today must be "You're getting blocked by me" day

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today must be "You're getting blocked by me" day

Post #1 by CrystalMusic » Mon Jul 20, 2020 3:58 am

earlier today i was playing call of duty WW2 on ps4, and i blocked over 130 ppl (mostly lag switchers, campers, boosters, quick-scopers, and prestige masters) to enlighten you why i block these ppl:
(Disclaimer, when i say "kill" im talking in the game of call of duty, not real life)
- lagswittchers: 1: it proves you suck cas u cant kill someone while they are moving, 2: they live with the idea of: "my connection is bad, so imma lag switch you to make it "Fair" look its no ones fault why your connection is bad. either A: get a better connection. or B: get off the game!
- campers: your a panzy. grow a pair, and get out and fight like a man!
- boosters: this is even worse that lag switching. you are litterally killing your friend, who is on the enemy team, over and over, cas you cant get a legit kill to gain XP, cas you suck at the game!
- Quickcsoping: due to how a partial snap occurs when you quickscope this literally takes the skill out of sniping as it makes your rifle do all the work for you as it automatically hits your target for you instead of you doing the work by moving your scope to track and kill your intended target.
Prestiege Masters: your are litterally at the highest rank in a what is soon going to be a 3 year old game. how u find it fun killing noobs is beyond me. again this also proves you suck at the game cas here u are, a very skilled player, killing a noobie at the game. (Sarcasm: sum fun!) as the old saying goes: why dont you pick on someone your own size?

today on DB? i already blocked 10 ppl cas they cant read and obey my duel notes.

as the judges have said in the past. granted, yes you dont have to obey the duel note, but not doing so opens you up to me being the way i get when ppl dont follow a simple request and leads to me blocking you to prevent further interaction and put an end to the problem indefinitely.

I just dont get ppl sometimes. they want me to respect them as a duelist, but they cant respect the rules i set for my duels. SMH.
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Post #2 by Water Law » Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:13 am

Cool story, bro.

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Post #3 by Neo_Fire_Sonic » Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:41 am


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Post #4 by KTeknis » Mon Jul 20, 2020 6:13 am

I don't play COD WW2 So i don't know the Meta there, but for Lagswitcher, do you tried reporting them too? Since i think it's considered cheating.

For DB, probably your Duel Note is not clear enough (for example like no new support, but not all of us know which one exactly, and i don't think anyone read your profile first before dueling you unless he already know you.), also keep in mind that said people might be just trolling you, in which case the blocking is justified.

PS: If you still wanted to enforce your rule in the profile, try write it in duel note to read your profile first before dueling. It might cause unwanted effect like less people joining or more trolls, but at least some people might actually read the rules.
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Post #6 by Renji Asuka » Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:55 am

Honestly though....the fact that the FPS community just camps more than ever now, really shows how times have changed, when people camped in the early to mid 2000s, they were called out on it and teams went out of their way to kill the camper til they stopped.

Now for some reason, camping is "fine". Honestly, I don't know how people can just sit in 1 place on a map that the devs and art team put in time and money in, if you're just going to sit in 1 corner for the whole game. Especially pay $60 just to sit in 1 place.
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Post #7 by Debt » Mon Jul 20, 2020 1:03 pm

Renji Asuka wrote:Honestly though....the fact that the FPS community just camps more than ever now, really shows how times have changed, when people camped in the early to mid 2000s, they were called out on it and teams went out of their way to kill the camper til they stopped.

Now for some reason, camping is "fine". Honestly, I don't know how people can just sit in 1 place on a map that the devs and art team put in time and money in, if you're just going to sit in 1 corner for the whole game. Especially pay $60 just to sit in 1 place.

It seems to be a COD and COD derivatives problem rather than fps as a whole. Last time I played COD was when I borrowed blops 1 and I noticed there were a lot of campers. It stems from COD being a rather bad series as a whole, having a core design flaw, bad spawn points and lazy map design.

In other fps games there are reasons to fight in the open, arena shooters like Quake have power weapons to contest, hero shooters like TF2 and Overwatch have objectives needed to actually win the game. In COD team and solo deathmatch these reasons don't exist because players use a preselected load out and you're only out for kills.

The next core flaw comes from the kill streak system. Kill streaks can quickly snowball a game in your favor so it actually incentives a defensive low risk play style so you don't lose the streak. The spawn system and map design (at least in BLOPs) form a funnel that feeds players into camping grounds which lets it be a viable play style. Had greater care been given to these factors camping would be less prevalent.

