Cut the excuses and HIRE MORE JUDGES

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Re: Cut the excuses and HIRE MORE JUDGES

Post #61 by Wek » Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:39 am

GayNProud wrote:As a judge who is able to see my reports and have handled some of them, I do not understand how could you say that I am "the problem".

:roll: And which judge are you supposed to be then?

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Post #62 by DarkPhenix » Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:01 am

What is your number?
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Post #63 by GayNProud » Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:30 am

The person I quoted is the judge, not me. Lol.

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Post #64 by DarkPhenix » Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:31 am

That makes more sense lol
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Post #65 by Christen57 » Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:13 pm

GayNProud wrote:
Runzy wrote:
GayNProud wrote:
Again, offer us some kind of solution. Tell us you are working on it. Ask us to brainstorm with you. Tell us how we can help. All you are doing is just shutting down everything, and leaving unsatisfied and maliciously stalled.

There is just no solution you're asking for the impossible.

You did interact with me in my other post about "judges ignoring reports". The issue here goes hand in hand with that. I would not need to make NUMEROUS abuse reports if I did not have to deal with almost every single issue myself due to judges never coming on. Judges are almost NEVER on. This is crazy.

Well, you would think if there are numerous in your duels then it would be you? Anyway, abuse reports are there for when we are not able to get to your call etc so use it? You act like we are slaves that need to be online at your beck and call...

No matter how many internal rules and policies you cannot share with us, all we actually care about is the RESULT. What is the result we have? Judges not on most of the day. And whenever they are on, they are just too few judges for the abundance of calls. Couple that with the fact that you guys do not respond to abuse reports, you get RAMPAGE running around in the website's rated sections.

Judges are on a lot of times. You forget this period is busy for people at work and also those who have exams coming up. I have personally handled over 500 abuse reports and still do. A lot do, like a lot of things it takes time to handle everything but we still handle them.

Now, go back and think about your very strict criteria for hiring judges. Why do you enforce this? Isn't it to keep the quality of the website high? Is that the result you are actually achieving? No. Meaning? Something must change.

Criteria isn't really that strict and we need to hire Judges who will actually be good Judges. I have no idea why you would want more Judges at the sacrifice of them not being good at you....know Judging? It's fine how it currently is. You might not always have a Judge on but that's just how it is.

It is not like we are over here just bitching and complaining. We are trying to propose solutions.

You literally kinda are. The solution? try and communicate with your opponents and solve issues before relying on a Judge. A Judge will not always be online that's just impossible no matter how many you hire let's be logical here. A schedule wouldn't work this is volunteer also people have things in their lives that can randomly pop up.

Renji Asuka wrote:I never once advocate for more hiring judges, but every solution given to them are easy things to implement, they don't want to do it. I only been advocating for Judges to be put on shifts. And the fact its being shot down is showing that the judges don't want to do their job making them lazy. There is 0 excuse for judges not to be online.

This is not a Job. You actually get paid for Jobs? Sure if this actually paid like a normal Job I'd be on a lot more. It doesn't that's the reality and people have to make a living cut the lazy bs and stop acting like you have it all figured out. Honestly it gets tiring when people act like their idea is the best in the world when it's not. You just sound super entitled.

Alter-Ego wrote:Oof all I see in this post is excuses, we all know DB judges is juste an exclusive club for lazy uninterested sad people, most respected DN judges made the move, I wonder if at some point DB reached to those said judges.

Yea cut the crap, Judges weren't online 24/7 on DN so don't act like it's only on DB just stop.

Ending statement: At least Christen57 thinks logically.

As a judge who is able to see my reports and have handled some of them, I do not understand how could you say that I am "the problem". My ONLY "problem" is that my deck of choice is Mystic Mine. As someone who follows the rules of this website, I have the right for my opponents to follow the rules as well. 99.9% of my numerous reports are about my opponents EXPLICITLY breaking these rules, particularly the most recent ones. I am talking about straight up cheating or malicious stalling that they admitted to in the chat. Why aren't these people frozen? How am I the problem there? Because I play a deck that irritated them enough to decide to break the rules?

This is exactly the same mentality you guys used when you unfairly demoted Kitty Trouble for her personal and legal decision to play Pole Position and when she argued back about the legality of her choice. You are LUCKY that I didn't dedicate a post to expose you on that (yet). Stop attacking us and making it sound like you are doing us charity, when you got a lot of work to do behind the scenes to fix your problems. If you choose or decide to operate this website, you must do it right. There are objective metrics that are not debatable for what "doing it right" looks like, and one of them is without a doubt the expectation for people to follow your rules. This is what this entire post is ultimately about.

Oh and Genex, my eyes fell out of my face from rolling around at your "6 factors that go into an AFK" comment. You literally are trying to make it sound like you Yu-Gi-Oh DB judges are brain surgeons. Any fucking idiot would be able to handle 99.9% of AFK issues. AFK = Away from the motherfucking keyboard. Gosh, this is out of pocket.

