I will use this thread for saving and sharing replays with others

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Re: I will use this thread for saving and sharing replays with others

Post #1801 by ScottyAdams » Sat Feb 05, 2022 1:12 am


Hand game 3 was kinda bonkers tbh. Ngl

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Post #1802 by ScottyAdams » Sat Feb 05, 2022 1:20 am

Christen57 wrote:https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=35882097

Here a player gets a game loss for refusing to comply with the judge's instructions, and after the judges leave, the players insult each other back and forth.

I know this is old but the Draco player lied. He can TT on the summon of Ignis, for the same reason you can strike the summon of a link monster summoned via Revolt. It happens after the effect has resolved, as stated on the cards.

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Post #1803 by Christen57 » Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:19 am


Player gets frozen for lying to a judge about "misclicking" 3 times in a row.

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Post #1804 by Christen57 » Thu Feb 10, 2022 5:23 pm


Here, another player's frozen for stalling.

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Post #1805 by Christen57 » Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:54 pm


Here, another player is frozen for making illegal moves and refusing to correct the mistakes.

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Post #1806 by Fredblade » Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:15 pm

Missed customs replay?

First card he activated is a "cannot negate my stuff"

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Post #1807 by CrystalMusic » Mon Feb 14, 2022 5:03 am

“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

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Post #1808 by NiwatoriFTW » Tue Feb 15, 2022 5:50 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36426423 the salt is real!!!

Indeed, it is. Then again, they didn't insult their opponent: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36447408
[0:00] CrystalMusic: CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Advanced (Unrated) with duel note "1st gen and gx characters only"
[0:19] CrystalMusic: Entered Main Phase 1
[0:22] CrystalMusic: Set "Magician's Valkyria" from hand (1/5) to M-3
[0:23] CrystalMusic: Ended turn
----------------(Turn 1)-----------------
[0:25] judithmendoza: Entered Draw Phase
[0:25] judithmendoza: Drew "Magic Jammer"
[0:32] judithmendoza: Set "Magic Jammer" from hand (6/6) to S-3
[0:39] judithmendoza: Normal Summoned "7 Colored Fish" from hand (5/5) to M-3
[0:41] judithmendoza: Entered Battle Phase
[0:45] judithmendoza: Attacked Set card in M-3 with "7 Colored Fish" in M-3
[0:46] CrystalMusic: Flipped Set "Magician's Valkyria" in M-3
[0:53] judithmendoza: Ended turn
----------------(Turn 4)-----------------
[1:27] CrystalMusic: Entered Draw Phase
[1:27] CrystalMusic: Drew "Dark Magician Girl"
[1:32] CrystalMusic: Sent "Magician's Valkyria" from M-3 to GY
[1:34] CrystalMusic: Normal Summoned "Dark Magician Girl" from hand (6/6) to M-3
[1:47] CrystalMusic: Entered Main Phase 1
[1:49] CrystalMusic: Activated "The Eye of Timaeus" from hand (3/5) to S-3
[1:54] CrystalMusic: Sent "Dark Magician Girl" from M-3 to GY
[1:55] judithmendoza: Activated Set "Magic Jammer" in S-3
[1:55] CrystalMusic: Viewed Extra Deck
[1:57] CrystalMusic: Stopped viewing Extra Deck
[2:01] judithmendoza: Sent "Crush Card Virus" from hand (2/4) to GY
[2:01] CrystalMusic: "byr"
[2:04] CrystalMusic: "ir trash"
[2:07] CrystalMusic: Left duel
[2:07] CrystalMusic: Lost Duel


or mentioned made up rules and accused the other party of cheating: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36449668
[0:00] CrystalMusic: CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Custom Cards (Unrated) with duel note "No Banned Cards or Pends"
[0:24] Lemonade!: Ended turn
----------------(Turn 1)-----------------
[0:28] CrystalMusic: Entered Main Phase 1
[0:30] CrystalMusic: Set "Water Breathing" from hand (1/6) to S-3
[0:34] CrystalMusic: Set "Thunder Breathing" from hand (4/5) to S-4
[0:36] CrystalMusic: Set "Beast Breathing" from hand (2/4) to S-2
[0:41] CrystalMusic: Set "Fire Breathing" from hand (2/3) to S-5
[0:42] CrystalMusic: Set "Fire Breathing" from hand (2/2) to S-1
[0:43] CrystalMusic: Ended turn
[0:44] Lemonade!: Activated Set "Mysterune of Destruction" in S-2
[0:48] Lemonade!: "on ep"
[0:50] Lemonade!: Pointed at Set "Water Breathing" in S-3
[0:55] Lemonade!: "pop and banish top 4"
[1:00] CrystalMusic: "no"
[1:02] CrystalMusic: "thatws busted"
[1:04] CrystalMusic: "no cost"
[1:10] CrystalMusic: "two different efffects"
[1:10] Lemonade!: "Konami made it"
[1:15] CrystalMusic: "no they didnt"
[1:20] Lemonade!: "they did actually"
[1:23] CrystalMusic: "look at the bottom left the card"
[1:27] CrystalMusic: "someone else made it"
[1:32] Lemonade!: "It's a proxy of an unreleased card"
[1:40] CrystalMusic: "konami qwould naver make such a busted pice of garbage"
[1:46] Lemonade!: "I can send the official konami website article on it"
[1:48] CrystalMusic: "im not alllowing that card"
[1:50] CrystalMusic: "my duel"
[1:51] CrystalMusic: "my rules"
[1:52] CrystalMusic: "obey"
[1:53] CrystalMusic: "or leave"
[2:01] CrystalMusic: "also"
[2:07] CrystalMusic: "u can only use ur own cards in a duel against me"
[2:09] CrystalMusic: "u didnt make that card"
[2:12] Lemonade!: "https://yu-gi-oh.jp/news_detail.php?page=details&id=1216"
[2:13] CrystalMusic: "so ur cheating"
[2:16] CrystalMusic: Left duel


