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Re: users to avoid

Post #21 by Cromat » Fri May 24, 2024 12:55 am

Everyone who participates, supports, watches and helps Tourney Duels.

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Post #22 by greg503 » Fri May 24, 2024 3:32 am

Cromat wrote:Everyone who participates, supports, watches and helps Tourney Duels.

Sounds like someone lost a few too many of those
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Post #23 by Jaiden P Carell » Fri May 24, 2024 7:10 am

yo feet lover 45 post 1 rep stop trying so hard i know who u r

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Post #24 by james123 » Fri May 24, 2024 6:52 pm

LimpBizkit4real wrote:Me

Go back to Reddit!

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Post #25 by Dark Priscilla » Sat May 25, 2024 9:28 pm

LightCaster wrote:
Dark Priscilla wrote:
LightCaster wrote:CrystalMusic
Dark Priscilla

CrystalMusic and Aromagirl makes broken cards, I do not.

No, you just whine about card art and think you're the best at making card effects when you think a vanilla monster with more than 2000 atk is too busted if it has that weird thing called Support. Like yes, how dare Konami make it easier to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Oh, I don't "think" I'm the best at making balanced cards, I AM the best.
And no, a 2000 ATK vanilla isn't strong, a 3500 turn 1 beatstick is. I usually see morons that justifies a turn 1 BEUD noobs.
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Post #26 by LightCaster » Sun May 26, 2024 1:44 am

Dark Priscilla wrote:
LightCaster wrote:
Dark Priscilla wrote:
CrystalMusic and Aromagirl makes broken cards, I do not.

No, you just whine about card art and think you're the best at making card effects when you think a vanilla monster with more than 2000 atk is too busted if it has that weird thing called Support. Like yes, how dare Konami make it easier to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Oh, I don't "think" I'm the best at making balanced cards, I AM the best.
And no, a 2000 ATK vanilla isn't strong, a 3500 turn 1 beatstick is. I usually see morons that justifies a turn 1 BEUD noobs.

Sorry to shatter your world view, but there's this weird invention called "power creep". Tri-Horned Dragon isn't the best card in the game anymore. Blue-Eyes White Dragon needs a way to get itself out faster because the game itself is faster. I had to deal with it and so do you. If you don't want to, find another card game to play. You can shit on Konami as much as the next guy, I'm not saying you can't. But spare yourself the delusional mindset before you do something stupid. Or, if you still wanna play Yugioh, I hear Goat format is a great time. Try Goat. That way you can stop being a generic custom maker and thinking you can do better than Konami by creating bullshit.

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Post #27 by Dark Priscilla » Sun May 26, 2024 3:25 am

Man, this kid's salt is real, isn't it?
Last edited by Dark Priscilla on Sun May 26, 2024 3:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post #28 by Dark Priscilla » Sun May 26, 2024 3:26 am

LightCaster wrote:
Dark Priscilla wrote:
LightCaster wrote:
No, you just whine about card art and think you're the best at making card effects when you think a vanilla monster with more than 2000 atk is too busted if it has that weird thing called Support. Like yes, how dare Konami make it easier to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Oh, I don't "think" I'm the best at making balanced cards, I AM the best.
And no, a 2000 ATK vanilla isn't strong, a 3500 turn 1 beatstick is. I usually see morons that justifies a turn 1 BEUD noobs.

Sorry to shatter your world view, but there's this weird invention called "power creep". Tri-Horned Dragon isn't the best card in the game anymore. Blue-Eyes White Dragon needs a way to get itself out faster because the game itself is faster. I had to deal with it and so do you. If you don't want to, find another card game to play. You can shit on Konami as much as the next guy, I'm not saying you can't. But spare yourself the delusional mindset before you do something stupid. Or, if you still wanna play Yugioh, I hear Goat format is a great time. Try Goat. That way you can stop being a generic custom maker and thinking you can do better than Konami by creating bullshit.

1) Power creep is just an excuse for the obviously devolution of the game. First fallacy debunked.
BEWD in the beginning used to require 2 tributes to Summon, and used to be hard to Summon. Second garbage fallacy debunked.
I can make better customs in balance than you can, and yes, I can even balance better than Konami, so stop being salty and go bug another modern noob player. I hear XTempest is looking for a dance partner.
Go, my child, and live! Then when you have done all these amazing things, come to my grave, and tell me all about it.

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Post #29 by greg503 » Sun May 26, 2024 3:36 am

Dark Priscilla wrote:
LightCaster wrote:
Dark Priscilla wrote:
Oh, I don't "think" I'm the best at making balanced cards, I AM the best.
And no, a 2000 ATK vanilla isn't strong, a 3500 turn 1 beatstick is. I usually see morons that justifies a turn 1 BEUD noobs.

