is it good?

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lord wanel
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is it good?

Post #1 by lord wanel » Fri Aug 16, 2019 11:34 am

Is "Dark Magician" deck good for player that just started playing YuGiOh online and in real life.

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Post #2 by jwillie4eva » Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:47 am

I mean there are worse options. It'll teach them how to read cards, that's for sure. But like, why not just play something else? Dark Magicians require too much for not enough. Even going by DM standards, why play a two tribute 2500 when Summoned Skull is 2500 and only requires one?
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Post #3 by DuskWill » Sat Aug 17, 2019 7:45 am

Well, I don't consider it a bad deck. You don't rely much on an Extra Deck, so it can be cheaper (if you don't consider having 3 Apprentice Illusion Magician). it's just that it has fewer options against whatever the opponent does and relies on both Dark Magic Circle and Eternal Soul being on the field, which kinda makes your strategy easy to disrupt.

If you compare a Dark Magician deck with a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, for example, they got better searchability, they usually don't rely on cards on the field to gain and maintain advantage and, when you compare the main vanilla monsters, a BEWD in your hand can be better than a Dark Magician in their deck due to being able to summon Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon, in which both regular and alternative can be searched by The Melody of Awakening Dragon.

Still, both those decks focus on certain cards to finish the game, instead of using more variety. Considering that you or someone you know wants to play in real life, affordability and deck potential should be taken in account. If it's just going to be for casual plays and no metagame involved, the latter can be disregarded.

Regarding affordability, there are lots of budget decks that people here can recommend that perform quite well: Altergeist, Blackwing, Burning Abyss, Gladiator Beast, HERO, Lightsworn, Rokket, Salamangreat... You might find a couple of cards in in each deck that might be expensive, but that doesn't mean you won't win many games until you acquire them. Many of those decks also feature many different monster effects, so it will be good to learn interaction and how to adapt to each situation.

In the end, there are lots of good decks to begin but it's preferable to play online first and then real life. Test everything, find your taste in a particular kind of strategy or archetype and eventually build the deck IRL.
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