Does anyone else run into the same problem when building rogue decks?

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! Cinnamon
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Does anyone else run into the same problem when building rogue decks?

Post #1 by ! Cinnamon » Sat Jan 02, 2021 1:02 am

Every time I build a rogue deck, it feels like I’m building a worse version of a meta deck

The other day, I tried to build a meta-viable Blue-Eyes deck. I started off by adding a chaos engine to add more extra deck options, but one thing led to another and I ended up with a mediocre Dragon Links deck. For a Blue-Eyes deck, it’s amazingly consistent. But it’s really just a worse version of a better deck. The exact same thing happened when I tried to build a Red-Eyes deck

I thought maybe it was just a Dragon-type deck thing, but a similar thing happened when I tried to build a Fossil Fusion deck. I kept adding rock monsters and rock support, but I found the consistency and power really went up when I added Adamancipators. Next thing You know, I have a mediocre Adamancipators deck. The two archetypes don’t even have similar win conditions, but sadly the best possible Fossil Fusion deck is a deck without Fossil Fusions

I could go on, other examples being any synchro deck turning into Needlefiber.dek or any control deck turning into Mystic Mine.dek, but I think You get the point. It seems like the biggest problem is the best possible board a rogue deck tries to build is often better accomplished by a meta deck

How do You build a meta-viable, decent rogue deck without making it lose its identity as a rogue deck? Or are rogue decks just worse meta decks pretending to be unique?
Nothing is evil which is according to nature

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