening to reason, but just stop. Seriously, just stop. It is clear that you have no intentions of allowing anyone with metagame-level custom cards to have fun on the DuelingBook server, and attack people just for the sake of triggering drama on a platform that's supposed to be fun.
Why do I say this? Simple. Whenever someone posts an archetype that is deemed way too overpowered, all you do is call them "CrystalMusic" clones and when others try to explain with reason that their archetypes are designed with the modern meta in mind, all you do is resort to derogatory insults, without giving a care for the world if you're giving the rest of the custom card reviewers a bad name. Then, when custom cards don't get nerfed your way, you decide to drag on the drama, ruining the fun for the rest of the folks here who just want to create custom cards the way they want to envision it.
With the way things are going, you'll only be driving more prospective custom card creators away from this platform if you keep this up. It doesn't matter if one's custom card archetype is deemed "overpowered" by today's meta standards, if you refuse to allow people to be respectful towards the original archetype lore, if you refuse to allow people to be creatively expressive with their custom cards, then you are no better than those who are ruining the custom card format for the rest of us such as CrystalMusic or AromaGirl.
But of course, my guess is you probably won't listen to my advice to reason. Hell, knowing you, you'll probably just hurl another set of insults towards me anyway. But deep down, I know you know that you're insulting people just to gain attention and clout, which I won't feed any longer.
Whether or not you decide to follow my advice is your prerogative, Rocket2, but I've said my piece. I won't be responding to any further replies because you're just not worth my time or energy anymore.