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and ppl say im bad

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:38 am
by CrystalMusic
efj is worse all they use are cards that make them instantly win. THIS is precisely why i made my Denied card:

Re: and ppl say im bad

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 11:02 am
by Debt
You are worse.

That ordeal lasts for 12 seconds tops. What you do is drag it out to 30 to 40 minutes despite having a clear win available several turns in all while denying your opponent the ability to do anything to make any kind of comeback via insane floodgates and unreasonable protection. Because it's not enough for you to just win, you have to win big, you have to just completely dominate, your opponent just has to look like a bitch. And you do this all while fellating yourself about how great you and your deck are when you gain inevitability.

But if you don't get your way you throw a colossal fit, insult them and rage quit when either it turns out the can make the comeback or they tear apart your early game plan so they're never cornered in the first place; God forbid you actually have an opponent instead of a strawman npc to beat and easily knock over. Even the idea of you losing is too much for you to handle that you'll make up arbitrary garbage that seem to change by the minute as you violate them casually when it suits you.

Re: and ppl say im bad

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 9:34 pm
by Neo_Fire_Sonic
there's a difference between being "bag" and "trolling on purpose"

Re: and ppl say im bad

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 3:34 pm
CrystalMusic, you belong in a mental institution.