or ragequitted over a simple question before the duel: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36451209
[0:00] CrystalMusic: CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Advanced (Unrated) with duel note "1st gen and gx only"
[0:00] gdhtfgydj: Accepted gdhtfgydj into duel
[0:19] gdhtfgydj: "is new support allowed "
[0:26] CrystalMusic: "N O"
[0:29] CrystalMusic: Left duel
[0:29] CrystalMusic: Lost Duel


or insulted the opponent and complained about what they use: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36451876
[0:00] CrystalMusic: CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Advanced (Unrated) with duel note "No Pends or Meta"
[0:00] Zexal101: Accepted Zexal101 into duel
[0:05] Zexal101: "hi gl hf"
[0:06] Zexal101: Won Rock-Paper-Scissors
[0:13] Zexal101: Chose to go second
[0:13] CrystalMusic: Drew "Patrician of Darkness"
[0:13] CrystalMusic: Drew "Holactie the Creator of Light"
[0:13] CrystalMusic: Drew "Aroma Jar"
[0:13] CrystalMusic: Drew "Gellenduo"
[0:13] CrystalMusic: Drew "Seven Tools of the Bandit"
[0:13] Zexal101: Drew "Speedroid Menko"
[0:13] Zexal101: Drew "Speedroid Taketomborg"
[0:13] Zexal101: Drew "Lightning Storm"
[0:13] Zexal101: Drew "Speedroid Taketomborg"
[0:13] Zexal101: Drew "Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice"
[0:22] CrystalMusic: Entered Standby Phase
[0:23] CrystalMusic: Entered Main Phase 1
[0:25] CrystalMusic: Set "Aroma Jar" from hand (3/5) to M-3
[0:26] CrystalMusic: Ended turn
----------------(Turn 1)-----------------
[0:27] Zexal101: Entered Draw Phase
[0:27] Zexal101: Drew "Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice"
[0:28] Zexal101: Entered Main Phase 1
[0:38] Zexal101: Normal Summoned "Speedroid Menko" from hand (1/6) to M-3
[0:43] Zexal101: Declared effect of "Speedroid Taketomborg" in hand (3/5)
[0:43] Zexal101: Shuffled hand
[0:46] Zexal101: Special Summoned "Speedroid Taketomborg" from hand (2/5) to M-4 (ATK)
[0:50] CrystalMusic: "archetypes"
[0:52] CrystalMusic: "really?"
[0:54] CrystalMusic: "how bas are you"
[0:56] Zexal101: "yugo"
[0:58] CrystalMusic: "bad*"
[1:00] Zexal101: "i like the character"
[1:03] CrystalMusic: "only a noob runs archetypes"
[1:07] CrystalMusic: Left duel
[1:07] CrystalMusic: Lost Duel


