X-Saber Palomuro and X-Saber Pashuul banned in Edison?

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X-Saber Palomuro and X-Saber Pashuul banned in Edison?

Post #1 by Christen57 » Fri Sep 29, 2023 5:14 am

So duelingbook's edison format uses the banlist from March 2010.

However, I couldn't help but notice that duelingbook has also banned X-Saber Palomuro and X-Saber Pashuul from Edison, even though these 2 cards were never on the banlist at any point in Yu-Gi-Oh's history: https://www.duelingbook.com/banlist?id=1161

The only X-Saber card ever hit in the game's history currently has been Invoker.

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Post #2 by greg503 » Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:55 pm

Maybe it's because the Shining Darkness didn't come out until May 2010
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Post #3 by Christen57 » Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:04 pm

greg503 wrote:Maybe it's because the Shining Darkness didn't come out until May 2010

That can't be right. In that case, those X-Saber cards simply wouldn't be on the list of Edison cards, just like how you don't need to have Pendulum and Link Monsters on the Edison banlist since those cards just weren't even out yet.

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