Localized card name memes

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Localized card name memes

Post #1 by DuskWill » Fri Dec 06, 2019 3:00 pm

To mix things up a bit around here, I thought of an initiative to share something underappreciated for most players and maybe completely unnoticed by native-English speakers who just collects cards in that language: inside jokes that ends up happening to translation in card names.

For the purposes of this topic, I'm not considering talking about localizations from the OCG to the TCG and vice-versa in general, as there are numerous reasons for naming adaptations and most translations are consistent. There are instances that TCG naming gets funny because of extra wordings (Cardian becoming Flower Cardian) or redundancy (Rai-Oh becoming Thunder King - Rai-oh, even though Rai-oh means Thunder King), but those things tend to get noticed in a macro level.

What I'm proposing here is sharing instances of local, internal jokes, resulted from a mistranslation or a name quirk in a card in a certain language. It may be funny only if speak that language. Or maybe a card you own written in a foreign language becomes a pun in yours or even within your local gaming group only. People here might not find them funny like you and your community does, but those instances are bound to happen in such micro level that it would be a shame to remain generally unnoticed.

For example: Monarchs were a recurring meta every now and then, but for a long time it was easier for most players around here to acquire cards in English than ones translated. When the game became more popular, more specialized websites selling singles appeared and the Emperor of Darkness Structure Deck was released (even though there were others before featuring each Monarch), making Monarch decks more common.

The thing is, while most Monarch cards got literal translations when adapted to the Portuguese language, Mobius received an unique predicament:
Not only it got the original Japanese name Mebius back instead, it's epithet translates to the monarch who is as cold as ice. Since it was pretty much always a good addition to the deck, we were bound to see/use it and basically no one could keep a straight face when it was played. The name somewhat gave the monster a personality and it kinda makes us think of a villain with an over the top name.

This is still a meme for my local gaming group. Has a similar situation happened to you and a localized card you use?
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