or claimed unfairness over a thing both players are free to use but you chose not to: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36451933
[0:00] CrystalMusic: CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Advanced (Unrated) with duel note "no pends, meta or archetypes"
[0:57] ebalikch: Entered Battle Phase
[0:59] ebalikch: Attacked Set card in M-3 with "Sabersaurus" in M-3
[1:01] CrystalMusic: Flipped Set "Aroma Jar" in M-3
[1:08] ebalikch: Entered Main Phase 2
[1:10] ebalikch: Overlayed "Sabersaurus" in M-4 onto "Sabersaurus" in M-3
[1:12] ebalikch: Viewed Extra Deck
[1:17] ebalikch: Special Summoned "Evolzar Laggia" from Extra Deck onto "Sabersaurus" in M-3 (ATK)
[1:19] ebalikch: Stopped viewing Extra Deck
[1:21] ebalikch: Set "Infinite Impermanence" from hand (5/5) to S-3
[1:23] ebalikch: Set "Solemn Warning" from hand (2/4) to S-4
[1:23] ebalikch: Ended turn
[1:32] CrystalMusic: Declared effect of "Aroma Jar" in M-3
[1:34] CrystalMusic: Gained 500 LP
----------------(Turn 2)-----------------
[1:37] CrystalMusic: Entered Draw Phase
[1:37] CrystalMusic: Drew "Marshmallon"
[1:38] ebalikch: Signaled OK
[1:41] CrystalMusic: Set "Marshmallon" from hand (5/5) to M-4
[1:42] CrystalMusic: Ended turn
----------------(Turn 3)-----------------
[1:52] ebalikch: Entered Draw Phase
[1:52] ebalikch: Drew "Effect Veiler"
[1:53] CrystalMusic: "wait"
[1:55] CrystalMusic: "no"
[1:58] CrystalMusic: "im not dueling you"
[2:00] CrystalMusic: "u use erxtradeck"
[2:07] ebalikch: Entered Standby Phase
[2:08] ebalikch: Entered Main Phase 1
[2:09] CrystalMusic: "i hate when ppl use one when i dont have one"
[2:12] CrystalMusic: "unfair"
[2:15] CrystalMusic: Left duel
[2:15] CrystalMusic: Lost Duel


or complained about staples, even though you have already used many that would be the norm in Unlimited: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36452066
[0:00] CrystalMusic: CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Advanced (Unrated) with duel note "no pends, meta, staple, extradeck, archetypes"
[0:25] anondescriptloser: Entered Main Phase 1
[0:30] anondescriptloser: Activated "Pot of Duality" from hand (3/6) to S-3
[0:36] anondescriptloser: Banished "Solemn Judgment" from Deck
[0:36] anondescriptloser: Banished "Solemn Strike" from Deck
[0:36] anondescriptloser: Banished "True Draco Apocalypse" from Deck
[0:38] anondescriptloser: Viewed Banished
[0:38] CrystalMusic: Viewed Opponent's Banished
[0:41] anondescriptloser: Returned banished "True Draco Apocalypse" (1/3) to hand
[0:43] anondescriptloser: Returned banished "Solemn Strike" (1/2) to top of deck
[0:44] CrystalMusic: Stopped viewing Opponent's Banished
[0:45] anondescriptloser: Returned banished "Solemn Judgment" (1/1) to top of deck
[0:46] anondescriptloser: Stopped viewing Banished
[0:49] anondescriptloser: Shuffled deck
[0:51] CrystalMusic: "thats a staple you know"
[0:52] anondescriptloser: Sent "Pot of Duality" from S-3 to GY
[1:02] anondescriptloser: "just say you're bad at the game lmfao"
[1:06] anondescriptloser: Left duel
[1:06] anondescriptloser: Lost Duel
[1:17] CrystalMusic: "no only ppl who cant obey my rules are bad at yugioh"
[1:23] CrystalMusic: "gen 1 for life!!!!"
[1:25] CrystalMusic: Left duel


or didn't comply to what the host player said, despite how they, allegedly, call the shots: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36452490
[0:00] CrystalMusic: CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Goat Format (Unrated) with duel note "no gate guardian cards"
[0:00] deathtank: Accepted deathtank into duel
[0:02] CrystalMusic: Won Rock-Paper-Scissors
[0:05] deathtank: "hii"
[0:08] CrystalMusic: Chose to go first
[0:08] CrystalMusic: Drew "Yami"
[0:08] CrystalMusic: Drew "Magic Jammer"
[0:08] CrystalMusic: Drew "Sorcerer of Dark Magic"
[0:08] CrystalMusic: Drew "Charcoal Inpachi"
[0:08] CrystalMusic: Drew "Seven Tools of the Bandit"
[0:08] deathtank: Drew "Nightmare Wheel"
[0:08] deathtank: Drew "Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer"
[0:08] deathtank: Drew "Mobius the Frost Monarch"
[0:08] deathtank: Drew "Metamorphosis"
[0:08] deathtank: Drew "Graceful Charity"
[0:11] deathtank: "gl have fun"
----------------(Turn 3)-----------------
[1:36] deathtank: Entered Draw Phase
[1:36] deathtank: Drew "Magician of Faith"
[1:40] deathtank: Declared effect of "Lava Golem" in hand (4/5)
[1:40] deathtank: Shuffled hand
[1:41] deathtank: Revealed "Lava Golem" from hand (2/5)
[1:43] deathtank: Pointed at Set "Charcoal Inpachi" in M-3
[1:44] deathtank: Pointed at Set "Mystical Elf" in M-4
[1:47] CrystalMusic: "no\"
[1:51] CrystalMusic: "thats bs"
[1:55] deathtank: "u got solom"
[1:55] CrystalMusic: "noob"
[2:00] CrystalMusic: "use ur own cards"
[2:02] CrystalMusic: "not mine"
[2:03] deathtank: "no"
[2:06] deathtank: "lol"
[2:09] CrystalMusic: "u have to ca i siad so"
[2:11] CrystalMusic: "my duel"
[2:14] CrystalMusic: "i call teh shors"
[2:17] CrystalMusic: Left duel
[2:17] CrystalMusic: Lost Duel


