Wow dude! I Cant even fill out a support forum topic without someone being a complete A**!

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Re: Wow dude! I Cant even fill out a support forum topic without someone being a complete A**!

Post #21 by xDEADCENTREx » Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:00 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:
xDEADCENTREx wrote: you KEEP EDITING IN DUELS TO WIN, and something you abuse. TL DR you are a pissant worthy of being banned from Dueling Book.

You keep playing as if it's the Anime, where your opponent has no clue what your effects do, until you decide to use it.

2) I told you to ask me for help.

3) If you googled "PSCT Yugioh" you would know why NOT having proper PSCT is annoying, something you refuse to do, so do not feed me this bullshit that you WANT TO LEARN when all you care about is PISSING PEOPLE OFF.

1: i dont edit rules mid duel, all my rules are stated in my duel notes, if one disobeys them i mearly remind them of my duel note and the ruleset for the duel that was in that duel note, then they get pissed off. THAT is NOT my fault that they get pissed because they cant: A: read a duel note, B: follow my duel rulesets. So again quit blaming others for your mistakes. it is NOT my fault you get pissed off because you dont know how to read a duel note!

You use vague PSCT and describe the effects to your benefit, and refuse to seek help because your text can mean multiple things depending on how screwed you are, so don't feed me this line of trying to get better, you aren't.

Because your hater is the ONLY person that is ACTUALLY trying to HELP YOU, but you are too busy taking insults that are deserved and used to show you how it feels to be the receiving party, I am helping you learn it's not nice to be bugged over and over, and thus HELP YOU IMPROVE to be BETTER. You don't like seeing me everywhere, and everyone doesn't like seeing you because of how toxic you can be. BUT YOU DO NOT CARE.

Games are meant to make sense! Are you high right now or what? "PSCT is for picky people WHO WANT EVERYTHING TO MAKE SENSE" well DUH because how else are you supposed to play the game?!?!?!? Are we seriously doing this right now? Are you high on Crystal Meth?

I can do what I want, because I am CrystalMusic and I am doing what CrystalMusic does now, because CrystalMusic is a retarded troll that no one likes, so I will start to mock them. Yes this is fun now. Long day at work? Bitch please, I am less active, and more working, and I do not have kids, story up because I do not buy your bullshit for a second. What kind of lazy father are you anyways? Forums > Kids, great priority, does the game come before the wife, and shaming opponent's on a kid's card site come before sex? Grow up!

I am in full control this entire time, that's what's funny. I CHOOSE to do this, and you reply simply because you are upset. Get over yourself and just stop playing this game, and making it worse for other users. You're total trash and you suck at Goat Format, the most basic beatdown format in the format library. You suck.

Yes, however back in your day people dealt with the Toxic Elements by removing them from the community, something that HASNT been done with you, and we will continue to keep pointing your faults in every thread until you stop and change. Don't like it? TOO BAD!

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Post #22 by xDEADCENTREx » Fri Sep 20, 2019 2:21 pm

1: i dont edit rules mid duel, all my rules are stated in my duel notes, if one disobeys them i mearly remind them of my duel note and the ruleset for the duel that was in that duel note, then they get pissed off. THAT is NOT my fault that they get pissed because they cant: A: read a duel note, B: follow my duel rulesets. So again quit blaming others for your mistakes. it is NOT my fault you get pissed off because you dont know how to read a duel note!

2: why would i ask one of my haters for help?

3: iv said this before: PSCT is for picky ppl where everything has to make sense to them! As i said before you can ASK your opponent to simplify what the card does, its not hat hard to ask!

4: who are you to tell me what i care about??? i play on here for one reason: to cope with my autism, this site is a way for me to relax after a long day at work, or on my days off.

5: As i said before, it is NOT my fault you cant control your feelings, it is your job to control them, if you get pissed at someone, its your fault for not: 1: Stopping. 2: Thinking to yourself "Is this really worth getting pissed off about? is it really worth it?" 3: ignoring the situation, 4: refusing to move on from that situation but rather go on an elaborate hissyfit about it.

