Ideal erratas for every banned card V3

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Ideal erratas for every banned card V3

Post #1 by Christen57 » Sun Apr 10, 2022 8:19 pm

Here's V3 of my list of ideal erratas for every banned card. This one will be using the February 7, 2022 banlist.

Here's the first one.

Here's V2:

Like before, the cards will be listed in alphabetical order, starting with the banned monsters, then the banned spells, then the banned traps.

Also, in my previous "Ideal erratas for every banned card" thread, someone pointed out how some of the erratas I suggested were too harsh and would make the card unplayable, so this time I'm gonna suggest nerfs that would make the card weak enough to not be broken, but not too weak to the point where the card is unplayable. Alternatively, I may suggest nerfs that could severely weaken 1 aspect of the card, but then suggest a buff to strengthen another aspect of the card to make up for it, which would also make the card playable but not broken.

1. Archnemeses Protos
Make it so at least 1 of the monsters (or 2 if 1 is too little) banished for it's inherent summon has to be a Nemeses monster. This makes it harder to splash into other archetypes like Swordsoul.

2. Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow
Make it so that, after you use it or either of it's tokens as link material for an effect monster, that effect monster can't then be used as link material for another monster. That way, you'll still be able to make use of it and the tokens for 1 link summon but it'll be harder to continue any more link climbing after that.

3. Blackwing - Steam the Cloak
Make it so you can't activate monster effects the turn you activate either of it's effects, except Winged Beast monsters. That way, you can still use this in it's intended Blackwing and Winged Beast decks but can no longer abuse this with Crystron Halqifibrax specifically. Also, with this type restriction, the once per duel restriction is no longer necessary and can instead be a hard once per turn restriction.

4. Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos
Increase the number of FIRE/Dragon monsters you need to banish, in order to special summon it with it's summoning effect, to maybe 3 or 4. Make it so you can only target Special Summoned Effect Monsters with it's destruction effect, instead of just any card on the field. This makes it so you need more banishments to special summon it (as right now, 2 is clearly too small) and slightly reduces the versatility of the destruction effect, while still keeping the card fairly strong.

5. Block Dragon
Make it so it's effect only lets it special summon itself from the hand, and not also the graveyard (or vice versa, where it can only special summon from the graveyard but not the hand). Remove it's destruction protection effect, and make it so you can't set anything the turn you activate it's search effect. This would nerf it just enough to still keep the card powerful, but not letting you do crazy stuff like summoning it multiple times from both the hand and graveyard to link summon during the opponent's turn with I:P Masquerena to generate even more unfair advantage.

6. Cyber Jar
Make it so it's effect can't activate in the Damage Step and make it so you can't special summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn after activating it's effect.

7. Dandylion
Make it so the tokens also can't be used as Link material the turn they're summoned. If that alone doesn't prove to be enough to balance the card, include Synchro in there as well (meaning you also can't use the tokens as synchro material that turn).

8. Djinn Releaser of Rituals
Make it more specific as to what this card prevents "the other player" from special summoning, or more specific as to where this effect prevents that "other player" from special summoning from. For example, instead of just "cannot special summon," make it "cannot special summon from the extra deck," or, make it say "cannot special summon in attack position" or something, as right now, preventing all special summons instead of only specific special summons, is the main problem with this card.

9. Eclipse Wyvern
Make it so you can't summon, except Dragon monsters, nor activate monster effects, except Level 4 or higher Dragon monsters, for the rest of the turn after you activate either of this card's effects. Alternatively, you can just increase the level of the LIGHT/DARK Dragon monster it can banish from the deck from 7 to maybe 8 or 9, limiting your options on what you can search with that effect.

10. Eva
Make it so you must control no face-up monsters with "Herald" in their name(s) to activate and resolve it's effect, and make it so you can't summon monsters with "Herald" in their name(s) until the end of the next turn after using it's effect, as the only reason this got banned was because people were abusing it with specifically the Herald ritual monsters. Having this in Drytron or Cyber Angel decks is fine. The main problem is having this alongside those Heralds that lack once per turn, or even once per chain, on their negates.

11. Fiber Jar
Make it so you can't inflict any damage to your opponent the turn you use it's effect. Make it so it also shuffles xyz materials and banished cards into the deck instead of just cards in the hand, field, and graveyard.

12. Fishborg Blaster
Make it so you can't Summon, except WATER Fish monsters, nor activate monster effects, except WATER Fish monsters, the turn you activate it's effect.

13. Glow-Up Bulb
Replace it's once per duel restriction with a type restriction. In other words, instead of it's restriction being that you can only use it once per duel, it's restriction should be that you can't summon, except Plant monsters, nor activate monster effects, except Plant monsters, the turn you activate it's effect. With this type of restriction, I doubt even a once per turn restriction would be necessary, let alone a once per duel one, as being restricted to Plants will keep it from being abused alongside stuff like Linkuriboh (which is Cyberse) or Crystron Halqifibrax (which is Machine).

14. Grinder Golem
Make it only summonable once per turn. Alternatively, you can make it so your opponent gets to pick which of their main monster zones it's summoned to instead of you, when you're summoning it to their field using it's effect, so you can't then bounce it back to your hand easily with Akashic Magician and then reuse it.

15. Jet Synchron
Make it so it can't be used as link material, except for the link summon of a Warrior monster. That way, it can still be used alongside it's intended support card, Junk Connector, but is now harder to abuse with Crystron Halqifibrax and Linkuriboh. Alternatively, make it so you can't link summon the turn you activate it's revival effect, except Warrior monsters, which would also let it be used alongside said intended support card without making it abusable alongside those other 2 aforementioned monsters.

16. Level Eater
Increase the minimum level it's target has to be from 5 to 6, 7, or 8, which would make it harder to abuse while still keeping it playable.

17. Magical Scientist
Make it's effect once per turn, reduce the maximum level of the fusion monster it can summon from 6 to either 4 or 3, OR make it so you just can't special summon from the extra deck the turn you activate it's effect, except fusion monsters.

18. Majespecter Unicorn – Kirin
Make it's activated effect not be a quick effect, so it's still strong but not as abusable. Alternatively, let that effect remain a quick effect, but make it so it can only be activated during specific phases, such as your main phase(s) only, or the battle phase only.

19. Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King
Remove it's immunity to whatever card type matches what was used to tribute summon it, OR make it's destruction effect no longer be a quick effect.

20. Maxx “C”
Either limit the amount of cards you can draw with it's effect to maybe 4 or 5 cards, OR make it so it's effect either can only be activated during a specific phase (such as the standby phase) which would make it harder to use in response to an activated card/effect that would special summon, or can only be activated while you control no monsters so at least then you can't assemble your own board then use this to make it impossible for your opponent to make any sort of comeback without giving you cards.

21. Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion
Make it so you can't Special Summon the turn you activate it's token-producing effect, except WIND monsters, making it able to be used in it's intended WIND decks without being abusable with Crystron Halqifibrax.

22. Mind Master
Make it once per turn, and make it so you can't activate monster effects, except LIGHT Psychic monsters, nor set any cards, the turn you activate it's effect.

23. Orcust Harp Horror
Make it so you can't Summon, except "Orcust" and "World Legacy" monsters, activate monster effects, except DARK Machine monsters, nor activate Spell/Trap Cards or effects, except "Orcust" Spell/Trap Cards and effects, the turn you activate it's effect. This card's main issue is how it's current restriction of only locking you into DARK monsters for the remainder of the turn isn't enough, so it needs a slightly harsher restriction.

24. Performage Plushfire
Make it hard once per turn, OR make it so you can't Summon the turn you activate it's monster effect, except Spellcaster monsters.

25. Performapal Monkeyboard
Reduce the maximum level of the "Performapal" monster it can search with it's effect from 4 to 3, also make it so you can't special summon the turn you activate said searching effect, except Dragon and Spellcaster monsters.

26. Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis
Make it's effect to revive itself hard once/twice/thrice per turn.

27. Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
Increase the number of EARTH/Dragon monsters you need to banish, in order to special summon it with it's summoning effect, to maybe 3 or 4.

28. Samsara Lotus
Same as Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis (#26). Make it's effect hard once/twice/thrice per turn.

29. SPYRAL Master Plan
Make it so you can't summon the turn you activate either of it's effects, except EARTH, WIND, and DARK monsters.

30. Substitoad
Hard once/twice/thrice per turn.

31. The Tyrant Neptune
Make it so you can't target fusion monsters with it's effect. That way you can't target "Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale" with this effect, which was why this card was banned.

32. Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls
Increase the number of WATER/Dragon monsters you need to banish, in order to special summon it with it's summoning effect, to maybe 3 or 4.

33. Victory Dragon
Make it so that, instead of winning the match by attacking directly and reducing the opponent's life points to 0, you can win the duel by inflicting battle damage to your opponent with this card. In fact, this can easily come back to 3 the way it already is since players can just surrender to avoid losing the match, making it just a vanilla with above average ATK that requires 3 tributes.

34. Yata-Garasu
Make it so you have to toss a coin and get heads, or roll a six-sided die and get a certain number (or not get a certain number), to skip the opponent's draw phase. That way you can't just attack infinitely and always skip their draw phase. Some have suggested errata'ing this so it's once per duel, but that would certainly make the card unplayable, and plus, I've already written a separate thread on why once per duel restrictions in general have always been (and most likely always will be) a bad balancing method.

35. Elder Entity Norden
Reduce the maximum level of the monster it can target from 4 to 3. This keeps the card strong but reduces it's flexibility as it's now harder to splash in level/rank 4 decks.

36. Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom
Make it so you can't activate Normal Spell Cards the turn you activate it's activated effect. This makes it harder to use alongside Instant Fusion or Extra-Foolish Burial (to get out "Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale") and FTK the opponent.

37. Thunder Dragon Colossus
Make it so it only prevents a specific card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap), instead of just any card, from being searched by the opponent. Being able to block the opponent from adding monsters, spells, and traps all at once is too much.

38. Guardragon Agarpain
Make it so it requires "Guardragon" monsters to link summon, instead of just any 2 Dragon monsters. Alternatively, you could make it so it requires a zone with at least 3 arrows, instead of just 2, for it's effect, making it harder to bring out a free Dragon from the extra deck.

39. Guardragon Elpy
Make it so it only special summons with it's effect Dragon monsters that are "Guardragon" monsters instead of just any Dragon monster.

40. Heavymetalfoes Electrumite
Make it so at least 1 of it's link materials has to be FIRE or Psychic.

41. Knightmare Goblin
Make it so it let's you normal summon "Knightmare" monsters specifically for the additional normal summon instead of just any monster. Alternatively, make it so it only protects co-linked "Knightmare" monsters from targeting instead of just any co-linked monsters. Either of these nerfs will reduce the card's flexibility without making the card unplayable. Better yet, you could make it so at least 1 of it's own link materials has to be a Knightmare monster, making it a bit harder to splash into random decks.

42. Knightmare Mermaid
Make it so it specifically needs a Normal Summoned "Knightmare" monster for it's link summon instead of just any "Knightmare" monster. This makes it harder to splash into any deck that can make Knightmare Cerberus or Knightmare Phoenix, and makes so you need to hard draw, and normal summon, a Knightmare monster to use this.

43. Linkross
Make it so it specifically needs a Link-2 Cyberse monster for it's link summon instead of just any Link-2 or higher monster. That way it can be just like how it was used in the anime, with a link-2 Cyberse monster as material, but still be a lot less splashable/abusable. Another errata others suggested was to just make it so it needs a Link-3 or higher, or Link-4 or higher, to link summon. "Link-2 or higher" gives it too much flexibility.

44. Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty
Replace "Winged Beast monster from your hand or Deck, with a Level equal to or lower than the total number of unused Spell & Trap Zones on the field" with '"Simorgh" monster' or "Level 3 or lower Winged Beast monster" so it can no longer bring out "Mist Valley Apex Avian" or "Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds". Alternatively, you can leave it's effect the way it is, but add a restriction where if you summon a level 4 or higher monster with it's effect, it has it's effects negated until the end of the next turn. Better yet, just make it so that either the special summoned monster has to be level 5 or higher so you can't bring out Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds, or that monster has to be level 6 or lower so you can't bring out Mist Valley Apex Avian, depending on which of the 2 is weaker overall. An even better nerf to this monster would be to make it so you have to reveal 2 Winged Beast monsters with different levels from each other from the deck, both of which have the appropriate levels that correspond with the number of the specified unused zones, and have your opponent pick the one that gets special summoned while the other gets shuffled back into the deck, allowing you to still bring out either a Mist Valley Apex Avian or a Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds, but now the opponent gets to try to be smart and pick whichever of those 2 monsters will be easier for them to deal with, promoting healthy interaction. This, in my opinion, would be the best nerf to this card.