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Post #8 by Debt » Mon Jul 20, 2020 1:23 pm

And crystal you have very little room to bitch about camping when your entire yugioh play style is basically the equivalent of camping. You do nothing proactive, you either just wait for your opponent to play into you or do nothing for 25 turns to assemble a bad win con. Your rules are bad, highly exploitable (and you get angry if people can outexploit you) and don't merely disincentive proactivity but try to prevent it entirely.

inb4 "if you don't like my rules then don't play me"
I can handicap myself just fine but you know that I can outexploit your terrible rules
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Post #9 by CrystalMusic » Mon Jul 20, 2020 2:20 pm

the only "Camper" i dont mind is the youtuber Blackxworm. his videos are funny!
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Post #10 by CrystalMusic » Mon Jul 20, 2020 2:49 pm

also, wow, im surprised, for once, a whole bunch of replies to a post i made, and most of the replies arent negative.

Also, look, i have always been a defensive styled duelist. Have been since gen 1 with Giant Soldier of Stone, Mystic Elf, Aqua Mador, Battle Footballer, Charcoal Inpachi, Gear Golem The Moving Fortress, Humanoid Slime, Island Turtle, Royal Magical Library, Soul Tiger, Spirit of The Harp, and The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave. Back in those days level 4's had better original DEF than any other level 4 (or lower) monsters original ATK, thus making them be able to withstand attacks and then use them to tribute summon cards like Summoned Skull, Dark Magician, Blue-eyes White Dragon, etc. its one of the reasons I preffer the old days of yugioh compared to the new.

the new yugioh, 95% of the decks strategies are mass summon, you normal summon a card, use its effect to special summon another card, then use the special summoned cards effect to once again special summon. This is an overused strategy and thus is staple for most current era decks. Not to mention turns in todays yugioh takes like 2+ minutes to conclude, where as back then it was as simple as setting/summoning 1 monster (unless you happened to have the right monsters for a fusion via polymerization) setting a few traps or activating a swords of revealing light, then ending the turn.

now i know what some might say: "Get with the times"
look, this isnt the actual TCG, here on DB you can play yugioh in whatever way you like. Some perffer the new stuff and new support for the old stuff like blazeman for the HERO archetype, etc. while some preffer the older times like 1st gen, gx and early 5ds. so I'll just say the following: if you like your new support for old cards thats fine, just let me leave you with a word of advice: if you want me to stay for the entire duel: dont join me if ur using new support for an old deck. theres always more fish in the sea, go find one and duel them instead of me if ur running new support and if you want a full duel.

allow me to explain in a more simple way of what i mean by the above paragraph: if you want to vs someone who duels in a similar fashion as you do:
1: (if they are the host) read the duel note, this will help you get an idea as to what kind of duelist they are
2: read their profile.
3: PM them and ask them
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Post #11 by Slitina » Mon Jul 20, 2020 3:14 pm

Superheavy samurai an archetype having high defenders and have some decent effects are at least tolerable then what CrystalMusic does.
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Post #12 by NiwatoriFTW » Mon Jul 20, 2020 3:16 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:the new yugioh, 95% of the decks strategies are mass summon, you normal summon a card, use its effect to special summon another card, then use the special summoned cards effect to once again special summon. This is an overused strategy and thus is staple for most current era decks. Not to mention turns in todays yugioh takes like 2+ minutes to conclude, where as back then it was as simple as setting/summoning 1 monster (unless you happened to have the right monsters for a fusion via polymerization) setting a few traps or activating a swords of revealing light, then ending the turn.

Just wondering... why turns in regular duels taking 2 or more minutes to finish are a bad thing, but your optimal duels (the ones you don't rage quit to the slightest thing or the prospect of defeat) taking dozens of minutes are considered fine?

Take for example this: where the duel took over an hour. I know you've commented about being a "defensive styled" duelist, but you making 3 attacks in the span of an hour while keeping your cards untouchable by the opponent seems WAY less interactive and quite boring than anything going on today. Is the fun and amusement supposed to be that one-sided?