So im no the one who has the issues here, its you ppl who let their feelings cloud their better judgement, well sorry this is the interent, no one cares about your feelings! Ppl on the internet will always be this way, dont like it? then dont go online! simple solution to a simple problem. (Kids these days and their "Safe Zones"" UGH! Back in my day we dealt with crap and moved on)

1. Yes you do. Your rules are stated in your duel note BECAUSE you do not word them properly, something I offered to help with. People get annoyed because it's hard to understand your effects, again I offered to help with this. They get pissed off because you make no effort to better yourself like a normal human being does and use autism as the excuse for refusing to try, instead of anxiety which is the only REAL excuse you could possibly have. GET OVER YOURSELF!
You could DM them to make sure they understand BEFORE they duel starts, something you refuse to do, and you keep saying "I don't have to do this" when helping each other understand and enjoy the game is what this site is intended for, something you clearly do not give a damn about! GROW UP and start making this site for users to enjoy by SEEKING THAT AIDE and getting your cards reworked so they are understandable. I CAN HELP YOU!

2. Because you clearly need help, whether it's an Online Resource, A Person, or whatever else, you clearly do not care about other's feelings at all, and this is inhuman.

3. I've said this before, PSCT was introduced to help remove TEXT MISUNDERSTANDINGS, which is exactly the issue you encounter ALL THE TIME! HOLY CRAP if someone tells you the issue, do you always avoid fixing it?

4. Well then enjoy being ridiculed each day, since that's exactly what you do to other users to "cope with your autism", you harass others, because you are too chicken shit to take it out on your family. I have dealt with mouthpieces before, and I usually have the ability to smash their jaw in, too bad that option doesn't exist with you.

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Post #23 by CrystalMusic » Fri Sep 20, 2019 10:16 pm

thanks for proving my point that i cannot say a singe damn thing without you ppl being an ass! quit getting so triggered over ones post. calm TF down. you people need some serious help!
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

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Post #24 by Neo_Fire_Sonic » Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:50 pm

well, the issue you had with changing the formats was far too minor. So they probably aren't going to do anything about it. Just remember to change said formats.

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Post #25 by LightCaster » Sat Sep 21, 2019 4:06 am

CrystalMusic wrote:thanks for proving my point that i cannot say a singe damn thing without you ppl being an ass! quit getting so triggered over ones post. calm TF down. you people need some serious help!

So hold on, you are being shown the error of your ways, and this is the proper way in which you respond? You are kidding, right? People aren't the ones being the asses here, you are. You are being shown the error in which your behavior is/has been and this is the response you want to give? Do you know what that tells people? That tells people that you're perfectly fine with being a jerk to everyone. You make broken cards yet you complain when others do it. We are telling you that the thins you are doing are not cool so you can hopefully and there's a giant maybe in there somewhere, learn from this. Try to make amends with people you probably have gone out of your way to make fun of. Which also isn't fucking cool let's be real here. We are telling you these things because we want you to try to be a nicer person. and before you say you are, I can guarantee a large group of people will indeed say no you're not. We're not the ones who need serious help here dude. You are. You just choose to refuse it and think you're this god amongst men and continue to be the town fool DB is treating you as. If that's your proclivity then no one will help you. Just don't be fucking shocked when people come out of the woodworks to make fun of you.

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Post #26 by CrystalMusic » Sat Sep 21, 2019 4:23 am

and u prove my point even further
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

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Post #27 by LightCaster » Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:34 am

CrystalMusic wrote:and u prove my point even further

What point do you even have? You have no point. You're declaring yourself the "King of Customs" and yet you have no points to stand on. I am legit curious if you are trolling everyone. Then please say sike right now because the joke's starting to lose it's luster. The point we're making has more sustainability than any argument you can make my guy. Why are you so incapable of owning up to your own mistakes? I know it's hard, I get that. I really do. But someone's gotta say something because this is getting really REALLY fucking ridiculous. You know what you're doing isn't cool, you just won't fucking admit to it. Everyone's screaming it from the heavens and we're looking at you and going "Oh god he's got airbuds in, he can't hear us!" TAKE A LOOK FOR JUST A SECOND WITHOUT YOUR OWN SELFISH BIAS AND THINK FOR ONE SECOND WHAT YOU'RE DOING. It's not that hard dude.

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Post #28 by xDEADCENTREx » Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:20 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:thanks for proving my point that i cannot say a singe damn thing without you ppl being an ass! quit getting so triggered over ones post. calm TF down. you people need some serious help!