Sorry to shatter your world view, but there's this weird invention called "power creep". Tri-Horned Dragon isn't the best card in the game anymore. Blue-Eyes White Dragon needs a way to get itself out faster because the game itself is faster. I had to deal with it and so do you. If you don't want to, find another card game to play. You can shit on Konami as much as the next guy, I'm not saying you can't. But spare yourself the delusional mindset before you do something stupid. Or, if you still wanna play Yugioh, I hear Goat format is a great time. Try Goat. That way you can stop being a generic custom maker and thinking you can do better than Konami by creating bullshit.

1) Power creep is just an excuse for the obviously devolution of the game. First fallacy debunked.
BEWD in the beginning used to require 2 tributes to Summon, and used to be hard to Summon. Second garbage fallacy debunked.
I can make better customs in balance than you can, and yes, I can even balance better than Konami, so stop being salty and go bug another modern noob player. I hear XTempest is looking for a dance partner.

Remember when Konami made Monster Reborn to let you summon your powerful monsters from the grave without tributes, and also made Graceful Charity to let you put them into the grave. Blue-Eyes wasn't even hard to summon in the first ruleset because Tributing didn't exist, just like in season 1 of the anime. Go watch Cimo's History of the OCG and learn how Yugioh was ALWAYS broken.
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Post #30 by LightCaster » Sun May 26, 2024 3:38 am

Dark Priscilla wrote:
LightCaster wrote:
Dark Priscilla wrote:
Oh, I don't "think" I'm the best at making balanced cards, I AM the best.
And no, a 2000 ATK vanilla isn't strong, a 3500 turn 1 beatstick is. I usually see morons that justifies a turn 1 BEUD noobs.

Sorry to shatter your world view, but there's this weird invention called "power creep". Tri-Horned Dragon isn't the best card in the game anymore. Blue-Eyes White Dragon needs a way to get itself out faster because the game itself is faster. I had to deal with it and so do you. If you don't want to, find another card game to play. You can shit on Konami as much as the next guy, I'm not saying you can't. But spare yourself the delusional mindset before you do something stupid. Or, if you still wanna play Yugioh, I hear Goat format is a great time. Try Goat. That way you can stop being a generic custom maker and thinking you can do better than Konami by creating bullshit.

1) Power creep is just an excuse for the obviously devolution of the game. First fallacy debunked.
BEWD in the beginning used to require 2 tributes to Summon, and used to be hard to Summon. Second garbage fallacy debunked.
I can make better customs in balance than you can, and yes, I can even balance better than Konami, so stop being salty and go bug another modern noob player. I hear XTempest is looking for a dance partner.

Look, I get it. It's hard to fathom that card games can change over a large period of time but sometimes change happens and we need to accept that. Also you didn't debunk my "fallacies" you just said "No, you're wrong because you disagree with me." You're right. BEWD *did* require two tributes to summon it, which in 2000, was pretty difficult, but with the advent of other summoning mechanics, tribute summoning kind of got left in the dust and Konami needed to do something new with technically their second mascot monster behind the Dark Magician. So what did they do? They gave it easier ways to summon it out. They made BEWD an archetype. Which is, I know, very strange and very scary for you but being stubborn and staying on your pedestal is making you more and more pathetic than sitting here thinking of new gotchas which only go back to you basically saying: "I wish this game was still in 1999-2000 and anyone who disagrees is a salty noob." Differing opinions and watching your favorite game change over time might be new and strange concepts to you, so I'll do my best to explain to you as best as possible so that even you can understand.

Legends of Blue-Eyes White Dragon came out on March 8th, 2002. That's 22 years ago. Do you *genuinely* expect a card game to last that long and *not* change? Magic the Gathering has been around a lot longer and added new effects all the time. Even games that came out *after* Yugioh but have still been around for at least a decade are still changing. Hearthstone, Cardfight Vanguard, Pokemon, and Digimon all have a bunch of new mechanics that, on their original releases, didn't have. Did people hate the changes? Sure. Change is scary. BUT, the games are still around. Why? CHANGE. Adding new cards, new effects, retraining. It's standard procedure for card games to spice things up when it comes to getting that longevity. Let's look at other card game release dates:

Cardfight Vanguard: 2011

Hearthstone: 2014

Flesh and Blood: 2019

Dragon Ball CCG: 2000

Gee. These card games have been around for a long time, right? Wonder how they stayed so long? They added more cards, new effects and retrained old ones.