or mentioned reporting the opponent over a tactic they're free to use: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36452706
[0:00] CrystalMusic: CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Goat Format (Unrated) with duel note "unique decks only. I GO FIRST CAS IM HOST"
[0:00] BR-T32-X: Accepted BR-T32-X into duel
[0:01] CrystalMusic: Won Rock-Paper-Scissors
[0:06] CrystalMusic: Chose to go first
[0:06] CrystalMusic: Drew "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4"
[0:06] CrystalMusic: Drew "Left Arm of the Forbidden One"
[0:06] CrystalMusic: Drew "Yami"
[0:06] CrystalMusic: Drew "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8"
[0:06] CrystalMusic: Drew "Aqua Madoor"
[0:06] BR-T32-X: Drew "Skilled Dark Magician"
[0:06] BR-T32-X: Drew "Dust Tornado"
[0:06] BR-T32-X: Drew "Dark Magician Girl"
[0:06] BR-T32-X: Drew "Graceful Charity"
[0:06] BR-T32-X: Drew "Delinquent Duo"
----------------(Turn 1)-----------------
[0:19] BR-T32-X: Entered Draw Phase
[0:19] BR-T32-X: Drew "Heavy Storm"
[0:20] BR-T32-X: Entered Standby Phase
[0:20] BR-T32-X: Entered Main Phase 1
[0:21] BR-T32-X: Normal Summoned "Skilled Dark Magician" from hand (1/6) to M-3
[0:23] BR-T32-X: Activated "Graceful Charity" from hand (3/5) to S-3
[0:25] BR-T32-X: Placed a counter on "Skilled Dark Magician" in M-3 (now 1)
[0:26] BR-T32-X: Drew "Apprentice Magician"
[0:27] BR-T32-X: Drew "Pitch-Black Power Stone"
[0:27] BR-T32-X: Drew "Premature Burial"
[0:30] BR-T32-X: Sent "Dark Magician Girl" from hand (2/7) to GY
[0:32] BR-T32-X: Sent "Dust Tornado" from hand (1/6) to GY
[0:35] BR-T32-X: Sent "Graceful Charity" from S-3 to GY
[0:37] BR-T32-X: Activated "Premature Burial" from hand (5/5) to S-3
[0:39] BR-T32-X: Lost 800 LP
[0:40] BR-T32-X: Viewed GY
[0:41] BR-T32-X: Special Summoned "Dark Magician Girl" from GY to M-4 (ATK)
[0:41] BR-T32-X: Stopped viewing GY
[0:42] BR-T32-X: Placed a counter on "Skilled Dark Magician" in M-3 (now 2)
[0:44] BR-T32-X: Moved "Premature Burial" from S-3 to S-4
[0:44] BR-T32-X: Activated "Delinquent Duo" from hand (1/4) to S-3
[0:46] BR-T32-X: Lost 1000 LP
[0:47] CrystalMusic: "nope"
[0:47] BR-T32-X: Rolled a die (5)
[0:50] CrystalMusic: "removal is overused"
[0:51] BR-T32-X: Rolled a die (1)
[0:56] BR-T32-X: Banished "Delinquent Duo" from S-3
[0:57] BR-T32-X: Drew "Mystic Swordsman LV2"
[1:00] BR-T32-X: Shuffled hand
[1:00] CrystalMusic: "im reporitng you for cheating by disobeying the rules"
[1:03] CrystalMusic: Left duel
[1:03] CrystalMusic: Lost Duel