Last time I checked, YOU started with articles, by your logic posting articles means you are upset, and you tell us to calm down while posting articles. You must be retarded as fuck. Seriously, there is a Knife in your Kitchen. USE IT!

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Post #29 by xDEADCENTREx » Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:24 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:thanks for proving my point that i cannot say a singe damn thing without you ppl being an ass! quit getting so triggered over ones post. calm TF down. you people need some serious help!

This is what happens when you got no rebuttal and resort to crying wolf about being victimized, when the truth is people are trying to HELP you and you are trying to make those helpers look like assholes, simply because you are a total useless human in the real world, and secretly wish to kill yourself, but you do not have the balls to do it.

I will call your shitposting out anyday, and break down for you why YOU are THE retarded one my friend. I even STILL offer to help edit your PSCT and no DMs, because I am "A hater"? Who wouldn't be pissed when you got such a bad attitude about how to play a game.

If you got issues playing Yu-Gi-Oh, I can just imagine you trying to maintain a job. If you are 17 or less, I highly advise getting onto Mental Health Assistance programs ASAP.

PS: I know you are not a 40 year old, so cut the bullshit lies out, no 40+ year old is retarded enough to go on a site meant for kids, unless they are looking for nudes from people that are younger than themselves by 20+ years.

PPS: 40 Year Olds do not use Acronyms, nice expose there!

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Post #30 by Runzy » Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:30 pm

So many threads. When someone actually spams, spam paradise **Pikachu Face**

Well just play normally and you know not post and insult people on the forum etc. I don't get why you post replays or logs etc just to humiliate someone (Seen one or two in the past). You do randomly change rules etc in games and that clearly annoys people so stop doing it and maybe people won't hate you? Idk just do the opposite and see how that goes.
Last edited by Runzy on Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post #31 by xDEADCENTREx » Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:37 pm

LightCaster wrote:
CrystalMusic wrote:thanks for proving my point that i cannot say a singe damn thing without you ppl being an ass! quit getting so triggered over ones post. calm TF down. you people need some serious help!

So hold on, you are being shown the error of your ways, and this is the proper way in which you respond?

Nick: Yes they always respond this way!

You are kidding, right?

Nick: Nope

People aren't the ones being the asses here, you are.

Nick: Correct

You are being shown the error in which your behavior is/has been and this is the response you want to give?

Nick: And then they cry wolf if someone points it out, calls the person a salt shaker / etc, and then rageposts about people being in their thread to "complain" and "post negative comments" yet they cannot explain the manner in which said callouts are negative, and get proven wrong in every thread. Just look for all my recent posts, as most are in topics either contributed to or created by CrystalMusic.

Do you know what that tells people? That tells people that you're perfectly fine with being a jerk to everyone.

Nick: You make the 5th to tell them this. Genex, Niwatori, Debt, Myself, Neosonic, oh wait my bad, 6th because of priscilla who has given up replying to CrystalMusic.

You make broken cards yet you complain when others do it. We are telling you that the things you are doing are not cool so you can hopefully and there's a giant maybe in there somewhere, learn from this.

Nick: They cannot learn if they do not try, I offered PSCT Editing help, as I claim the title Master of PSCT, and they still refuse to ask at all, in comment or DM, and use "you are rude, you harass me" as reasons not to seek MY help, yet they cannot even message 1 moderator for assistance or advice, and call it "trying". They use "I am Autistic and Autistic people have things they cannot do, so get over it" as a reason for being unable to message people for aide. It's a total shitshow of an excuse for attention mongering, nothing more or less, and when they get mad at the results, they run from it, or call people no lifers, including me.

Try to make amends with people you probably have gone out of your way to make fun of. Which also isn't fucking cool let's be real here.

Nick: They do not care, because they are worse than garbage.

We are telling you these things because we want you to try to be a nicer person. and before you say you are, I can guarantee a large group of people will indeed say no you're not.

Nick: I got at least 6-7 on the Forum (in my head) who all tried to point out all the same things as you are to CrystalMusic, including one staff member (Genexwrecker).

We're not the ones who need serious help here dude. You are. You just choose to refuse it and think you're this god amongst men and continue to be the town fool DB is treating you as. If that's your proclivity then no one will help you. Just don't be fucking shocked when people come out of the woodworks to make fun of you.