45. Summon Sorceress
Make it so the monster it special summons from the deck has to have the same original name of what this is pointing to, instead of just the same type.

46. Topologic Gumblar Dragon
Make it so you can't activate either of it's effects on the first turn of the Duel. That way, you can still rip cards out of the opponent's hand, but not before they've at least had a chance to actually play their cards first.

47. Union Carrier
Make it so the monster you equip matching the type/attribute of it's target has to specifically be level 2, 3, or 4, instead of any level, so that way, you can't equip Union Driver (a level 5) to bypass it's restriction of not being able to special summon the equipped monster, Dragon Buster Destruction Sword (a level 1) to lock the opponent out of the extra deck, or Block Dragon (a level 8) to send to the graveyard for free searches.

48. Ancient Fairy Dragon
Make it so you can only special summon level 4 or lower LIGHT monsters from your hand with it's summoning effect (like how it was used in the anime), instead of just any level 4 or lower monster. This reduces it's flexibility while keeping the card decently strong. Alternative, if this card was banned mainly because of it's field spell effect instead of it's summoning effect, then it's field spell effect can be nerfed by making it so that that can only destroy the opponent's field spells instead of your own (which is also how it was used in the anime), so you at least can no longer easily trigger your own "F.A." field spell effects, or your "Geartown" graveyard effect.

49. Denglong, First of the Yang Zing
Make it so it requires "Yang Zing" monsters to synchro summon instead of just any tuner/non-tuner(s). Alternatively, make it so it doesn't add just any "Yang Zing" card upon being special summoned, but instead only "Yang Zing" monsters specifically.

50. Ib the World Chalice Justiciar
Make it so you can't Summon from the hand/deck for the rest of the turn after activating either of it's effects, except "World Chalice" and "World Legacy" monsters. Alternatively, you can just reduce it's flexibility by making it's second effect only able to summon from the deck, or only able to summon from the graveyard, but not either/both.

51. Tempest Magician
Make it so it can remove spell counters from only itself to activate it's burn effect.

Lavalval Chain
M-X-Saber Invoker
Make these monsters xyz-summonable by using their respective archetypes only (Laval and X-Saber) as material, instead of being summonable using any "2 level 3" / "2 level 4" monsters.

53. Number 16: Shock Master
Make it so it requires level 4 DARK Spellcaster monsters (like how it was xyz summoned in the anime) instead of just any level 4 monsters, which would reduce it's flexibility. Alternatively, you can leave that the way it is, but reduce the amount of time it locks your opponent out of the chosen card type, like, instead of "until the end of your opponent's next turn" it can be until the end of the current turn it's effect is used, or until the end of the opponent's next Main Phase or turn (whichever comes first).

54. Number 42: Galaxy Tomahawk
Make it so that, after you special summon those tokens, you can't special summon link monsters from the extra deck for the rest of that turn, except 1 link monster. That way, the tokens can still be used as link materials, but only for 1 link summon, meaning you'll have to make your next link summon count.

55. Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad
Remove it's "4+: Your opponent cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters" effect. Being able to destroy the opponent's field, and being immune to both battle and effects while possessing 3000 ATK and DEF, is powerful enough. Locking the opponent out of normal and special summoning on top of all that is overdoing it.

56. Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon
Reduce the number of Dragon monsters it dumps to activate it's effect from 3 to 2 or 1.

Number S0: Utopic ZEXAL
Outer Entity Azathot
Make both of these monsters' effects only able to lock your opponent out of cards/effects during your own turn and not the opponent's. Using Outer Entity Azathot during your turn to protect your plays/combos from hand traps is fine. Being able to summon it with a Rank-Up-Magic quick-play during the opponent's turn and use it's effect during their turn is where the problem lies.

58. Tellarknight Ptolemaeus
Make it so that any monster xyz summoned using it as material can't then be used as xyz material for another monster that same turn. That way you can't use this card to summon Cyber Dragon Nova then immediately go into Cyber Dragon Infinity that same turn.

59. True King of All Calamities
Make it so this monster's first effect can't be activated during the opponent's turn, except during their battle phase. That way, the opponent will at least still get a chance to play monster effects during their main phase before entering the battle phase, where you can then use this card's effects to lock them out of monster effects and attacking for the rest of that turn. If this nerf proves to make the card too weak and unplayable, compensate for it by buffing it's second effect by making it so that monsters your True King effects would destroy can also be chosen from your main/extra deck or something in addition to your opponent's field.

60. Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
Make it so you either can't Summon DARK monsters, or can't activate DARK monster effects, the turn you activate either of it's effects. That way you can't use Wind-Up Hunter (the only currently-existing DARK Wind-Up monster) with this card to do hand loops.

61. Zoodiac Broadbull
Make it so the Beast-Warriors it searches have to specifically be EARTH instead of any attribute. This should reduce it's flexibility enough to make it more fair so you can't splash this into Fire Kings, Fire Fists, Ursarctics, and Lunalights and whatnot.

62. Zoodiac Drident
Either make it's destruction effect no longer a quick effect, or leave it as a quick effect but make it so it just can't be activated during the opponent's main phase 1. Alternatively, you can remove it's ability to xyz summon itself using 1 Zoodiac monster instead of 4 materials, so players must use the full 4 materials if they want to get this out instead of cheating it out with 1 material.

63. Brilliant Fusion
Make it so you can't Summon for the rest of the turn after activating this, except "Gem-" monsters. This reduces it's flexibility and makes it harder to splash in random LIGHT decks while still allowing it's intended archetype to take full advantage of it.

Butterfly Dagger - Elma
Card of Safe Return
Make both of these hard once/twice/thrice per turn.

