How to optimize this barrier statue deck

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How to optimize this barrier statue deck

Post #1 by sophia124 » Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:57 am

1 barrier statue of the infernos
1 barrier statue of the drought
1 barrier statue of the stormwinds
1 barrier statue of the torrent
3 fossil dyna pachycephalo
1 banisher of the radiance
1 nibiru the primal being
1 ash blossom & joyous spring

1 mystic mine
1 dark hole
1 raigeki
1 mystical space typhoon
1 lightning storm
1 card of demise
3 pot of duality
3 pot of desires
3 pot of extravegence
2 moon mirror shield

1 dark bribe
1 evenly matched
1 phantom knights' swords
1 complusory evacuation device
1 torrential tribute
1 solemn warning
1 solemn judgment
1 solemn strike
1 drowning mirror force
1 blazing mirror force
1 macro cosmos
1 fiendish chain
1 bottomless trap hole
1 hope for escape

The point of this deck is to prevent my opponent from special summoning. Going first gives me a huge advantage. The idea is to summon either a barrier statue or fossil dyna, and set some traps.

I often lose if i go second and don't open up with at least one hand trap (there are 2 monster hand traps, unless you specify evenly matched first turn cannot be used in opponent's first turn battle phase, i wasn't sure of the ruling so I got evenly matched that way)

I didnot run multiples of phantom knights' sword because I found replacing them with dark hole, nibiru, makes going second easier.

I considered using multiple copies of mystical space typhoon to play against the mystic mine-goddess skull oracle-stall deck (since they often use prohibition first turn they tend to call either cosmic cyclone or twin twisters) but realized most of the time i end up losing against that deck in singles, anyway. This deck is not meant for matches, since I mostly play singles.

If I were to play matches

I would use

1 x twin twisters
1 x cosmic cyclone
1 x dust tornado

against mystic mine/goddess oracle/stall

3 x wattcobra

against any deck that does not special summon or sets monsters frequently. However a problem with this card is that sometimes those decks have opening hands of only spells/traps which I hesistated to use. This card (wattcobra) isn't in the deck image or the link though. Instead I opted to consider using

1 x corridor of agony
1 x dimensional fissure

against any graveyard monster decks or decks with extenders

3 x royal decree
2 x book of moon

Never tried this yet, but maybe it would work for burn decks.

If I saw my opponent use imperm or dark ruler no more in game 1 I would swap a card to side in

1 x forbidden lance

Some other cards to consider

1 x effect veiler
1 x mage power
1 x hidden armory
1 x ring of destruction
1 x heat wave
1 x summon limit
1 x imperial order

Effect Veiler was used in a 2014-2017 version of the deck. Mage Power was used in a 2012-2014 version of the deck. I did try Hidden Armory, it works pretty well but I decided not to run 4 equip spells in the deck (3 Moon Mirror Shield, 1 Mage Power) but reduced it to 2 equip spells. Heat Wave was a interesting tech card I tried, its okay. Summon Limit is okay but sometimes I found it dead when I mained it. Imperial Order against some decks maining it was really good, but in other situations I would not be able to activate spell cards I drawn, so I cut it out of the main deck.

i used to lose due to bad cards in main deck (e.g. multiples of lightning storm, evenly matched, summon limit, mine)

For example, what works well in theory is summon limit would be backup in case the monster is negated or destroyed right
but sadly in an earlier version of the deck I mained summon limit (multiple copies) but what ended up happening was my opponent could just build on 2 monsters turn 1, summon 2 more monsters turn 2, and i lose. Good in theory bad in practice. i never won with that card summon limit basically. but its great in side deck.

i did try multiple copies of mystic mine in an earlier version of the deck. guess what the 2nd one i drew with desires, pot of extravegence, was dead.

Renji Asuka
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Post #2 by Renji Asuka » Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:40 pm

I recommend Condemned Witch, which can not only bring out say Forbidden Chalice or Lance (depending on situations), but it can also let you bring out Barrier Statue of Heaven from the deck. Also Pot of Extravagance is typically bad if you also run Pot of Desires and even Card of Demise. Since it won't let you draw for the rest of the turn.

Also just some ideas that you can consider, (but may not actually be good).

Ties of the Brethren targets.

Barrier Statue of the Torrents: Ice Hand & Tribe Infecting Virus
Barrier Statue of the Inferno: Fire Hand & Volcanic Rocket
Barrier Statue of the Storm: Glife the Phantom Bird & Koa'ki Meiru Tornado (Not a lot of good options with this one)
Barrier Statue of the Drought: Koa'ki Meiru Rocks (really any of them as long as you have a rock monster in hand).
Barrier Statue of the Abyss: Holding Legs & Holding Arms, Infernity Archfiend (assuming no cards in hand), Card Guard
Barrier Statue of the Heavens: Meltiel, Sage of the Sky & Bountiful Artemis, Honest & Minerva, Scholar of the Sky

Of course if you go down the route of Ties of the Brethren, I'd limit yourself to running only 2 different Barrier Statues at 3. Which you should be doing anyways.
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Post #3 by Renji Asuka » Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:47 pm

Now as for some of your traps

Dark Bribe - 0. It doesn't matter that it's a "free negate", giving your opponent any card advantage is ALWAYS bad.
As for your Solemn Brigade, if you're going to run them run them at max, I'd say play Counter Fairies at that point especially with Guiding Ariadne

I'd personally run Phantom Knights' Fog Blade over Fiendish Chain as it can be searchable.

But most of your trap line up, there is no reason to only run them as 1 ofs. Especially if it comes to stuff like Bottomless Trap Hole.
Showing people that I'm The King of Games since September 30, 1996.

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