or ragequitted over the opponent doing the same action multiple times for their strategy: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36453111
[0:00] CrystalMusic: CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Custom Cards (Unrated) with duel note "play testing all 108 of my custom decks"
[0:03] Poggog: "hi"
[0:12] Poggog: "im not using custom btw"
----------------(Turn 1)-----------------
[1:37] Poggog: Entered Draw Phase
[1:37] Poggog: Drew "Synkron Resonator"
[1:42] Poggog: Activated "Resonator Call" from hand (5/6) to S-3
[1:56] Poggog: Viewed deck
[1:58] Poggog: Added "Red Resonator" from Deck to hand
[1:59] Poggog: Stopped viewing Deck
[1:59] Poggog: Shuffled deck
[2:02] Poggog: Sent "Resonator Call" from S-3 to GY
[2:04] Poggog: Declared effect of "Crimson Resonator" in hand (6/6)
[2:04] Poggog: Shuffled hand
[2:13] Poggog: Special Summoned "Crimson Resonator" from hand (3/6) to M-3 (DEF)
[2:25] Poggog: Normal Summoned "Red Resonator" from hand (1/5) to M-2
[2:31] Poggog: Declared effect of "Red Resonator" in M-2
[2:42] Poggog: Viewed deck
[2:45] Poggog: Added "Wandering King Wildwind" from Deck to hand
[2:47] Poggog: Stopped viewing Deck
[2:47] Poggog: Shuffled deck
[2:52] Poggog: Declared effect of "Wandering King Wildwind" in hand (1/5)
[2:52] Poggog: Shuffled hand
[2:57] Poggog: Special Summoned "Synkron Resonator" from hand (1/5) to M-4 (ATK)
[3:04] CrystalMusic: "this is why yuigioh sucks"
[3:09] CrystalMusic: "look at how many times you ssd alread"
[3:10] Poggog: Returned "Synkron Resonator" from M-4 to hand
[3:16] Poggog: "wrong card"
[3:19] Poggog: "i agree"
[3:20] CrystalMusic: "this is why olschool is better"
[3:25] Poggog: " i cant play ranked "
[3:26] Poggog: "im sprry"
[3:30] CrystalMusic: "i hate anythign newer than the gx era for a reason"
[3:38] CrystalMusic: "well other than a few synchros"
[3:40] Poggog: "cmon atleast 5ds"
[3:41] CrystalMusic: Left duel
[3:41] CrystalMusic: Lost Duel


or complained about overused cards being used as intended: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36453299
[0:00] CrystalMusic: CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Custom Cards (Unrated) with duel note "no busted cards"
[0:00] Poggog: Accepted Poggog into duel
[0:10] Poggog: "hi using old school beast deck noe"
[0:26] Poggog: Entered Main Phase 1
[0:28] Poggog: Activated "Terraforming" from hand (3/5) to S-3
[0:40] Poggog: Viewed deck
[0:44] Poggog: Added "Gaia Power" from Deck to hand
[0:45] Poggog: Stopped viewing Deck
[0:45] Poggog: Shuffled deck
[0:47] Poggog: Sent "Terraforming" from S-3 to GY
[0:48] Poggog: Activated Field Spell "Gaia Power" from hand (2/5)
[0:52] Poggog: Set "Mystical Space Typhoon" from hand (3/4) to S-3
[1:00] Poggog: Normal Summoned "Enraged Battle Ox" from hand (3/3) to M-3
[1:02] Poggog: Ended turn
----------------(Turn 1)-----------------
[1:07] CrystalMusic: Entered Main Phase 1
[1:09] CrystalMusic: Normal Summoned "Mochiwata - Native American Spearwoman" from hand (3/6) to M-3
[1:16] CrystalMusic: Set "Light and Shade" from hand (1/5) to S-3
[1:18] CrystalMusic: Set "Native American Defiance" from hand (2/4) to S-4
[1:24] Poggog: Activated Set "Mystical Space Typhoon" in S-3
[1:25] Poggog: Pointed at Set "Light and Shade" in S-3
[1:33] CrystalMusic: Sent Set "Light and Shade" from S-3 to GY
[1:37] Poggog: Sent "Mystical Space Typhoon" from S-3 to GY
[1:39] CrystalMusic: "thats y i hate mst"
[1:47] CrystalMusic: "why cant ppl use spells only on their turn"
[1:51] Poggog: "bro its from legends of blue eyes lol"
[1:54] Poggog: "like 2005"
[1:56] CrystalMusic: "so what"
[2:01] CrystalMusic: "its still an overused POS"
[2:05] Poggog: "what do you want from me"
[2:08] CrystalMusic: Ended turn
[2:18] Poggog: "brp they have cards that omni negate and your mad at mst'"
[2:20] Poggog: "?"
----------------(Turn 2)-----------------
[2:40] Poggog: Entered Battle Phase
[2:46] Poggog: Attacked "Mochiwata - Native American Spearwoman" in M-3 with "Enraged Battle Ox" in M-3
[2:50] CrystalMusic: "ur mon is weaker"
[2:57] Poggog: "ok"
[3:00] CrystalMusic: "u field spell works on my monsters too"
[3:03] Poggog: "miss click"
[3:07] CrystalMusic: "nope"
[3:08] CrystalMusic: "to late"
[3:13] Poggog: "sharking i see"
[3:15] Poggog: Sent "Enraged Battle Ox" from M-3 to GY
[3:17] CrystalMusic: "lying i see"
[3:30] Poggog: "i just cant win to you can i"
[3:32] Poggog: "lmao"
[3:35] CrystalMusic: "how can you claim to misclick once u relaized ur field spell boosted my atk too"
[3:51] Poggog: "nah i just tried to end my turn"
[3:57] CrystalMusic: "i smell BS"
[4:01] Poggog: "i knew it boosted you"
[4:07] CrystalMusic: "i smell more BS"
[4:08] Poggog: "i have played this deck for a while"
[4:11] CrystalMusic: "otherwise you wouldnt had attacked"
[4:14] Poggog: "i can see the word all"
[4:31] Poggog: "excaly i was trying to ned my turn and it opened menu"
[4:47] Poggog: "how much do i lose"
[4:52] CrystalMusic: "yeah, ok, whatever"
[5:00] CrystalMusic: "i dont have time for this go duel someone else"
[5:05] CrystalMusic: Left duel
[5:05] CrystalMusic: Lost Duel
[5:21] Poggog: "wow"
[9:33] Poggog: Left duel