65. Change of Heart
Since Brain Control was errata'd and had it's flexibility reduced to be more fair, the same should happen for this. The errata I recommend for this is making it so you need to control a Level 3 or lower monster to activate it — an errata that isn't too restrictive, but restrictive enough so it isn't strictly better than Mind Control and post-errata Brain Control. The reason I suggested "Level 3 or lower" is so this could be used alongside Great Phantom Thief, as, in Persona 5, the Phantom Thieves are the group that focuses on making bad people have a "Change of Heart" which fits this card's name perfectly.

66. Chicken Game
Make it so when this card's owner uses it's effect to draw a card, it immediately becomes the End Phase of the turn. That way, the opponent will get a chance to use it's drawing effect too. Make it also so it can't be targeted/destroyed by it's owner's effects so the owner can't get rid of it with a simple Mystical Space Typhoon before the opponent gets a chance to use it.

67. Cold Wave
Make it so it only stops the opponent's Spells/Traps for the turn it's activated instead of also the turn after that.

68. Confiscation
Make it so you can only discard from the opponent's hand either a monster with any effect(s) that can activate from the hand, or trap that let's itself be activated from the hand if certain conditions are met, and that, after you discard the card, the opponent can add a spell from their deck or graveyard to their hand to replace it.

69. Delinquent Duo
Make it so the opponent must have at least 6 cards in their hand for you to activate this spell. Make it so all cards discarded by this effect are chosen by that opponent instead of just the second card.

70. Dimension Fusion
Make it so you can't conduct your battle phase, nor special summon from the extra deck or graveyard, the turn you activate this card.

71. Giant Trunade
Make it so this spell will return to the hand either just your spells/traps, or just your opponent's, but not both.

72. Graceful Charity
Make it so after you draw the 3 cards, your opponent gets to look at your hand and chose what 2 cards you discard instead of you.

73. Heavy Storm
Make it so this spell will destroy only your own spells/traps instead of also the opponent's.

74. Kaiser Colosseum
Make it so you need a minimum of 2 monsters, instead of a minimum of 1, for this card to work.

75. Last Will
Make it so the monster has to be sent to your graveyard during the battle phase for you to use this spell's effect, instead of being sent at any time.

76. Mass Driver
Once/twice/thrice per turn. 'Nuff said.

77. Metamorphosis
Make it so the monster you summon with this card's effect can't be EARTH, so you can't just bring out The Last Warrior from Another Planet, or Naturia Exterio, and then lock your opponent out of playing the game.

78. Mirage of Nightmare
Make both it's effects 1 single effect so you can't just draw 4, pop this with Mystical Space Typhoon, and then keep those 4 cards. If that turns out to not be enough to balance the card, make it also so the opponent gets to look at your hand, and pick the 4 cards you discard, instead of them being discarded at random.

79. Painful Choice
Make it so you select 10 cards for your opponent to pick from instead of just 5, and that those 10 cards must have different names from each other so your opponent has a variety of options. If that doesn't do enough to balance the card, make it also so that, after the opponent picks the card for you to add to your hand, they can choose whether to banish, or send to the graveyard, the remaining 9.

80. Pot of Greed
Let the opponent draw two too, darn it.

81. Premature Burial
Make it so you pay life points equal to the target's level, rank, or link rating x 1000, instead of just 800 life points. If that doesn't do enough to balance the card, make it also hard once per turn.

82. Smoke Grenade of the Thief
Make it so it has to be destroyed by a spell/trap effect, or opponent's effect, to trigger it's trigger effect, so you can't splash this in Rokkets and Infernoble Knights to destroy this with your own monster effects.

83. Snatch Steal
Make it so you can't special summon the turn you activate this card.

84. Soul Charge
Increase the life point cost from 1000 per monster to 2000 per monster. Make it so you also can't inflict effect damage to your opponent the turn you activate it.

85. Spellbook of Judgment
Make it so you add only half the Spellbook cards to the hand after it's resolution instead of up to the exact number of spell cards activated that turn after it's resolution.

86. That Grass Looks Greener
Make it so you can't Special Summon from the graveyard the turn you activate this card. This makes it harder to abuse in 60-card Infernoid/Lightsworn decks while still letting you mill possibly 20 cards.

87. The Forceful Sentry
Like Confiscation (#68), this card should be able to get rid of only hand traps, instead of just any card, and also allow the opponent to search for a spell to replace the removed card.

88. Zoodiac Barrage
This really doesn't need an errata in my opinion and could probably come right off the banlist the way it is, but if it needs a nerf, I would simply make it so it has to destroy a card other than itself to trigger, but compensate for it by making it to that that card can be either face-up or face-down instead of just face-up.

89. Imperial Order
Make it so it negates only specific on-field spell effects instead of just all of them. For example, make this like a permanent Magic Deflector where it negates all Equip, Field, Continuous, and Quick-Play spell effects on the field. Using this to counter very specific and annoying spell-heavy strategies like Mystic Mine is okay. Using this to completely lock out all spells, including normal, ritual, and pendulum zone spells, is the problem.

90. Last Turn
I would just change the entire effect to a simple:
Each player can Special Summon 1 monster from their hand or Deck.

91. Return from the Different Dimension
Give it the same errata(s) as Dimension Fusion (#70). Make it so you can't conduct your battle phase, nor special summon from the extra deck or graveyard, the turn you activate this card.

92. Royal Oppression
Make it so this card can only be activated while you control no other cards.

93. Self-Destruct Button
Make it so you have to toss a coin, and if the result is heads, both players' life points become 0, but if it's tails, you lose the match. Alternatively, you could just increase the current required difference between life points in order for this to activate from 7000 to 7500 or even 8000.

94. Sixth Sense
Increase the risk of using this card to make it more high risk high reward. Make it so if the result of your dice roll matches neither of the declared numbers, you skip your next N turns, where N = the result. Simply milling cards is hardly a drawback.

Time Seal
Trap Dustshoot
Make it so each of these cards require your opponent to have at least 6 cards in their hand to activate.

96. Ultimate Offering
Make it so that you can only use it's effect during the opponent's battle phase, instead of during either your main phase or the opponent's battle phase. Alternatively, either increase the life point cost or make it hard once/twice/thrice per turn.

