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Post #1 by Darksoul4000 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 12:16 pm

I don't usually enter in the DB Forum but today I decided to introduce 1 of my Custom Archetype which I made quite long ago. It's called "Dalgeije" and yeah it has plenty of cards because I have supported it together with a friend few times. Below in my post I will introduce more of it but we first shall begin with this list https://www.duelingbook.com/deck?id=7410346
Since people have many questions when I have played in Customs very much using this Deck I will describe my archetype in this post so lets begin with Number 1
1) - Lore: Personaly I created the name but it has no Translation at any language but as you see the monsters are all WATER Fish and live into the abyss of the ocean, but if I have to say about the meaning then it comes to "carnivore fish" and that's because of the next Number of the topic.
2) - Strategy: The "Dalgeije" archetype's strategy is nearly the same as the thing most Psychic-type decks do and it is the banishing. The archetype uses many strategies via banishing like draws, strengthen the adds, destruction, recycle and even using their own monsters'effects for further advantage and OTK in most of the times depending how powerful is your hand because the archetype is more powerful if it has plenty of cards to banish or to Summon because it also relies on powerful Special Summons. Their most dangerous moves are coming when they use the powerful cards like "Leviathan" which gives the highest chance of victory due to the lot of effects it has or Dalgeije Mermaid which allows powerful comebacks and nukes especially if you get to draw lot of cards or banish the Ammonite from your deck to pop up to 2 cards or even Scylla which is deadly overwhelming combo using the Rank 7 "O-Mega Dragon" which on its own can banish cards and boost its own strength too.
3) - Weaknesses: Since "Dalgeije" is an archetype that spams, adds and even tries to OTK it's a big problem to many Decks that do not run disruptions, handtraps and destruction. Most of its weaknesses are cards Nibiru but the point is not to interrupt them imemdiately because some of you might say "But you said Nibiru can stop them" or if they see the cards might think they are very easy to beat. NO ! As weakness you should know some of the archetype's strongest MAIN DECK cards are: "Dalgeije Hippocampe, Kelp, Vodnik, Chironex, Surge, Whirlpool and Funeral. Their biggest weakness is if you prevent them from being banished or disrupt them from using the banish with cards like Imperial Iron Wall, Twin Twisters could hit them very badly cus they also rely on Continuous Spells and Traps, even cards like Summon Limit or El Shaddoll Winda can slow them down drasticly and take over before the fish swarms on the field, also Droll and Lock Bird in the very start will lead to a big slap into the archetype's face because they have the habit using draws and adds most of the time.
P.s-If you have further questions let me know into the Forum below my comment, and if my post is too big I apologize again, have fun.

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