Custom Archetype "trospecter": When all your Deck can do is Excavate and Stack Cards

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Custom Archetype "trospecter": When all your Deck can do is Excavate and Stack Cards

Post #1 by Saraak » Tue Oct 12, 2021 12:11 pm

Hi. It's admittedly not been too long since my previous archetype (Arturia), but I was recently looking at my old Vanguard Zero Deck from before I quit the game. Inspiration hit me from there.

I remembered Oracle Think Tank Tsukuyomi Decks, which would excavate cards and shuffle them into the Deck. This, effectively, allowed the Player to 'Stack' their Deck so that they could predict what card's they would draw, which worked to trigger either their Magus card effects or activate a Trigger (cards that activate an effect when drawn during battle). This deck, as it turned out, is still semi meta-relevant in Vanguard Zero, because knowing what you'll draw and planning around it eliminates so much RNG that it almost becomes cheating.

Then I figured that Yugioh didn't have anything remotely close to it. We have Adamancipators, but they've been neutered without something like Block Dragon to keep them going. We have Sylvans, but they haven't seen any play due to how slow they are (and how their effects are, generally, not worth using). There are many more Decks that use excavation, but they all stop mattering once you Search/Send/Banish a card from your Deck, because it automatically Shuffles your Deck, and therefore, kills your 'Stack'.

This archetype doesn't do any of that, and doesn't let you do any of that, because all it allows you do is Excavate, Mill (from the top only, same with Banish), and Draw cards. In doing so, you will be able to create a 'Stack' of your own. This, in turn, let's you use the effects of some of the monsters– strong effects, because you can barely play anything else. This includes non-targeting shuffling, targeting protection, non-targeting banish until end of turn, and even an omni-negate. Though, remember, you need to actually 'Stack' your Deck before you can actually use them reliably. I emphasize reliably because you can always Luck Sack and guess what's on top of your Deck, but that's just wack.

But like with any Deck, this one has weaknesses, a major one. If your opponent uses Droll & Lockbird, then this Deck literally can't do anything anymore. They can also Nibiru you because they'll need at least 4 Main Deck Monster Special Summons (and using Pot of Desires) to reach their Stack of 20 cards to accurately use their Omni-Negate. Those are the biggest weaknesses, but they're also generally weak because they limit themselves by not being able to view their Deck. The 'Stack' is the most important thing for this Deck, and without it, they can't function.

TLDR; Hard to play, just like the intended playstyle with the Vanguard Deck (OTT Tsukuyomi), but rewarding when played well (I think).


Art Source:

Sample Deck:

Replay(s): (Will update as I do more testing, but lack time with some IRL responsibilities, hence why I shat this out)

Some Notes:
  • Unironically, Card Shuffle is the biggest counter to this Deck.
  • If you open the Logs (Mathematician Guy) and search "returned", then you can easily keep track of the 'Stack' you create.
  • Fortune Fairies and Palladium cardscould work well with the Deck (included in Sample Deck Side-Deck), but I haven't tested it.
  • I know that, in comparison to Vanguard, drawing cards is very overpowered in Yugioh, hence why I placed restrictions on most of the cards.
  • The Deck originally had a ", then draw 1 card" clause at the end of each Excavation effect, but I found that the Deck can run without it, so I removed it. However, it is now heavily Luck Reliant (in that you want to draw the Archetype cards via card effects).
  • Despite being Psychics and having a Tuner, both Halqifibrax and Emergecy Teleport will not work with this Deck. This also removes them from using Search cards, as mentioned before, but I felt the need to reiterate.
  • Try not to open your Deck, because that's gonna cause an irreparable game state, literally (unless you can somehow fix the Deck without the auto-Shuffling cutting in it, and prove to your opponent the correct order of cards). It'll be a hassle for both you and your opponent.
  • There is no pre-set one-card, or even two-card, combo here. You're basing it all on Luck before you actually reach your Stack of cards. However, Pot of Desires does help you reach your 'Stack' faster by banishing 10 cards, making it so that you only need a 'Stack' of 15 or 20 before the Deck is online.
Last edited by Saraak on Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post #2 by Saraak » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:39 am

Hi, it's been a while, but this archetype has gone under some major revisions, to the point that I'm unsure of what it did before said revisions, so hopefully, I can go over it generally without missing details.