97. Vanity's Emptiness
Make it so you can only activate it during your turn instead of also the opponent's. If that doesn't do enough to balance the card, make it also so that if a card is sent from the deck or field to your graveyard, the opponent gets to choose whether or not it'll activate it's effect to destroy itself, instead of that effect activating automatically, making this card more likely to backfire on you as you can now no longer switch it off whenever you want by putting something from your deck or field to the graveyard to destroy this card.

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Post #2 by greg503 » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:00 am

Cyber Jar: Just don’t let it add cards to hand lmao, you’re playing for the Dark Hole effect, right?
Fiber Jar: Just make it a Once per Duel, the problem this card caused was only because it could resolve multiple times
Dandylion: Can’t use tokens as material for a Summon the turn they are Summoned (up form just Tribute)
Eva: Just force it to be sent from the field lmao
Blaster (of Fisborgs): Just add a HOPT, it already needs a low-level WATER to activate, which the meta isn’t doing
Level Eater: Just give it a HOPT, it’s still an extender
Master Peace: Just ban all the floodgates instead, that’s why it got banned
Maxx: Yeah, just force it to be activated before M1
Mind Master: Just give it a HOPT, you still need another Psychic to use it (unlike it’s original printing)
Harp: Orcust wouldn’t be meta if it were unbanned tomorrow with no change
Monkeyboard: Not that good with the weakened Electrumite, MR4 effectively erratad it anyway
Master Plan: Just lock you into SPYRALs, remember that all the good monsters they were abusing were ALREADY DARK (and the other two attributes)
Neptune: Just prevent your opponent from taking damage for the rest of the turn, Underworld Goddess and Kaijus exist.
Victory Dragon: Actually should just get the illegality text of the other match winners
Yata: Skip their next M1 instead :)
Colossus: Just remove the protection effect, why even give a floodgate that
Rhongo: Just prevent other cards from adding materials to it
Dark Matter: Banish the Dragons as well
Change of Heart: No
Buy Floowandereeze

Lil Oldman
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Post #3 by Lil Oldman » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:20 am

So a couple of these erratas don't make sense. Like, I completely understand why you could fix them that way, but having cards being overly specific of what scenario is just kinda stupid in my opinion.
I'm going to go over a couple of cards I don't agree with just because I've got nothing better to do lol.

2. Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow
Make it so that, after you use it or either of it's tokens as link material for an effect monster, that effect monster can't then be used as link material for another monster. That way, you'll still be able to make use of it and the tokens for 1 link summon but it'll be harder to continue any more link climbing after that.

Gofu already says that you cannot use the tokens summoned for Synchro or as tributes, so I would just add that you cannot use them for Links into the mix. Gofu's tokens were made so that Gofu's 2nd effect could trigger easily, if that card was made today, with the same intent, it would definetely prevent the tokens to be used for Link Summons aswell.

10. Eva
Make it so you must control no face-up monsters with "Herald" in their name(s) to activate and resolve it's effect, and make it so you can't summon monsters with "Herald" in their name(s) until the end of the next turn after using it's effect, as the only reason this got banned was because people were abusing it with specifically the Herald ritual monsters. Having this in Drytron or Cyber Angel decks is fine. The main problem is having this alongside those Heralds that lack once per turn, or even once per chain, on their negates.

I think this one is just going all around with the Heralds, when it could probably be perfectly fine with just changing the condition to "If this card is sent from the field to the GY" since Herald of Perfection/Ultimateness send from the hand, so preventing extra negates from these 2.

11. Fiber Jar
Make it so you can't inflict any damage to your opponent the turn you use it's effect. Make it so it also shuffles xyz materials and banished cards into the deck instead of just cards in the hand, field, and graveyard.

Fiber Jar in my opinion shouldn't be coming back as a concept. Restarting a game just because you felt like it is painful and not fun. At most, I think it should either shuffle the hands or the GY, then the players draw until they have 5.

14. Grinder Golem
Make it only summonable once per turn. Alternatively, you can make it so your opponent gets to pick which of their main monster zones it's summoned to instead of you, when you're summoning it to their field using it's effect, so you can't then bounce it back to your hand easily with Akashic Magician and then reuse it.

I agree with the HOPT clause, but not the "Allow your opponent where to summon it" because of Security Dragon and Firewall Dragon. Yes, they need proper setup unlike Akashic, but with just 2 cards (Grinder Golem and 1 monster) you can basically get a 4 tokens for minimal effort in almost every deck.

20. Maxx “C”
Either limit the amount of cards you can draw with it's effect to maybe 4 or 5 cards, OR make it so it's effect either can only be activated during a specific phase (such as the standby phase) which would make it harder to use in response to an activated card/effect that would special summon, or can only be activated while you control no monsters so at least then you can't assemble your own board then use this to make it impossible for your opponent to make any sort of comeback without giving you cards.

4 or 5 cards is still a lot of cards. I think what works best with this card is maybe only draw cards when the Special Summon comes from the Extra Deck, although I still think that's a lot. I think combining this with also both limiting the effect to only when you control no cards and only allowing it to activate after a player performs an Extra Deck Special Summon (Similar to Droll & Lockbird) would maybe balance this card out.

29. SPYRAL Master Plan
Make it so you can't summon the turn you activate either of it's effects, except EARTH, WIND, and DARK monsters.

Might aswell just say "You can't summon monsters the turn you activate either effect, except SPYRAL monsters".

31. The Tyrant Neptune
Make it so you can't target fusion monsters with it's effect. That way you can't target "Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale" with this effect, which was why this card was banned.

36. Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom
Make it so you can't activate Normal Spell Cards the turn you activate it's activated effect. This makes it harder to use alongside Instant Fusion or Extra-Foolish Burial (to get out "Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale") and FTK the opponent.

I think limiting it arbitrarly to Fusions is stupid. Yes, you stop Nightingale, but it's only matter of time until Konami releases a non-fusion monster that Neptune or Starving Venom can abuse. I think the best course of action here is to restrict the copy abilities to cards your opponent controls or in their GY so it is only an unfortunate match-up against Lyrilusc or cards Neptune and Starving Venom can abuse and nothing else.

35. Elder Entity Norden
Reduce the maximum level of the monster it can target from 4 to 3. This keeps the card strong but reduces it's flexibility as it's now harder to splash in level/rank 4 decks.

I never played in a Norden legal format, but couldn't you just make it required to be summoned by using the actual materials like N'tss? I think the problem with him was that it was a perfect Instant Fusion target. Also, making it only being able to target level 3 or lower kills point of playing him in an Entity deck.