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Post #31 by XTempest » Sun May 26, 2024 1:35 pm

tell me a TCG that has lasted as long as this, and has not had any powercreep. I will wait for an answer. If you cannot provide three or more, you cannot call us wrong.
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Post #32 by XTempest » Sun May 26, 2024 1:37 pm

Dark Priscilla wrote:
LightCaster wrote:
Dark Priscilla wrote:
Oh, I don't "think" I'm the best at making balanced cards, I AM the best.
And no, a 2000 ATK vanilla isn't strong, a 3500 turn 1 beatstick is. I usually see morons that justifies a turn 1 BEUD noobs.

Sorry to shatter your world view, but there's this weird invention called "power creep". Tri-Horned Dragon isn't the best card in the game anymore. Blue-Eyes White Dragon needs a way to get itself out faster because the game itself is faster. I had to deal with it and so do you. If you don't want to, find another card game to play. You can shit on Konami as much as the next guy, I'm not saying you can't. But spare yourself the delusional mindset before you do something stupid. Or, if you still wanna play Yugioh, I hear Goat format is a great time. Try Goat. That way you can stop being a generic custom maker and thinking you can do better than Konami by creating bullshit.

1) Power creep is just an excuse for the obviously devolution of the game. First fallacy debunked.
BEWD in the beginning used to require 2 tributes to Summon, and used to be hard to Summon. Second garbage fallacy debunked.
I can make better customs in balance than you can, and yes, I can even balance better than Konami, so stop being salty and go bug another modern noob player. I hear XTempest is looking for a dance partner.

how funny you should mention this. Do you remember what chaos emperor dragon did by any chance? how easy it was to summon it along with a certain card called "Yata-Garasu"? oh, and also, even cards like raigeki existed to nuke your opponent's field, and cards like delinquent duo ripped 2 cards out of your opponent's hand. Surely that's fun according to your view of old yugioh. :)
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Post #33 by Umi7 » Sun May 26, 2024 1:44 pm

I think this person doesn't know they aren't the final verdict, but just a single person with their own opinion. I get it. I don't like how yugioh has become its own thing, but I don't think its "De-evolution", it just isn't for me anymore. Do I get upset? Yes. Do I hate others for liking it? No. That's the difference. Plus, Kazuki Takahashi envisioned the game as constantly growing, and for fun. You're ruining that legacy of his by wanting it to remain stale forever. Why would you ruin the creator's visions that way?

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Post #34 by Umi7 » Sun May 26, 2024 1:45 pm

Dark Priscilla wrote:
LightCaster wrote:
Dark Priscilla wrote:
CrystalMusic and Aromagirl makes broken cards, I do not.

No, you just whine about card art and think you're the best at making card effects when you think a vanilla monster with more than 2000 atk is too busted if it has that weird thing called Support. Like yes, how dare Konami make it easier to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Oh, I don't "think" I'm the best at making balanced cards, I AM the best.
And no, a 2000 ATK vanilla isn't strong, a 3500 turn 1 beatstick is. I usually see morons that justifies a turn 1 BEUD noobs.

also... you physically COULD summon BEUD turn 1 in the OCG... you just needed to draw 3 blue-eyes and poly...

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Post #35 by Dark Priscilla » Sun May 26, 2024 10:09 pm

Like I said, if you can justify a 3,500 ATK beatstick in turn 1, you are a moron that cannot play.
I make no exceptions to this, and I don't see modern players as skilled or even remotely intelligent. Everyone in this forum page are as unskilled as the devolution of the gamestate is.
If you guys really want to change my mind, get better, and stop cheating your wins.
Go, my child, and live! Then when you have done all these amazing things, come to my grave, and tell me all about it.

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Post #36 by XTempest » Sun May 26, 2024 11:21 pm

Again... you have clearly ignored the fact that you were able to do that since graceful charity and monster reborn were together in the same format... If you truly were around as long as you say you were, and that you competed in regionals like you say you have, you would have seen people do that exact thing. and only now do you have a problem with it? Your story doesn't add up. Plus, I'm willing to admit when I am wrong, but I need to be provided evidence of it. If you can provide multiple points on how you were never able to get around restrictions, I'll admit defeat.

Also, you never answered my question of card games without powercreep.
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Post #37 by XTempest » Mon May 27, 2024 1:13 pm

still no answer? damn, guess that means I'm right
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Post #38 by LimpBizkit4real » Mon May 27, 2024 7:43 pm

james123 wrote:
LimpBizkit4real wrote:Me

Go back to Reddit!

Ok retard
Hehe :mrgreen:

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Post #39 by james123 » Mon May 27, 2024 11:10 pm

LimpBizkit4real wrote:
james123 wrote:
LimpBizkit4real wrote:Me

Go back to Reddit!

Ok retard

*mocks the quote*

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Post #40 by Krusty Krab » Tue May 28, 2024 3:44 am


These two are racist towards african americans.

One's a judge and one's a player.

Theyre Zionists and extremists.

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