or was a hypocrite over things the opponent shouldn't use while you do: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36453663
Hunting Party
Quick-Play Spell Cards
Target 1 card on the field: Destroy that target.
If your LP are lower than your opponent's upon this cards activation: you can target up to a number of cards on the field equal to the number of "Native American" cards you control: Destroy those targets.


But, yeah, that opponent who went along with the duel and was mildly unpleased with the one-turn result that's overused in Unlimited duels was salty.

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Post #1809 by NiwatoriFTW » Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:15 pm

Meanwhile, HppyLver is still with their toxic antics: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=191877-36465343
[0:00] HppyLver: HppyLver hosted Single (with siding) in Advanced (Unrated) with duel note "old school only "
[0:00] Stan Darsh: Accepted Stan Darsh into duel
----------------(Turn 2)-----------------
[1:04] HppyLver: Entered Main Phase 1
[1:05] HppyLver: Activated Set "Common Charity" in S-3
[1:07] Stan Darsh: Stopped viewing Extra Deck
[1:07] HppyLver: Drew "Parallel World Fusion"
[1:08] HppyLver: Drew "Elemental HERO Stratos"
[1:11] HppyLver: Banished "Elemental HERO Avian" from hand (4/6)
[1:11] Stan Darsh: Sent "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" from hand (1/5) to GY
[1:13] HppyLver: Viewed Opponent's Graveyard
[1:15] HppyLver: Banished "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" from GY
[1:16] HppyLver: Stopped viewing Opponent's Graveyard
[1:18] HppyLver: Sent "Common Charity" from S-3 to GY
[1:19] Stan Darsh: "literally didnt wait"
[1:34] HppyLver: "hand traps are for pussy's"
[1:42] Stan Darsh: "ok"
[1:48] HppyLver: Flip Summoned Set "Elemental HERO Clayman" in M-3
[1:58] HppyLver: Normal Summoned "Elemental HERO Stratos" from hand (5/5) to M-4
[2:01] HppyLver: Declared effect of "Elemental HERO Stratos" in M-4
[2:02] Stan Darsh: Sent "Effect Veiler" from hand (3/4) to GY
[2:02] HppyLver: Pointed at Set "Call of the Haunted" in S-3
[2:07] Stan Darsh: "gonna bitch about that too?"
[2:09] HppyLver: Viewed Opponent's Graveyard
[2:10] HppyLver: Banished "Effect Veiler" from GY
[2:12] HppyLver: Stopped viewing Opponent's Graveyard
[2:14] HppyLver: Declared effect of "Elemental HERO Stratos" in M-4
[2:15] HppyLver: Pointed at Set "Call of the Haunted" in S-3
[2:17] Stan Darsh: "lmao"
[2:18] Stan Darsh: "clown"
[2:24] HppyLver: "lopl PUSSY]"
[2:30] Stan Darsh: "cry more"
[2:31] Stan Darsh: "fag"
[2:40] HppyLver: "NED TRAH CUASE YOU ASS SUCKS"```
```[2:40] Stan Darsh: "shouldn't of even let you draw"
[2:47] Stan Darsh: "learn english"
[2:49] Stan Darsh: "lol "
[2:50] HppyLver: "nooob"
[2:55] Stan Darsh: "how am i a noob"
[2:59] HppyLver: "learn npot to troll"
[3:09] Stan Darsh: ""handtraps are for pussies" and you call me a troll"
[3:12] Stan Darsh: "cope harder fag"
[3:24] HppyLver: "yes you ARE fa"
[3:31] HppyLver: "dickless loser"
[3:38] Stan Darsh: "lol"
[3:44] HppyLver: "lol NO BALLS"
[3:56] Stan Darsh: "i just want to elaborate that you're getting worked up over a card game"
[4:03] Stan Darsh: "you know maybe games arent for you my man"
[4:05] Stan Darsh: "maybe you need a coloring book"
[4:23] Stan Darsh: "you got any crayons at home?"
[4:25] Stan Darsh: "or did you eat them"
[4:33] Stan Darsh: Shuffled hand
[4:45] HppyLver: "cool so you an assshole online"
[4:55] Stan Darsh: "how am I an asshole"
[4:58] HppyLver: "bet you got 0 freinds in real liofe"
[5:03] Stan Darsh: "lmao "
[5:08] Stan Darsh: "what, you're projecting now?"
[5:15] Stan Darsh: "all because I ashed your shitty trap lul"
[5:19] Stan Darsh: Special Summoned "Nibiru, the Primal Being" from hand (2/3) to M-3 (DEF)
[5:21] HppyLver: Pointed at "Nibiru, the Primal Being" in M-3
[5:23] Stan Darsh: ";)"
[5:27] Stan Darsh: Returned "Nibiru, the Primal Being" from M-3 to hand
[5:42] HppyLver: "dickless nooooooooooooob"
[6:04] Stan Darsh: "look kid i let you cheat with your trap, you gonna attack or just sit here and cry?"
[7:20] Stan Darsh: "waitin'"
[7:23] Stan Darsh: "for a play"
[7:37] Stan Darsh: "my opponent"
[7:40] Stan Darsh: "calls himself happylover"
[7:42] Stan Darsh: "but he's clearly depressed"
[8:38] Stan Darsh: "look bro"
[8:46] Stan Darsh: "i know you're all upset because of valentine's day"
[8:51] Stan Darsh: "i get it, you spent the whole day alone"
[8:54] Stan Darsh: "but you gotta get over it"
