"January" Banlist wishlist

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Re: "January" Banlist wishlist

Post #21 by Bystander » Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:04 pm

Soul raptor to 1 would be the best hit. It does way too much. But I haven't been seeing too many dino decks top to warrant the hit.

Dragonic Diagram makes a lot decks function. It would have been fine if it was just the pop and search. But access to boss monsers, It needs to be @1. Master peace isn't the issue if you can't see it that often.

Evenly Match is too new to hit. I do agree it should be hit but not next list.

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Post #22 by Christen57 » Wed Jan 24, 2018 12:04 am

Zirul wrote:Can we all agree that the recent banlist was good and necessary?

Yes, i suppose we can.

Ika wrote:Is banning Links and True Draco and Pendulum Magicians an option? Asking for a friend.

I would probably ban links, but it may be too late since people have already spent large amounts of money on them and if you just ban all the links then it would be wasted. Plus it would take a while for people to readjust again back to a non-link format. Also, some cards that came off the banlist would have to go back on the banlist such as Luster Pendulum, and Hyper Librarian. For pendulum magician, maybe Time Pendulumgraph could get a limit or semi-limit but I don't think any of those cards should get hit. True Draco struggles to be consistent and has to rely on pot of duality, and/or card of demise for draw power with some of their cards already hit.

Bystander wrote:Konami is not going to ban a the signature monster of the lead of the anime. It is still too early to hit any Links at all. I do see it picking up a Limit though, by the end of 2018 it should be on the list.

Since Set Rotation has been limited, how many decks are actually using that one copy of the card?

Evenly Matched needs to stay, the more loops that occur the more the card becomes necessary to balance the game. <-This single card is not as cancerous as Zoodiacs were. FYI - not sure if you know this but Six Sam decks are getting a bunch of support the end of this week. LSS - Shi En can stop this card.

Who is going to care if something is Yusaku Fujiki's main monster, because so far, nobody has cared that something belongs to some random animated cartoon character. If that something is overpowered to the point where it allows loops and it causes cards like Grandsoil to get banned, then it should either be banned or limited regardless of who it belongs to in the anime. Plus the anime is hardly relevant at the moment, so people gotta so using the "Firewall dragon is the anime protagonist monster" as an excuse not to either ban, limit, or semi-limit the card.

Bystander wrote:Resort can search Quik-Fix and from there it can be abused repeatedly for its effect.

I have seen the loops after the Sept. ban list, this is how they do it. SPYRALs still take half the field in all tournaments.

SPYRAL's still usually end on a board of decode talker + Spyral Sleeper with spyral gear last resort, since sleeper is their best monster. If sleeper and/or last resort get hit, I am positive that it will put spyral in check.

Bystander wrote:Soul raptor to 1 would be the best hit. It does way too much. But I haven't been seeing too many dino decks top to warrant the hit.

Dragonic Diagram makes a lot decks function. It would have been fine if it was just the pop and search. But access to boss monsers, It needs to be @1. Master peace isn't the issue if you can't see it that often.

Evenly Match is too new to hit. I do agree it should be hit but not next list.

I think putting diagram to 2 would be fine since then people cannot spam 3 diagram.

Also just because a card is "too new" does not mean that it will never get hit, so you cannot use the "too new" argument as your best argument to justify why something should or should'nt get hit. The same "too new to hit" argument can be said about Apoqliphort Towers, Performapal Monkeyboard, Performage Damage Juggler, Shaddoll Construct, Tellarknight Ptolemaeus, and Chicken Game. That didn't stop those cards from getting hit even though they got hit just months after they came out.

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