Also, corrections for the Oracle Think Tank Vanguard Deck that was mentioned previously. It doesn't shuffle back the cards, it merely places them on the bottom of the Deck, which eventually rises to the top of the Deck the more cards that you place at the bottom. As a result, the Deck (and this custom archetype) will be able to theoretically know what card it is that they'll draw and how to best utilize this knowledge. In Vanguard, this was in the form of Trigger manipulation. In this Custom Archetype, it'll be in the form of bypassing the need to use cards that reveal the top of your Deck, though they do still exist within the Archetype.

Some cards have also been removed or changed, such as all the Extra Deck monsters that go plus on summon. They've mostly been removed and replaced with 2 Link monsters (A Link-2 and Link-3) alongside 1 monster, which is now renamed into Astrospecter and become a Trap Card.

New Art Source(s), because I honestly can't be arsed to link them all again when I just got them from these three links.

Sample Deck:
-Renewed, and includes odd Deck choices which I'll go through later in the Notes.

New Cards, but you can access the whole list from the above post: Outrospecter Outstanding Odyssey, Astrospecter Amazing Adventure, and Electrospecter, Nistra.

Reworked Cards:

-The previous version of the Nitrospecter Link-3 iteration was able to go +3 so long as you knew what was on top of your Deck, which would ideally be done once you reached your `Stack`, but Convulsion of Nature could also work to circumvent this.

Some Notes:
  • Instead of Combo, I'd pretty much call this a Midrange Deck.
  • The Archetype was changed from being Psychic and are now Spellcasters, with the boss monsters being Fairy. However, the Link-2 is a Spellcaster and the Link-3 is a Fairy. An even split.
  • Card Shuffle and Droll and Lockbird are still weaknesses of this Deck, opening the Deck accidentally still causes an irreparable game state, and the opening boards are all incredibly `Luck Reliant`. However, I've also discovered that the Deck is very Discard reliant, which can be mitigated via the Spell/Traps that aren't the Field Spell, as they have self-Set effects when sent to GY to activate a "trospecter" monster's effects.
  • The Logs are your best friend, but Convulsion of Nature also helps. And by help, I mean completely circumvent the Archetype's uncertainty when it comes to declaring card names.
  • Plaguespreader Zombie helps to place a card on top of your Deck so that you can Declare it soon after. Edge Imp Sabres also accomplishes a similar effect. The in-archetype Trap Card also helps to do so while providing some disruption.
  • Pot of Desires helps with consistency and allows you to reach your `Known Stack` of cards sooner, by cutting the total cards of the deck by 10.
  • Baronne de Fluer can be used due to the Boss monsters being Level 8 and Plaguespreader being an ideal card to play.
  • Coincidentally, Archlord Kristya can actually help if you have enough Boss monsters in the GY, due to them being Fairies. Though, I am unsure if having them all as Fairy monsters would be too broken or not, because Kristya just does everything for the Deck including placing itself on top of the Deck if removed so that the Boss monsters can declare its name... if they were all Fairy monsters, that is.
Last edited by Saraak on Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post #3 by KTeknis » Thu Dec 09, 2021 11:54 am

Pretty nice that you reworked the deck, it's pretty much one of your archetype that I'm most interested at.
I still noticed that there's still a "Notice the Fish" card in your cardlist, so you're still going to rework it?
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Post #4 by Saraak » Thu Dec 09, 2021 12:01 pm

Oh, I forgot to remove the fish.

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Post #5 by KTeknis » Sat Jan 08, 2022 2:19 pm

I was looking at Tropospecters again when i realized there's some small error on Outrospecter Outstanding Odyssey
If this card was sent to the GY to activate a "trospecter" monster's effect You can Set this card.

I thinked you missed a colon there, you should edit it to this:
If this card was sent to the GY to activate a "trospecter" monster's effect: You can Set this card.

There's also another error on Astrospecter Amazing Adventure:
reveal the top card of your Deck, if it is a monster destroy the targeted card.

You should add a comma there, like this:
reveal the top card of your Deck, if it is a monster, destroy the targeted card.

Also, coincidentally, I once made this card when I tried to port some 100% Orange Juice cards, and I realized that this might find some use in Tropospecter deck as an alternative to Terraforming since you can't search.
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Post #6 by Saraak » Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:22 am

Yeah, that's all been fixed now. The `Passionate Research` card definitely would've worked in this deck, probably better than `Dark World Dealings` to dig through the deck.
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