Wait what happened with Kitty Trouble? What do you mean they wanted Pole Position? Does it have to do with that new ruling on Pole Position where if it would cause an infinite loop it instead is sent to the graveyard, so it can no longer be combined with Invoked Purgatrio to lock the opponent out of playing cards?

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Post #66 by DarkPhenix » Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:24 pm

The new ruling was clarified by Konami lol
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Post #67 by Christen57 » Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:31 pm

Genexwrecker wrote:There is already an alarm feature when we enter your games btw.

If you dont like the fact we aren't always online then you do not have to use the site. If you dont like the product provided don't use it.

How do we activate this alarm feature? Is it automatically activated when a judge enters the game?

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Post #68 by DarkPhenix » Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:35 pm

When a Judge enters the game, and you are on a different tab, your tab will suddenly say A Judge has Entered the Game or something similar. Additionally, if I remember correctly, some sort of sound will play too
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Post #69 by | Hanverid | » Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:15 pm

Maybe if Xteven gives judges a reward for being judges, more people would be interested in the possition. Maybe the perks of a custom pfp as a dono user, etc. So far the only reward judges have for being judges is the option to crash their opponent's connection mid-duel.
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Post #70 by Lil Oldman » Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:19 pm

Maybe that would wortk, but it could also bring unwanted attention to the judge applications. If you think of it, people will start to apply for judges just for getting that custom profile and maybe overwhealm the applications, not to forget the problem isn't the amount of applications, the "problem" is the high standards there are to become a judge.
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Post #71 by | Hanverid | » Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:39 pm

Lil Oldman wrote:Maybe that would wortk, but it could also bring unwanted attention to the judge applications. If you think of it, people will start to apply for judges just for getting that custom profile and maybe overwhealm the applications, not to forget the problem isn't the amount of applications, the "problem" is the high standards there are to become a judge.

There's a lot of qualified people in DB. The only problem is the time. Nobody wants to work for free. Some people can turn the "free work" into paid work like Coder, he voluntarily takes the judge calls but he streams it on Twitch, people watch him, making his YT channel grow, as wel as receiving donations on Twitch from time to time.
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Post #72 by DarkPhenix » Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:50 pm

There are already a massive amount of people who applied for this test, and even more might apply when the new test comes out. Applications are not the problem.
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Post #73 by | Hanverid | » Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:05 pm

Considering what Genexwrecker said, a good way to find reliable people would be by recommendation, if there's an excellent judge, and recommends one of his friends to be a judge, and this friend proves to do their job right, then it would be an easy way to invite new judges.
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Post #74 by ominous » Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:55 pm

GayNProud wrote:I agree with Renji here. There are plenty of people who are happy to align their availability on DB as a judge with their real life availability to play DB. Just because someone is not getting paid to do a job, that does not mean they do not report on time. They CHOSE to volunteer, so it is okay to set those standards (just like you have standards for them in the way they behave.)

With scheduling, enough overlap, and judges from different timezones, we WILL always have judges on and won't have to wait 50 years per call.

The type of person who would align their IRL schedule to volunteer on DB is also the type of person who would likely abuse any power given to them.
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Post #75 by Genexwrecker » Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:25 pm

| Hanverid | wrote:Maybe if Xteven gives judges a reward for being judges, more people would be interested in the possition. Maybe the perks of a custom pfp as a dono user, etc. So far the only reward judges have for being judges is the option to crash their opponent's connection mid-duel.

All judges except me and the heads get customs based on the amount of calls we take
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Post #76 by Genexwrecker » Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:27 pm

Christen57 wrote:
Genexwrecker wrote:There is already an alarm feature when we enter your games btw.

If you dont like the fact we aren't always online then you do not have to use the site. If you dont like the product provided don't use it.

How do we activate this alarm feature? Is it automatically activated when a judge enters the game?

If you are on a different tab when we enter an alarm will sound and the top of the dB tab will change text
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Post #77 by Renji Asuka » Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:29 pm

ominous wrote:
GayNProud wrote:I agree with Renji here. There are plenty of people who are happy to align their availability on DB as a judge with their real life availability to play DB. Just because someone is not getting paid to do a job, that does not mean they do not report on time. They CHOSE to volunteer, so it is okay to set those standards (just like you have standards for them in the way they behave.)

With scheduling, enough overlap, and judges from different timezones, we WILL always have judges on and won't have to wait 50 years per call.

The type of person who would align their IRL schedule to volunteer on DB is also the type of person who would likely abuse any power given to them.

That right there is bullshit, and you know it.
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Post #78 by GayNProud » Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:22 am

I am being maliciously stalled now and of course, no judges have been on for a long while.

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Post #79 by GayNProud » Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:57 am

Still being maliciously stalled by the same opponent. They have been AFK upon losing for the past 2 hours.

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Post #80 by GayNProud » Mon Feb 15, 2021 11:11 am

Check out the replay. The player is paladin79. A judge never came. None were on.

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