41. Knightmare Goblin
Make it so it let's you normal summon "Knightmare" monsters specifically for the additional normal summon instead of just any monster. Alternatively, make it so it only protects co-linked "Knightmare" monsters from targeting instead of just any co-linked monsters. Either of these nerfs will reduce the card's flexibility without making the card unplayable. Better yet, you could make it so at least 1 of it's own link materials has to be a Knightmare monster, making it a bit harder to splash into random decks.

Both request make Goblin break theme, when in my opinion the effect could work perfectly fine by not allowing the normal summoned/set monster to activate it's effects during the turn it is summoned. Since you are already breaking "even" by discarding 1 card in order to get 1 additional summon that just serves as an extra body.

42. Knightmare Mermaid
Make it so it specifically needs a Normal Summoned "Knightmare" monster for it's link summon instead of just any "Knightmare" monster. This makes it harder to splash into any deck that can make Knightmare Cerberus or Knightmare Phoenix, and makes so you need to hard draw, and normal summon, a Knightmare monster to use this.

I think this one should just restrict the monster it can summon to "Knightmare Corruptor Iblee". Mermaid was banned because of Orcust Knightmare, making the Orcust Engine splashable into any deck. This may be considered way to specific, but I feel it is justified. Mermaid was released with all the link Knightmares and Iblee, so it would make sense to restricting it to only summon Iblee, not to mention, the Knightmares in the World Legacy Storyline only exist while Iblee was existing, and are forgotten about after the Orcust/Crusadia part of the storyline begins.

46. Topologic Gumblar Dragon
Make it so you can't activate either of it's effects on the first turn of the Duel. That way, you can still rip cards out of the opponent's hand, but not before they've at least had a chance to actually play their cards first.

More of a personal preference here, but I think the better way to restrict this effect is by not allowing it to activate it's effects during the turn it is Link Summoned. Both effects achieve the same sentiment however.

54. Number 42: Galaxy Tomahawk
Make it so that, after you special summon those tokens, you can't special summon link monsters from the extra deck for the rest of that turn, except 1 link monster. That way, the tokens can still be used as link materials, but only for 1 link summon, meaning you'll have to make your next link summon count.

I don't think Tomahawk's tokens should be usable at all. I think restricting your extra deck summons entirely is the best course of action in my opinion.

55. Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad
Remove it's "4+: Your opponent cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters" effect. Being able to destroy the opponent's field, and being immune to both battle and effects while possessing 3000 ATK and DEF, is powerful enough. Locking the opponent out of normal and special summoning on top of all that is overdoing it.

Not sure how it used to work, but I am almost certain, that the problem card was Gossip Shadow, not Rhongo. Regardless, I think the fix is either removing the "Number" from Rhongo's name (Which it is not likely if even possible), or Disallow Gossip Shadow to pass it's own materials to other monsters, so that Rhongo can only get 1 extra material through this method.

56. Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon
Reduce the number of Dragon monsters it dumps to activate it's effect from 3 to 2 or 1.

I think in addition to what you say, allow the opponent to also dump cards instead of banishing them and make the dump dragons part of the effect, instead of the cost.

65. Change of Heart
Since Brain Control was errata'd and had it's flexibility reduced to be more fair, the same should happen for this. The errata I recommend for this is making it so you need to control a Level 3 or lower monster to activate it — an errata that isn't too restrictive, but restrictive enough so it isn't strictly better than Mind Control and post-errata Brain Control. The reason I suggested "Level 3 or lower" is so this could be used alongside Great Phantom Thief, as, in Persona 5, the Phantom Thieves are the group that focuses on making bad people have a "Change of Heart" which fits this card's name perfectly.

I don't precisely know a way to make the card work, but, and I mean it in the nicest way possible, the reasoning behind this errata is dumb.

68. Confiscation
Make it so you can only discard from the opponent's hand either a monster with any effect(s) that can activate from the hand, or trap that let's itself be activated from the hand if certain conditions are met, and that, after you discard the card, the opponent can add a spell from their deck or graveyard to their hand to replace it.

87. The Forceful Sentry
Like Confiscation (#68), this card should be able to get rid of only hand traps, instead of just any card, and also allow the opponent to search for a spell to replace the removed card.

Only allowing the player to dump Handtraps is stupid. It's too specific and it's still doesn't resolve the issue of basically striping the other player from using their recourses before they get a chance to use them. Aqua Dolphin was just a cool coincidence, but having both these cards act like Called by the Grave 2.0 when that card is already limited is too much in my opinion.

79. Painful Choice
ake it so you select 10 cards for your opponent to pick from instead of just 5, and that those 10 cards must have different names from each other so your opponent has a variety of options. If that doesn't do enough to balance the card, make it also so that, after the opponent picks the card for you to add to your hand, they can choose whether to banish, or send to the graveyard, the remaining 9.

I agree with the different names thing, however I think the better choice is to banish the cards Face-Down, so you can't easily use said cards as recourses.

81. Premature Burial
Make it so you pay life points equal to the target's level, rank, or link rating x 1000, instead of just 800 life points. If that doesn't do enough to balance the card, make it also hard once per turn.

I think you can borrow what Living Fossil and only allow for it to target level 4 or lower, negate the effects of the target and banish it instead of sending it to the GY.

85. Spellbook of Judgment
Make it so you add only half the Spellbook cards to the hand after it's resolution instead of up to the exact number of spell cards activated that turn after it's resolution.

I am not sure, but I think Judgement was mad broken because the cards you searched allowed you to protect Jogwen (Which was Summoned with Judgement). There's just a few "Spellbook" cards that are actually useful (Secrets, Wisdom and Knowledge). I think removing the Summon effect, or limiting it to only summon a "Prophecy" monster (Spellbooks tie-in archetype) would do good work on stopping this card. Considering we currently have cards like Multirole or Super-Rejuvenation doing something similar on a better archetype, I don't think the actual searchs are the problem. This is probably one of those cases where Powercreep has already done most of the job for us. But I could be wrong about this one, not sure.

86. That Grass Looks Greener
Make it so you can't Special Summon from the graveyard the turn you activate this card. This makes it harder to abuse in 60-card Infernoid/Lightsworn decks while still letting you mill possibly 20 cards.

