Hey! I'll keep it brief, but there's a fairly active server I'm a member of, with a curated cardpool with a power level akin to Edison. It's had regular tournaments, 1-2 a day with about 8-10 people on average joining. I think a lot of people interested in older formats would really enjoy it, and new faces would be awesome.
Just a bit more about it, it has a really cool gimmick of Star Chips; A sort of currency you get for winning or participating in tournaments, which you can spend on adding/banning/limiting any cards you want. In that way the format's cardpool is community run. So far it's worked out really well!
If you read all of this, I appreciate it. I wouldn't be posting an advertisement if I didn't think the server was worth a look. If you're interested in at least giving it a look, here's the link: https://discord.gg/AmhChGtjJW
Tired of existing Old School Formats? Some friends of mine made an Alternate Format for you!
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