Gravekeeper's September 2017 - Tombs Turbo

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Gravekeeper's September 2017 - Tombs Turbo

Post #1 by Wazikamawata » Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:36 am

Hey guys, good to be back. Some of you might remember me from DN as a Gravekeeper's enthusiast, and I've been playing with a variant for August/September/until next format, so here it is with explanations. interactive list for those who like them.
Monsters [10]
Gravekeeper's Assailant [1] - I've always found 1 Assailant worth running, given his searchability and niche use. If links become so predominant that he becomes totally redundant then I'll say goodbye, but until then I think he's worth it.
Gravekeeper's Commandant [2] - Commandant typically doesn't need an explanation since he's a searchable terraforming for Necrovalley. I'm testing it at 2 but might bump it back to 3 if Necrovalley droughts become common.
Gravekeeper's Descendant [3] - With only 10 monsters, 2 of which are basically Necrovalley searchers and none of which are Spy, having multiple monsters on the field isn't always a given - however due to the need to maintain at least 1 for Tombs, Descendant is a good choice. Having Descendant out for multiple turns gives you more opportunities to draw into a recruiter loop. Still might drop this to 2 for a 3rd Commandant.
Gravekeeper's Heretic [1] - just like Assailant, Heretic has a niche at 1 and is searchable. If it got the boost from Necro it'd be a 3-of, but at just 1800 it has its place as a 1-of.
Gravekeeper's Recruiter[1] - Recruiter searches all your other monsters, floats and makes Descendant a +1. Staple at 3.

Spells [20]
Book of Moon [1] - Without Spy it's somewhat questionable and there are probably better alternatives, however it's useful for interrupting plays and circumventing trap protection from cards like Master Peace. Open to replacement suggestions.
Card of Demise [3] - The best card in the deck. With only 10 monsters, 2 of which can search Necrovalley, you'll typically get at least 2 draws off this, commonly 3. Rest is self-explanatory.
Dark Hole [2] - 8 of the 10 traps in the deck focus on proactively preventing your opponent establishing a board, but do less against a field that's already there. Dark Hole and Raigeki answer the main problem caused by shifting emphasis off the Descendant/Recruiter combo, which is removing threats after they've appeared.
Gravekeeper's Stele [2] - With only 10 monsters, some of which will get banished by desires, recycling is imperative. 1 never feels like enough and 3 clogs, so I've found 2 the best ratio.
Into the Void [2] - Into the Void always seemed like a good fit in a Card of Demise deck. Drawing it off Demise is a free draw (3 cards can include itself) since the whole hand is lost in the EP anyway, and even without, the justifications for running it are the same as running Demise - low monsters, no special summoning, minimal risk of losing cards.
Necrovalley [2] - A lot of GK decks recently have been following the trend of dropping Necrovalley to 2, since going through 3 generally means you're too far behind to come back anyway. In a Desires build that's more questionable, since ending up with 1 or even 0 in deck is a legitimate problem. However in most cases you have a Necro on board before activating it, and I've never had a situation where I've lost a necro and the second was banished - against decks that need their grave, you'll use Tombs to protect it from destruction anyway, and decks that don't care won't try to destroy it. It's still probably a good idea to have the third just in case, so it might end up replacing Book of Moon.
Pot of Desires [2] - GK aren't a combo deck and can afford to lose 10 cards for 2 draws. Unless you're brave you'll only resolve 1 in a game though, so it's not really worth running more than 2.
Pot of Duality [3] - No special summoning, no worries. Staple 3.
Raigeki [1] - See Dark Hole above.
Royal Tribute [1] - I love Royal Tribute, and with the amount of drawing you can do it's a relatively common turn 1 card. Synergises with Card of Demise and Into the Void since you won't have any cards in hand by the end of the turn anyway.
Upstart Goblin [1] - We like drawing, we like Upstart Goblin.

Traps [10]
Bottomless Trap Hole [1] - SImilar to Book of Moon, Bottomless is a relic of the deck before I made it Tombs Turbo and could probably use updating, so I'm open to suggestions.
Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley [3] - I've always wanted to make use of this, but for regular GK it just wasn't consistent enough. In a deck designed to keep it live as often as possible however, it really shines. A multipurpose negation tool with pretty basic requirements make it an excellent card, especially when you can consistently draw it turn 1.
Solemn Strike [3] - Popular at 2-3 in most decks even as a standalone trap, staple at 3 here.
Solemn Warning[1] - It's limited for a reason.
Storming Mirror Force [2] - Similar to Raigeki and Mirror Force, Storming addresses threats already on the field, with the bonus of neither targeting nor destroying. I chose Storming over Quaking for 2 reasons: firstly, it removes Link monsters who can't be in defence and thus are immune to Quaking, and secondly even with defence position monsters the deck struggles to remove them.

Side Deck - WIP

Extra Deck - Not much to discuss here really. I almost never make any of these and they're just a last resort. Not really important at all.

Q: "Where's Spy?"
A: Spy is too slow. Having to set her turn 1 means you don't have a face-up GK for Tombs, and that's just too much to sacrifice.

Q: "How do you deal with True Draco?"
A: I don't. They're genuinely a harder matchup than full-power Dragon Rulers, Spellbooks or Dinorabbit, and there are very few ways to win even with siding. Maybe something with Kaiju, triple anti-spell and whatever else could do the trick, but at that stage you're losing almost every other matchup, so there's no ideal solution.

Q: "How consistent is this?"
A: Not as good as True Draco or Dinosaur, but still quite consistent. Hard to quantify outside that, though.

That's the list! Keen to get some feedback on this and see how other people have been building GKs. Will keep working on this and hoping for another banlist to kill True Draco, but until then Tombs Turbo is the way to go.
Last edited by Wazikamawata on Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Former DN admin, DB judge, Gravekeeper's Enthusiast. I like sloths.

The Terminator
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Post #2 by The Terminator » Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:07 am

Can't Stand it , looks so sexy xD
well done bro , nice topic .

~ Bunniee ~
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Post #3 by ~ Bunniee ~ » Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:40 pm

I think you should run a 3rd copy of pot of desires to maxmise your chances of opening with it which in turn maximises the chances of getting your important cards. I think desires is a card to have at 3 or 0, 0 being when you have a lot of combo pieces that are too important to risk banishing.

As for draco being a horrible matchup, consider a kaiju variant with the draw power replaced with slumber and kaijus. I haven't used gravekeepers myself so I don't know how well that would work though.

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