[9:11] Stan Darsh: "just accept you're unlikable. you'll feel better"
[9:12] Stan Darsh: "promise. <3"
[9:32] Stan Darsh: "are you crying or something"
[11:28] Stan Darsh: "my dude, do you have nothing better to do "
[11:46] Stan Darsh: "you literally have a prank kids pfp and you have no idea how to play yugioh"
[11:50] Stan Darsh: "somethings not addin up here "
[12:10] Stan Darsh: "sooooo yeah, no idea how to play?"
[12:13] Stan Darsh: "i can play with you and teach you"
[12:21] Stan Darsh: "see now you enter battle phase"
[12:25] Stan Darsh: "and attack with your two monsters"
[12:40] HppyLver: Left duel
[12:40] HppyLver: Lost Duel


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Post #1810 by NiwatoriFTW » Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:37 pm

Also, quite weird HppyLver being that salty over Ash Blossom or hand traps in general: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=191877-35825536

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Post #1811 by Lil Oldman » Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:39 pm

Did you wait for him to just do anything for you to post your entire catalog lmao?
"Complacency? How rude. I live the stifling life of a high school student in our problematic modern society."
Help I cannot remove this music from my head
Will try reviewing custom cards if they look interesting.

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Post #1812 by NiwatoriFTW » Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:44 pm

Lil Oldman wrote:Did you wait for him to just do anything for you to post your entire catalog lmao?

Well, if you check the replays' number, you'll see that it all happened AFTER the one he shared. It wasn't even needed sharing something from before his return, yesterday's stuff was just fine.

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Post #1813 by greg503 » Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:54 pm

Oh look, Exodia FTK with banned cards, how interesting and original
Buy Floowandereeze

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Post #1814 by Lil Oldman » Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:56 pm

I meant more on why bother with someone like them, the thing basically went under the rug until you showed your arsenal of replays you have. I don't think anyone cares that whole lot anymore about CrystalMusic's behavior, now everyone is chewing down on sound4's argument lol
"Complacency? How rude. I live the stifling life of a high school student in our problematic modern society."
Help I cannot remove this music from my head
Will try reviewing custom cards if they look interesting.

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Post #1815 by NiwatoriFTW » Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:18 pm

Actually, I just went with that saying of "Do not feed the troll". He didn't showed up after his last rebuke, there was no reason to incentive him resuming being toxic. Since he did it again by his own free will, might as well resume refuting, specially for those who don't really know him (and weren't blocked by him yet).

Anyway, I also shared some of HppyLver, who keeps it way under the radar than the previous Karen I shared. It's not much, but... It's something, I guess?

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Post #1816 by Slitina » Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:37 pm

Just what 2022 needed our favourite duels from our favourite duelist CrystalMusic.
Reincarnate from the flames! Reincarnation Link Summon! Be reborn! Link 3 Salamangreat Heatleo! Image

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Post #1817 by Lil Oldman » Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:41 pm

Feat. Stupid 33 page argument 2: Electric Boogaloo
"Complacency? How rude. I live the stifling life of a high school student in our problematic modern society."
Help I cannot remove this music from my head
Will try reviewing custom cards if they look interesting.

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Post #1818 by Atomsmasher12 » Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:43 pm

CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Goat Format (Unrated) with duel note "no gate guardian cards".
Why does that sentience sound so familiar to me?
Now i remember that i was the gate guardian player that made the mistake of playing him.
Which goes to show sometimes it is better to check a profile before playing against someone.
