Gorgonic Gargoyle Interactions

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Gorgonic Gargoyle Interactions

Post #1 by Zylefer » Thu May 07, 2020 1:56 am

Does the monster "Gorgonic Gargoyle" chain block any monster negations for the previous monster (an example is solemn strike or solemn judgement)? It's effect reads "When you normal summon a rock-type monster: you can special summon this card." So an example would be let's say I bricked and normal summoned Adamancipator Researcher and since it's a rock I special summon Gorgonic Gargoyle to attempt a chain block against any solemn judgements on my Reseacher. Would that work or should I just do the normal summon of Gorgonic Gargoyle then special summon Researcher by it's own effect?

EDIT: I originally called the card "Gorgonic Goyle" and meant "Gorgonic Gargoyle"

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Post #2 by Shugunou » Sun May 10, 2020 12:27 pm

Since it says "when", I believe that if your opponent chains to the normal summon, you cannot summon gargoyle. However, gargoyle doesn;t start a chain so I may be wrong. I do know that summoning gargoyle doesn't chain block effects that start a chain. Hope this helps.

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Post #3 by Ir0n » Thu May 14, 2020 10:19 am

Solemn Judgment negates the Summon, so it actually starts the chain and is chain link 1. Since it's a counter trap with Spell Speed 3, you cannot chain anything short of Red Reboot to save your Researcher. Sad to say it, but in the described scenario you'd probably have to pass on an empty field.
Also since the Normal Summon of researcher was negated, it is treated as if it never happened and thus you cannot use Gargoyle's effect.

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