Awakened by Perfection

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Awakened by Perfection

Post #1 by Deidara » Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:45 am

HELLLLOO again folks.

ill update on my current herald of perfection build.

Since my last time I did, we have being on alot of changes of formats, I believe last time I updated was during spyrals era.

Now, We have a lot of link monsters, and toolboxes to play.

My version is the best version there can be, and ill give you 2 simple reasons.

brilliant engine is garbage. ill say it a thousand times, it bricks hard, and its not a one card combo by itself, flufals added and ritual sanctuary are no longer a viable option in a format where there are so many hand traps your ass gets real fkd.

In any case, this is mainly why its not worth it.

Second option was agent engine, YES YES, i know venus is A one card saryuja, ive been testing the deck for a really long time now, but the fact that you run so many vanilla or normal monsters, bricks you way more than you are supposed to go off with that nice saryuja off and get your plusses, 3 shine ball, 1 krystia, eva if you feel the need for more negs, 1 honest. We are looking at a 5 card brick in hand, most likely, you will draw them more than you need them. thats another real reason why its not worthy it.

Last thing, is ask me any question of the deck, ill be happy to respond, or give me spicy new ideas to try and see, whats up with that.

but for real, I dont think there is a better version than mine, Call me the Master of perfection from now on. uwu


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