Generaider Variants

Discuss your favorite deck and its strategies, and show off your latest variant.
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Generaider Variants

Post #1 by DeadlyChuck314 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:48 am

Generaiders are interesting, as the general engine is 10 - 20 cards depending on you preference. So as long as you have a small enough engine to go with it, you can theoretically splash it into any deck because it doesn't use it's normal summon. Some of my personal favourites include zoodiac generaider, synchro generaider ang altergeist generaider. How about you guys talk about your favourite decks and try to make a generaider variant out of it. Of course, you could do this with eldlich too, but eldlich is just to chunky and not fun at all. Just a quick tip, try not to use a deck that has too much reliance on a field spell's continuous effect because you also need boss stage to be active all the time.

I look forward to seeing all your thoughts and ideas :3

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Post #2 by XNHA » Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:01 pm

Generaider Guru

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