Although this fix does do a lot, I think to keep this card a little playable, you could make it send the top 5 cards (Like needlebug nest) as long as you have more cards than your opponent, or only the difference, if the amount is less than 5. Considering Charge of the Light Brigade sends 3 to what's basically ROTA, I think milling 5 (Or less than 5 in some cases) is fair enough trade of.

92. Royal Oppression
Make it so this card can only be activated while you control no other cards.

I think just having it only allowing you to negate 1 summon per turn could work. The problem with Royal Oppresion imo is that it doesn't have a limit to a recourse that isn't essential for you to play. If the cost was discard 1 or 2 cards, it would probably still see play, but it wouldn't be as degenerate.

93. Self-Destruct Button
Make it so you have to toss a coin, and if the result is heads, both players' life points become 0, but if it's tails, you lose the match. Alternatively, you could just increase the current required difference between life points in order for this to activate from 7000 to 7500 or even 8000.

In my opinion, Cards like Self Destruct Button shouldn't be in any game, but if you want to tackle the card, the amount should be way more than just 8000. Upstart Goblin already allows you to met that threshold as long as you have 1000 LP, and we still have cards like Side effects?! or Gift Card.

94. Sixth Sense
Increase the risk of using this card to make it more high risk high reward. Make it so if the result of your dice roll matches neither of the declared numbers, you skip your next N turns, where N = the result. Simply milling cards is hardly a drawback.

In my opinion the effect should banish (maybe face-down) cards in your hand or field Evenly Match Style, or if the amount of cards you have can fulfill the amount, reduce your LP by 2000 per card you couldn't banish, instead of milling.

So, here we have it. Why did I bother doing this? I don't know, but it was kind of fun. I am not as experienced in competitive YGO as other players, only playing Gouki-Altergeist-Trickstar-Sky Striker format, I could be wrong with some cards, or probably missed the mark with some cards. Please don't kill me for not knowing any better.
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Post #4 by Christen57 » Mon Apr 11, 2022 3:11 am

greg503 wrote:Cyber Jar: Just don’t let it add cards to hand lmao, you’re playing for the Dark Hole effect, right?
Fiber Jar: Just make it a Once per Duel, the problem this card caused was only because it could resolve multiple times
Dandylion: Can’t use tokens as material for a Summon the turn they are Summoned (up form just Tribute)
Eva: Just force it to be sent from the field lmao
Blaster (of Fisborgs): Just add a HOPT, it already needs a low-level WATER to activate, which the meta isn’t doing
Level Eater: Just give it a HOPT, it’s still an extender
Master Peace: Just ban all the floodgates instead, that’s why it got banned
Maxx: Yeah, just force it to be activated before M1
Mind Master: Just give it a HOPT, you still need another Psychic to use it (unlike it’s original printing)
Harp: Orcust wouldn’t be meta if it were unbanned tomorrow with no change
Monkeyboard: Not that good with the weakened Electrumite, MR4 effectively erratad it anyway
Master Plan: Just lock you into SPYRALs, remember that all the good monsters they were abusing were ALREADY DARK (and the other two attributes)
Neptune: Just prevent your opponent from taking damage for the rest of the turn, Underworld Goddess and Kaijus exist.
Victory Dragon: Actually should just get the illegality text of the other match winners
Yata: Skip their next M1 instead :)
Colossus: Just remove the protection effect, why even give a floodgate that
Rhongo: Just prevent other cards from adding materials to it
Dark Matter: Banish the Dragons as well
Change of Heart: No

For Fiber Jar, what about just bringing the card back to 1 for now? It would be hard to "resolve multiple times" if it were at 1 anyway, right?

For SPYRAL Master Plan, the main problem seems to be SPYRAL Sleeper. Either that or SPYRAL Gear - Last Resort should get hit so SPYRAL Master Plan, SPYRAL Quik-Fix, and SPYRAL Resort can come back to 3. Getting searches off of Master Plan, Quik-Fix, and Resort are fine. The main problem is ending on an un-targetable indestructible 2800 ATK monster that can destroy 2 cards every turn.

Victory Dragon seemed to have only been a problem in the OCG since their rules on surrendering are more complicated than the TCG's. In the TCG, you can surrender at any time to bypass Victory Dragon, so Victory Dragon can come to 3 in the TCG and wouldn't do anything.

Everything else you said I guess I can agree with.

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Post #5 by Christen57 » Mon Apr 11, 2022 4:02 am

Lil Oldman wrote:So a couple of these erratas don't make sense. Like, I completely understand why you could fix them that way, but having cards being overly specific of what scenario is just kinda stupid in my opinion.
I'm going to go over a couple of cards I don't agree with just because I've got nothing better to do lol.

2. Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow
Make it so that, after you use it or either of it's tokens as link material for an effect monster, that effect monster can't then be used as link material for another monster. That way, you'll still be able to make use of it and the tokens for 1 link summon but it'll be harder to continue any more link climbing after that.

Gofu already says that you cannot use the tokens summoned for Synchro or as tributes, so I would just add that you cannot use them for Links into the mix. Gofu's tokens were made so that Gofu's 2nd effect could trigger easily, if that card was made today, with the same intent, it would definetely prevent the tokens to be used for Link Summons aswell.

I thought about that kind of errata but was worried it would make the card unplayable at that point as nobody ever uses Gofu for it's second effect, but now that you mentioned it, I think I know how to properly fix the card.

We could nerf it by making it so the tokens also can't be used as link material in addition to not being able to be tributed or used as synchro material, like you want, but compensate for it by making it special summon more tokens, like up to 3 or 4, instead of just 2, and also buff that second effect by making it so it can special summon a Blackwing monster with the appropriate level from the hand, deck, or graveyard, instead of just the graveyard. This would tone down it's much stronger effect but compensating for it by strengthening it's much weaker effect, making it more balanced.

10. Eva
Make it so you must control no face-up monsters with "Herald" in their name(s) to activate and resolve it's effect, and make it so you can't summon monsters with "Herald" in their name(s) until the end of the next turn after using it's effect, as the only reason this got banned was because people were abusing it with specifically the Herald ritual monsters. Having this in Drytron or Cyber Angel decks is fine. The main problem is having this alongside those Heralds that lack once per turn, or even once per chain, on their negates.

