My Valkyrie deck

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My Valkyrie deck

Post #1 by Patrick92 » Sun May 21, 2023 10:04 pm

Hi, I was wondering if I could get some help on my Valkyrie deck. I'm thinking of going with a pure build. Any help would be appreciated.

Monsters (19)

Valkyrie Sechste x3
Valkyrie Funfte x1
Valkyrie Vierte x2
Valkyrie Dritte x3
Valkyrie Zweite x3
Valkyrie Erste x2
Valkyrie Brunhilde x2
Valkyrie Erda x1
Valkyrie Sigrun x2

Spells (21)

Ride of the Valkyries x3
Mischief of the Time Goddess x2
Pot of Extravagance x3
Lightning Storm x3
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Raigeki x1
Monster Reborn x1
Final Light x1
Valhalla Hall of the Fallen x1
One for One x1
Valkyrie's Embrace x1
Goddess Skuld's Oracle x1
Goddess Verdande's Guidance x1
Goddess Urd's Verdict x1

Extra Deck is just for Extravagance

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