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Post #13 by CrystalMusic » Mon Jul 20, 2020 3:18 pm

Slitina wrote:Superheavy samurai an archetype having high defenders and have some decent effects are at least tolerable then what CrystalMusic does.

oh so a card that can attack while its in defense (which goes against the basics of yugioh) is perfectly fine, but a monster who is immune to destruction effects isnt?

back in the day monsters could only attack if they were in attack position. and some wonder why i hate the new stuff? its like konami threw out the rulebook and made cards become the rules. thats why konami called them 'Battle positions'
"Attack Position"
"Defense Position"

SMH and Facepalm
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Post #14 by yumafan30 » Mon Jul 20, 2020 3:25 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:
Slitina wrote:Superheavy samurai an archetype having high defenders and have some decent effects are at least tolerable then what CrystalMusic does.

oh so a card that can attack while its in defense (which goes against the basics of yugioh) is perfectly fine, but a monster who is immune to destruction effects isnt?

As dzeeff's video explained: Image

Also, Total Defense Shogun existed back then.

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Post #15 by Debt » Mon Jul 20, 2020 3:57 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:also, wow, im surprised, for once, a whole bunch of replies to a post i made, and most of the replies arent negative.

Also, look, i have always been a defensive styled duelist. Have been since gen 1 with Giant Soldier of Stone, Mystic Elf, Aqua Mador, Battle Footballer, Charcoal Inpachi, Gear Golem The Moving Fortress, Humanoid Slime, Island Turtle, Royal Magical Library, Soul Tiger, Spirit of The Harp, and The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave. Back in those days level 4's had better original DEF than any other level 4 (or lower) monsters original ATK, thus making them be able to withstand attacks and then use them to tribute summon cards like Summoned Skull, Dark Magician, Blue-eyes White Dragon, etc. its one of the reasons I preffer the old days of yugioh compared to the new.

the new yugioh, 95% of the decks strategies are mass summon, you normal summon a card, use its effect to special summon another card, then use the special summoned cards effect to once again special summon. This is an overused strategy and thus is staple for most current era decks. Not to mention turns in todays yugioh takes like 2+ minutes to conclude, where as back then it was as simple as setting/summoning 1 monster (unless you happened to have the right monsters for a fusion via polymerization) setting a few traps or activating a swords of revealing light, then ending the turn.

now i know what some might say: "Get with the times"
look, this isnt the actual TCG, here on DB you can play yugioh in whatever way you like. Some perffer the new stuff and new support for the old stuff like blazeman for the HERO archetype, etc. while some preffer the older times like 1st gen, gx and early 5ds. so I'll just say the following: if you like your new support for old cards thats fine, just let me leave you with a word of advice: if you want me to stay for the entire duel: dont join me if ur using new support for an old deck. theres always more fish in the sea, go find one and duel them instead of me if ur running new support and if you want a full duel.

It's not even getting with the times. You idealize a time period that never existed outside of middle school. The middle school meta was a result of kids not having personal income or game sense to know how to build good decks. In the 7th grade I whipped everyone around me because most everyone else tried to emulate the anime; I had a bit of game sense and brought gravity bind good stuff and just slapped everyone into oblivion and it didn't cost me much to assemble, just some good trades, a few lucky pulls and spending a few bucks for a few $1 rares and commons. I knew I could destroy everyone because almost no one wanted to build just to play against me.

Yugioh has never been a numbers check game in the TCG but you keep trying to warp the game into one. You have always been able to counter numbers with effects in yugioh. Proactivity has always been in the game. Month 1 of the NA release we had Hane-Hane, Man-eater bug, Dark Hole, Raigeki, Change of Heart, Trap Hole, MST and Heavy Storm all at 3. By 2003 even after the first wave of limiting the game the amount of removal tools was sufficient to snuff out any and all purely defensive players. If you played defensively exclusively you would be picked apart by any decent player, a trend that continues with people trying to duel you to this day. I don't understand why you hate card interaction in a game about card interaction.