Because his profile is just a long list of card and effects u cant use.
A lot of them being game mechanics or common effects that existed since day 1.

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Post #1819 by NiwatoriFTW » Wed Feb 16, 2022 4:38 pm

Atomsmasher12 wrote:CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Goat Format (Unrated) with duel note "no gate guardian cards".
Why does that sentience sound so familiar to me?
Now i remember that i was the gate guardian player that made the mistake of playing him.
Which goes to show sometimes it is better to check a profile before playing against someone.
Because his profile is just a long list of card and effects u cant use.
A lot of them being game mechanics or common effects that existed since day 1.

Oh, yes. I was actually wondering if I should have shared that one, since there was one already that he berated his opponent. But, just for some context, here it is, anyway: https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-36452312
[0:00] CrystalMusic: CrystalMusic hosted Single (with siding) in Goat Format (Unrated) with duel note "try to be unique "
[0:00] Atomsmasher12: Accepted Atomsmasher12 into duel
----------------(Turn 2)-----------------
[1:18] CrystalMusic: Entered Battle Phase
[1:19] CrystalMusic: Attacked Set card in M-3 with "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4" in M-3
[1:23] Atomsmasher12: Sent Set "Flying Kamakiri #1" from M-3 to GY
[1:27] CrystalMusic: Entered End Phase
[1:28] CrystalMusic: Declared effect of "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4" in M-3
[1:28] Atomsmasher12: Viewed deck
[1:44] Atomsmasher12: Special Summoned "Flying Kamakiri #1" from Deck to M-3 (ATK)
[1:48] Atomsmasher12: Stopped viewing Deck
[1:48] Atomsmasher12: Shuffled deck
[1:49] CrystalMusic: Sent "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4" from M-3 to GY
[1:51] CrystalMusic: Sent "Mage Power" from S-2 to GY
[1:53] CrystalMusic: Viewed deck
[1:57] CrystalMusic: Special Summoned "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6" from Deck to M-3 (ATK)
[1:58] CrystalMusic: Stopped viewing Deck
[1:58] CrystalMusic: Shuffled deck
[2:01] CrystalMusic: Ended turn
----------------(Turn 4)-----------------
[2:47] CrystalMusic: Entered Battle Phase
[2:50] CrystalMusic: Attacked "Flying Kamakiri #1" in M-3 with "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6" in M-3
[3:05] Atomsmasher12: Sent "Flying Kamakiri #1" from M-3 to GY
[3:08] Atomsmasher12: Viewed deck
[3:19] Atomsmasher12: Special Summoned "Whirlwind Prodigy" from Deck to M-3 (ATK)
[3:22] Atomsmasher12: Stopped viewing Deck
[3:22] Atomsmasher12: Shuffled deck
[3:26] CrystalMusic: Entered End Phase
[3:28] CrystalMusic: Declared effect of "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6" in M-3
[3:30] CrystalMusic: Sent "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6" from M-3 to GY
[3:33] CrystalMusic: Special Summoned "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8" from hand (1/4) to M-3 (ATK)
[3:37] CrystalMusic: Ended turn
----------------(Turn 7)-----------------
[4:48] Atomsmasher12: Entered Main Phase 1
[4:51] Atomsmasher12: Flip Summoned Set "Kaiser Sea Horse" in M-2
[4:54] Atomsmasher12: Declared effect of "Kaiser Sea Horse" in M-2
[4:56] Atomsmasher12: Sent "Kaiser Sea Horse" from M-2 to GY
[5:00] Atomsmasher12: Special Summoned "Sanga of the Thunder" from hand (1/4) to M-3 (ATK)
[5:18] CrystalMusic: "figures"
----------------(Turn 11)----------------
[6:27] Atomsmasher12: Entered Main Phase 1
[6:33] Atomsmasher12: Flip Summoned Set "Unshaven Angler" in M-4
[6:37] CrystalMusic: "bye"
[6:38] Atomsmasher12: Activated "Tribute Doll" from hand (2/4) to S-2
[6:43] CrystalMusic: "use the full tributes"
[6:48] CrystalMusic: "not a substitiue"
[6:49] CrystalMusic: "noob"
[6:51] CrystalMusic: Left duel
[6:51] CrystalMusic: Lost Duel

Because you're not supposed to beat his beloved Horus. He got the Flip Effect resort covered but not something for bringing high level monsters more easily and you must, indeed, be a noob for using something that's perfectly allowed in order to defeat him.

Also, quite weird how his breaking point was you summoning the second Gate Guardian component and not the one already on the field that could defeat his Horus in battle.

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Post #1820 by CrystalMusic » Sat Feb 19, 2022 2:41 am

“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

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