How to Fix a Banlist/OCG October Banlist Opinions

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How to Fix a Banlist/OCG October Banlist Opinions

Post #1 by james111 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:05 pm

What every banlist needs, is a way to make sure every card is actually fine for play.

Firewall Dragon, is a common example. Why ban it? Players can Abuse it with other Link monster like the Knightmares. This can cause an entire loophole if not stopped. Also, FREE SPECIAL SUMMON EFFECT. Another example is Cannon Soldier MK-2, Like it's brother (in OCG), Well he just makes OTK easy. Same goes for Amazoness Archer.

When it comes to mind, i prefer Knightmare Goblin to be limited like its the OCG. Altergeist Multifaker, makes Trap Cards easier. i'll leave Multifaker alone, because it's a pretty good standard. Tempest is going to be the Only dragon ruler to be Limited. Maybe the other 3 can come back in the January 2019 OCG banlist.

Nekroz of Brionac is primarily to be semi-limited accordingly to the OCG. Like the OCG Engage and Widow Anchor will be Semi-Limited. And Don't forget about Grass and Super Poly!

Disk Commander is already getting off at the OCG. Gustkraken is very overrated for the Gishki Player's Taste, especially when combed with the Impcantations. However, Construct will be unlimited, But limited for the TCG by October.

My Review of the October 2018 Banlist

Amazoness Archer and Cannon Soldier MK-2 (Have something in Common with each other and the other Cannon Soldiers. They tend to make OTKs quicker and Easy.)
Summon Sorceress (As it's lore explains, it gives you monsters from the Deck.)

Performage Damage Juggler (It's basically mirroring it's TCG Status in case Burn decks)
Knightmare Goblin (I'll say that it makes sense for Gouki players)
Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms (Later on each Banlist another Dragon Ruler get's limited)
A Hero Lives (Same as the TCG. People like to Go Shadow Mist to Dark Law. But, If you ban Dark law, they will Unlimit this.)
Gold Sarcophagus (With balancer Lord, i prefer it's better to leave it at Semi-Limited)

I have No Comment with the Semi limited Section, I'll skip it.

Unlimited Now:
SPYRAL GEAR - Drone is the One that caught my eye, They would probably Unlimit it in the TCG but it's another story.
Destiny HERO - Disk Commander follows the same thing as it's TCG Counter Part.
Evigishki Gustkraken should've been banned, like I said before, It' a little too overated.
and I love it when Winda and Construct are Unlimited Now.

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