Nick: I do it ALL THE TIME NOW, just because harassing them is fun, and I want them to know how it feels. Usually the result is they end up pissed, but fail to learn why they are pissed (because of their emotions, not because of what I do), they fail to get better (with a game of all things), and best part is this trait is among a LOT of DN people of the past. These "Symptoms" are from assholitis as I like to call it.

TL DR they have a God Complex where they are the best, that everyone has to do what THEY want, if they feel harassed a staff "HAS" to deal with it, etc. I used to have it as well, and I will be the first to say it was NOT because I had Autism. CrystalMusic claims to have High Functioning Autism, the same trait I have with mine, and they cannot even send me a DM to help them with text.

"If they cannot understand the text, they can always ask" has become the constant excuse for not making ANY effort. They complain if people do not follow their duel notes, and refuse to DM people asking "Did you read and accept my terms?" which is very basic to do, and an easy copy/paste.

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Post #32 by xDEADCENTREx » Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:38 pm

Runzy wrote:So many threads. When someone actually spams, spam paradise **Pikachu Face**

Better than spamming "Unban me in report appeals" lol

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Post #33 by LightCaster » Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:09 am

CrystalMusic wrote:
xDEADCENTREx wrote: you KEEP EDITING IN DUELS TO WIN, and something you abuse. TL DR you are a pissant worthy of being banned from Dueling Book.

You keep playing as if it's the Anime, where your opponent has no clue what your effects do, until you decide to use it.

2) I told you to ask me for help.

3) If you googled "PSCT Yugioh" you would know why NOT having proper PSCT is annoying, something you refuse to do, so do not feed me this bullshit that you WANT TO LEARN when all you care about is PISSING PEOPLE OFF.

1: i dont edit rules mid duel, all my rules are stated in my duel notes, if one disobeys them i mearly remind them of my duel note and the ruleset for the duel that was in that duel note, then they get pissed off. THAT is NOT my fault that they get pissed because they cant: A: read a duel note, B: follow my duel rulesets. So again quit blaming others for your mistakes. it is NOT my fault you get pissed off because you dont know how to read a duel note!

2: why would i ask one of my haters for help?

3: iv said this before: PSCT is for picky ppl where everything has to make sense to them! As i said before you can ASK your opponent to simplify what the card does, its not hat hard to ask!

4: who are you to tell me what i care about??? i play on here for one reason: to cope with my autism, this site is a way for me to relax after a long day at work, or on my days off.

5: As i said before, it is NOT my fault you cant control your feelings, it is your job to control them, if you get pissed at someone, its your fault for not: 1: Stopping. 2: Thinking to yourself "Is this really worth getting pissed off about? is it really worth it?" 3: ignoring the situation, 4: refusing to move on from that situation but rather go on an elaborate hissyfit about it.

So im no the one who has the issues here, its you ppl who let their feelings cloud their better judgement, well sorry this is the interent, no one cares about your feelings! Ppl on the internet will always be this way, dont like it? then dont go online! simple solution to a simple problem. (Kids these days and their "Safe Zones"" UGH! Back in my day we dealt with crap and moved on)

How about on insisting that it's everyone else to "behave this way" maybe you should sit back and think "Maybe I am being a pretentious asshole to everyone I come in contact with". That'll give you some gleam of clarity because everyone and their grandmother is literally calling you such because you act in such a way willingly and then put the blame onto others and refuting to admit to your own faults? It's hard to admit to such and I get that, but there has to be a point where you'll finally start getting it because honestly it's getting annoying that you're still coming to this site, acting like a complete and utter egomaniac to everyone you come in contact with with the most broken cards ever with the lack of any form of PCST and then complain about the modern game. The game doesn't change for you, you change for the game, and if you don't like it, tough shit. If you are having trouble, and it's obvious you are, with learning the new game, there's no shame in asking for HELP and not asking like a twat when you do. You act like you're a god amongst men when in reality, you aren't, and you have no statement that can defend you because there are plenty of people with plenty of evidence to prove the contrary. It's actually remarkable to see someone so ignorant and yet so rude. People are going out of their way to help them and you berate them? No wonder you're not that great at this game. And if you don't like the modern game, try GOAT format. Instead of making these bullshit and arrogant rules that, not only you don't even follow your own rules, but also only benefit you and not both players. If you hate Yugioh this much, go make your own card game so you can be the best since you know the game yourself and not be a huge jackass to those around you.

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