Infernity Magicians

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~ Bunniee ~
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Infernity Magicians

Post #1 by ~ Bunniee ~ » Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:55 pm

This is a link deck abusing the infernity monsters to keep netting plusses off firewall and to maintain fuel for link summons as well as achieving much of the same with grinder golemn and link monsters' effects to return it to the hand to keep summoning more tokens. It's a very fast deck, something of a glass cannon. It can summon 6-7 link monsters turn 1 using up both of the extra deck zones preventing your opponent from using their own extra deck. Combine that with trigate wizard and multiple firewall dragons and your opponent's gonna have a bad time.

Unfortunately I don't see the deck being relevant in the metagame due to being far too vulnerable to hand traps. That said it's still enjoyable to play and it's nice to see an old deck abuse the newer mechanics of the game.

I tried getting a replay to demonstrate the combos but everyone just quits. There are videos on youtube of similar decks with bad builds if you really want to see a video of the deck being used.


Monsters - 25

1x Archfiend Heiress
1x Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow
3x Dark Grepher
3x Destiny HERO - Malicious
1x Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson
2x Double Iris Magician
3x Grinder Golem
1x Infernity Archfiend
1x Infernity Mirage
3x Infernity Necromancer
1x Level Eater
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
2x Purple Poison Magician
1x Stygian Street Patrol
1x Wisdom-Eye Magician

Spells - 15

3x Allure of Darkness
3x Dark World Dealings
1x Foolish Burial
1x Infernity Launcher
2x Into the Void
2x Pendulum Call
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x Soul Charge
1x Upstart Goblin

Extra Deck - 15

1x Akashic Magician
1x Borreload Dragon
1x Code Talker
3x Firewall Dragon
1x Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow
3x Linkuriboh
3x Proxy Dragon
1x Security Dragon
1x Tri-Gate Wizard

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Post #2 by WightPrinceofBelair » Mon Nov 13, 2017 6:30 pm

So you're running Dark World Dealings which gives you're opponent better chances of drawing what they want. Into the Void at less than 3. No infernity Barrier or at least break. A potentially dead draw of Gofu. A level eater that you maybe can lucksack with it 1 in a deck of 40 which only has 3 cards that can dump it from the main deck(Grepher). No Ravine for Destrudo to empty your hand set up the plays with it. Running Wisdom-Eye which can't be destroyed if you Pendulum Call which is at 3 btw but is only at 2 in you're main deck which the purpose of it is to abuse it and cards like it. Also there's a random stygian street patrol for 4 targets which you are better off summoning off of Firewall Dragon rather than using it. A wild Plaguspreader for a deck with no synchro monsters in the extra deck which then contributes nothing but a potential dead draw and just a link material which gets banished afterwards.

No attempt to have a side deck of cards that can remedy you're potential troublesome matchup such as Ghost Ogre (works on the field and the hand), Evenly Matched, Never-ending Nightmares, Lancea (Again works in hand and on field), or at least a Solemn or something.

Yeah I guess there can be worse builds out there.

Can you provide some explanation as to why you're running any of the following cards in my first paragraph and why not to run those side deck cards in the second paragraph?

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Post #3 by Kefla » Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:40 am

yeah this build also sucks. i rushed into posting it, and now have a much more consistent build so tl;dr this thread can be ignored

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