Dinosaurs aren't extinct, they just need to be rescued.

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Dinosaurs aren't extinct, they just need to be rescued.

Post #1 by Silenced » Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:45 am


Monsters: 21/6
2| Ultimate Conductor Tyranno
3| Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow
3| Babycerasaurus
3| Rescue Ferret
3| Rescue Rabbit
3| Souleating Oviraptor
2| Petiteranodon
1| Giant Rex
1| Miscellaniousaurus

3| Megalosmasher X
3| Sabersaurus

Spells: 15
3| Fossil Dig
3| Lost World
2| Burial from a Different Dimension
2| Double Evolution Pill
2| Gold Sarcophagus
2| Terraforming
1| Dark Hole

Extra: 0/7/8
2| Evolzar Dolkka
1| Bahamut Shark
1| Castel, the Skyblasting Musketeer
1| Evolzar Laggia
1| Tornado Dragon
1| Toadally Awesome

1| Link Spider
3| Proxy Dragon
2| Decode Talker
2| Firewall Dragon

This is a concept I've been toying with since the new banlist hit. I haven't played at all since Circuit Break was released, so this could probably be updated, especially the Link monsters, depending on the new cards. The side deck isn't finished yet, so I'd love suggestions. A few combos:

Gofu + Rescue Cat:
Rescue Cat, on it's own, can net you a free Evolzar xyz. We all remember Dino Rabbit of old. Having Gofu with Rabbit, however, lets you make other plays. Summon Gofu, activate the effect, and get tokens. Use the tokens to make Proxy Dragon (or if you drew a vanilla, Link Spider to summon the vanilla from hand with it's effect), then use Proxy Dragon and Gofu to make Decode Talker (or the vanilla and the other token to make Proxy Dragon). This opens 2 link spots. Summon Rescue Rabbit, and special summon 2 Megalosmasher X. Use Megalosmasher X to xyz into Bahamut Shark, then use said shark to make a Toadally Awesome.

Gofu + Rescue Ferret:
Summon Gofu. Use effect to get 2 tokens. Use the tokens to make a Proxy Dragon (though, if you have any vanillas in hand, make Link Spider instead to summon the vanilla for an extra body on board), then use Proxy and Gofu to make Decode Talker. If you used Link Spider, then you can use your vanilla and a token to make Proxy Dragon, and keep Gofu on board for other link summons. Summon Rescue Ferret, and use it to get Oviraptor and a baby (either one works, but I usually use Babycerasaurus because it's more versitile). Use Oviraptor to grab Miscellaniousaurus to hand, then activate it to get a dino in graveyard, as well as protect your dinos for the rest of the main phase.

At this point, the combo has a ton of plays, including grabbing both Miscellanious and Giant Rex by blowing up your baby dino. You have 3 other cards in hand (4 if you went second) to allow follow-up plays as well. You have many extra deck options, including Evolzars, Firewall Dragon (which, if you had the Link Spider play, can be co-linked with said Link Spider), etc.

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Post #2 by Silenced » Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:59 am

Not sure if there's a rule against bumping, but I'm hoping to get some attention and feedback on the deck, especially for help with the extra deck. I'm thinking of switching out something for a Borroload Dragon, maybe Castel or Tornado Dragon. The latter I'm hesitant on, because I don't have any backrow removal.

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Post #3 by Bystander » Mon Oct 30, 2017 2:02 pm

The plays look very useful in this.

But if playing up the water angle. Why not use something like Kabuzlaus instead of Sabersaurus? It would open up Abyss dweller in case you run into a mirror match and it can boost your other water monsters too.

I have seen a hybrid of dinosaurs and the Spiral Sea Serpent decks too. Focuses more on the vanillas but there are a lot of zany plays that deck could create as well.

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Post #4 by Silenced » Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:59 am

A few things: I realized today (this is why you read your cards people) that the effects of monsters grabbed by Ferret are negated. I'm assuming that's only on the field, but I'm not entirely sure. As such, instead of Raptor, grab MIscellanious for the Gofu/Ferret combo.

I probably could go with Kabuz without losing much. I originally had Mistarboy and MIssus Radient in here, which is why I went with Megalo and Saber, but those two were pushed out as the plays really started to show themselves to me. As such, I think that kabu could replace saber without any issues.

Maybe this is because I was out of the game from my ban on Dueling Network in like the start of the xyz era until the end of the Zoo format, but I have no idea what the Spiral Sea Serpent deck is.

Also I'm somewhat afraid of how this is going to do with Gofu going to 1.

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Post #5 by heraldth84 » Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:32 pm

just fyi Metalfoes work great with dinos. I have Played Dinofoe since they released Conductor. 2 goldriver, 2 Volflame, 2 Steelen, 2 painful decision, and 2 metalfoe counter. It opens up more destruction plays with Dragonic Diagram and True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher. Fire Opalhead and Evolitile Casinerio maybe used in the future to make solda. They hurt the deck when they hit litho but the deck is still great.

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