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Post #16 by CrystalMusic » Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:04 pm

i hate when ppl cant beat a monster, that is capable of destruction in battle, by gee, idk, BATTLING IT! the yugioh card game is based its anime called Yugioh Duel Monsters. Not duel Spells. Not Duel Traps. DUEL MONSTERS!

the definition of duel: a combat between two persons.
in this case: a combat between two monsters.

its not "Duel" monsters if you arent battling monsters with monsters!
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Post #17 by Slitina » Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:09 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:
Slitina wrote:Superheavy samurai an archetype having high defenders and have some decent effects are at least tolerable then what CrystalMusic does.

oh so a card that can attack while its in defense (which goes against the basics of yugioh) is perfectly fine, but a monster who is immune to destruction effects isnt?

back in the day monsters could only attack if they were in attack position. and some wonder why i hate the new stuff? its like konami threw out the rulebook and made cards become the rules. thats why konami called them 'Battle positions‘discs
"Attack Position"
"Defense Position"

SMH and Facepalm

Your missing my point also in addition what’s wrong with cards that bend the rules infact you have cards that say “cannot be discarded” like your always referring to back in my day well guess what? Your cards are the complete opposite of cards did in the past.
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Post #18 by Renji Asuka » Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:31 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:
Slitina wrote:Superheavy samurai an archetype having high defenders and have some decent effects are at least tolerable then what CrystalMusic does.

oh so a card that can attack while its in defense (which goes against the basics of yugioh) is perfectly fine, but a monster who is immune to destruction effects isnt?

back in the day monsters could only attack if they were in attack position. and some wonder why i hate the new stuff? its like konami threw out the rulebook and made cards become the rules. thats why konami called them 'Battle positions'
"Attack Position"
"Defense Position"

SMH and Facepalm

Total Defense Shogun would like to have a word with you, which mind you, came out in 2004 from collectible Tins 2004.
And because that existed IN the Era of Yugioh you idolize, it had set PRECEDENCE for an archetype to come out to be able to attack while in defense aka Superheavy Samurai.
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Post #19 by DuskWill » Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:48 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:i hate when ppl cant beat a monster, that is capable of destruction in battle, by gee, idk, BATTLING IT! the yugioh card game is based its anime called Yugioh Duel Monsters. Not duel Spells. Not Duel Traps. DUEL MONSTERS!

the definition of duel: a combat between two persons.
in this case: a combat between two monsters.

its not "Duel" monsters if you arent battling monsters with monsters!

Sounds so sad that your expectations are based on nomenclature and first impressions of anything, as it seems.

The card game, in case you didn't notice, is NOT called "Duel Monsters". You have freedom to do as much as the rules allow you. Regarding the disposal of your opponent's monsters with effects instead of battle is all about efficiency and a bit of card advantage, in case the attack with your monster doesn't go as planned. It wasn't a sudden change, it happened progressively through the course of almost two decades, but it still happened in the earlier stages of the game. Just because people often destroy a monster through effects is not because they CAN'T do it by battle, but most likely that it's a better choice, overall.

Whatever you're saying here won't change how people will play the game if they're opting for the tactic that's more likely to win. In the end, you're just stressing yourself by expecting that random strangers playing online have the same opinion as yours on how a game should be played.

Also, the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga came before the anime, even before the Duel Monsters one, so the card game was not based on the latter.
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Post #20 by NiwatoriFTW » Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:51 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:i hate when ppl cant beat a monster, that is capable of destruction in battle, by gee, idk, BATTLING IT! the yugioh card game is based its anime called Yugioh Duel Monsters. Not duel Spells. Not Duel Traps. DUEL MONSTERS!

the definition of duel: a combat between two persons.
in this case: a combat between two monsters.

its not "Duel" monsters if you arent battling monsters with monsters!

Oh, please, you whine about a Raigeki being used on a Marshmallon and how your opponent sucked for not being able to destroy it by battle:

[2:19] Zerohiru: Activated "Raigeki" from hand (1/3)
[2:23] CrystalMusic: "nope"
[2:26] CrystalMusic: "isaid no stpales"
[2:30] CrystalMusic: Pointed at "Raigeki" in S-1
[2:40] Zerohiru: "monst decks don't actually run raigeki"
[2:45] CrystalMusic: "dotn care"
[2:47] CrystalMusic: "its still staple"
[2:52] CrystalMusic: "ever since its ban was lifted"
[3:29] Zerohiru: "so in this case, you think it's a staple"
[3:36] CrystalMusic: "i dotn think i know"
[3:43] Zerohiru: "well i can beat opinions"
[3:49] Zerohiru: "can't*"
[4:01] CrystalMusic: "return it raigeki is NOT allowed it is a staple"
[4:19] Zerohiru: Returned "Raigeki" from S-1 to hand
[4:20] CrystalMusic: "also using raigeki proves ur deck sucks as u cant battle my cards to beat them"

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