I think this one is just going all around with the Heralds, when it could probably be perfectly fine with just changing the condition to "If this card is sent from the field to the GY" since Herald of Perfection/Ultimateness send from the hand, so preventing extra negates from these 2.

That would work too, but that may then make the card too weak, so I say we compensate for it by removing it's hard once per turn restriction if we're going to take away it's ability to trigger off of being sent from the hand.

31. The Tyrant Neptune
Make it so you can't target fusion monsters with it's effect. That way you can't target "Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale" with this effect, which was why this card was banned.

36. Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom
Make it so you can't activate Normal Spell Cards the turn you activate it's activated effect. This makes it harder to use alongside Instant Fusion or Extra-Foolish Burial (to get out "Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale") and FTK the opponent.

I think limiting it arbitrarly to Fusions is stupid. Yes, you stop Nightingale, but it's only matter of time until Konami releases a non-fusion monster that Neptune or Starving Venom can abuse. I think the best course of action here is to restrict the copy abilities to cards your opponent controls or in their GY so it is only an unfortunate match-up against Lyrilusc or cards Neptune and Starving Venom can abuse and nothing else.

You make a valid point here, but I want to point out that these erratas I suggested only take into account currently existing cards, not cards that may or may not get released years from now. If Konami does repeat their mistake of printing another monster that could be abused with Neptune and Starving Venom, we could put that Neptune and Starving Venom back on the banlist, but at the moment, preventing the main problem monster (Nightingale) from being abused with those 2 monsters is what I was focusing on.

54. Number 42: Galaxy Tomahawk
Make it so that, after you special summon those tokens, you can't special summon link monsters from the extra deck for the rest of that turn, except 1 link monster. That way, the tokens can still be used as link materials, but only for 1 link summon, meaning you'll have to make your next link summon count.

I don't think Tomahawk's tokens should be usable at all. I think restricting your extra deck summons entirely is the best course of action in my opinion.

That would certainly make the card too weak and end up seeing no play. With my suggested errata to this card, the best link monster you're going to be able to bring out is probably just Firewall Dragon. You're not going to be able to bring out any of the better Link-4s like "Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess" which requires specifically non-tokens, nor will you be able to bring out any of the "Borrel" link monsters which all require effect monsters or Dragon/Rokket monsters.

55. Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad
Remove it's "4+: Your opponent cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters" effect. Being able to destroy the opponent's field, and being immune to both battle and effects while possessing 3000 ATK and DEF, is powerful enough. Locking the opponent out of normal and special summoning on top of all that is overdoing it.

Not sure how it used to work, but I am almost certain, that the problem card was Gossip Shadow, not Rhongo. Regardless, I think the fix is either removing the "Number" from Rhongo's name (Which it is not likely if even possible), or Disallow Gossip Shadow to pass it's own materials to other monsters, so that Rhongo can only get 1 extra material through this method.

If you're certain the problem is Gossip Shadow, then the best errata to Rhongomyniad would probably be to make it so it only gains it's listed effects based on the number of level 4 materials it has, instead of just any materials. That way, you can't use level 3 monsters to make a rank 3 Gossip Shadow, then give all 3 of those cards to Rhongomyniad as material and have them count towards his total materials.

65. Change of Heart
Since Brain Control was errata'd and had it's flexibility reduced to be more fair, the same should happen for this. The errata I recommend for this is making it so you need to control a Level 3 or lower monster to activate it — an errata that isn't too restrictive, but restrictive enough so it isn't strictly better than Mind Control and post-errata Brain Control. The reason I suggested "Level 3 or lower" is so this could be used alongside Great Phantom Thief, as, in Persona 5, the Phantom Thieves are the group that focuses on making bad people have a "Change of Heart" which fits this card's name perfectly.

I don't precisely know a way to make the card work, but, and I mean it in the nicest way possible, the reasoning behind this errata is dumb.

Yeah I see it's dumb now that I think about it :lol: but it would still be a cool errata.

68. Confiscation
Make it so you can only discard from the opponent's hand either a monster with any effect(s) that can activate from the hand, or trap that let's itself be activated from the hand if certain conditions are met, and that, after you discard the card, the opponent can add a spell from their deck or graveyard to their hand to replace it.

87. The Forceful Sentry
Like Confiscation (#68), this card should be able to get rid of only hand traps, instead of just any card, and also allow the opponent to search for a spell to replace the removed card.

Only allowing the player to dump Handtraps is stupid. It's too specific and it's still doesn't resolve the issue of basically striping the other player from using their recourses before they get a chance to use them. Aqua Dolphin was just a cool coincidence, but having both these cards act like Called by the Grave 2.0 when that card is already limited is too much in my opinion.

My reasoning behind this was that, if you look at a spell like Confiscation, but look at another spell like Fengsheng Mirror, one of them is banned while the other remains at 3, even though they do very similar things. This is because one of them discards only a specific kind of card (spirit monsters) instead of just any card, while the other discards any card and thus is way more flexible, so if you restrict the kinds of cards Confiscation discards so it no longer discards just any card, it would balance Confiscation.
Discarding hand traps didn't seem "too specific" when most competitive players are running triple Ash Blossom, triple Effect Veiler, triple Nibiru, triple Infinite Impermanence, triple this, and triple that.

Please don't kill me for not knowing any better.

Oh, don't talk like that. No one's gonna "kill you for not knowing". I appreciate your feedback. I agree with much of your points. It's nice that you and greg503 are helping me look at things from a different perspective.

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Post #6 by james123 » Sat Apr 16, 2022 1:36 am

Why not tell these erratas to Mr. Speedster + Coming Soon.... How to not make a CUSTOM Errata (which includes Increasing the (Maintenance) Cost., Making Erratas for cards that aren't Banned yet, etc.)

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Post #7 by Lil Oldman » Sat Apr 16, 2022 4:01 am

james123 wrote:Why not tell these erratas to Mr. Speedster + Coming Soon.... How to not make a CUSTOM Errata (which includes Increasing the (Maintenance) Cost., Making Erratas for cards that aren't Banned yet, etc.)

Bruh those 2 things are totally reasonable in my opinion (Verte should need 2 "Predaplant" monsters)
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